Morning Ember

Morning Ember

A Poem by Adam M. Snow

I arose from my slumber with haste of morning ember; to be greeted by a knock on my chamber door. "Who's there?" I said as I am greeted with an; outstretched hand and the pain I feel nevermore.

Morning Ember
By: Adam M. Snow

I arose from my slumber with haste of morning ember;
to be greeted by a knock on my chamber door.
"Who's there?" I said as I am greeted with an;
outstretched hand and the pain I feel nevermore.
"It is me, your mourning star, greeting you from afar."
Quoth the ghost of this morning ember.
I lie back down, confused and alone on this cold;
forsaken morning December.

"I am your morning star, traveled all this way to be;
where you are." said the ghost on the other side;
of my chamber door.
"Leave me alone!" I screamed with agony.
"Just let me be on my own." I said.
As the ghost replied, "I am your morning star,
your guardian angel who traveled so far."
I arose from where I lay to be greeted by a woman;
covered in light, wearing a gown so pure and white.

"Who are you?" I said as fear struck my very core.
"I am your guardian angel showing you there's;
ever so more." said the ghost now called angel.
"What is it that you want to show?"
I ask "Surely it's something, I don't know."
"You were lost but now you're found,
for you are saved by the Son;
with thorns he was crowned." said the angel;
of morning ember.

"Was I truly lost?" I said as I stopped to ponder.
Suddenly I remembered how my life I live is broken.
"Surely by listening to all that is spoken then perhaps;
my life will be anew." I said. "That is true."
said the angel. "By me being here with you changed;
your life but for you to live anew, first you must willingly
ask the father to forgive you." Quoth the angel of;
morning ember.

My tears fall gently to the ground as I fell to my knees;
all is calm yet all is at ease, to the heaven I look with tears;
in my eye, I called out "Father" as a started to cry, "Forgive me,
for I was lost yet I couldn't see for without you I could never be free,
Father forgive me."

© 2010 Adam M. Snow

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Added on June 23, 2010
Last Updated on June 24, 2010
Tags: poetry, angel, heaven, god, jesus, christ, lord, father, prayer, morning, ember, snow, december, ghost, christmas, raven, poe, star, guardian, white, woman, lady, agony, light, holy, fear, lost, found, son, thorn, crown, save, life


Adam M. Snow
Adam M. Snow

Phoenix , AZ

"The writer’s mind, can surpass even the most intellectual minds." –Adam M. Snow I keep my work clean, I write to inspire others. Some people would even call me a philosopher, but w.. more..
