As much as I hated it I had to look around
to see if anything could help me track down the thing. I knew its scent by heart so I didn’t need help with that.
Then I remembered something that was DEFINETLY going to help me. A few months
ago Marik had installed a hidden camera with a USB end in one of his fake
plants that was pointed directly at the dining room. For once I actually LIKED
his paranoia. I just prayed the hunter hadn’t discovered it. I found the plant
and groped around the dirt until I found it. Luckily the camera was motion
censored and could store up to months of footage. I put the camera in my
pocket. Now to deal with his body. I
went out back and found a tank of gasoline and drenched the house. I threw down
my lighter and took one last look at the house before walking out. Watching
from outside as the flames slowly consumed the house was tough. Marik’s family
was one of the unfortunate people that I had slaughtered that night in 1706.
But I had spared him and allowed him to run away with me. Surprisingly I felt a
tear slide down my face but I quickly wiped it away. If I was going to crack
then there was no way I was going to take down one of the most deadliest
monsters alive. As the sirens of the fire trucks drew closer I took one last
look at the burning house. I knew this was just the beginning but there was no
turning back for me.