Chapter 7

Chapter 7

A Chapter by Dr.Who.LOVER

Chapter 7 in "Silent


My heart raced the entire Math class. I couldn't help but find myself staring over at Travis every five seconds. He seemed so focused on Mrs. Brown’s lesson. Maybe he’s smart. Finally the sweet relief of the bell came. I wanted to bolt out of there right then and there but that would draw unwanted attention. So I forced myself to stay. Mrs. Brown seemed to be taking her time that day. She wrote down the homework on the board and I quickly scribbled it into my agenda. I snatched my bag and ran out of the room. Once outside of the classroom I leaned against the wall and ran my hand repediatley through my silk hair. People began to flood out of each class getting ready to switch again.

"Hey." The sound of a voice almost made me jump out of my skin. Jeez it surprised me someone had snuck up on me and I hadn't noticed. I was so losing it. I turned around and came face-to-face with Travis. "I uh, forgot to give you back your pencil." He explained still mumbling. He seemed tall to me, even though he was slouching making himself shorter. "Here." He lifted his hand and held out my pencil. But I was just staring into his eyes like a freaking idiot! Finally I looked down and took the pencil from his hand. "So I guess I'll see ya around. Later." He turned his back on me and began to walk away. I noticed his hair grew into a curled tail on the back of his neck. Although it stuck to his neck Travis lifted his hand and flattened it even more. I listened to the shuffling sound of his feet on the ground, until he turned the corner of the pod and was out of my sight. The hallway suddenly became deserted and I was just watching after him, even after he was long gone.

The rest of the day seemed to drag on forever. I only had two more classes before lunch. Gym was hell and Spanish wasn't any easier. But finally we were all released from hell for lunch. And I got in line with everyone else. I rarely ate anything, (I mean I'm not worried about my figure or whatever I just wasn't hungry.) so I decided on a salad and a Vitamin Water. I scanned the isles of long rectangular tables until I found one table that was second to last with minimum people sitting there. I sat at the far end of the table, but as soon as I sat the down the other people (which were only 3 girls) retreated to another table.


 I was left alone. I picked at my salad and tried to open my Vitamin water but it wouldn't budge. Damn it! The bottle was quickly swiped from my hands which almost made me pee myself! I heard the crack of the bottle opening and the now opened drink was slid back in front of me. "Those things are tough huh?" asked Travis. I continued to stare down at the Vitamin water in front of me and refused to look up at him. Why does he keep showing up every time I want to get away from him? Why is he even bothering with me!?!  And I could see from the corner of my eye Arianna was staring (more like glaring) at us across the aisle.  "So, I can kind of tell you’re not really the talking type." said Travis. I forced myself to lift my head and look at him. I only shrugged. He smiled. Which only made my heart leap. His smile revealed a perfect set of teeth. And Oh my god! He had dimples! Not like little kid dimples but like, grown up dimples. (I know I know, I'm lame!) His lips were perfectly shaped and always seemed to be tilted up in a smile. "So can I at least can some idea of your name?" Travis teased. I wanted to answer so badly, but I was afraid. Although I wasn't quite sure what or why I was afraid. Was I afraid of Travis or the thought of me totally saying something stupid? But before I could dare answer Janet came and sat really close to Travis. "Hey Paige! Oh I didn't know you were entertaining guests. Sorry for interrupting." I could feel my face turning beet red. Thank god there was a table between me and Janet because I would have leaped over there and strangled her. What a nice impression I would have on Travis.
"I'm Janet by the way. And you must be Travis." Said Janet pushing her hair to one side of her head while she talked to Travis.
"Yeah. I'm new here." said Travis

"I can tell I've never seen your cute face around here." purred Janet. My fists tightened by my sides and I was getting mad. But for what. Did I honestly like this new kid? Janet was known for her flirting on new meat. I mean she looked a lot better with Travis. Her reddish black hair seemed just to fit with his and her attitude fit Travis as well. Maybe I should just back off and let the two pretty people mate. (Again, I know I'm lame!)

"Yeah well I was just uh, helping Paige." mumbled Travis. My heart did 100 flips when he said my name. The sound of his voice forming each vowel each letter made my stomach flutter. How I wish Janet would leave.
"Well it was nice talking to you Travis. I will most definitely be seeing you around." Said Janet as she got up
"Nice meeting you too, Janet." nodded Travis. Janet winked at me flicked her hair and walked away. Okay I'll admit it Janet was intentionally shaking her butt and she was pretty good at it. Luckily for me Travis wasn't looking at her. He was staring straight at me.

