Words Amongst Men

Words Amongst Men

A Stage Play by Trystin S. Bailey

A play about language, nature and the nature of language that I find it quite difficult, despite my nature and language, to explain...


Words Amongst Men


A Play


Trystin S. Bailey







Troll Man

Troll Woman





There is a table with four chairs. The rest is of no concern to me.



Scene 1.

Man: (reading a newspaper) “March 23rd, 2010. Fifty-two degrees. The Fairway Times. Weather, B2. Lottery, C2. Classifieds, D4. Comics, E6. Morning edition. Seventy-five cents. Annual Spring Festival Met With Unexpected Surprise. Yesterday afternoon, Fairway Park custodian Frank Gibson encountered a furry surprise when cleaning out the grills for the forty-fifth annual- (stops. Changes his mind) State to Cut Funding for Controversial Research." Ah. “Our own Bio-Awareness Labs are under scrutiny from both voters and animal activist groups nationwide for their research on the chemical make-up of basic mammalian instinct. 'We are breaking the fight vs. flight code,' says Delta Good, Lead Scientist at Bio-Awareness, 'deciphering, chemically, the components that drive the carnivore, it’s prey.' Good believes that such research could fill in the many gaps in the field of human psychotherapy. The most controversial products of this endeavor have been the now-infamous BA I-15s, pills designed to… Story continues on A4” (He flips through the newspaper)


Woman: (to Boy) Sit up straight. Elbows off the table.


Man: “…temporarily alter the instinctive nature of those who ingest them, theoretically endowing a polar bear with the timidity of a hummingbird or a field mouse with the killer drive of a tiger shark. Though it is widely known that the drugs have been administered to a variety of animal species, Good offered no comment as to whether humans had undergone the tests.” Fascinating. (Man rests his paper on the table and pokes at his food)


Woman: (to Man) Greg Johnson’s wife has cancer, did you hear? (to Boy) I saw your report card. Do you know how much your father and I pay for your schooling?


Boy: Sighs, disinterested.


Woman: (to Man) What should I have Butler collect for the church food drive? (to Boy) Do you even want to make anything of your life?


Boy: Rolls eyes. Contemplates dramatic yawn.


Woman: (to Boy) Do you want a good job?


Boy: Executes yawn...flawlessly.


Woman: Get married? Have children?!


Boy: Silence is his only response.


Man: Words, words, meaningless words.


Boy: Announces his being full. (he raises his plate and Butler replaces it with headphones and an mp3 player. He places the headphones in his ears and begins to 'rock out')


Man: I'm going golfing. (he raises his plate and Butler replaces it with a golf club) Hm. Wind's about 4 miles per hour, north-by-northwest. Clear day. Three hundred. Three-twenty. Hm. (raises his club to swing)


Woman: A new set of trolls have moved in. (Man and Boy stop their activity)


Man: Trolls, you say?


Woman: Yes, Husband, a new clan of them has just moved in right across this street.


Man: Another six thousand off the property value...


Woman: This used to be such a wholesome town...


Man: Sign of the times...


Woman: And they have a child, corrupting the pure minds of the well-born...


Man: Trolls...


Woman: Trolls...


Man: Filthy...


Woman: Disgusting...


Man: Rotten...


Woman: Vile...

Boy exits


Woman: Have you given any thought as to the flower arrangement in the veranda this year? (She receives no response and exits)


Man: (returns to the table and reads the newspaper) Next week, the State Department of Scientific Advancement is holding an emergency meeting to divert state-funded research to more voter-friendly endeavors such as energy conservation, more affordable cancer medication and a number of green initiatives. 'In this economy,' says Dept. of Scientific Advancement president Miles Bower, 'we can't afford to waste a single mind of frivolous experimentation. The scientists of the nation have a responsibility to our community-at-large just as much as the doctors, the politicians, the policemen.” Though the emergency meeting is five days away, it is safe to say that the breakthrough studies at Bio-Awareness Labs, like stem cell research, evolutionary studies and string theory will be put on hold until further notice. Dr. Good left me with one final statement: “The Dark Ages of science is upon us.' (exit)



Scene 2.

Troll Man, Troll Woman and Girl take their place at the table. They eat, Troll Man voraciously, Troll Woman hungrily, Girl longingly. Troll Man slowly lifts his face from his plate to look at the others. Troll Woman takes a bite. A cash register “ka-ching” sound is heard. Girl takes a bite. The sound is heard again. Troll Woman and Girl take bites again, each followed by the sound. Troll Woman shivers, as if cold, and walks to turn up the thermostat. The sound is heard. With each sound, Troll Man becomes more uncomfortable, grunting and squirming in his chair.


In the following conversation between Troll Woman and Girl, the text in quotes and parentheses are to be spoken softly. Each word outside of the parentheses is spoken loudly and followed by the “ka-ching” sound, adding to Troll Man's rising irritation.


Troll Woman: (“So, Daughter, are you excited to get back to”) college?


Girl: (“Yes, definitely. Which reminds me I need to start shopping for”) text books (“and Fall”) clothes.


Troll Woman: (“I'll take you out in the) car (“first thing tomorrow morning. I have to pick up some”) groceries (“anyway.”) (to Troll Man) (“And while we're out you can get started on that”) leaky roof (“and don't even get me started on the”) sink- (“this house is falling apart”)- the washer, the dryer- (“we're going to need to just suck it up and call the”) plumber.


Troll Man lets out an bestial roar, banging his hands on the table. Troll Woman and Girl leave. There is a knock at the door. Troll Man rises from the table and slowly approaches the door. It is Woman, with an unreadable expression on her face.


Woman: Your weeds are creeping onto our property again, Neighbor. Come look at what you've done... (they exit)


Scene 3.

The table is removed from the stage. Butler sits, watching Boy pace with amusement. They are outside.


Boy: Young man, pacing, full of energy but unsure of how to apply it. Pauses for thought. (toward Butler) Shares meandering philosophical thoughts about...life...spoken with great conviction.

Butler:     Man brushes away thoughts as infantile. Suggests something more productive...like baseball.

