

A Chapter by Ra3helPraise

September 21st 1996. A girl was born. Precious Rachel Praise.


This is her story.


"Ahh" I yawned as I twisted in the sheets currently entangled around my feet and hips. Finally free of the dumb things that kept me nice and toasty all night I make a move to crawl out of bed when something growls at me! Looking down I almost scream!


"Buffy?! I put you in your box before I went to bed, wait did I?" I think back to shut my brindled dog in her box and realize that I most defiantly did! It dawned on me then. "Rosie" I mumbled unhappily.


My darling sister that's 21 but acts like 12 at times had let my dog out of her box to wake me from my sleep. Hmm that's funny since my dog wouldn't do that! Oh no she's too lazy for that, the reason Buffy woke me up was because I had felt something heavy on my legs! Aka my dog trying to climb into bed with me, which is not allowed unless I tell her ok! It is funny though because Rosie sent her in here to wake me up but the only reason why I woke up is because Buffy loves me so much that she tried to sneak in my bed and cuddle with me! It's also ironic because if she had done what Rosie had wanted then I wouldn't have woken up...


I'm a very heavy sleeper. One time at my moms house I had rearranged my furniture and placed my bed write beside one of those old fashioned radiators thinking I wouldn't get burned because I would wake when I felt any pain. Boy was I wrong! The next day I walked to close to the fridge my arm didn't touch it but I felt pain so I looked at my arm and there was a bubble protruding from my skin an inch long! Anyways I popped the bubble which was gross and me saying that means it was very bad because I have a strong stomach! It scarred, and I learned I sleep through big things like a lot of pain and very loud noises.




It's hard to explain but you can be as loud as you want when I'm sleeping and it won't wake me up, but if your quite and try to sneak up on me in my sleep to I don't know lets say draw on me with a sharpie I would wake up. Like what Buffy did she tried to quietly get into bed with me. Which is the reason I'm currently up at- looking at the clock I discover its 5:39 A.M in the morning- 5:39 A.M in the morning. On a weekend.


I groaned and lay back down hitting my head on the wall do to the cramped confinements of my room! If you could even call it that. There is a twin sized bed two small dressers a bed side lamp with a little platform thing around it that holds my clock, my Ipad and my bible which I don't read because I have an app on my IPad that has the bible in it and that is where I read my bible.


Lying in my bed I think back to when I lived with my mom and I was babysitting so we could have a little extra money. It was my cousins kids and yes I said cousins because they are cousins and they got married and had kids! Anyhow they had two kids at that time one was 3 and the younger about 2 and a half. The boy was older and the girl younger her name is Anna, Joshua is the boys’ name. I had just put them to bed in the living room of the house my mom had sold them when she was a realtor, when I decided I would take nap till their dad got home since it was almost 1 A.M and I was 12 at the time and so I was very tired so I fell asleep on the couch... I was deeply sleeping when I heard a floorboard creak. Jolting awake from my sleep I figured it was a dream because I'm such a heavy sleeper that a floorboard creaking wouldn't wake me! So I laid back down and closed my eyes when I heard it again sounding like it was coming from the office so I got up more slowly and looked down at children entrusted in my care and realized that they were both asleep. So I stood up and walked to the door to the left of the room withdrawing my knife I peek around the corner seeing the office light on I walk that way slowly and stop when I get there I start to look into the office when wham!! Someone walked write into to me I look up quickly to see who my assailant is and noticing who it is I let out a breath of relief." Jeez you scared me Ken! Well I'm going to call my mom to come and get me... See ya!" It was my cousin phew! That was when I knew that I may be a heavy sleeper but at least no one could sneak up on me in my sleep unless they knew my sleeping patterns.


