![]() INCOMPLETE: The Dark Figure and The Light GoddessA Story by Smiter19![]() Incomplete. I made this back in 2010, so I was about 15-16. Thanks for reading!![]() 1. Once upon a time there was this girl... this girl hated life and died.... THE END! "What a shame," A Dark Figure said as the girls body went splat on the sidewalk next to him. He stares at the body as if it were calling to him. He knelt down to the girls up rooting body, and looked around. No one is in sight. He sets his hand down and removes a bloody chunk....? He places it against his lips and Light appeared all around him. People stopped and stared..."What a freak," Voices said coming from the growing crowd. The Dark Figure, still hidden in his shroud dropped his flesh and walked through the Crowd. The People scared at what he could do moved out of his way and let him through. As he stepped out of the Crowd, Darkness enveloped his body and he fell to the floor. He looked at his hands covered in blood, "What have I become?" he Thought. He walked through the city and stopped at a house. Children laughed inside, The dark figure licks his lips. The children stop laughing and the lights turn out. The Dark Figure walks to the door. He turns the handle... he chuckles. "First mistake my dead friends." He steps inside, and looks around. The smell of Cookies makes him walk towards the kitchen. He inhales deeply and finds his cookies. He grabs one and takes a bite. He spits it out with a disgusted look on his face. "It's missing something," The Dark Figure said, "But what?" He stalks the kitchen and opens the cupboards. He searches and searches... but doesn't find his ingredient. Something catches his foot and he goes face first through a glass coffee table... A minor cut embeds his left cheek. "Hello?" a sweet voice asked, "Santa Claus?" "No..." the Dark Figure said, "I am your imagination." The Dark Figure turned to see a small girl. He motioned for he to come to him. Without hesitation she did. The Dark Figure stood up and grabbed the girl around the neck. Lifted her off the ground and smashed her head with his free hand. He takes a deep breath and throws the lifeless body to the ground. "There's someone better?" The Dark Figure growls. He steps toward the stairs and see's a young boy standing at the base. His eyes filled with fear, his mouth pulled shut with the darkened power of the Dark Figure. The boy tries his hardest to scream, but his mouth only opens after the Dark Figure has him around the neck. The Dark Figure puts his face right next to the boys... he pushed his finger nails into the boys neck and watches as his Jugular Vein pops and bleeds the boy. The Dark Figure licks the tips of his fingers... "Hm... not good enough!" He screams. The lights explode as his darkness fights the Electricity. At the top of the stairs stands a woman. Her heart beats strong. The Dark Figure smiles and takes a step up the stairs. She withdraws a Revolver. The Dark Figure stops. "Don't do that," he says with a frown. A frightening sound erupts from the gun as it pierces the Dark Figures Body. "AH! That hurt," He cried, "You are dead!" Another Explosive round hit the Dark Figure... This bullet hitting his back. The Dark Figure squirmed on the floor. The woman walks down the stairs and towers over him. "You killed my Children. Now I'm going to kill you!," She screamed as she rolled the Dark Figure over. As she pulled the trigger she fell and the round missed the Dark Figure by inches. He put her ankle to his mouth and took a giant bite. The Woman screamed and fired another round out of the Revolver. The Dark Figure got up and held her down She fired once more... her legs flailing. The Dark Figure forced her head over, and felt her heart beat. He kissed her neck... and bit down hard. She screamed once more, and fired the last round in her Revolver. The Dark Figure's mouth didn't leave her neck until her heart beat stopped. He removed his bloody lips from her and stared down at her. He punches her face, over and over again. "YOU SHOT ME!" He boomed. He punches her face again and hears her skull crack. He stared at her... and presses his hand against her face until it caved in. He removed her head and threw it against the wall. He stood up and walked into the kitchen. He grabs a cleaver and kneels by the woman's body. He cuts a chunk out of her arms, legs, and stomach. He takes them into the Kitchen and turns the lights on. The oven was old fashioned... an old gas stove. "Strange... what a death trap." The Dark Figure chuckles. He grabs a frying pan and places the Bloody chunks of the Woman on it. He lights the stove and place the Frying