Boy: Young Man comments snidely about the intellectual deficiency of sports. Repeats philosophical thoughts on life with even more conviction and larger descriptive words...for effect.

Butler: Man changes subject abruptly to the beautiful weather. Likens Boy's words to storm clouds blotting out the sun.

Boy: Young Man retorts, claiming that Butler-Slash-Friend's reasoning behind the abrupt subject change is directly connected to his fear of said young man's intellectual prowess.

Butler: Man stabs playfully, stating that Boy should leave the intellect to his father.

Boy: Young Cynic scoffs theatrically. Brags about being the true genius of the household, despite his mother's thoughts on the matter. Loses himself in thought.


Butler: Man catches sight of a flock of birds in the sky. Wonders how close his break his to coming to an end, but decides the birds are more important soon after.

Boy: Wise Youth snaps back to the world at hand. Declares life to be a series of missed opportunities and unreached potential. Declares the poor to be the rich and the rich poor. Declares love to be an illusion invented by the greeting card corporations. Declares higher education to be a sort of forced imprisonment, sanctioned by the government to make sheep of the populous. Collapses to the ground, exhausted by such a broad selection of passionate declarations, proud of his inherent individuality.

Butler: Man shakes his head and rolls eyes at boy. Accuses the other of being a pessimist.

Boy: Young Rebel names himself "realist" in ireful response!

Butler: Man sighs.

Girl enters, intrigued

Boy: Young Prophet, too engaged in own ideas to truly notice Girl's entrance, pontificates profusely on the meaninglessness of life, love and the American Way...whatever that means.

Butler: Man makes decision to spread his intellectual wings by sharing his ideas of relativity as applied to meaningful and meaninglessness. Man notices Young Lady.

Boy: Young Revolutionary, having finally coaxed Butler-Slash-Friend into accepting his challenge, launches all-out verbal warfare on said Friend-Slash-Butler, stating that to admit relativity is to admit that there are no truths and therefore everything is a lie and definitively meaningless. THEN, with uncharacteristic courage, Girl pronounces the existence of absolute truth. Young Man finds himself intrigued, leans forward, asks her to explain.Girl is flooded with a sea of anxiety, but attempts to hide it as she has come this far. Stumbling at first, Shy Girl explains the absolutes of science and- Smug Boy interupts- Only to be interrupted by Frightened Girl, who continues, with more confidence as she goes along, that the universal truths of Earth and Space can be applied to every day life. Boy asks how. Girl explains the expanding universe, scientific truths and the link between growth and perpetuation of life, life and humanity, humanity and morality, eloquently proving that human morality is driven by the same universal truths that govern maths and sciences. Girl exhales. Girl pauses. Girl exits.

Girl exits

Butler: Man begins asking if the girl that had left was Boy's neighbor, but is interrupted before completing the question.

Boy: Young Awestruck Man affirms Butler-Slash-Friend's querie, anticipating it before the other could complete the thought. He gazes in the direction of the girl, his heart pounding. He looks to Butler-Slash-Friend. He looks at the girl. He looks to Friend-Slash-Butler. Pauses to gather thoughts. Paces. Smiles. Heart...beating with abnormal frequency. Pauses. Allows raging emotion to encase him entirely. Takes breath...Declares that life does indeed have meaning- and love...not as much the illusion as he had thought previously!

Butler: Man rises from his seat, dreadfully aware that his break has been over for ten minutes. (both exit)

NEW Scene 4.

Man and Woman sit across from each other at a small restaurant table. There is a rose.

Man: How is the veal?

Woman: Good enough.

Man: Pass the salt? (Woman passes salt to Man) Thank you.


Woman: The weather is nice.

Man: What's that?

Woman: Nothing.

Man: How was your day?

Woman: Pardon?

Man: Nevermind.

Pause. They eat. Woman casually reaches for the rose and pricks herself on a thorn.

Woman: Oh!

Man: Are you alright?

Woman: A thorn. 

Man: (reaches for her) Let me see... (his hand stops just before making contact with hers, as if reaching a wall) Hm.

Woman: It doesn't matter. It's fine.

Man: No, let me see it... (reaches and is stopped again)

Woman: What are you doing?

Man: I-I'm trying to take your hand...

Woman: Then take it.

Man: I can't seem to manage it... (tries again to no avail. And again. And again, getting more anxious each time) What is this?!

Woman: Husband...

Man: Why can't I touch my wife...

Woman: Quiet...

Man: Why can't I touch my wife?

Woman: People are looking-

Man: Waiter! Waiter! (Butler enters)

Butler: What is it, sir?

Man: M-my wife...she pricked her finger on a thorn and...and I can't touch her!

Woman: Jesus, Husband...

Butler: (takes Woman's hand into his and examines it) It's fine, sir. Not even a drop of blood.

Man: That's not the point, Boy! It's not the point at all! I am the husband and she is the wife and I cannot touch her!

Woman: Husband...

Man: I can't touch her!

Woman: Husband!


Butler: (escorts Man out) Sir, you need to calm down. Come with me... (both exit)

Scene 4.

The table is returned. Woman is propped up against one end of the table as Troll Man thrusts into her with animalistic passion, grunting, softly at first, but increasing in intensity, along with the physical love-making, as the scene unfolds.

Woman: (she begins this monologue cool and calm, but her delivery is near-orgasmic by its close) "What would the people say?" Even as I am here, propped against a table while a big masculine brute rattles my bones with the pure force of his animal-passion, that is what I think. Is that strange? Or, in the very least, strange that I do not find it strange in the least? I am a woman who is too old to even imagine herself young. I am the mother of an abysmal failure of a child and cannot help but blame myself. My marriage is loveless. My emotions have all but shriveled up and gone to dust like the rest of my youthful, idiotic ambitions. But I am rich and therefore I am respected. I have power, trapped in this hive of etiquette and expectations. Play by its rules, convince everyone- yourself included -that you play by its rules, and they won't even suspect what you do behind closed doors. Four months ago this Troll and I first gave into our estacy, those biceps and an unlimited supply of energy. I feel young. I-I...feel. We explore every exposed inch of each other's bodies until our entireties are bustling with sexual ferocity. My life is imprisonment, his thankless, but together we shed our pretenses, our realities and the result is sweat and screams and grunts and howls and it is raw and it is real! (She continues as Man enters at the other end of the table, in a robe, unaware of Woman and Troll Man. He sits down with a bowl of cereal and reads the paper) We are not capable of making love, but instead we make meaning! He is inside me and I am tangible! I am erotic! I am full! I am overwhelmed! I am free! (their passion continues to swell)

Man: (continues to eat cereal and read his paper) She thinks I don't know where she is. Off...f*****g the Troll next door. But I do. A husband knows. But what am I to do? Ruin my name? Unheard of. (pause) I love her and I am afraid. (exits. Woman orgasms and exits after)

Scene 5.

