A Chapter by Michael

the beginning of the story and where it all begins for a new girl in a new town at a new school full of rich b*****s, but there is one of interest to her he' just a skater boy but maybe just maybe there is more than meets the eye.






The living room of the house currently has no furniture though there are plenty of boxes; some open some as of yet not open.

Also in the room was Mrs Lavigne stood peering through the window of the new house.

They had moved to this small town in California to get away from the problems of the past.

Her daughter needed a new start at a new school where hopefully she would press on with her work and get the good grades her mum always knew she could.

She looks down at her watch half past eleven the removal men promised to have the furniture here by ten.

“Why can’t delivery men ever be on time?”

“What and ruin their impeccable record for being late?”

The voice of her daughter Chrystyan calls out from the kitchen.

Chrystyan enters the living room with a box in her hands.

She’s slim with beautiful blue eyes and long blonde hair.

She’s wearing ripped baggy jeans, green hooded top & hot pink trainers.

She could easily be described as what many would call attractive.

“Well they better have a good excuse”

Chrystyan gives her mum a look.

“They wrote the book on good excuses for being late”

Mrs Lavigne’s attention is drawn through the window to a group of well dressed girls heading up the drive way.

Surely not friends of Chrystyan’s they look like the sort of people her daughter would cross over the street to avoid however how she would love it if her daughter did eventually mix with this sort of crowd.

“You haven’t met any of the girls in the neighbourhood yet have you dear?”

“No why?”

“Because there are a group of them walking up the driveway”

“Maybe they are selling cookies”

“They aren’t dressed for selling cookies”

“And they have no boxes”

“They look like the type you would do well to get on with”

Chrystyan rolls her eyes; she bites her lip to prevent herself from answering her mum back with a response that will for sure get her grounded.

Why can’t her mum just accept her for who she is though?

She was always trying to get her to mix with the kind of snobs she’s been ridiculed and picked on by all her life.

She was an individual and was going to live her life her way regardless of what her mum or anyone else thought about it.

“I’m going to go put the box in my room”

She needed a quick escape before her mother invited the girls in and tried to get them to mix.

“Can you just answer the door first?”

Chrystyan walked into the hallway just as the leader of the well dressed girls pushed the door bell.

Like hell she was going to answer the door, not unless it was to let the first one half way in then slam it back in her face again.

She smiled at the thought and started making her way upstairs box in hand.

The door bell rang again and Mrs Lavigne comes out into the hall.

She looks up the stairs to see her daughter disappearing into her bedroom and slamming shut the door.

She shouldn’t have mentioned the well dressed girls, instead just waited for the door bell to ring and asked her daughter to answer it.

The door bell rings for a third and fourth time in quick succession.

Mrs Lavigne turns her attention away from the stairs and opens the door.

She puts on her best welcome smile for the group of four.

The leader of the group steps forward and extends a hand.

“Hi my name is Ashley Pope and you must be Mrs Lavigne I presume?”

“Yes and how may I help you?”

Rather than answer the question Ashley looks down at her as of yet unshaken hand.

Mrs Lavigne notices the not so subtle hint and quickly shakes it.

Now satisfied Ashley gives more information on the purpose of the visit.

“Well my dad is the principle of the high school and he told me we had a new student starting on Monday and I just wanted to come and welcome you and in particular your daughter Chrystyan to the neighbourhood”

“That is very kind of you Ashley”

“Not a problem at all”

Ashley peers around Mrs Lavigne trying to get a good look at what sort of furniture they have and what kind of people they are in general from what she can see of material items this has been a waste of her time.

“Is your daughter home?”

Mrs Lavigne walks to the bottom of the stairs to call Chrystyan giving Ashley to the chance to slip a little further inside and get a better look at how rich or not so rich as the case appeared to be these people were.

“Chrystyan can you can come downstairs please”

“Have the posh b*****s gone yet?”

Ashley widens her eyes while Mrs Lavigne tries hard to pretend her daughter hadn’t just said that.

“Chrystyan get down here now please”

The bedroom door opens and Chrystyan slowly walks down the stairs a walk that gets slower still when she locks eyes with Ashley.