I get out of bed deciding that I'll take a nap later today and then stay up all night with my boyfriend Bj while watching the whole 2nd season of True Blood! I move my curtain to my room and walk on the cold tiles into the kitchen were my dad is making his coffee. Shock clearly registers on his gruff face at seeing me up so early. I chuckle amused at the sight of him my dad with hazel eyes, bushy brows, big nose, ok lips, high cheekbones, completely bald at the crown of his head, very tan from working in the sun out on the farm all day, 6'2 of a b*****d father. He has lots of money his 'girlfriend' is my boyfriends mom and he is my dad so have to respect him, doesn't mean I have to love him he hates my mom and wont by any of his kids what they need unless they grovel and beg! Except for me because I know how to get what I want. I tell him what he's going to get me and he gets it for me. Why? Cause my sisters don't know this but he likes to be bossed around for some peculiar reason. I tried telling them this but they don't listen! Oh well. I don't hate him but I don't love him either at least not in a fatherly way. I love him as you would a younger brother, you’re okay with them as long as they listen but when they start to meddle in your business it ticks you off. We have spiffs but it's cool as long as he doesn't meddle with my life.


Sitting down I start to speak." Dad if you don't mind I'm going to stay up all night to watch True Blood with BJ? Oh and the reason I'm up write now is because Rosie let Buffy out to wake me up."


"Go ahead but you will have to ask your mother first. Did she really? I didn’t even hear her wake up."He replied. 


"That’s because you’re almost deaf!" My witty and cutting remark came.

He shook his head and rolled his eyes." If you didn't talk so damn fast I would be able to understand you." That was about the tenth time he has told me that. It’s very true though, I talk fast enough so that most people have to ask me to repeat my sentence if they're not around me a lot. I love rap music and listen to it so much that when I talk it's hard for me to talk slowly.

"Whatever. I'm going for a run see you later." With that said I got out of the chair. I looked around the big trailer it had an upstairs and downstairs. We stayed in the bottom and Becky and her family stayed upstairs. Becky is my dads 'gf' and her and my bf stay upstairs. My grandpa owns this house and his and another two on this property he has about 250 acres and my dad me and my sister help with it since grandpa is 80 and my dad is 54 they need all the help they can get. This trailer has three bedrooms and a bathroom a very large living room with a pool table and double doors behind it. The biggest bedroom is my dads the other one goes to Rosie and my room is divided with a big desk that goes clear to the ceiling and other stuff that belong in an office. The reason for this is because I was originally supposed to get the room Rosie is in now but she decided to move out of the city and in with my dad so I got the short stick and had to get the room that was an office an squeeze myself and my stuff into the already dinky room. I walked back to my room and switched into boy shorts a sports bra and wife beater shirt all the while looking in the mirror. I had chocolate brown hair that fell in disarray around my heart shaped face, the current color of my side bangs was blood red making me look sinister but also looking sexy at the same time with a predator like smirk, and brown eyes with flecks of gold that tilted up at the corners always making me appear amused even when I’m not. I lowered by eyes to my more than full chest dotted with a little bit of those pesky adolescent pimples, down to my stomach with a bit of pudgy baby fat still not lost, but still thin with a tiny waist as to where I could see my ribs and more muscle then fat, I looked at my hips with more fat then wanted but that was ok since when I wore a bikini I pulled of looking like a model except for my acne on my face and chest and on my shoulders it wasn’t much though, I looked at my legs that I was proud of because I could run 3 miles without stopping in only 12 minutes and they were nice and long and tan though they had stretch marks from me hitting a growth spurt too fast I looked dang good with naturally tanned skin high cheekbones when I smile oh not to forgot about my smile that people said could kill because the true beauty in it. All of this is what people say about me and I don’t believe it one bit the only thing that I’m proud of on my body is my muscled legs without so much as an ounce of fat. When I had my clothes on I put my sneakers on threw my hair up in a pony I called Buffy and jogged to my front door by my bathroom. I walked outside and started up the sidewalk to the road then I jogged four miles to my school then I walked home this took me about two hours.

Stepping out of the shower I got dressed sat down at the table and ate a sandwich. I went to bedroom and looked at the time it was 9:41 A.M and I felt tired. After my jog/walk I had returned home got in the shower which made me very tired ate and ended up in bed. So I took my nap.

I awoke at 2:34 and felt refreshed so I got up and decided to call my mom then my sisters since I live so far away.

I dialed her number and she picked up" Mommy!" I scream into the phone.

"Precious that hurts my ear you know your voice is high pitched!" She scolded me" What do you want sweetie?" She inquired.

