Again, I cannot live But to know it's not eternal; Caring the world on my shoulder, Does harm to my infernal Extent of a dream.
Extent of a Dream By: Adam M. Snow
Again, I cannot live But to know it's not eternal; Caring the world on my shoulder, Does harm to my infernal Extent of a dream. Forevermore in a realm, Goes on with the stream, Howling with the wolves In a sinister choir. Just as the nightly solves, Killing my infernal extent of a dream. Like the shatteredness of my heart; Nevermore showing a gleam, More-the-less myself.
Dreams can lead us to good and bad places. I like the description in this poem.
"Howling with the wolves
In a sinister choir.
Just as the nightly solves, "
I like the ending. left some mystery and question. Thank you for sharing the excellent poetry.
I don't think you get the reviews you deserve. You are an awesome poet, your rhythm and your choice or words seems very well planned and deep.
I also like how you aren't afraid to cinch the rhymes and spout a phrase or idea that mismatches the last stanza, or..line. what have you. For example- you did it 3 times in this piece. (Added a word that mismatched) in the beginning "Live"; the middle, "choir"; and the end, "myself"
Bold moves in a wonderfully streaming poem. And it's perfected, I'm sure. Good job.
A devastating statement of resignation, yet it's written so eloquently that it almost works doubly as a statement of motivation when one is in such a despondent place...great piece.
Dreams can lead us to good and bad places. I like the description in this poem.
"Howling with the wolves
In a sinister choir.
Just as the nightly solves, "
I like the ending. left some mystery and question. Thank you for sharing the excellent poetry.
"The writer’s mind, can surpass even the most intellectual minds." –Adam M. Snow
I keep my work clean, I write to inspire others. Some people would even call me a philosopher, but w.. more..