![]() Mixers : Stuck In The Blender.A Chapter by Christina Ann Banana HamokLong honey blonde hair hung just below the waist on the sun kissed body of Elena Winter. Standing on tipy toes attempting to reach her spanish book before the last bell rang for first period, it was such an inconvience to be short at times. Standing at four feet and eleven inches she looked like a just a child next to most of her peers. In the next moment she felt body heat radiating on to her arm as her locker mate Alec Salvatore stood next to her a good two feet taller, twisting the lock on the locker to the right code. Looking up at him with her large, pleading, sapphire blue eyes; sighing he reached above her and placed the book softly in her hands. "I don't see why you insist on putting your books up there when you know you can't reach them" he told her in the low rumble of his voice. Shrugging her small shoulders, she said a quick thank you and turned to run off to class. But instead she ran into the large muscular chest of her boyfriend Caleb. Caleb glared at Alec, ignoring him Alec quietly closed his locker door with his own spanish book in hand and started off to class. Caleb had other ideas; shoving him into the lockers and placing his face only inches away from his. "What do you think your doing with my girlfriend, f*g" Caleb spat in his face, calmly Alec stared him in the eyes. Elena grabbed Calebs arm from behind and in a sad attempt to pull him away "knock it off, Caleb. I asked him to help me" She tugged one last time "Please just stop it!" Caleb shook her off and back handed Alec to the ground, "Stay away from her you hear?" Elena watched Caleb until he rounded the corner and then walked over to Alec. "I'm so so so sorry about him" she grabed his elbow to help him up "You don't deserve that". Shaking off her small hands he stared down at her, his oak green eyes staring in to hers. His dark wavy hair fell into his eyes, "I'm sorry" he told her thoughtfully "I was told to stay away from you." As he walked off the bell rang and Elena let out a gasp of frustration and walked to the office to get a pass.
Aiko stared at Elena curiously as the door to Miss. Gilberts' spanish class slammed behind her. The restof the class also looked at Elena the same way, it was not like her to be late ever. Elena stared down the class as she handed the pass to Miss. Gilbert and sat in her usual place. Rolling her eyes Aiko returned to reading the chapter, letting a curtian of dark hair seperate her from the rest of the class. Autumn was telling Elena the page number the chapter started on when she first started hearing the whipsers gather around her. Sliding down into her desk she tried to block them out and continuously whiped tears out of her eyes before they spilled over. Five minutes before the class ended a note landed in her lap, sitting up she opened it and had to choke back a sob.
Autumn, i cant believe that ur prego. Omg ur such a w***e! why dont u just do evry 1 a favor and kill ur self already. ur dead to evry 1 here already. ur such a waste of space. quit sleeping around u dumb s**t.
Cumpling and throwing the note on the floor, faced the front gripping the sides of the desk. Behind her she could hear Chasity snickering at her. Thankfully the bell rang just as the tears starting to roll down her cheeks. Aiko watched Autumn pretty much shove everyone out of the way "Jesus christ, evey one is acting so damn werid today" she muttered when she spotted the crumpled peice of paper by her desk. On her way out of the class room she over heard Chasity telling her friends about the whole ordeal. Turning on her heel she faced Chasity taking in the perfect heart shaped face that was staring at her with disgust, before she hit her. Chasity went spiraling down to the floor her cheek and lip bleeding from the cuts her rings made. Kneeling down she said loudly "Oh, geez Chasity you should be more careful and watch where your walking" as Miss. Gilbert walked over to see what had happened "I don't know what happened, I turned around because I tought I forgot something and all of a sudden she was behind me and then on the floor" she told the teacher with wide innocent eyes, Miss. Gilbert looked at her skeptfully and told her to go to her next class before she was marked absent. Aiko smiled as she walked out of the class room. "That wasn't very nice" she jumped at the sound of Alec's voice behind her. "Do I know you?" she asked annoyed and continued walking "Probably not" he replied "Then why're you talking to me?" she snapped at him as she turned to face him. Alec shrugged his wide shoulders as he smiled down at the small japanese girl that was glaring at him with full force of those dark chocolate eyes. Laughing he walked around her and headed for his locker. Irritated Aiko flipped him the bird before walking the oppisite way just to make sure she didn't run into him again.
© 2008 Christina Ann Banana HamokFeatured Review
2 Reviews Added on June 30, 2008 Last Updated on December 4, 2008 Author![]() Christina Ann Banana HamokIn Your Pocket, MNAboutIf only you knew how much pain you put me through then maybe youd stop and think about what youre saying before you say it My name is Christina. I'm a Sophmore. I'm k.. more..Writing