Lights dim. Troll Woman enters, tired.

Troll Woman: How was your day?

Troll Man: Fine.

Both Troll Man and Troll Woman have a seat. Girl enters, with dinner for each, and the lights rise slightly. She takes a seat. They eat.

Troll Man: The meat is too dry.

Troll Man: She'll get it right next time.

Troll Man: Hmph

Man and Boy enter, unaware of the other but very aware of the dinner scene. Their words are spoken at the same time, overlapping)

Boy: I'm going to do it. I am. I'm just going to march next door and ask for Pretty Girl. I am going to tell her how impressed I was with her theories and I am going to ask her to go to a movie, no, no there's no mental intimacy in movies- I will ask her to a coffee shop. I must hear more of her theories. And I will share mine- it's only fair. And my theories are amazing. That nonsense she heard was nothing compared to my more controversial opinions. That nonsense was nothing at all. I hope she didn't think that I was only capable of what she heard. All the more reason to march right over there and set the record straight. I am all the intellect she is. Probably more, judging by our upbringing. Pretty Girl, mere steps away. I'm coming. Oh, the talks we will have. How we will grow-

Man: I am a grown man, d****t! A grown man in a free country! A grown man who has lost the one he loves! I should march next door and give that filthy Troll Mongrel a piece of my mind! There should be no other option! I should reason with him and if that doesn't work- if it should come to it- I will have to resort to violence. That's life. A life I have never been fully acquainted with, but life nonetheless! These are the sorts of things that a man must do in matters of love! 

Both Man and Boy are cut short by Visitor entering and knocking at the door. He is holding a briefcase and keenly wary of his environment. Man and Boy deflate and exit. There is another knock.

Troll Man: The door.


Girl: I'll get it. (goes to answer the door) Hello?

Visitor: Oh...h-hello there. My name is...Stranger- Visitor! Visitor. Look, I need a place to stay- just for the night, but... (quickly examines Girl's house) The people next door, do you know when they'll be returning? It's nothing personal against you or your family. I'm sure- I'm sure you're great, fine, great, good people. It's just that, well, I'm a learned man- a scientist, who's used to living a certain way and their house is far more...

Girl: Wealthy.

Visitor: Suitable! Suitable to my tastes. And yes...wealthy. Safer. Poor people, well, they have much less to lose so they are far less predictable. So...do you know when they'll be back?

Girl: No, but feel free to rest here until they do.

Visitor: Here? Yes. Just for a little while. No more than that. That should do...thank you.

Girl: You're welcome. (enters house with Visitor in tow) (to parents) Mom, Dad, this is Stranger...

Visitor: Visitor!

Girl: Visitor. Sorry. He needs a place to stay so I told him he can stay here until the Opulents get home.

Troll Man: (growls and rises from his chair, circling Visitor and sniffing at him like an animal

Troll Woman: Husband, don't...

Troll Man: (snarls) Shut up. (to Visitor) Who are you?

Visitor: I- like your daughter said, I-I am Visitor-

Troll Man: What do you do? Where did you come from?

Visitor: I...am...a scientist. Bio-engineer, to be precise. I came from Bio-Awareness Labs. I am- I was... I am a Senior Scientist there.

Troll Man: What's in the suitcase?

Visitor: Something...very important. An...a revolutionary...thing...that must be kept safe. I'm not going to waste my time explaining it because you are all poor and probably haven't had the education to wrap your head around it.

Troll Man: (to Girl) If he breaks anything, you're paying for it. (exits. Troll Woman picks up the dishes and exits as well)

Girl: (gestures toward the chair) Have a seat.

Visitor: Ah...okay... (brushes off chair)...thank you.

Girl: Would you like something to drink? Water?

Visitor: Oh. No thank you. One can never be certain that the tap water isn't contaminated by rusty pipes or any number of things in a place as rundown and shabby as this. So you have no idea when the wealthy people will be returning?

Girl: No. Sorry.

Visitor: (looking out of the window) They look so, so wealthy.


Girl: So you're a scientist?

Visitor: Yes.

Girl: What sort of experiments do you do?

Visitor: Oh...um...this and that, really. Whatever they need.

Girl: Oh.

Visit: Yes. It's quite complicated.

Girl: I see.

Visitor: I don't want to bore you...

Girl: Ah...


Visitor: You seem to have turned out almost normal despite your upbringing. (pause) All the stress of poverty has not turned you rough and wrinkled either...you are attractive.


Visitor: I hate to ask this for fear of disease or filth, but I have been traveling for a while and was wondering...may I use your bathroom?

Girl: Sure. It's down there. Third door on the right.

Visitor: Thank you. Thank you. (exits)

Girl eyes Visitor's briefcase. Eventually her curiosity gets the best of her and opens the case and pulls out a small container filled with pills. She hears Visitor returning quickly closes the briefcase, shoving the pills into her pocket. They share a suspicious look.

Girl: Uh...the...the Opulents-!

Visitor: The wealthy-and-therefore-much-safer-to-be-with neighbors have arrived?! Thank God! (to Girl) Though you yourself are quite beautiful, generous and probably harmless, due to society and perpetuated by my own close-mindedness I have made up my mind that because you live under less-than-adequate conditions and are undoubtedly poor that I envision you and your family brutish and untrustworthy. Thank you for having me. Farewell. (exits quickly)

Scene 6
Butler sits sits at the table, bored, as Boy paces about the room, overexaggerating his every move as he performs a poem.