All designer clothes, three sheep to follow the leader Chrystyan had seen all of this before.

These were not her type of people never were and never will be.

Ashley also has thoughts running through her head.

Ripped jeans, baggy hoody and what was with the horrible pink trainers this had been a true waste of her time she would have to get her dad to do a background check or something next time so she can avoid situations like this.

As Chrystyan reached the bottom of the stairs her mum gives her a please be nice for my sake honey look.

She forces out a fake smile though not a very big one.


“Hi I’m Ashley”

Again Ashley holds out a hand although this time far more reluctantly.

“I’m going to go call the removal men again so I'll leave you to it ok honey”

Mrs Lavigne goes into the kitchen while Ashley stares down at the unshaken hand trying to give the hint.

Chrystyan took the hint.

She never needed one on the first place she saw the hand right away she just wasn’t going to shake it.

She lifts up her own hands and shoves them in her pocket.

Ashley withdraws her hand half in relief as she didn’t want someone like Chrystyan to be touching her and half in annoyance that someone had disrespected her.

“So what do you guys want?”

“Excuse me”

Chrystyan thought the question was pretty straight forward but she’ll ask it again in a excessively slow voice just in case.

“What – do – you- guys-want?”

Ashley looks more than a little annoyed.

Good Chrystyan thought strike one they won’t be coming around here again.


“Do we look like a bunch of guys to you?”

“Chill out it’s just an expression”

“Chill out?”

“Can’t you speak properly?”

Chrystyan puts on her finest ladies voice.

“Hello there ladies what can I do for you on this fine Friday afternoon?”

Ashley still looks annoyed how the hell does she want Chrystyan to speak?

“My girls and I came to see if you were a suitable recruitment which you clearly aren’t”

“Ok what a relief glad to know moving here hasn’t changed me at all”

Chrystyan shoves Ashley back out of the door and slams it in her face.

She walks into the kitchen and takes a seat on the largest stable looking box as her mum puts the phone down.

“What did they say?”

“They said the furniture will be here shortly”

“Anyway wasn’t it nice of those girls to come and see you?”

“They even went to the trouble of finding out your name”

“Yeah great”

Her mom could detect more than a hint of sarcasm in her daughter’s voice.

“So you’re not going to be seeing them again then?”

“They aren’t interested in me mom”

“They just wanted to see if I fit in with their crowd”

“See if I would follow the Sheppard like the rest of the sheep do”

Mrs Lavigne looks puzzled.

“I don’t follow who is the Sheppard?”

“That Ashley girl”

“And the sheep?”

“Her posse of followers”

“And they want you to become one of the sheep?”

Chrystyan smile.

“Not anymore”

“Oh Chrystyan would it really be so bad?”

Chrystyan gets up and stomps over to the back door.

“I can’t believe you would even say that to me mom”

“I’m my own person and people should like me for who I am”

“Why should I have to change for anyone else?”

“I understand that you’re own person honey I do”

“But I don’t want you to end up with hardly any friends like at your last school”

“And sometimes you have to realize that we all have to make sacrifices to the way we look, or talk to move onwards and upwards in life”

Chrystyan is obviously hurt by the comments.

“I might not have had many friends at my last school but at least the ones I did have liked me for who I was and what I stand for”

“And if California can’t accept that then screw California!”

“Chrystyan I will not be talked to that way do you understand me”

“Whatever mom I’m going out anyway”

Chrystyan opens the back door.

“What about your things they need putting away”

“I can’t put my stuff in invisible furniture can I?”

Chrystyan slams the door behind her as her mum slumps down onto a box of her own.


© 2008 Michael

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I quite enjoyed this. :)

Posted 16 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on June 5, 2008
Last Updated on June 6, 2008



yorkshire (england), United Kingdom

I might never use this chat box but you never know, & at least you'll know when i'm here :) ***ALL THE VIDEOS THAT CAN AT SOME POINT BE FOUND IN VARIOUS CHAPTERS OF MY WORK CAN BE FOUND BEL.. more..


A Chapter by Michael