The Start of a New Beginning
A Book by Animefreak12
In a world where Vampire attacks are the norm, a scoeity of Vampire Hunters are needed and relyed upon. This story follows the lives of these Hunters and the hardships they face. 
© 2011 Animefreak12
Author's Note
Hello everyone. I hope you enjoy a new idea of mine, one I've been working on for a while. I've just now gotten around to sharing it with ANYONE. Let me know what you think when it's up! Please notify me with any comments, concerns, questions, or point out any silly grammar/spelling mistakes I may have made. Thank you very much.
Before and Prologue coming soon!
Animefreak12Small town, FL
Well, to be completely frank, I'm not really the interesting of a person. I write and listen to music to get away from drama in the real world.
You'll find I'm extremely in love with Anime, Harry Pot.. more..