Beyond thine soft and golden hairs do dwell
Old secrets strewn in azure eyes so deep
Of intellect, no minds surpass thine wit
From which mine pining doth for e'ere more keep

Though meager be thine realm, thee shall I lift
With riches physical at mine dispose
Thine bosom intertwined within mine hands
Poetic as Elizabethan prose

Butler: I'm bored.

Boy: Quiet, Servant! You are interrupting my creative flow!

Butler: And you are interrupting my prolific rest.

Boy: Yes, but unlike me, you are paid to work. Not rest.

Butler: Let's agree to disagree.

Boy: That makes no sense. (Butler snatches poem) Hey! Give me that!

Butler: Wow. This is awful...

Boy: That's just because you don't know the true art of passion, Servant-Fool.

There is a knock at the door.

Boy: Well...

Butler: Well, what?

Boy: Aren't you going to get that?

Butler: Get what?

There's another knock at the door.

Boy: That!

Butler: "That" is not very descriptive.

Another knock.

Boy: The door, Dummy! Someone is knocking at the door.

Another knock.

Butler: (thinks) You're closer.

Another knock.

Boy: Yes, but YOU are the but-ler.

Butler: Interesting point. (sits)

Boy: (sits) I can play this game as long as you can.

Visitor: (offstage) Excuse me! I-I hate to be a bother, but I'd like to have a word...

Butler: I didn't hear anything.

Boy: Neither did I. (snatches his poem from Butler. Begins to write)
Mine...able hands shall...vex, no, caress...no...your noble...noble? Something, something thighs...

Visitor: (offstage) I understand that you are rich and not so quick to jump to the aid of a stranger at your door but, I promise you, I am no vagrant and my being here is of utmost importance!

Boy: Our marriage will be caressed with...No, too soon for marriage...Our ENGAGEMENT will be...


Butler: Persistant little dope.

Woman: (offstage) Is there someone at the door?

Butler: (leaping to his feet) I'll check, Madame! (exits)

Boy: In Prague our summer home shall swift be built...

Butler enters with Visitor

Butler: This is Scientist. Lead Scientist. He wants a place to stay.

Boy: Do I look like a concierge? Does this look like a hotel...Scientist, is it?

Butler and Visitor: Lead Scientist.

Visitor: Trust me, I would rather stay at a hotel but for reasons I am attempting to hide through tone and body language that would most certainly be a bad idea. This place seemed suitable as its inhabitants are obviously of noble stock, unlike that hobble I waited in next door.

Boy: You were next door?!

Visitor: I-I was.

Boy: Were you greeted by a Siren in human form?

Visitor: The young lady with whom I spoke and, while in the moment I was under constant fear of attack I must say the memory of her grace and beauty are fresh within me.

Boy: Did she mention me?

Visitor: N-not that I can recall.

Boy: It was probably in the subtext. (intense) You don't...love her, do you?

Visitor: Perhaps I do...

Woman enters with Man in tow. Upon seeing Visitor they stick their noses in the air.

Woman: Who are you?

Visitor: (nervous) Uh...I...I-I am...humbled by your lifestyle.

Woman: Yes. Yes. (gestures to herself) Roberto Cavali Studded V-Neck Cocktail Dress. One thousand one hundred thirty-five dollars. Akris Punto Cropped Assymetric Zipper Jacket. One thousand one hundred ninety dollars. Christian Louboutin Anna Strass Crystal Sandals. Eight-hundred ninety five. (to visitor) What do you want?

Boy: He wants a place to stay, Mother. He thinks this is a hotel.

Woman: (gestures to Visitor) Corderoy jacket. Inferior stitching. Button-down shirt. Inferior fabric. Tie. (examines it) Old...Navy? (to Visitor) Get out.

Visitor: B-but- please, I-I have to stay here. It's very important!

Butler: I'm sorry, sir, but you must honor Madame's wishes...I insist. (begins to escort him out)

Visitor: But...I...am...Scientist!

Man: Scientist, you say?

Woman: Get out.

Man: To what...area of study to you subscribe?

Scientist: Many...areas actually...as Lead scientist. Biology and all its most common...and uncommon branches.

Woman: Get. Out.

Man: Now wait just a second. This is no ordinary man. He is a learned man. Knowledge is a form of currency.

Boy: A hotel, Mother. Ew.

Woman: Stay out of this, Child.

Boy: (thinks, then professes loudly) ""HE WHO DESPISES HIS NEIGHBOR SINS, BUT BLESSED IS HE WHO IS KIND TO THE NEEDY." Proverbs 14:21.

Woman: (stops in her tracks) Why'd you have to bring Him into it?

Boy: He was always in it. It's kind of his thing. And tomorrow is the Sabbath. Imagine what would happen if you sent him on his way and some other local affluent Christian busybody took him in, getting an earful of Mother's unholy rejection of this, our modern day Samaritan. I can see this busybody now, standing at the pulpit all holier-than-thou, and she flails her hands wildly into the air, warning the congregation of a sinner in their midst. Pause for gasps and the standard fainting old biddy. Without warning the busybody POINTS at you, you, Mother, the guilty party and says, "LAST NIGHT, GOD OFFERED THIS WOMAN THE CHANCE TO PROVE HER CHRISTIAN WORTH BY SENDING HER A POOR LEAD SCIENTIST IN NEED OF SHELTER, BUT SHE TOOK THE SIDE OF SATAN AND CAST HIM OUT INTO THE DARK, COLD UNKNOWN!"

Woman: (hysterical) Okay! Okay! Alright! You've proved your point! He can stay. In the guest house. For one night only. (to visitor) I've counted every item in that house down to the smallest speck of lint. (exits)

Man: (to visitor) You must join us for breakfast in the morning. I would love to hear more about your research.

Visitor: Yes! Yes, of course. Of course. Thank you.

Man exits.

Boy: (to Butler) Now where were we?

Butler: You were saying something and I was trying to ignore you.