"I was wondering if me and B can pull an all nighter tonight and watch True Blood?" B is another nickname for my bf his name is William but everyone shortened his name to BJ for some stupid reason.

“Who is going to be with you guys?" She asked harshly.

“Whoa mom calm down! It will just be me and him but his mom will be in the other room. Also were staying in the living room so it’s not like we would do anything! Please mom as soon as I start to fall asleep I'll go downstairs? Please?" I pleaded with my mom. I may not like my dad but I loved and respected my mom!

"Okay but if you start to feel tired then you go strait downstairs. Also I want you to call me at 12 tomorrow."

I sighed into the phone but said “Fine I will. Alright I'm going to call Naomi and see how her trip is going. Love you later!" She said later and we hung up. I never say bye because that means you will never be seeing that person again and I knew I would be seeing my mom again.

I called my sister Naomi older by three years but it went to her answering machine so I tried Dorothea older than me by four and a half years she didn’t answer also so I guess my sisters were having fun. Naomi had a baby who was born in March so that makes Madeline two months now she left her with our middle sister Jamie she didn’t leave the baby with the dad Malik cause he’s a total nut job. My sisters went on a camping trip with one of Naomis friend. Dorotheas boyfriend went too. I have five sisters and one brother me being the youngest. My brother Damon the eldest at 29 Michelle at 24 were to a different father then my own my mom was married to him when she had those kids then there is Rosie, Jamie at 19, Dorothea at 18,Naomi at 17, and me at 14. My mom had two miscarriages before me and one after me that’s what’s with the age gap. They say I am lucky to be alive since typically after a miscarriage you don’t have kids. At least not healthy ones. My mom was married twice her first two children to her first husband then the rest to my father.

I called Jamie and her husband Dick picked up" What do you want Rachel?" Were the first words out of his mouth.

Flabbergasted I was quick to reply."Shut up and put Jamie on if I had wanted to talk to a prick I would have called your phone!"

Shuffling was heard then Jamies sweet but energetic voice came to me." Hey sweetie what’s up?"

"Hey babe just calling to see how you and Madeline are doing?"

“Good but I'm kind of busy so I got to go love you later!" Then she hung up.

Knowing I would see Michelle soon enough and Damon always being surly I didn’t bother calling them instead I attached my knife to my waistband of my jeans and walked out the double doors in my living calling my dog and then heading around the house to the upstairs back door opening it I tell Buffy okay and then head back to my boys room.

Opening his door I look at him as he looks up at me with bright blue eyes and big grin. He is only in boy shorts which is gross because he is very hairy and has no muscle the only reason why I started dating him is because I never saw him shirtless up close! I mean he has got a nice personality if you don’t mind someone being too cocky when they don’t have anything worth being cocky about! Still somehow he had managed to get me to like him a lot but I'm positive it’s not love at least not for me.

He jumps off his bunk bed and embraces me squeezing me tight, which hurt a bit because he had muscles in his arms he bends down and places a quick kiss upon my unsuspecting lips. Then he stands to his full height of 6'3 before lying on his bed patting the spot by the window. I lie down beside him as he starts to play video games.

"Want to pull an all nighter tonight and watch True Blood season two?" I asked.

He glances over at me then replies" Hell ya you know I’m in baby!" He says in that sexy Irish brogue of his. Did I forget to mention he has Irish in him which makes him always speak with an accent.

"Good" I replied before curling more closely to his side then running my fingers along his side and kissing up his neck till he hits pause then I roll away from him.

"Come on Rach you can’t do that roll back over and kiss me!"He begs but when I don’t reply he grabs my shoulder pinning my back to the bed then getting top of me straddling my hips and holding my hands above my head."Now will you kiss me?"

This was just a game he rarely played cause he liked being dominated not dominating but I’m guessing he must have been doing something before I came up because he was very horny and new I liked it rough so he was doing this to get me turned on but it wasn’t working.

Just to please him I puckered my lips and when he bent down to start kissing me I felt his grip slacken so using this I ripped my wrist out of his hold put my hand behind his head and grabbed his hair pulling it sharply so he would release my other hand which he did speedily so I used my right hand shoving his right shoulder flipping us over I pinned him to the bed and placed my lips upon his. He kissed me back and licked my top lip begging for entrance but no I just wanted to tease him so I grind-ed my lower body against him earning me a moan from him! I licked his lips and he opened them seeing that I had gotten him highly turned on I jumped from his bed and fled the house with my dog in tow leaving him high and dry!

