The waggly little Tale

The waggly little Tale

A Story by SmittyJas

Puppy Love


Short Story 

By James Smith Author ©

The Waggly Little Tale

I had this wee doggie with the waggly little tale, He came to me in the storm front, of 2021 when he had left home and lost his way back. This pup was unlicensed and gave no ID? The ownership was unknown ! No phone number not even or ever a bone ! This Dog was looking for a brand new home ! When the Cyclone hit the dog went on a long very long trip to somewhere else ( No Mans Land ) The place the little puppy has never been before ! Next to my place in a new big city ! I was so looking for a pet you bet. What a good time for Little Waggly Tails to come in my direction into my life. Planted in a seat next to my dinner table. Unknown to me, so I called him Fred My Tricky Dog a place at my dinner table yes this is where he shall be patient with me ! To fill up his doggie dish for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner !

I have plans for my new pet. The mutt of all mutts, I call him a diamond in the rough ! My Gem of the pet world. Warm and loving I do find him to me he is just an adventure waiting to happen. So we go down the path in life meeting the new neighbors and shuffling our feet. This is our walk through the neighborhood there was Mr. White and Mr. Green we meet Mr. Blue and a sir fellow named Mr. Yellow ! They all greeted me and my new found pet. Like he was always a part of the neighborhood family. Mr. Blue has been introduced to Mr. White but Mr. Green already knows his neighbor Mr. Yellow by each others first names ! Fred White and Jack Yellow they have been in the neighborhood for many of years ! Partners in a business dealings the company started by these two friends!

Building single family homes and hiring a crew of Carpenters and some Plumbers, Electricians workers yes they are and good neighbors to pool from in the times when some neighbors could not find work but Good Old Fred White and Jack Yellow had pick up the neighborhood with good jobs and great pay checks a family friendly company yes in deed the buck does not stop there they support the local Food Banks for the people of the lesser employees to help any way as the times they are a changing, Neighbor's helping Neighbor's and making new friends in the process. Meeting at the local Churches, for group therapy assistance a loving and kind neighborhood's assistance programs the best of tradesman money could dazzle up for more jobs well done ! All in All Jack Yellow and Fred White are the best of business partners, in the county near Atlanta, Georgia I was the Maintenance manger for the Wellington Construction Company Owned and operated by Jack Yellow and Fred White.

After my shift was over it was time to go home to my best pal a guy could have ! My new Puppy Dog the one that when wagging his tale around my apartment. I like to bathe him once a week and massage his body so in making him feel he has a happy home ! Shall I give my new found pet a good name like ( Jake ) oh the wonder Dog ( for short ! ) To put that on his new Dog tags ! Important to get for him a proper Dog licenses and make him my very own ! 

From this day forward this pup with a new name and license will be stamped ( Jake Oh Wonder Dog Smith ) has a special ring to the title don't ya think !

Chapter 2

My Dog and I live at 3476 Sherwood Avenue in Chicago, Illinois a few blocks from Wrigley field �" That's where I like to take my new pet on pet night at the stadium ( Oh Jake the Wonder Dog ) likes me to get for him a pound of hot-dogs before the third inning is over ! Some soft drinks to wash it all down ! All in fun a fan fare night at the ball field. With a game between the Cubs and Mets ! The game was tied until the bottom of the ninths. When the Cubs had a lead off double and the fastest man alive stolen third base ! A sack fly is all the Cubs ever needed to put this one in the Cam and let the Fat Lady sing ! 

As Bob Prince ( The Gunner ) would have said, back in the day all we need is a bug on the rug or a bloop and a blast to end this once and for all put the Mets On Ice !

Well Folks so long From Wrigley field. Here in the North side of Chicago on a hot summer's night. May you join us on Saturday night when the Chicago Cubs host the Houston Astro's a Seven 0 5 start ! Plenty of tickets left for you to take advantage of our small group plans rather it be a group of 10 or more even 25 ! Could be a well spent night at the old ball yard a place for good family entertainment and plenty of good family memories ! No rain in the forecast for Saturday night's Baseball spectacular no umbrella’s needed for this fun in the sun night game. Come as you are and see your Chicago Cubs In action !