Boy: Handsome Young Man confirms Servant's statement and practically forces him to join him at the garden in the back, so that the Brilliant Young Man can wow him once more with his wisdom and wit. (Butler and Boy exit)

Visitor: (pulls out a cell phone and dials) H-hello, it's me. Accomplice. Yes, yes. The mansion on the hill. What's that? Oh, yes. It's right here. Tomorrow? Yes. Yes, I do. I do. We are going to change the world.

Scene 7
The scene is split in half. Man, Woman and Boy on in one half, Troll Man, Troll Woman and Girl in the other. All are getting into their best clothing and moving hurriedly to do so, only aware of the others when speaking to them. All freeze bu Man. Man stops and walks downstage, preparing to address the audience.

Man: Salutations, my esteemed lookers-on, and thank you for joining us for this, our preparation for the time-honored tradition of paying ones respects to our deity. What you can expect during this display is a series of personal opinions, wrapped as miniature essays; each crafted under the subject of belief. Though, at first glance, this verbal exercise may seem a tangent from the developing action, a playwright's excuse to infuse some straight philosophy into his otherwise symbolic art, you have my word that the ideas expressed in this, the unfolding scene, exist as much to challenge your own ideologies as they do to shape each of our characters so that you might become with us better acquainted before all fabric of normalcy that to this point defines the lives of these two families finds itself, pardon the cliche, ripped apart at the seams. If you'll excuse me...

Man returns to his position at the beginning of the scene. All motion begins anew.

Man: God.

Boy: God.

Woman: God.

Troll Man: God.

Girl: God.

Troll Woman: God.

Man: A fabrication of the powers-that-be to instill fear into their subjects.

Boy: Mankind's most devastating and beautiful creation.

Woman: A set of rules to keep us from ripping each other to shreds.

Troll Man: God is dead.

Girl: Love is God.

Troll Woman: My strength, my truth, my reason.

Visitor: (enters, briefcase in hand) A scientific improbability. Good morning, all. Do I have time to freshen up before breakfast? 

Man: Of course, we're still readying for church.

Troll Man: (to Girl) Hey, Girl, get me my medicine!

Woman: You'll join us, won't you?

Girl: I'll get it as soon as I'm done getting dressed.

Boy: Mother will need tangible proof of her generosity to show off to her friends.

Woman: Boy!

Visitor: I'm sorry but the idea of sitting, standing, kneeling like a robot, surrounded by believers who believe so insanely strongly in something they cannot fully prove terrifies me to the core. See you at breakfast. I'll be back in a minute even more fearful that I have offended this woman of means than I am currently. (exits, leaving briefcase behind)

Man: Its strength comes from the fact that it cannot be disproved, despite its being accepted as truth by the overwhelming multitudes; like trying to explain to an arena full of five year-olds that there is no Santa Claus. 

Girl: When a stranger gives you directions, that's God. Remembering suddenly a fond memory from your childhood, that's God. A warm cup of cocoa on a cold Winter night, God. Nature, God. Art, God. Finding yourself locked within the arms of the one who loves you for than breath and life...God is there.

Woman: Without Him...without Him there would be chaos and sin. Chaos and sin! He punishes the unholy. Everyone gets what they deserve. All the scum of the civilized world, the heathens and the rebels, all face judgement. And the noble, the true Christians (gestures towards self) inherit the earth.

Boy: He's embodies our greatest dualities. Love and hate. Creation and destruction. War and peace. All of our greatest strengths, all of our greatest weaknesses are the media with which we paint the canvas of our collective consciousness with the image of God. Amazing...

Troll Man: Don't matter what anybody says. (coughs) God is dead. He's dead and we're all in Hell. End of story.

Somewhere within Troll Woman's monologue, Girl changes her pants, removing the pills from the original and placing them on the table

Troll Woman: (stands front and center) They call this a civilized age. They say God has been replaced by science and technology and celebrity...and far too many of your flock believes them. Not me. I look at my life, Lord, and I see poverty and pain. I see a lack of love from those I have given my heart to. There are days, Lord, that I want to give up. There are days that I want to break down in tears and cry for You to take me...but I don't. I don't because You are alive within me. I believe in you because you give me nothing I cannot handle. If you did not exist I would be dead. I know of my strength and I am not strong enough to face this alone...that is how I know you are real. That is how I know that if I pass this test I will be beside you forever in paradise. It's why I wake up in the morning. Why I do not run. Why I never stop loving. You are my strength, my life my truth, my reason for living... 

Troll Man: Where's my medicine, Girl?! (sees pills) There, what the hell were you keeping them for? (snatches up the pills)

Girl: But-!

Troll: (quickly downs a couple pills) Next time, bring me my damn pills when I ask for them... (leaves Girl)

Troll Woman: Come eat your cereal. (exits with Girl)

Butler: (enters) Breakfast is served.

Boy: Young Man, famished, bounds in the direction of mourishment. (exit)

Butler exits.

Woman: Come, Husband. (exits)

Man: Yes. Yes. (catches sight of the briefcase) Hm. And hark. The briefcase of Scientist, no...Lead Scientist. Oh the knowledge such a thing must possess; knowledge, perhaps, unknown to all the world save for himself and a select group of trusted underlings. Knowledge that is but a pair of steps and a pair of buckle snaps away from allowing myself to be privy to its exclusive membership. To access this without permission would be a most apprehensible deed, but, I submit to...myself, have not most advancements in knowledge, nay, most anything worth possessing, been fraught with a path of chance, manipulation and wrongdoing in their hallowed names? The answer, of course, is a resounding 'yes'! (opens briefcase) Oh. Oh my...I can't- Yes. Yes I can. The pills. The very same that I did read about yesterday morning. (opens the bottle and places a single pill in his hand) Amazing how so small and nonthreatening a thing could incite such-

Visitor: (off-stage) Coming! I'm coming!

Man hurriedly closes the bottle and closes it within the briefcase. At Visitor's entry he impulsively tosses the pill into his mouth.

Visitor: Sir.

Man: (swallows pill) Lead Scientist.

Visitor: I will brush aside this sudden feeling of distrust because I owe you for your generosity. I have come for my briefcase.

Man: It's right here.