pan on the flames. The meat sizzled and he pulled it off... Rare. his favorite. He took a bite, and a Smile went over his face. The sweet aroma and taste, his eyes close and his thoughts trail off. His mind is brought back to reality as a force causes him to fall over. "You have the Right to remain silent, You B*****d!" a Loud voice bellowed. "Get off me! You have no idea who your messing with!" The Dark Figure Growled. He was lifted from the ground and he saw the man that tackled him. A man dressed in black body armor, with big white letters "SWAT" across the chest. More of these SWAT members ran in and held the Dark Figure in place. "Get him to the Station" The SWAT member that tackled him said, "Get him in a straight Jacket. I don't want this little Present getting away." As they Drug the Dark Figure Away... he heard the SWAT Leader Laugh... 2. Stuck in the box of a room, the Dark Figure stared at the wall. His back to the Black Glass, the light above is broken. The room would be in complete darkness for the rays of light protruding through the barred window. "Whose going to talk to him?" a young detective asked. "I will of course. I have been hunting him for years," An old detective said. As to hear him say this, the dark figure rose from his seat and turned to face the black glass. The five police officers startled withdrew their pistols. He took a few steps toward the glass and the officers fled. Ten SWAT members rushed into the room and started to beat the Dark Figure with their Batons. They continued to beat him for several minutes until it sounded like he had stopped breathing. The Dark Figure left in his own pool of blood took in light breathes. He rolled over and noticed that they had fixed the light. He was mad now, he slowly stood up and yet again Ten SWAT Members swarmed into the room and started to beat him with their batons. "Ugh... I'm going to kill them." The Dark Figure mumbled. "He threatened a Police Officer. Get Him!" A voice over the speaker echoed. The same Ten SWAT members ran in, but the Dark Figure was no where in sight. The crunching sound of bones breaking, forced all the SWAT members to turn and look at their friends headless body fall to the ground. The door slams shut... and the light shatters. The Night time sky makes the room pitch black. The Black Glass Turns Clear with lights lighting up the room. The Police Officers and detectives in the room are shocked. Headless Mutilated bodies of the SWAT members are thrown about. The Dark Figure is no where in sight. "Put this prison into lock down!" The Older Detective screamed. An officer ran out the door. The older Detective took a glance and saw the Dark Figure staring at him through the Glass. He reached for his revolver. Not quick enough... the spine of a Headless SWAT member was stabbed through the glass and into the Older Detectives stomach. He coughed a mixture of Blood and Saliva, which slithered down his chin like a slug. Forcing his way through the Broken Glass, the Dark Figure removed the spine from the Older Detective. He pushed the Older Detective to the ground, with a thud. The other Police Officers stood in Awe. The Younger Detective reached for his gun... but stopped. The Dark Figure stood before him. Faster then any movement. The Dark Figure grabbed his gun and looked at it. "Nice gun my friend..." The Dark Figure said. The loud crack of thunder shattered the Young Detectives rib cage, Liver, and Stomach. He turned to the remaining four officers who were stunned with fear, as if they stared into Medusa's eyes. As the Dark Figure walked by he shot each one in the head, leaving him one round left over. He knelt over the Older Detectives body. He sighs. "You know Jackie. You may have thought you had me. If I know you as good as i do... then you weren't expecting me to get out. You did something..." The Dark Figure said, he grabbed the Older Detective by the throat."What is it!" The Older Detective Laughed before the Dark Figure placed the Revolver next to his head and pulled the trigger. "AH!" the Dark Figure yelled. The prison alarm went off. Red lights flashing and a siren wailing. Blood started to drip from the Dark Figures eyes. His tears replaced with blood. "Stand my warrior..." a beautiful voice cooed. The Dark Figure turned to face a light brighter then any he had condemned. He shaded his eyes, from the brightness. They became clear and he saw the most beautiful Girl ever. "I must kill you..." he said with love and compassion. The bright light got brighter and brighter. The Dark Figure fell over with the stunning power. "You are my warrior... " the voice echoed again, "Change your ways, or