What am I, that is no longer, Lost in stormy seas unchanged, But one weak as I now stronger, Curse to walk this world deranged,
Long Forgotten Journey By: Adam M. Snow
What am I, that is no longer, Lost in stormy seas unchanged, But one weak as I now stronger, Curse to walk this world deranged, And I, alone yet not alone, With but my love to atone. I despite what I have become, I condemn myself to death, Henceforth to why I am numb, And to why, I give my dying breath. One to rise yet one to fall, And on this morrow, I give my all. Must this be but a journey within oneself, A journey that was once long forgotten, So that I may find myself, For I in earth am rotten, But I struggle with all devotion, Blinded by my single emotion, I wander for greater purpose, In a world departed from oneself, I found myself in Jesus, And through him, I healed myself. Must this be fate, that I no longer lost, Twas the blood of lamb that be the cost.
Another powerful piece. You're good at portraying emotional journeys. :)
I think Jacob will find that in order to take out 'all religious references' you'd have to remove the whole poem! Faith is the subject of the poem, and I think it would be difficult to argue that it is not a valid subject for poetry, or indeed any other art form. :)
Another powerful piece. You're good at portraying emotional journeys. :)
I think Jacob will find that in order to take out 'all religious references' you'd have to remove the whole poem! Faith is the subject of the poem, and I think it would be difficult to argue that it is not a valid subject for poetry, or indeed any other art form. :)
Posted 14 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
I'm so sorry, but I can't take half-decent poetry seriously when it falls back on referencing itself to religion for added "effect". Try re-posting the exact same thing and take out all religious references and you will have a good piece of work.
YES AMEN! I just heard the other day it was at about 9 am when he was being beaten & 3 pm when he died on the cross. Over 6 hours of the most intense & unforgiving pain imaginable. 3 days later he rose from the dead. In this story I heard details of where & how they placed those 6 inch nails in him. They are strategically placed in the wrist in a certain spot & on the feet so that when he was pressed against the cross he would feel excruciating pain due to the wounds he suffered before hand. Placing these nails in the spots mentioned created a pressure that is so unbearable because ALL of his body weight was then placed on the nails. Imagine Unable to stand for comfort pushing himself up just to get comfortable & finding all he could do was scream. The crunching, the streams of blood, the screams of pain, ALL OF THIS so that I am forgiven for MY SINS. MY daily sins, My Past sins. I am reduced to tears. Thanks God! Thanks Jesus! Thaank You Thank You Thank You.. Makes one fall on knees & if it doesn't it should!
"The writer’s mind, can surpass even the most intellectual minds." –Adam M. Snow
I keep my work clean, I write to inspire others. Some people would even call me a philosopher, but w.. more..