Visitor: (takes briefcase) Thank you.

Man: Breakfast then?

Visitor: Breakfast indeed. (exits with Man)

Scene 8

Lights come up as both families kneel side-by-side behind a church pew, ordered from stage right to left: Man, Boy, Woman, Troll Man, Troll Woman, Girl. The organ plays a single note. At start Man is lost in thought, Boy sneakily catches glances of Girl, Woman eyes the congregation, Troll Man is simply bored, Woman faces devoutly toward the heavens and Girl pleasantly takes it all in. The organ note grows slowly louder throughout this scene. As this occurs the early effects of the pill begin to take hold of Man and Troll Man, they each seem to break into dizzying sweats. Girl notices Boy's less-subtle glances. Woman moves closer to Troll Man, checking if her action had been noticed by anyone. Troll Woman's passion toward the heavens seems to only grow. The organ grows louder still. A darkness falls upon Man, who, shortly after fully taking it in, focuses his new-found blood lust at Troll Man, who has become wide-eyed and on constant fearful alert. He and Woman are shoulder-to-shoulder now, her concern over his shift in demeanor evident. Girl turns away from Boy in a defiant huff. Boy then lowers his head, defeated. Troll Woman's faith grow ever stronger. When the organ comes upon its loudest point, Girl looks to Boy, their eyes meeting once again, but neither looking away. Troll Woman's faith is almost more than she can bear. Woman's head involuntarily begins to lean toward Troll Man's shoulder. Man and Troll Man's eyes meet at last. Man lets out a bestial roar and Troll Man is frozen in his tracks. The end of the roar occurs with the instant silencing of the organ, only to be immediately replaced by intense tribal music. Man lets out another roar, this time disappearing behind the pew and emerging with a lion's mane around his neck. Troll Man, terrified as a woodland creature, disappears behind the pew and emerges with a pair of antlers on his head. The pew is removed from the stage and a light shines down from above, creating a sort of circular arena in which Man and Troll Man prepare to face off against one another, Man is predator, Troll Man as protective prey. Around the circle's parameter are Boy, Girl, Woman and Troll Woman, each making excited animals sounds. There are a few beats of Man moving against Troll Man and Troll Man, defending/evading. Man, growling, lunges for Woman and grabs her forcefully by the arm. Troll Man headbutts Man, knocking him to the ground. Man, like a cougar in the same situation, calculates the odds of his victory, grumbles and exits. Lights go down.

The end of Act One.


Scene 1

Woman and Boy pace frantically in their living room.

Woman: Shame. Shame! Disbelief! Shame!

Boy: Confusion? Embrassment. Ruin?

Woman: Ruin!

Boy: Failure! Defeat!

Woman: Rejection! Shame! Shame! Shame...

Butler: (enters) What's going on in here? Is everyone alright?

Woman: Devastation!

Boy: Woe!

Woman: Woe!

Boy: Devastation!

Butler: Calm down, all, calm down. Now what happened...?

Woman: Scoffs.

Boy: Explanation.

Butler: Oh my.

Boy: Despair...

Woman: Shame! Embarrasment! Loss...

Boy: Loss... Loss? Loss! (to Woman) Blame!

Woman: Denial!

Boy: Blame!

Woman: Defensiveness.

Boy: Frustration!

Woman: Fury!

Butler: Perhaps I'll make us all a cup of tea so we can calm down and talk about this like civilized people...

Man enters, teeth bared like a predator. Everyone goes quiet.

Man: Hunger.

Butler: Right, yes. Of course. I'll have tea and some snacks prepared right away! (exits, Man snaps at him on the way out)

Woman: (to Man) Accusation. Anger! Disgust!

Boy: Accusation! Pain!

Woman: Pain.

Man: Anger?! Pain?! Retaliation. RAGE! (advances on Man and Woman)

Boy: Uncertainty.

Woman: Discomfort.

Boy: Nervousness.

Woman: Fear!

Boy: Fear...

Man, in his animal state, corners them

Woman: Husband. Husband, please...what are you doing? Why are you behaving this way? It's...it's not like you!

Man: Why?! WHY! You dare ask me such a thing, Woman?! I'm no fool, you know!

Woman: Of course-!

Man: I'm speaking! I am no fool, Woman. I know what you've been up to right under my nose except I've been too...too contrained to say anything about it! But, not now, oh no, no longer will I be a slave to this (throws off his tie, hurls his cufflinks) affluent stranglehold; this gold and marble-rimmed cesspool of lies and keeping up false identities. Well no more, I say! You are a w***e, Woman!

Woman: Shock!

Man: And there is no love between us, though, I am loathe to admit, my hatred is far more fresh than yours!

Woman: Husband...please....

Man: Butler! (Butler appears with tea and snacks) Pack this tramps things and escort her out of my house.

Woman: Husband, no...you can't...

Man: I can and I will!

Woman: But...but...

Man: But-but...what will the neighbors think?! What will they think of me?! Oh, boo hoo! How ever will I go on, having the world see me for what I truly am; an adulterous b***h hiding my sins behind a thousand-dollar shawl! Ha! You pathetic thing! (Woman runs off, crying. Man and Boy lock eyes) What is it? Spit it out. I've never known you as the sort to not speak your mind...


Boy: Who are you?


Man: Ah, my son, isn't it obvious? I'm Free.

Scene 2

The Troll House. Troll Woman and Girl sit, distraught under dim lights. Girl stands up and leaves, returning shortly after with a packed bag. She stops, looks at her mother, and turns her back on the audience. Troll Man enters, bruised and in a hospital gown. Girl faces audience and helps her father out of the gown into the regular clothing underneath. She helps him to his seat. Troll Man places his hand on her shoulder, lovingly. He then reaches out to Troll Woman. She hesitates for a long stretch of time, but eventually walks over and takes his hand. They resemble a caring family for the first time.

Scene 3

Visitor stands in the middle of an empty stage, fearing an unknown something that could come from any place at any time.