I chuckled and laughed."Wow Praise you sure are mean ha-ha. Man if I could have took a picture of his face I would be a millionaire!" I said to myself seeing again in my mind his jaw gaping wide open and his eyes about as big as a deer caught in the headlights! I head to my house then into the living room and read Beyond the Highland Mist.

At 8:19 P.M my dad comes in from working on the farm and heads for the shower. "Have you eaten supper yet?"He bellows from the bathroom.

I thought about then I felt my stomach growl. Crap I completely forgot about eating since I was so engrossed in my book!"No dad I'll make something quickly though." I closed my book on the part after Hawk was shot and Adrienne was trying to see him but Grimm wouldn’t allow her too.

As I was standing up my dad hollered and said."No Becky got wings so go up and watch True Bod while eating your wings."

"Ahh its True Blood!" I corrected him."Okay I'll see you later!" Running into my room I changed into pjs and turned off my lights putting Buffy in her box I opened the double doors heading upstairs.

"Hey Becky where are the kids at?"I said to the hefty blonde referring to her other three kids Brooke, Ann, and Drew.

"They are at their nans and Brook is camping with her Aunts but I'm going to bed. Behave you two!" Becky said walking into her room beside the living room.

"Look who finally deemed me worthy of her time! So nice to see you Rach after you left me!"I didn’t reply but grabbed my wings and headed into the living and sat on the couch. "Mmh" These are orgasmic with the garlic and butter I could just eat them all day!

After William put True Blood in he sat down and ate his hamburger. I hit play and started watching the show after I had finished eating. Will finished his food then spread out on the couch making me fall and hit my head on the coffee table."Ouch!" I exclaimed!

"Just sit on my lap and watch the show." I complied and did just that.

After sitting through several hours of a certain hunky vamp named Eric, my not so hunky boy had fallen asleep and the disc needed changed so I got up and changed it then walked into the kitchen I checked the time on the clock it was 4:25 so I got a drink and went back in to continue watching the show when halfway through I heard a knock on the backdoor which was right behind me and since it was a very scary part in the show my heart beat erratically in my chest from the sudden unexpected sound I almost screamed but instead I hit pause. Sliding carefully from B's lap I walk to the door fear racing in my veins from the anonymous sound of the door being knocked on in the middle of the country with hardly nobody around but the four houses on this little stretch of road and the Boses house about two miles away. It has me in quite a panic thinking about who would be knocking on a door at this hour of the night! Making a snap decision I cross the room throwing open the door and bracing myself for what would happen next, but this I was not prepared for...

"It’s urgent Rachel you need to come downstairs right now there’s an emergency something happened." My father said looking rather forlorn. This is saying something because he is always chipper.

"What happened? Tell me?!" I said growing more alarmed by the second.

"It’s Madeline."He said. My eyes urged him to continue but he paused.

"What happened to her?" I questioned as tears started to brim in my eyes for reasons unknown.

"Malik he...." He stopped and I thought he wasn’t going to continue when he finally did it shocked me into silence."He kidnapped Madeline."

© 2011 Ra3helPraise

Author's Note

This is just some back story. If you think its to descriptive tell me. Also please notify me on what you think it need or if it needs less of something or more of something. Thanks!

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I believe every story needs back story to bring to life the characters, however, you may want to spread the back story out a bit. Add pieces thought out the story so the reader doesn't feel like you are unloading on them. Having said that I thought the back story was wonderful. One lasted thing, when you have a character chuckle, you don't need to follow that with laughter as well, unless you meant another character was laughing too, just a thought, hope I helped.

Posted 7 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on August 15, 2011
Last Updated on August 16, 2011



Somewhere near Pa but i aint telling where cause thats not the brightest thing to do lol, NC

I like singing and have a nice voice im hoping to start recording some songs and posting them on the internet until i get discoverd!! I love reading books..! I like writing books but only to myself be.. more..

The telling The telling

A Chapter by Ra3helPraise