Strength to Stand

Strength to Stand

A Poem by Carlton Rolle

This is from my latest book, Awakening My Captured Freedom.


Of conscious mind and effort, I stand.
Greeting the day head on.
Based in a realm of reapers and sowers.
I revel in the fury of opposition.
I have a thirst.
Miserable until quenched.
Based off sequential events.
Altering the direction of my emotions.
Paving the highway straight to an island.
Built for me to confide in.
Baring the cost of retribution.
It could be the solution to this holocaust.
Suppression isn’t the root of hatred.
Though many crave it.
Seeking initiates to find.
Hide away from caustic words.
The fodder is from others who stuttered.
Folks deal with the oncoming slaughter.
Dropped lower than possibly thought.
I wanted to climb out the pot.
Not wanting to exist on the same field shuffling.
My strength to push comes from knowing there’s little left.
Deathly scales shouldn’t be near my body.
It’s hobby is turning others into zombies.
I will compete against dead meat.
My life is for me.
Not for the masses to weaken me.

© 2016 Carlton Rolle

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Added on October 25, 2016
Last Updated on October 25, 2016
Tags: stregnth, power, struggle, health, appreciation


Carlton Rolle
Carlton Rolle

New York City, NY

I write because I must. Keeping towards a way to seek the message. Something that we all need, trust, and love. To speak an existence. To understand something's life. To work on hope and companio.. more..