Visitor: I-I-I am standing here...afraid. I am standing here afraid...because...I have done something- no -failed to do something. Yes, and this fear is manifesting itself in the form of a quickened heartbeat and shortness of breath...I seem to be shaking, yes. Definitely doing that and, of course, I am talking to myself. Attempting to soothe myself with the sound of my own voice but with a voice so overflowing, so BURSTING with terror, I do not think that there is much benefit to talking to myself at all. (pause) Oh, why...how was I so careless? One thing, she asked me! One single simple responsibility: "Scientist," she said. She said, "Take this briefcase and all its contents from here and keep it safe until I am in the position to retrieve it." "Scientist, take this briefcase and all its contents from here and keep it safe until I am in the position to retrieve it." Agh! And what did I do, BRAIN?! I allowed the only two perfectly synthesized pills to be stolen! Or worse...consumed! Oh, the havoc that could be wrought upon the natural order of things! OH, the humanity! OH, the bestiality! Is that the word? No. No, probably not. I know! I can fix this. I can. I'll simply interrogate all those who could possibly know the whereabouts of my dear Dr. Good's greatest scientific achievement and hope...PRAY...hope that they have not- No, Lead Scientist, don't think like that. Not now!

Woman: (enters, just as, if not more, terrified of the surrounding unknown, than Visitor. Though she covers it, at first, with a hearty bit of bravado) Oh! Oh! OH! They're everywhere! Look at them. Look at them! Black beady eyes boring into my soul! Holier-than-thou harpies ready to pounce...ready to tear me to shreds! (sees Visitor and her facade shatters into sadness. She approaches him) Oh...oh...you...Visitor. Visitor, Visitor what has happened? What have I done to deserve this...this SHAME into my house?! What have I...oh. God! Dear, forgiving God I am sorry! If you would just undo all of this I-I would change my ways, you'll see! I'll be a proper Christian woman! I-ll-

Visitor: Stop. Stop! Calm down. What's wrong? What happened?

Woman: OH! Oh, the tragedy of it all. My husband- my husband has gone MAD! He- oh, the look in his eyes! The devil's in him, I'm certain, that man! He's possessed. He's quit his job, you know? He just called them up and quit! Twenty-three years he's worked their, and did well for himself, for all of us! But the things he said to them....awful, AWFUL things...he'll never get that job again. We'll soon be no better than TROLLS!

Visitor: Oh God.


Visitor: Oh jeez.

Woman: Please...hear my prayers...deliver us...

Visitor: The pills.

Woman: Deliver us...

Visitor: He took one of the pills.

Woman: What?

Visitor's phone rings. He looks at the number and, terrified, answers.

Visitor: H-hello?

Good: (a booming voice that seems to come from everywhere at once) SCIENTIST, IS THAT YOU?

Visitor: Y-yes, Dr. Good. It is me. It is.


Visitor: I-I-I'm...you're work...


Visitor: The-the neighborhood. Come there...er...here! The biggest house on the hill. Th-that's where I am!


Visitor slowly returns the phone to his pocket.

Visitor: (to Woman) We all have problems.

Scene 4

The fancy restaurant from before. Boy and Girl sit at a table.

Boy: This handsome youth, high on this romantic victory, regiles his catch with all manner of whimsical- and philosophical -ponderings and, after having come to a conclusion of razor-sharp wit and intelligence, pauses for acclaim.

Girl, bored, mouths a response.

Boy: Now freshly validated by what he is quite certain was a compliment and encouragement to continue, continue he does, this time intent on mesmerizing her with his knowledge of the arts, mainly the recently religious works of the Middle Ages as propaganda to a horridly uneducated populous. Another flawless and culturally relevant conclusion and...pause.

Girl, slightly irritated, mouths a short response.

Boy: In an attempt to lighten the mood he unsheathes the second greatest joke he had ever heard; one consisting of lustful sea captain and a considerably inebriated duck.

The Girl groans...

Boy: He assures her that the food will arrive soon and, furthermore, that I will be worth the wait and, furthermore, that her eyes are beautiful since women famously love to have every part of their faces hailed separately as beautiful throughout the course of the date. Though, so as to not over-do it, this spry young scholar has been sprinkling them in ten minute intervals and plans to continue doing so. He then tells her a series of short stories about his childhood adventures with friends and how, even from that young age, he knew he was more special than most people in a great many ways...

Girl: (rises) I'm leaving.

Boy: (surprised) What? But- you can't. Why?

Girl: You are incredible. Unbelievable! You just sit there and talk and talk and talk and haven't once asked me about how I was doing or what I was thinking. Sorry, I thought your little holier-than-thou thing was just an act around your friends, but I see you are nothing but a selfish little...nothing with nothing of value to give anybody!

Boy: I told you you were beautiful!

Girl: Ugh! (starts off)

Boy: (goes after her) Wait! Please! Stop!

Girl: (stops and turns to him) What is it? Now you care? What, with all these people around you can't stand the idea of them seeing you as anything less than perfect and suave and in control, you spoiled piece of s**t kid.

Boy: (trying to fight it, he says:) Tremendously admired and well-loved youth raises nose to unworthy potential mate and, with venomous tone, calls her a name he regrets instantly.

Girl: F**k you! (exits)

Boy: I'm sorry...

Scene 5

Man's living room. Man sits on the couch and Butler tends to him.

Man: (trembling and breathing heavily) Well, this is quite the fix. That tiny little capsule contained in it, it seems, the massive undoing of the majority of my life. Well then. I find myself in shambles. Unemployed. Openly acknowledging my wife's infidelity. Brutish. Fully in touch with emotions I have kept well hid to the point of convincing myself that they were no longer there to be felt, regardless of the levity of the situation. In other words, alive. I am coming off of the drug's effects but will not come off of the lesson in humanity it has given me. I am changed, you see. I...am full.

There is a loud banging at the door.

Troll Man: (off-stage) Open this f*****g door! I know you're in there, you f****n' sissy-a*s punk! Open up so I can kick your a*s!

More knocking.

Troll Woman: (off-stage) No! Stay away from there! Come back home! You're sick!

Troll Man: Shut up! Get in the house! I ain't sick! I'm gonna break in here and beat this b***h to kingdom come!

Knocking continues.

