Alone : Home Is Where The Heart Is

Alone : Home Is Where The Heart Is

A Chapter by Christina Ann Banana Hamok

Getting a sense of the characters in their home enviroment.


        Closing the door Autumn looked around the warm atmosphere of her home. Everything decorated with some sort of nick nack and every room owns a color and a theme all to it's self. Long ago she had decided that her mother had too much time on her hands. Leaning against the door she sank down to the floor, resting her arms on her knees and began to cry silently. Screaming she lashed out her arm and hit the wall with everything she had bottled up inside of her.

"Why" she sobbed into her arms.

Her wavy auburn hair fell over her shoulders clinging to the tears that had slide down her cheek. Autumn stood up and walked up the stairs to her room, she groaned as she looked at the state she had left it this morning. It was an utter catasrophe. Slowly, she began to pick up the pillows, blankets, and clothes that were strewn across the floor. Dark had settled out side when she had completely finished, some wheres down stairs the phone rang. When the messaging machine picked up she strained her ears. "Of course" she said bitterly as she listened to her mom apologize about having to work at the office late, again. Sighing, she looked into the mirror that was hung on her door. In silence she watched her emerald eyes fill with tears.


        As his father's truck pulled up in the drive way, Alec took a deep breath and continued to read his text book.

"What're you working on boy?" his father asked in a grunt as he passed him on the way to the house.

"Trig, sir" he replied quietly as the door shut before he could spit out his answer. When his brothers came outside to play foot ball, Alec retired to his room. There was a soft knock at the door "Come in Rose" he told his sister in a mono tone. The bed springs creeked as she sat on the matress

"How was school?" she asked playing with a corner of the comforter.

"The usual" he replied closing his book giving up all hope of the slight possiblity that he had of studying. "Why do you let Caleb push you around like that?" she whispered softly

"You saw that huh?" he said in an amused tone. Not matter what he hid from the rest of his family some how his younger sister always found out.

"I was on my way to class when I heard him yelling at you for talking to Elena" she looked at him side ways "You have every right to talk to her as the rest of those idiots on the foot ball team" Sighing he shoved the rest of his books in his bag

"Well, in his mind I don't because of..." He didn't finish, he didn't have too. Everyone here treated him the same as what the kids at school did, with the exception of Rose and her ability to see people for who you really are. With no warning the sound of their father yelling praises to the two younger boys, made them jump. She looked at him with her liquid honey eyes pretty much pleading him,

"Just tell him, Alec" she said as she walked out of the room. Standing next to the window, the curtians pulled back as he watched his father play with his brothers. Letting out a sigh he let the curtians fall and flopped onto his bed, clutching a pillow.


        By the time she reached home the street lights were just starting to flicker to life. Even half way down the block she could here the shouts coming from her house. Anger flushed Aikos cheeks, Why don't they just shoot each other yet? At least it'll be quieter. Slamming the door she yelled at her adoptive parents,

"Thanks for remembering to pick me up from school. But don't worry a two hour  walk home is good for my health!" Storming off to her room she threw her bag at the wall and turned up the radio to drown out the yelling. There were two loud shreiks after a while, he was hitting her again. Aiko stood by her door way and listened for the sound of her father's footsteps thudding towards her room. They never did. Around 12:30 she figured it would be safe to go and grab something to eat. That is if there was anything to eat. She wrinkled her nose in disgust as she tried to step over the mounds of trash and dirty laundry that was starting to mold over. She would have cleaned it up by now, if she wasn't afraid of getting some disease. Aiko opened the fridge to find a carton of milk. Opening it she took a mouth full, then spat it across the room. Oh yeah, she thought it's spoiled. Tossing the carton aside she scavenged through the cupboards. All the managed to find were a few rats and dead insects. She layed a small hand on her grumbling stomach as she stumbled her way back to her room. Sprawled across her bed she stared at the cracks in the ceiling awaiting for exhaustion to hit her. "Things weren't always this bad" She said between a yawn "What happened?"



            Calebs jeep pulled up in Elena's drive and they shared a very inappropriate kiss before she leaped out of the vehical.

"I'll see you later on tonight" he winked at her and drove off. Smiling, she opened the door and a blast of the smell of dinner hit her. Her daddy was finally home. She rushed through the big house and ran straight into his arms as if she were a five year old again.

"Oh daddy I've missed you so much!" she exclaimed as she looked up at him "How long are you home for?" Turning off the stove and spooning dinner onto two plates

"Only for tonight and maybe for a little while tomorrow morning, then I'm off to Japan" He said with a smile on his face. Elena was a spiting image of her father their hair was the same golden color and their eyes had the same light in them. The only thing that she seemed to have inherited from her mother was ther size. She was small and dainty, while her father stood well over six foot and had a broad muscular body.

"Oh" she said picking at her food.

"I'm sorry bug, I promise to get a really pretty kimono for you" he told her in a small attempt to cheer her up. Just to apease him she put on a really big smile

"Oh really daddy! That'd be so great!" when really what was running through her mind was that she'd rather have him than some material object. If you had never been to Elena's house before and you went to her bed room, you would think that she had gotten the master bed room in the whole mansion because her father wasn't home very often. Well, if you think that then you were seriously wrong. Her room was every little girls dream room, it looked as if it belonged to a princess; in this house hold it did. At excatly eight o' clock Caleb came knocking on her window.

"Hey, I saw your dad's windows were lite up" he said while throwing off his shoes "How long is he here for" putting down the book she was reading

"Not long tomorrow morning the latest. I wouldn't be suprised if he left sometime tonight" she told him scooting over so he could fit in the bed.

"Good" he nuzzled her neck "More time for us to be alone" Claping, she turned off the lights and rolled to her side facing away from him

"Yeah" fat tears rolled down ther face "sounds fantastic".

© 2008 Christina Ann Banana Hamok

Author's Note

Christina Ann Banana Hamok
Ignore grammer and spelling errors. If and when I get done I'll run it through spell check.

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;_; Im really getting into this story, more please???

Posted 16 Years Ago

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1 Review
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Added on July 1, 2008
Last Updated on December 4, 2008


Christina Ann Banana Hamok
Christina Ann Banana Hamok

In Your Pocket, MN

If only you knew how much pain you put me through then maybe you�d stop and think about what you�re saying before you say it My name is Christina. I'm a Sophmore. I'm k.. more..
