Cat Tales Chapter 1

Cat Tales Chapter 1

A Chapter by Michael

This is where it all begins for 3 little cats and there one big adventure







It’s a decent size for a double bedroom.
Perhaps a little smaller than what Kori had hoped for from her parents descriptions before they moved in.
Decked out all in pink with glittery picture frames hung on every wall this was a true princess’ bedroom.
At the bottom of the double bed lay a cat bed where Persia is all snug and asleep.
A mink Grey cat Persia was more than happy to have found some peace and quiet in the new house, she never really liked the old house all that much this one was bigger and gave her more peace from the other two.
Kori enters the bedroom.
She’s a cute little girl, thirteen years old, still quite innocent and deserving of her little princess bedroom.
She walks over towards Persia and smiles creating cute little dimples in her cheeks.
She rubs Persia’s head gently while making sure she doesn’t touch the ears knowing hates that.
“I’m going out for a couple of hour’s sweetpea”
She’d always called Persia sweetpea, she was never quite sure why she let her mum call her Persia in the first place it wasn’t like her mum was even much of a cat person.
Tolerant enough perhaps but never truly loved any of them.
Kori gives Persia a kiss on the forehead; she stirs a little but doesn’t bother to open her eyes.
“I promise to give you some cat nip when I get home”
“Don’t be going outside today it’s been snowing for a few hours and I know you hate snow”
Kori leaves the bedroom and closes the door behind her.
Persia’s ears prick up a little as she listens to the fairly quiet footsteps descending down the stairs and the sound of the front door opening and closing.
Within around five seconds of the front door closing the bedroom door opens again and Jasper comes running in quickly followed by Sylvester.
Both cats are black and both have white paws.
Jasper also has a few white markings around his nose while both of Sylvester’s back legs and most of his belly are white.
Persia opens an eye but quickly closes it as Jasper jumps onto the bed.
“Hey Persia are you awake?”
Sylvester jumps up onto the bed next to Jasper.
“Of course she’s awake you dummy”
“Can’t you tell when a cat nap is fake?”
Persia’s tail begins to swish giving just the first signal of her annoyance.
Sylvester as usual can’t resist and makes a pounce for the tail.
Persia having been the recipient of this many times gets her tail out of the way and jumps up catching Sylvester on the head with and un-clawed paw.
Sylvester jumps off the bed and runs out of the room giggling to himself
Persia give’s Jasper the look of annoyance but as usual he just doesn’t take the hint.
She get’s right up into his face.
Jasper for some reason only known to him gets ready for a kiss despite the fact that of all the cats in the world he is the last one Persia will ever kiss.
“Go Away”
Jasper pays no attention to the demand he’s heard it so many times Persia wonders if he just blocks the words out now or if he ever actually understood them in the first place.
“Persia will you sometime maybe go out with me?”
His words sound sincere and sweet but it’s not going to work on a cat three years older than him that still resents the fact that she has two more cats to share the house with in the first place.
No not just two more cats, two boys cats!
“Go Away”
Jasper looks devastated.
More parts of his heart begin to shatter.
Sylvester listens from the other side of the bedroom door wondering all the while how long will it really take for Jasper to get the message?
And anyway what does he want a girlfriend for?
Sylvester certainly didn’t want one he had his mouse.
He stops in thought where is his mouse where did he leave it?
Jasper tries to give Persia the sad eyes look but she simply swipes him across the face with a clawed paw.
“Get out now!”
Jasper jumps off the bed and makes his way to the door but he turns back for one last desperate attempt.
Or at least one more attempt for today Persia knows he’ll be back again tomorrow.
“Not even for a little while like for a second”
Persia grins at the poor love sick cat.
Jasper had never been the smartest or the cutest but he did have genuine feelings for her even if for the most part her feelings for him were little more than contempt.
“Ok but just for a second”
Jaspers eyes light up and grow wide.
His smile gets bigger and bigger.
“Yes just a second though”
Jasper jumps back onto the bed this was the best moment of his life.
Persia grins once more she knows it’s cruel but she hopes that by being as nasty as possible he might finally get the message and move on.
“Second is up get out!”
The smile on jaspers face fades in the blink of Persia’s eye.
As she pricks up her ears she swears she can hear yet another part of his heart breaking.
