I watch from the distance, as the storm covers me; pouring it's dreadful rain as the dust blinds me. I look in awe and disgrace of the thundering clouds,
A Teasing Storm By: Adam M. Snow
I watch from the distance, as the storm covers me; pouring it's dreadful rain as the dust blinds me. I look in awe and disgrace of the thundering clouds, as the storm covered plain with a pouring rain shrouds. Flash after flash would race across the sky, beauty of lights would chase the clouds floating by. The roaring songs of the wind bristling through the trees, would be enough to put even myself at ease; but no, this storm did not cover me, just a tease floating by for me to see.
Electrical storms are actually a major fascination of mine, in a sense that something can be so beautiful and potentially devastating at the same time. I've mentioned elsewhere that it's almost like nature warning us that there can be no true comprehension of good without a true acknowledgement of evil. Needless to say, this is one of my favourite pieces from your catalogue.
"The writer’s mind, can surpass even the most intellectual minds." –Adam M. Snow
I keep my work clean, I write to inspire others. Some people would even call me a philosopher, but w.. more..