your powers will be lost." The Dark Figure... stared into the eyes of this beautiful Light Goddess. She touched down from where she was hovering. The Dark Figure with out hesitation tackled the Light Goddess. He held her down, and she laughed. "Oh sh..." the Dark Figure sputtered as he shot through the heavily fortified wall and into the air. He had a little spin to his flight. Last thing he saw before he stopped was a boulder. Pow... the boulder crumbled and caused the Dark Figure more pain. "Ah! That hurt!" He Cried, "AH!" He screamed to the moon, and it screamed back. The moon shifted drift, and slowly fell towards the earth. The Light Goddess Screamed Louder than the Dark Figure, and the moon whimpered back to its original position. The Dark Figure stared at the Light Goddess and She Stared back. 3. The Dark Figure mumbled something and shot a powerful beam out of his eyes. The beam was nothing but black, Pitch black. The Light Goddess Distant enough Shot a powerful beam out of her finger. This beam was Bright, a Clear Bright. The two beams collided and created a shock wave which was more powerful then 50 Nuclear Bombs going off at the same time. The Light Goddess was knocked unconscious and sent sky high. The Dark Figure took the blast as a welcome to an unlocked door at night. He looked into the sky, and fell to the ground. She fell right on top of him, which probably would have killed them both if they weren't totally awesome. The first to awake was The Dark Figure. "Ugh..." he moaned. He tried to roll over but held in place by the Light Goddess. He pushes up with his arms and the Light Goddess rolls off him. He stands and turns with a wobble. He chuckles at his victory. The Light Goddess moans lightly. He rolls her over with his foot and stares down at her. He kneels down and places his hand on the neck of his next victim. Something stops him... he removes his hand. He looks at her... she has a light glow to her skin. Then he notices something. They are in a crater... "Oh wow..." he smiles,"did i do this... or did she... we both did it? This doesn't make sense. Where'd she come from?" He looks to the sky darkened with black smoke. The Light Goddess moaned and moved a little. He turns his focus back to the her. He see's her heart beat and smells her blood. He places his hands around her neck again... he applies pressure. She starts to choke lightly, and he stops. He notices something... she is attractive in a strange way. The Dark Figure stands and looks at his hands. They've turned white. "What the!" He cries, "AH!" He looks at the Light Goddess and notices there are black hand prints around her neck. Minutes of staring at his hands, the Light disperses. The Light Goddess moans and sits up. "Huh... whats goin... You!"She snarled. "Yeah it's me, what are you going to do about it," The Dark Figure retorted. "This..." she raised her hand but nothing happened, "What... Ugh." The Light Goddess clutched her stomach. The Dark Figure knelt down. "Anything you need?" He asked. "What do you care, you just tried to kill me," She said scolding him. "That was before I realized how beautiful you are." "This is weird but some how your sweet," She giggles. The Dark Figure stands and reaches his hand down to the Light Goddess. With some hesitation she reaches up and grabs his hand. He pulls her up and brushes the dirt off her back. He wraps her up in one arm and raises the other in the air. The clouds were pulled into his body as if he were a vacuum. His feet started to shake. The light Goddess looked down and looked up at him. All the power condensed into one spot was released and shot the Two into the sky leaving a black trail. They soared through the sky, the Light Goddess said something to the Dark Figure. He changed his course to a new location. The Mountain came into and as they neared so did a large temple. 4. The monks continued on with their lives, not knowing of the danger the Light Goddess brought with her. They were clouded of their arrival because of the perfect mixture of Life... and Death. As they landed, the darkness overwhelmed everything. The monks startled ran around in the dark fog. They ran into each other and fell to the floor. "I think they know I'm here," the Dark Figure said to the Light Goddess. "Yes I know. Well, you are the Warrior of Darkness. Am I wrong?" The light Goddess asked. "I'm not familiar with this Warrior of Darkness." "Come with me..." The Light Goddess said grabbing the Dark Figures hand. They started to walk, and the fog lifted where ever the Light Goddess stepped. The monks realized she was there and tried to find her. Quickly they fell to the