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The Butterfly Said To the Bee

The Butterfly Said To the Bee

A Poem by SmittyJas

A place of peace and harmony

Oh this is what the butterfly said to the bee
God created both of us lets live in harmony
Amounts the flowers of all God's gardens
And between the Birds of the air who live free

The butterfly whispered to the Bee
Come with me listen to your heart and be free
We'll sing God's praises in harmony and good faith
A spirit will mead our fate lets be friends at any rate

Now that they seen the flying Grasshopper
Perched on a leaf devouring every nourishing branch
Every leaf beneath his feet and the butterfly said to the bee
Can we be friends with a creature like these

It's a mystery of what Good God has on his planet
To sacrifice so other could live and the life cycle begins and ends
The insect world is so fragile it can break mankind
Just by over filling populations and taking over fields and gardens

Where nothing man plants can grow or spring fruit
But the Bees and Butterflies rate up there as mankind friends
Making fruit trees produce fruit and vegetables grow on farms
Yes this world would be nothing without the great pollinators

© 2015 SmittyJas

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Amen if only all of our people would get along in harmony but we are cursed in sin this is beautiful. A pleasure to read
Broken Girl

Posted 9 Years Ago

Terrific and your references to God, the Creator of all if great. Most people think insects a pest, but all are here with a purpose and for a good reason like you illustrated in your write. Kathie

Posted 9 Years Ago

I loved it Smitty; one of your best poem. Nature is God's blessing; great writing. Clever. Dale

Posted 9 Years Ago

god`s garden where only love will grow , where milk and honey will always flow
tended by the bird and the watch over this garden for eternity

Posted 9 Years Ago

Such a cool piece, thank you Lord for all of your wonderful creations!
Thanks for sharing and b-blessed!

Posted 9 Years Ago

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5 Reviews
Added on February 22, 2015
Last Updated on February 22, 2015
Tags: God's healing insects



Pittsburgh, PA

Hi My name is Jim been writing poetry for nine years started on AOL with a few new friends on a tuesday night poetry night. We would meet and post poetry and learn from each other and I learned a lot .. more..


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