So it goes Saturday was not to be another, ( bring your pet to the ball park, ) So my waggly dog and I will sit in front of the Tube and enjoy each others company ! U know I invited Suzzie over to watch the game with me and ( Jake oh wonder Dog ) ! Suzzie likes my new pet, her and Jake like to play doggie tricks on me like ( Roll Over Jim ) Roll Over ! I am supposed to get on my back legs and bag for food and treats that Suzzie had pick up for Jake in the early afternoon of Saturday !

My Gal Suzzie likes it when I cook and my choice is Beer Battered Fish Sandwiches, with baked french fries ! Lots of Hunts Mustard for dipping your fresh fish sandwich into as a speciality of the house. My own idea of course searching and finding good Hunts Mustard at the Super Market ! A special way I chop my sausages that fit on my hamburger buns just right. What a tasty nasty treat Suzzie would say give me the nastiest stuff ever the hotter the better little Jimmy !

While I done all the cooking Suzzie and Jake would be playing fetch in the living room. Jake would run all around the living room area and try not to knock the nick nicks off the wall !

Like I said earlier Suzzie really took a liking to my new pet Jake. Even those we have been dating just a few months. We were just getting acquainted when old Jake came to live with me by showing up at my front porch one find summer's day last July !

Chapter 3


When Jake wagged his tale !

In the blindness I actually seen the light at the end of the tunnel ! Yes believe it or not Jake has been a good boy this months ! Asking for treats after doing some doggie tricks ! My Gal Suzzie was being the beginner trainer for Jake's quick turn around ! From just being one bad mutt to show some intelligence of some sort. I love Jake just as much as Suzzie does when we when for walks in the evening ! The nights were even better then ever before. The best of Jake's affection would be given to Suzzie and I for Jake so enjoy the exercise during the hot summer nights, Suzzie would train Jake to do new Doggie tricks. We would reward Jake for good performances a doggie treat of his own choosing on the special nights when we thought we had human to dog conversations ! Jake had known what he wanted from the treat bags we brought home from the super market the night before !

Yes ( When Jake Wages His Tail ) we just jokingly known where this is leading to a quick race around the back yard to do his duty ! Before a likely loved long summer's nap ! After one amazing day ! I solute Jake and give him the best of a rub-down a good dog would ever need ! My goodness Jake is such a gem of all puppies around the neighborhood !

When Jake arises in the morning it's time for feeding and fresh water supplies done by none other than the Master of the house ME ! My Dog Jake shall always rise with the best of smiles on his doggie face ! Having the best of both worlds. Good Beef or even Chicken on his feeding dish the coolest fresh water In his new doggie dish bowl full ! Which the pet store owner supplied when I ask for assistance for what kind of water or food feeding dishes were best for the dog of his size and shape.

The pet store owner did me right, in letting me try out different settings of water bowls and feeding baskets. What a great situation I found how much the pet store owner was of knowledge on how to get your pet the best of a new home. That his master was a kind and loving Man. With a Gal Friend Like Suzzie to coach this Mutt of street smarts struts !

Chapter 4

Lets build a fence around my place !

Suzzie and I had the hardest of times, deciding how to control Jake and not letting him have his own way with being trained to keep his distance and not to stray away from home ! We installed the electronic fence as some have tried this avenue of training the dog to stay at home and not get involved with other dogs or become a stray like when I had found him arriving at my back porch or seeing stranger's pets and try to frighten each other away from there owners ! So after the electronic fence has been installed and then shut it down we got to the white picket fence company. They put a chain linked fence for best results ! I installed the fence in no time at all. A day or so later we were in the Private of our beautiful new fenced in yard ! Best looking chain link fences ever !

With all it took, was just one look ! We were well pleased to see that good old Jake was going to have a safe and happy place to relax - unwind at the end of every day !

I feel like an engineer to have done all the yard work in just about a week seeding a new lawn and having the Kentucky Blue Grass for best results. Our new grill making our place the neighborhood's favorite place to meet and greet with the Hot-dogs and burgers on hand. Good grade of Ground Beef, ever from the super Markets deli counters !

We built Jake a dog house in the far end of the back yard. Where he would be quiet at times of party fun and favor his doggie toys we got him from the Pet Store owner ! This Owner of the pet shop was a lover of all kinds of Animals. All breeds and the cats were even a special deal with some of our Gals in the neighborhood taking a cat over a dog as a warm and loving pet !