ground with fear. "THE WARRIOR OF DARKNESS IS HERE!" one of them screamed. Panic and Fear turned the monks into crazed maniacs as they tripped over each other on their hasten to get away. The Dark Figure noticed one of them fall off the edge and grasp onto the edge. The Dark Figure slowly walk to the ledge and looked down. This monk was a male, looked about 20 years old and had blue eyes. Before the Dark Figure could say "let me help you" the monk let go of the edge. "Waste of good flesh..." the Dark Figure said with a frown. A hand grabbed his shoulder and spun him around. A sharp blade pierced his stomach. "DIE! Beast of Hell!" An older monk yelled. The Dark Figure grabbed the neck of this older monk, and tossed him over the cliff. "If any of you stab me, bludgeon me, shoot me, hit me with any type of object trying to result in my death. I will hang you up from a tree by your skin. I'll have your weight, tug and pull at the rusty hooks until your skin can not hold, and it will tear releasing your blood. I will then dry your skin out and sell it to vendors, your internal organs will be eaten by your children. If they will not eat, it will be forced." The Dark Figure announced to the hundred or so Monks staring at him, "I don't really know why i am here. So don't make this stay worse for yourselves." The Light Goddess walked over to him and grabbed his hand. "To the temple," She said, "I will tell you who the Warrior of Darkness is." As they neared the Temple, the Monks never took their eyes off of the Dark Figure. In the temple, there were some drawing of a Dark Figure standing with arms and legs apart. Underneath him were Dark Followers praising him. Across it showed a Light Figure with a spear. It shows the Light Figure stab the Dark Figure. The Dark Figure died, and the Dark Followers were killed. The Light Figure died and the Dark Figure and Light Figure were reborn. Siblings this time... these two how ever lasted Three Hundred Years. Around year 95 their powers were somehow switched, changing the Light Figure Sibling to the Dark Figure Sibling. The Dark Figure Sibling killed its Brother/Sister. With the pain of killing and the counter measure of being Light, the Final Sibling Incinerated itself. Now this year, The Light Goddess was born in a Temple. The Dark Figure was born, but no records were found of when or by who. The further reports of this Dark Figure showed him as a Cannibal, A ruthless killer, heartless, and has the ability to crawl out of Dark Places: Underneath Beds, Closets, Hampers, Drawers, pretty much anywhere there is Darkness. "Now the Warrior of Darkness," The Light Goddess said pointing to a room with no light, no space, "If you can read what is in there, then you are the Warrior of Darkness." The Dark Figure took a step towards the room, and looked over his shoulder. The Light Goddess watched him. He stumbled into the room as if he were pulled. Inside, he felt peace and serenity. He took a deep breath and looked around. The words of Darkness appeared to him. These words were engraved into the memories of the Dark Figure. They also taught him a power. A power that was capable of destroying worlds, even his own. The words warned the Dark Figure of the upcoming apocalypse. The words explained that Darkness is not Evil, its a vision, a feel. People that are Dark are people who feel insecure about the people in their lives. The Darkness fills him in that the Light Goddess is more powerful then him, unless he can Master the Darkness to its fullest Power. "Of course..." a voice in his head whispered, "you have to team up with the Light Goddess so that the Most Evil Thing will be destroyed." 5. The Dark Figure turned and left the dark room. The Light Goddess was gone, and he was alone. He looked at the stone door that was now shut, and he pressed his hand against it. It slowly slid open and sun pierced the darkness inside the room. The sunlight halted as the Dark Figure opened the door more. The Light Goddess was sitting on a stone bench looking at all the people cleaning up the mess they had made. The Darkness crept slowly on the ground, it engulfed the the figures of the monks and turned them to shadows. As a result, the Light Goddess fainted from the release of such power. The Dark Figure ran over to her and rolled her to her back. "Are you alright?" he asked. "You... you are the Warrior of Darkness," She mumbled, "I need light... I need air...." © 2015 Smiter19Author's Note
StatsAuthor![]() Smiter19Minden, NVAboutCurrently working on a huge book project I've been wanting to get back up and running. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. more..Writing