Woman: (enters) Oh, what is it now? What's all this commotion?

Butler: Shall I call the police?

Man: No. No, that's alright.

Troll Woman: What's happened to you? You were so kind to me...

Troll Man: Not. Now!

Woman: (to Butler) Call the police! Butler, do it this instant.

Man: Do not. I write your checks and I say do not. I must face this. (shouts) Just a moment, I'm coming! (slowly starts for the door)

Woman: Husband!

Visitor: (enters with briefcase) What's going on?

Butler: This man is about to get himself killed...

Girl: (off-stage) What's going on? What are you guys doing over there?

Troll Woman: (off-stage) It's your father. He-he's lost his mind!

Troll Man: (off-stage) Hurry up or I'm gonna kick this damn door down!

Man opens the Troll Man burst in, Troll Woman and Girl hanging on.

Troll Woman: Husband, no!

Girl: Daddy, stop! Please!

Woman: Oh, Lord in heaven...

Troll Man: Let go of me or I will make you...

Troll Man shoves Troll Woman off of him with great ease

Girl: Mom! (goes to Troll Woman's side)

Woman: (to Butler) Call the police!

Butler: Calling!

Man: DO NOT! (Butler stops)

Woman: (to Visitor) Do something!

Visitor: What?

Boy: (enters) What's going on here?

Dr. Good: (off-stage) I've seen enough!

Everyone freezes and DR. GOOD, late-thirties, dressed in a dark business suit and hair as red as fire, steps purposefully to center stage.

Dr. Good: I apologize for putting an end to whatever sick enjoyment you were getting out of watching these poor people's lives unfold, but I am in a hurry. You're probably wondering who I am, aren't you? I'm sure a few of the sharper crayons in this box have already figured it out but, for the rest of you, I am Doctor Delta Good. Though I don't have the time or desire to give you every last detail, rest assured that I have a pile of credentials that could strain a 1970s Arnold Schwartzenegger to carry five feet. I'm impressive. That is fact. But, as I said, I am in a hurry. Scientific breakthroughs, running from the law, a particularly kinky nice of sex with this guy I'm seeing and so on and so forth. Unfortunately, I can't do any of that without putting an end to this, a series of events my brainchild and idiotic employee put into effect. How could I possibly know that this is my fault? I'm a genius, that's how. Anyway, let's wrap this up, shall we? First, the most pressing matter. Gentlemen?

Man and Troll Man walk to center and face one another.

Dr. Good: What do you have to say for yourselves?

Troll Man: (to Man) I want to knock your teeth out.

Dr. Good: (to Man) And you, sir?

Man: I want to feel.

Dr. Good: Well then. (to Troll Man) Have at him.

Troll Man punches Man in the face.

Man: Thank you.

Dr. Good: Be gone. (Man and Troll Man walk away and freeze) Children?

Boy and Girl walk to center and face one another.

Dr. Good: Go on...

Boy: You...you really do have beautiful eyes. I like you, I do. You are amazing. You're strong. You're so very intelligent and so very kind. And I...I am me. I am this. The product of my upbringing. And this isn't capable of giving you what you truly deserve. I wish I was, but the truth is...I'm not. Maybe someday, but...I'm not.

Girl: I agree.

Dr. Good: Beautiful. Next!

Boy and Girl leave and freeze as Man and Woman take their place

Man: I want a divorce.

Woman: You've killed me, you know. I have nothing now.

Man: Oh, my Wife, none of us ever did.

Dr. Good gestures for Man to go. He does and Troll Man takes his place.

Woman: M-my husband is leaving me! It's all falling apart! But at least I'll have you. Your powerful arms around me are all I'll have...

She moves into touch him, but he backs away.

Troll Man: It ain't right. No. Stay away from me. I'm not doing this again.

Woman: But...

Troll: Go.

Woman leaves, Dr. Good gestures to Troll Woman and she takes Woman's place. The two stare in silence for a moment.

Troll Woman: I won't be your slave anymore. I had a taste of goodness...from you...and even if it was onyl for a few hours it reminded me of what we were. What I deserve...and it's not this.

Troll Man: I liked it, too, that feeling before I went and lost my temper again. I'm sorry. For a million things. I'm gonna try to change for us. Before you start packing your bags, give me time to try.

He reaches out his hand. She takes it. Girl appears behind her mother, taking her other hand. They all leave and freeze. Man and Boy take their place.

Man: I'm leaving your mother.

Boy: Oh.

Man: I imagine things will change drastically for all of us.

Boy: I guess so.


Man: You were not raised in the most loving of homes, Son. Even within the comfort of our walls we did not condone certain types of expression beyond those considered socially acceptable and...stable. I am telling you now, though, that it is okay to feel. To cry. To love. Actual love.

Boy: I don't know if I can. I'm all words, words words...nothing more.

Man: Words amongst men are a powerful thing, so long as we use them not to recreate what is, but to create what will be... (leaves and freezes)

Boy: (to Girl) Girl. A second of your time? Please.

Girl: (unfreezes and approaches him) Yes?

Boy: I want to take you out to dinner. Not a date. Not anything. Just a nice dinner at a small, quiet place where you can tell me...about yourself...and-and I can listen. I...want to know you. Please.

Girl: (pause) Okay.

Boy: Thank you.

Dr. Good: Anyone else? Butler?

Butler: (unfreezes) I'm fine. Thanks.

Dr. Good: Good. (Dr. Good gestures and all unfreeze) And there you have it, folks! Closure. Sweet, rushed closure. Good day to you all. Come, Scientist, we've got a whole world to do this to! (She exits with Visitor at her heels, briefcase in hand)

Visitor: Th-thanks for the hospitality! (exits)


© 2011 Trystin S. Bailey

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Added on September 13, 2011
Last Updated on September 13, 2011


Trystin S. Bailey
Trystin S. Bailey

New York City, NY

I am a recent college graduate who loves to dabble in all genres and styles of writing, thrives on characters that are alive with personality, and no matter how fantasticly ridiculous the stories may .. more..

Not My Son Not My Son

A Stage Play by Trystin S. Bailey