Cancer KillsA Poem by Sonakshi AroraRemember this...
tHiS pOem MiGht SeEm a BiT StRaNgE
LiKe MiLlenNiaLs WhO wRitE in BuMps BUt tHe poEm suFfErS frOm cAnceR ANd the upPerCaSes aRe the LuMps We Are AgaIn at tHe ClinIc ToDay GEttiNg cHeckEd by the nUrSe For thE sWelLing oF the alPhAbetS MAy causE thIs pOeM to loOk wOrsE THe trEaTmeNt coSts a BoMb , oF cOUrse BUt noThIng caN SavE It NOw THe rhYme scHeMe hAs stArTed dyInG THe cAnCer CellS caUsEd iT To MAlfUncTioN ThIs pOetRy gOt diAgNosEd At StaNza 1 ANd tHe CanCer iS NoW iN The fInaL StaGe Cancer kills Remember this. © 2018 Sonakshi AroraAuthor's Note
Added on February 13, 2018 Last Updated on February 13, 2018 Tags: more Than Four, awareness, childhood cancer, Cancer AuthorSonakshi AroraNavi Mumbai, IndiaAboutThis is going to be a bit long but I swear it is funny please read it don't go.... Hello fellow writers! I once wrote a poem which somehow got selected for my school magazine. Then I wrote a poem w.. more..Writing