![]() Through the Rain: Asylum.A Story by Christina Ann Banana Hamok![]() A short story I wrote on December 08, 2007.![]() The woman finally came to, opening her eyes slowly a white light shown through the blackness she had been stuck in. Attempting to sit up, she found that she could not for her arms were bound to something. Straining away from the surface that she layed on the woman found she could not escape. Laying down again she blinked away the blurred objects that surounded her vision. Each time she blinked she could vividly see all the blood, again. Scrunching her eye brows together, her eyes closed. She could not tell where the blood was comming from. So much blood..... The woman thought to herself ....But who's bleeding? The blood seemed to form at her body this confused her even more for she did not feel any pain. The woman jumped in her semi-concious state as a young boy fled from her arms a jagged slash down the side of his body. What's happened to him? she asked herself a feeling inside her wanted to reach out to him and comfert him, to tell him that everything was alright. It startled her when she heard a cackle come out of her mouth. Why am I laughing, that poor little boy is hurt. We should help him. Opening her eyes and closing them agian a new scene appeared, around five men surrounded her a lustful spark was in their eyes. As one reached for her she saw her hand lash out and tear him open from his stomach up to his chest. The mans eyes buldged and blood seeped from his mouth. The others now paled in the face slowly backed away from her, when she saw a gun form in her other hand she let out a shriek. She flung her eyes open and stared up at the white sky above her, breathing heavily. After she had her breathing under control, the woman heard a creaking sound turning her head towards the noise. She saw a rectangle in the wall form and open, two men walked into the room. One voice sound calm and professional while another sounded uneasy. What are they talking about? She strained to hear the words comming from their opened mouths, but no matter how hard she tried all she heard was silence. One of the men figures stoped next to her and lowerd his face so he was even with hers, immediatly she recongized the face.Tears welled up in her eyes and the sound of waves rushed from her ears and sound made it's self known again. "What are you doing here?" she asked him as she tried to move her hand to touch him but failed miserably once again. He moved his hand towards her and held it tightly the best he could, tears were also forming in his eyes. "I came to help you, to help you not be sick any more." He told her his voice onthe verge of cracking. "Help me?" she asked confused "There's nothing wrong with me." Sadness was thick in his eyes "Yes there is" he told her "Baby, your not your self any more. But we're going to try to make it better, so you don't hurt any one else" Her eyes widened as the other man came forward, his face was grim. "I told you there's nothing else we can do to help her, even if she wasn't in these conditions I can hardly start to believe that she would...." The man next to her looked at the floor "We can still help her!" He screamed. She jumped and looked between the grim man and the one that was now sobbing next to her. "I just got her back" the man next to her told the other man "Don't take her away from me.." Suddenly it all snapped together, the woman eyes widened even more tears streamed down her face. She looked at the two men and said in a desperate cracking voice "Please... please don't kill me" The two looked at her some what shocked "I'm afraid I have no choice, your on death row my dear" The grim man pulled a needle from his coat pocket and stepped towards her. The other man looked at her solemly as though all emotion had washed from his body, he simply leaned towards her and gave her a final kiss, standing up he stepped away. The grim man undid one of her arms and sqeezed her wrist until her veins were some what popping out. She didn't have the strength to fight back as she realized that the love of her life was leaving her there to die. Suddenly, the momentairly sanity vanished and the other side re-awoke she thrashed wildly at the man with the needle and screamed at her love to save her. Just as he walked out the door the needle stuck into one of ther veins. Black formed around the edges of her vision, when she could see nothing but black and the last thing she saw of him formed, his back. Liar was the last whisper that ran through her mind. © 2008 Christina Ann Banana HamokAuthor's Note
Added on May 24, 2008 Last Updated on July 1, 2008 Author![]() Christina Ann Banana HamokIn Your Pocket, MNAboutIf only you knew how much pain you put me through then maybe youd stop and think about what youre saying before you say it My name is Christina. I'm a Sophmore. I'm k.. more..Writing