

A Poem by Adam M. Snow

The inferno of the pale moon once burns with despair, hiding in the darkened noon with death in the air. All children are comatose, the creatures are putrid

By: Adam M. Snow

The inferno of the pale moon once burns with despair,
hiding in the darkened noon with death in the air.
All children are comatose, the creatures are putrid,
the gallows now ramose with the end of all hatred.

Stars fall from the sky to the earth like all foreboding,
humanity fails to cry with fears of the soon ending.
All is now silent in the vespertine stillness,
no thoughts are violent, earth's now in darkness.

The vastness of one's dreams now gone and forsaken,
yet frozen like the moonlit beams soon to reawaken.
The earth caught fire with all greatness and bleak,
no hope for a last desire as all life grows weak.

Newborn dies, all now look towards defeat,
all's been despised now suffering with inferno heat.
An ominous bank of dark clouds for all to see,
covers all life and now left upon lethe.

© 2010 Adam M. Snow

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Added on August 26, 2010
Last Updated on August 26, 2010
Tags: dark, poetry, death, snow, fear, life, creatures, children, world, earth, stars, sky, night, nightskies, hate, love, romance, inferno, burn, fire, darkness, dream, new, born, newborn, hope, frozen, cold, defeat, lost, pain, torture


Adam M. Snow
Adam M. Snow

Phoenix , AZ

"The writer’s mind, can surpass even the most intellectual minds." –Adam M. Snow I keep my work clean, I write to inspire others. Some people would even call me a philosopher, but w.. more..
