![]() Equal : Everybody Is Not What They SeemA Chapter by Christina Ann Banana Hamok![]() Getting in depth with Alec's backround, and his relationship with Damien. Elena meets up with Aiko and Autumn while dress shopping with Alec and Damein.![]() Elena squealed with excitement as she walked with Alec in the parking lot to her car. "I'm so excited to go shopping tomorrow, look if this is too girly for even you. You can go do something else while I"m at Deb's" She looked up at him, his green eyes were smiling down at her "Well.... This maybe a little too girly for any guy. Just because I'm gay doesn't mean I like all that froo froo and all that s**t." he looked at himself "I don't look like that kind of guy do I?" Elena laughed as she looked him over "Well if I didn't know better, I so would not guess that you were gay that is if you weren't clinging to Dameins hand" she spied their joined hands "And I'd totally be all over you like white on rice" "Oh really?" he said with shock and mockery "Oh yeah baby" she winked at him as she climbed into her car "See you tonight". "Your going shopping with her two days before prom?" Damien said with a little hurt in his voice "I'm sorry I would have said something but I totally spaced this out and..." "It's okay Alec, I can find something else to do. If you want to spend time with Elena" Alec looked at him with wide eyes "We never said you couldn't come. Plus this is more your thing than mine anyways" Damien smiled "Could I stay for a while or is your dad gonna flip?" he asked as they jumped into his truck "I think it'll be okay, he shouldn't be home until late tonight anyways." Both of them were sprawled across Alec's bed with their books in front of them, even though they weren't paying much attention to them. "So how did you know that you were, you know... gay?" Damien asked him flipping aimlessly through the pages a dark shadow casted over Alec's face "I suppose your probably gonna find out sooner or later." Taking a deep breath he sat up and leaned his head backwards against the head board "I guess I've always been like this, when I was little my dad use to have a friend that was gay and he would come over a lot. But of course my dad didn't know that he was gay at the time and still refuses it to the day that he ever had a gay friend. I even think he tells people that I'm not either, that it's just some weird phase I'm going through. Anyways, his friend would stay over really late and my dad would be off to bed pretty much already sleeping before he reached his bed room door. And that's when he would come. He would come into my room and..." tears started to well up in his eyes and he choked back a sob "He would always tell me that I was just like him, because I never fought back... After I thought about it I knew he was right. I mean I was never really intersted in females and I was always more attracted to males than anything else. Your living proof of that" He smiled at Damien "How 'bout you" Damien was staring at him and it took a minute before the question reached his brain "In fith grade it just hit me, I mean I tried to like girls I really did. But I would literally get sick just trying to act like I liked them." He chuckled a bit "A girl tried to kiss me once and I threw up all over her face. It was gross, but kinda funny now that I think back." They continued to talk some more and get to know one another even more than what they already knew from the week of constant talking. "I'm really glad I met you Alec" Damien whispered as he leaned in to kiss him, their lips were inches apart when his door bursted open and there stood his father out raged. "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE YOU LITTLE F****T" He yelled at Damien but not knowing which one he was talking to Alec followed him out the door. His father slamed his arm across the door way and Alec's chest banged into it. "We need to talk" he said trying to control his voice. Five minutes later he heard the door bang and his father's footsteps returning to his room, "Time to talk boy" As he shut the door behind them, Alec caught a glimpse of Rose looking as startled as a fawn. Elena waited on the window seat in the front of the house waiting impatiently for Alec to show up. When he did show up she jumped off the window seat and rushed out the door, she smiled big when she saw Damien in the back seat. When she opened the door she could almost feel the tension being let out. "Uh, hi guys" she said nervously "What's up?" neither of them answered so she timidly put the seatbelt on and held onto her purse in her lap looking out the windshield. The whole rid to the mall was competly silent. That afternoon Autumn was practicaly pulling Aiko out the door by her hair "You are going to home coming and you are getting a dress" she told her stubbornly "Autumn" Aiko whined "I don't have any money and I don't want to use up yours" she turned around and looked at her annoyed "We have three thousand dollars to blow not including the stuff my mom gave me for food. Don't worry about it" Aiko just simply looked at her with disbelief "Why in the world do you have so much money?" "Because I don't eat that much and I rarely go shopping because I don't have anyone to go with" They were now standing by the car, "Either you get in or I'm forcing you into the trunk." Sighing, Aiko pulled open the door and flumped on the passengers seat pouting out the window. Autumn was everything but leaking joy from her pores, and there was Aiko being dragged down the mall to Deb's. "Oh cool!" Autumn said happily "What is it now?" asked Aiko who was putting back the wretched pink dress she had handed her minutes before "It's Elena" Autumn pointed across the store. "Oh... great" "Oh, and Damien and Alec" Aiko looked stunned as she finally spotted Alec standing next to Damien who was convicing her not to buy a hanus green gown. Autumn rushed over to them and she followed looking at the racks of dresses that passed by her. A soft smile formed on Alec's face when he noticed that Aiko was having about as much fun as he was. Looking over Elena, Damien, and Autumn talking animatly about the dresses on the rack he made his way over to her. "Hey" he said standing behind her "Hi" she said looking at a black dress that was decorated with pink rhine stones and a slit reaching up to the top. "That's a pretty dress, you'd look beautiful in it" Aiko smiled at how ironic that was "It is a pretty dress, but I hate the color pink even more than before because Autumn stuffed me in to some sort of torcher chamber that is covered with pink that I'm foced to sleep in because the other guest room is being remodeled or something" Alec scrunched his eye brows together "Your still living with her? It has to be atleast a week since your no panties incident. Haven't you been home?" Aiko shook her head avoiding looking at him "Oh hey look there's one with green too" Alec followed her as she went up to the cash register telling the clerk that some one else was buying it for her as she pointed to Autumn. Nodding they put it behind the counter "What?" she asked glaring at Alec as she turned around, annoyed that he was following her. "Did something happen?" He asked her "No" was her reply. They sat outside the store where a table and five chairs had been placed by a donut shop that was next door. "You can trust me Aiko" he said trying to figure her out. "I'd rather not" she said as she watched people pass by "Why not?" "Because the last person I trusted, almost got me killed" she said bluntly looking at him head on. "That dress you got is so gorgeous!" Autumn practically squealed "And I saw you with Alec too! Damien wasn't so happy with that!" she giggled setting down the bags by the door. She glared at Autumn "I liked you better when you were timid and scared" she said sitting on the stairs "Don't you have any other friends?" Autumns face fell, Aiko looked at her through the bars on the railing worried "What is it?" "You know how I told you how my dad died in the car accident?' "Yeah, what does this have anything to do with it?" she said walking down the stairs "I was with him, and so was my best friend Ray" she smiled a sad smile "She was kinda like you, she didn't like a lot of people and kept to her self a lot. But she wasn't so mean to little kids though" "Oh, I'm so sorry Autumn. If I'd known I would have never said anything" she said hugging her lightly "No, I'm glad you did." She said pushing back her shoulders softly "And maybe someday you'll tell me what's been going on at your house" Aiko looked at her as if she was nuts "You wouldn't want to know."
© 2008 Christina Ann Banana HamokAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on July 3, 2008 Author![]() Christina Ann Banana HamokIn Your Pocket, MNAboutIf only you knew how much pain you put me through then maybe youd stop and think about what youre saying before you say it My name is Christina. I'm a Sophmore. I'm k.. more..Writing