Suzzie's Friend Sandy was one for the felonious a cat lover from day one of birth. When all else fails get a cat over the dog any old day. Bless be Sandy for the Cat keeps away from Jake all day long when Sandy comes for a visit !

Chapter 5

The house warming gifts

Summer was over and time for the autumn arrival in this new neighborhood we were the new comers and our house party had brought about some gift givings to the new neighbors bringing new house plants. Some garden tools some one even got us some fertilizer for the Grass lawn !

Sandy �" Suzzie best new neighborhood friend's was my favorite of the neighbors, Sandy and Suzzie were never a problem around my little pet Jake ! For the love of Jake this pet had the run of the mill in the back yard ! Sandy pet Cat Sharon would relax on Sandy lap while I was cooking dinner for our visits when Sandy comes to see how Suzzie is doing sometimes Suzzie was in a bad healthy situations and Sandy was the friend they each relied upon ! Both of them would get the record player out with those sounds of the sixties and the best of 45's on the old 33's The best sounds of the Century ever ! More hits for your bucks they would say a bargain at any price Yes indeed !

Chapter 6

The Time is now for a neighborhood Picnic !

This neighborhood had its movers and its shakers ! To make a good home welcoming picnic community to make the latest new comers feeling the best of all the odd feelings. A friend of all friends making each new person feel so welcome and the pleasing feeling of stranger danger to be removed. Where all are free to knock on your neighbors door. Asking for a cup of sugar or some Band �" Aids ! When a need come along for that neighbor would do it if the shoes were on the other side of the street.

The Picnic was planned for the next Sunday afternoon ! All the neighbors was asking what dish they could bring ? You just know what are these new neighbor's of the good community showing such friendship and the knowledge of the acts of kindness shown to one an all. 

As good christian neighbor's will remember the good Book sayings ( We must love one and other and remember to be of the person who knows before you can show love to another you must be of a person who loves oneself ) I give thanks to the Lord for the knowledge within the good book of all friendships ! To be based upon the luxury of good blessed friends ! The things of Christian forgiveness is the best of love you can show your neighbor ! 

The Practices of a good christian man or woman is to remember John 3:16 ! God son came into the world not to condemn the world but to be a bright light so that all sinners would have hope of a new life after your times on earth has been exhausted and have passed aside. That so, the son of God so loved the world he give his only son as a sacrifice on the cross of Christ in the forgiveness of our sins ! So we know we shall live an eternal life ! Knowing that forgiveness the promises of God knowing all this information from the Good Book ! Will make us better neighbor's to one and other ! 

May we all live by the simple teachings from the Ministry of Jesus, when he was on his way to Jerusalem ! On that donkey ride that leads him to the Cross of all forgiveness ! The Good Book Call out Jesus to be the Prince of Peace !

Chapter 7

Title Togetherness of the goodness of naboring the neighbor's !

Suzzie and Sandy, were disguising what they could do together as good friends. In ways of introducing themselves to the shut-in’s neighbor's of the elderly persuasion ! In all of the grand central stations ! Knowing will the elderly come to the picnic with out some assistance from real neighbor's ! Sandy and Suzzie had plans to achieve such as making sure the elderly do not feel left out from this picnic celebration ! We gather all stay at home mom's to attend a meeting of the minds ! To accomplish these small chores ! Like the home of the elderly should be visited weekly ! The knowledge of where they are in the community this neighborhood gets together the celebration should be the best attended picnic of the homecoming to see the new neighbor's with tender loving Care ! In ways it is going to be the best attended ever. 

It all starts we two good friends, doing what good friends do. Help one and other to help the most venerable parts of the society ! Yes Suzzie and Sandy had the best of times disguising a place they could inspire the rest of the hood ! To give help and push those who sit around in wheelchairs and go as far as their front door. Yes Sandy and Suzzie were on a new mission to give all the chance to attend this picnic party celebration on the following Sunday. 

They got there hands on the cell phone numbers and making the calls to effect all in the neighborhood's home assistance's To really care for those who can not help themselves !

The movers and the shakers, were on the move. In the contacting of our elderly neighbor's They were so surprised in the manner's of old Sandy and Suzzie making all the best of the Godly stewards of goodness and kindness !

Chapter 8

A mission for the good of all !