Jasper may finally be starting to get the point this time he has no more requests or pleas he simply jumps of the bed a crushed and dejected cat.
Persia thinks for a moment if perhaps this time she has been that little bit too harsh?
Never mind he has to get the message.
She curls back up in her cat bed and begins to drift back off to sleep. 
Persia (sweetpea)
As Jasper exits the bedroom Sylvester appears to have
found his missing mouse.
He’s rolling around on his back playing with a tiny rattling red mouse toy.
Jasper often wondered what made the mouse rattle he tried to find out on several occasions but Sylvester wouldn’t let him near it.
However as Sylvester played and the mouse rattled Jaspers only thoughts today were if he would ever get sweetpea to commit to him, not for a life time a date would be a good start.
Not one second date though that really crushed him he’d have to pick his words more carefully in future.
He knew that would be hard though words weren’t really his strength, he often wondered exactly what his strength was.
“Turned you down again hey”
Sylvester may have questioned but he wasn’t exactly interested in the answer he had his mouse little else really matters.
Also he knew the answer; he’d known the answer for the last three years and never understood why jasper bothered trying.
“I just want her to like me”
Sylvester paying little attention as usual throws his mouse down the stairs and goes bouncing after it.
He’s quickly back up with his mouse in his mouth.
He takes a look at a dejected jasper and for possibly the first time ever feels something bad inside.
Perhaps it was guilt after all he was the one who often told jasper to go ask Persia out again just so he could find amusement from the rejection.
He drops his mouse to the floor as he begins to see the tears welling up in Jaspers eyes.
“Look kitten”
“I’m not a kitten I’m like a whole 3 minutes older than you”
Sylvester rolls his eyes in annoyance.
“Do you want my help or not?”
Jasper nods as the first few tears begin to run down his cheek.
“Did you really ever think you had a chance with her?”
Jaspers lips begin to tremor.
“But you said...”
“I say a lot of things”
Sylvester interrupts as he wants to get his speech done and go back to hiding his mouse.
“Where would you take her?”
“Around the house before eventually settling in front of the toilet for the night?”
“Hardly romance”
“With offers like that she will never go out with you”
Jasper looks yet more upset than ever, his brother just laid it all out and he was right Persia wasn’t going to go out with a cat that couldn’t offer her more than a date by the toilet.
“You’re right”
“I know what I have to do”
Jasper runs off into the master bedroom.
“Wait up”
Sylvester runs after him but quickly comes back to pick up his mouse before following again.
The master bedroom is definitely of a huge size, three double wardrobes, queen size four post bed, all the latest gadgets and gizmos all in one place.
Jasper is already sat in the window by the time Sylvester comes scampering in with his mouse in his mouth.
Sylvester jumps up to join his brother who is staring outside watching the snow fall.
“What’s that white stuff?”
Sylvester drops his mouse down and puts a paw on it just to make sure it’s safe.
“Don’t you know anything?”
“It’s snow”
Jasper looks on in awe.
“I bet if we were out there then Persia would go out with me”
“I could take her places then”
“I could show her the snow”
“I bet she loves snow then she would love me”
Sylvester looks less convinced.
“Your forgetting something we aren’t allowed outside only Persia is allowed out”
Again the look of dejection and sadness appears on jaspers face.
Sylvester can’t take looking at it again
So he turns his back making sure to move his mouse around with him.
“I heard Persia say they had squeaky mice outside too”
Sylvester quickly spins back around, so quickly he falls out of the window.
Jumping back up he gets right into Jaspers face.
“Squeaky mice?”
“That’s what Persia said”
Sylvester smiles the biggest smile of his life!
“Jasper you’re going on a date!
It’s Jaspers turn to smile a huge smile.
“But how do we get outside?”
“Trust me”
Sylvester purrs.
“For a squeaky mouse I can get us anywhere!”
“I have to plan”
Sylvester picks up his mouse and run out of the room.
“Hey wait up”
Jasper jumps onto the bed running past the new flea collars that have been thrown there and chases after Sylvester.
“I want to plan too”


© 2008 Michael

My Review

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Awww how cute I love it!
Really is a exciting story and full of adventure and excitement!
I hope to read the next part soon cause I really like it.

Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on May 29, 2008
Last Updated on June 1, 2008



yorkshire (england), United Kingdom

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A Chapter by Michael