In this world I sought for, who I am and many more; without a reason but a treason, without a life, but with a life and none.
The Ghost By: Adam M. Snow
In this world I sought for, who I am and many more; without a reason but a treason, without a life, but with a life and none.
To live is profound, much greater is death; if I could confound, it is that I'm not worthy for life and for death.
Do I confined myself within my chamber, to count the days till I remember? Who am I? Who am I?
Who am I to curse myself so freely, so easily? A ghost with a reflection, with no hope, no resurrection. I encumber my tears with all things I fear, there is no end for which I dream.
Very beautiful, and the picture fits perfectly!
I'm curious if you meant "SO I confined myself within my chamber" as opposed to "Do I confined.." though. That line held up the flow a bit. Other than that, the flow is magnificent!
Oooh! This piece was so deeply beautiful! I would even go as far as saying it was only a point from purfection. That point only left off do to the first line of the second stanza. A suggestion would be... "Am I confined....." or... "Do I confine...." If that line were to be resolved of it's slight belch in flow... I would certainly say that you have crafted one of the finest and most powerful flows of timless pondering I've ever read.
"The writer’s mind, can surpass even the most intellectual minds." –Adam M. Snow
I keep my work clean, I write to inspire others. Some people would even call me a philosopher, but w.. more..