The Thing About Monsters
A Book by SoberBunny
"The human spirit is stronger than anything that can happen to it." - George C. Scott
© 2015 SoberBunny
Author's Note
I've written this story too many times to count. But it has become a multi-sided tale, each rewrite revealing more plot. There's a vampire, a psychic, an alcoholic, and an exorcist at the heart of it all. I hope someone enjoys it, this book means a lot to me <3
Added on November 10, 2015
Last Updated on December 15, 2015
Tags: apocalypse, vampire, monster, hell, addiction, drugs, drinking, romance, love, hate, family, tragedy, war, violence
SoberBunnyWildomar, CA
Dare you to move. Please, add to my writing what you see. more..