In all God's care nothing can bypass the tender loving care of those who can not help themselves, Suzzie and Sandy now known as the neighborhood's Shakers moving Mountain of goodness throughout the lands in the friendships of all neighbor's ! The love given to all is the mission of love ! The respect to all the people of the neighboring counties of the small community The reach-out and touch someone is the way this Mission is to operate at full speed ! After a long day of calling all the Stay at home Mom's and giving to them more contact information ! Giving to the elderly a blessing they never thought they could get from this local party of personality ! Loving kindness communications ! 

Well Suzzie and Sandy called it a day they had 3 more days until their dead lines should be met !

Returning home and the message machine has a call from Jim, that he wanted to take Suzzie out for a dinner date ! Suzzie was thinking she was to exhausted to go out to dinner with old Jim. She has known that Jim's kind hearted ways, would not be so hard to stand him up for the dinner date ! 

For Jim does his cooking for Suzzie on all the weekends. Good old Suzzie would like to visit the loving Dog Jake ! Jim's new pet of just a few weeks !

But this next weekend was coming fast ! But dinner and soft music in the restruant, that would make all things better for the next mission of communications ! So away Suzzie when to wash up in the shower and put that fancy red dress she looks so good in that even she knows Jim is at a plus when she is waring that Red dress !

Chapter 9

The dinner date !

Jim knowing Suzzie was going to look so fine that Jim Got this best suite on and his after shave would turn Suzzie into the wild woman Jim so adores just melting her heart in her seat. Jim was some kind of flashy dancer only Suzzie known his best moves were made after 8:00pm Yes this man Jim was the best of the smooth dancer in town and old Suzzie was in for at treat when she was in his arms !

In this moment Jim is showing his best moves on Suzzie old Jimmy melts her tearing heart to pieces ! Old Suzzie has the crush on Jim loving styles on the dance floor ! 

Other gals would like to dance with old smooth legs Jimmy ! The king of the dance floor in so many ways ! Jim had charisma Jimmy has the best of times watching dear lover his Suzzie of so many years. Jim met Suzzie when they went to the same high school, But that was seven years ago, now they are mature and knowing what they want out of life ! From looking at them you can tell they want each other as lovers !

Dinner was served right on time at Eight and this couple has good conversations ! Never a dull moment, between Old Suzzie and Mr. Jim The sassy old coot their lives will never be the same after this night and the way Jim was swooping her off her feet and she was like walking on air ! Jim has picked the most prefect restruant in Pittsburgh The Strip District the strip has a beautiful sight of the river boats cruising the three rivers as the twilight falls on the city in the harbor just out side of the restruant may we always remember this night was Jim ready to pop the question or save it all for another day !

Chapter 10

The community picnic

Oh yes finally the day arrived thee Picnic Sunday, all the brand new friendships formed in the Mission statement was that in the whole new community ! Being in attendance surely all was so well planned.

Well the stay at homers were at the phones standing room only for they only wanted this picnic to be attended by all the new and older neighbor's of the Village Sights ! 

The Hill Valley group not to be of the missing at the beautiful Sunday morning ! You could tell this was going to be the party of all parties ! The elderly was not forgotten this year at all ! For the help of the stay at homer's. The efforts of Dear Suzzie and Sandy the really kick it around like a well placed soccer ball that was Bouncing the love from the special neighborhood assembly ! 

With the mission accomplished by these Ladies was fascinating, amazing and utterly In awe that is that of awe of being awed of awe what a day at the races for the home coming community ! 

All was pleased with all the food verities there was at this great planned picnic Sunday !

Oh Mother McCreed we had pulled it off with out a hitch. All the family games with everyone including the elderly present of goodness and kindness ! Sharing of all in this place God willing we will even do this again next year ! Welcome to one and all new and old residents of Hill Valley and the beauty of the Hill top society ! That makes the hills just so peak, shining in that city on the hills !

Thee end !


When Suzzie and Jim left the picnic and returned to Jim's apartment old Jake was doing time for ( The Waggly Little Tale ) just in excitement for their daily return and a walk in the evening sun watching the sunset once again ! The best part of the day for Suzzie and Jim !

Completed August 18,2022 

© 2022 SmittyJas

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Added on August 18, 2022
Last Updated on August 18, 2022
Tags: Young Love



Pittsburgh, PA

Hi My name is Jim been writing poetry for nine years started on AOL with a few new friends on a tuesday night poetry night. We would meet and post poetry and learn from each other and I learned a lot .. more..