"So I guess your name is Paige."
I nodded as my stomach fluttered when he said my name.
"Well it’s nice to meet you Paige."
I swear I was going to throw up from how much my stomach was fluttering! Then I saw Travis hold out a pale hand. I didn't want to shake his hand because my hands were sweaty but I so desperately needed to touch him. Just to know he was real, that this was actually happening! I quickly rubbed my hand against my jeans and slowly reached my hand out to touch his. Too quick for me to react (or freak out) Travis grabbed my hand and held it in his. So many waves of emotion flooded through my body. Excitement, Nervousness, fear, relief. He hand was so warm. I swear I could feel electricity go through my body. Does he feel it too? I would give ANYTHING to read Travis's mind!

I was so close to him because I had to lean in a bit to reach his hand without straining my arm. A bit of his sent came off of his body. I breathed in his sent and it made my head spin. There was so many smells that I could make out, Musk, woodland, Axe. But others had no name for them. Sadly he let go of my hand and I slid it back under the table. I could still feel his touch on my skin.

"Paige, you don't have to talk to me until you’re ready."
His words made me stop breathing for a second. He was the only one that didn't get mad or kept trying to force me to talk. He said it was okay if I didn't talk. Could this new mysterious guy actually understand me? Part of me screamed to say so many things to him. To tell him all about me and, them. Pain shot through my body. Concern washed over Travis's face. "Paige, listen to me. I'm sorry if I said anything to upset you I-" I looked up at Travis and opened my mouth.  But quickly shut it. Instead I only shook my head and placed my hand over his. I wanted him to know so badly about everything, I wanted him to comfort me, and tell me I would be okay. But I wasn't totally sure I could trust him quite yet. This was his first day.  But the look of pure sincere and understanding in his eyes made me feel I knew him all my life and that I could trust him. The lunch bell startled me and I jerked my hand away from his. I grabbed my tray and water and walked/ ran away from the table and him.
                This feeling inside me.
              I feel like I have known you all my life
             Do you feel the electricity too?
            You make me I don't always have to be alone

© 2011 Dr.Who.LOVER

Author's Note

Please enjoy. No rude comments!

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Pretty good. I did notice a couple of errors. Easily missed and easily fixed....

In the first paragraph: You wrote "running her hair through her hair," I think you meant "hand through her hair"

In the second paragraph you wrote " Retreated to another people" meaning "retreated to another table."
and "so can I least can some idea of your name?" would probably be better as "so can I at least have some idea of your name. (or you could try "as to you name?")

In the third "He was strait at me" You missed the "staring".

All in all you are doing quite well with this story. I hope you take this review as I mean it, to help not criticize. I couldn't write a good story if my life depended on it. I get lost.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


LOVE IT!!!!!!

Posted 13 Years Ago

Ha!! Oh my god, she knows she likes him!!

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 14 Years Ago

Another great chapter. I think it's gret that travis isn'[t urging her to talk. I bet he likes her too... I also liked the poem @ the end. it's very cute and sweet. :)

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 14 Years Ago

I love this chapter and the one before. There are some mistakes, but those can easily be fixed.
When you introduced Travis last chapter I knew something was going to happen.
There's no poem at the end of this chapter. :( Couldn't think of one to go with it?
You're doing really well, I can't wait for the next chapter.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 14 Years Ago

Pretty good. I did notice a couple of errors. Easily missed and easily fixed....

In the first paragraph: You wrote "running her hair through her hair," I think you meant "hand through her hair"

In the second paragraph you wrote " Retreated to another people" meaning "retreated to another table."
and "so can I least can some idea of your name?" would probably be better as "so can I at least have some idea of your name. (or you could try "as to you name?")

In the third "He was strait at me" You missed the "staring".

All in all you are doing quite well with this story. I hope you take this review as I mean it, to help not criticize. I couldn't write a good story if my life depended on it. I get lost.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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5 Reviews
Added on June 5, 2010
Last Updated on August 5, 2011
Tags: Chapter
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A Poem by Dr.Who.LOVER

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A Poem by Dr.Who.LOVER

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