Your Identity: Amatullah
Your Upbringing: Mother of our Children
Your Lifestyle: The Worlds Ideal
You live in our hearts
The soil of India historically
holds the day when you born,
Meaningful legends of Your examples spread to every home.
You have graced forever with Your presence London’s ground,
Having lived a learning ideal leaving men and women astound.
You departed from England, in a world where we still remain;
Now You reside in the heavenly abode, life’s eternal stand.
While the spring festival blooms in our gardens,
Women gather together from all over, near and a far;
The minds glazed to thoughts of the Spring in which you left,
Surrounded with flowers of memories each day before and after that.
Amatullah; you were my strength, in every act you were my breath,
Seeking your advice and experience, thousands travelled a great distance.
Your actions and deeds are always remembered,
You lay in peace still answering our prayers!
Only to You do we turn to share our deepest fears,
To whom else should we break down into a waterfall of tears.
It is Your help we receive every step of the way,
And You listen to our worries, keep us from going astray.
Away I have strayed crossing borders reaching China.
Though I have been bestowed with marital bliss,
So far You sent me for now Your grave stone I cannot kiss.
No limit for thanks, You filled my lap with every happiness,
Yet still deep down, I feel a sort of sadness.
In Your appreciation
this ink can flow not any more,
Words are given as a gift but my expression is poor.
Your endless eternal grace overflows our basins,
For granted we take and look towards our unworthy rewards.
Throughout You made sure I was successful in every test,
I return again and ask of you to hear yet another request:
Fill my empty cradle and grant us children;
Before You no heart’s desire is a secret hidden.
I long to give them a strong stable upbringing,
Guided by your display and examples of teaching.
May we stay protected within Your embrace,
Our true home base and ultimate refuge place.
Out of reach, too far from
Your comfort,
A call to come forth, a visit is definitely due.
Where else will I find peace for my heart
In this distant far away land?
My sight still beholds the beauty
Of the decorated silk cloth laid upon You.
I close my eyes to travel towards Your sand,
I send this wind that blows past me
While I think of You on this day,
To take a message to the place where You now lay.
You are the reason London is called home,
And You melted the souls which were once stone.
Our Mother! Oh Mother! Each heart does sing,
Remembering you especially in the month of Spring.