![]() EmptinessA Story by Stone![]() It is a story based on the concept of emptiness as taught by the Buddhist doctrine. It emphasizes human obsession with tangible things, but discovered how futile it is to hold onto it.![]()
" Mr Shang, the helicopter is ready now,sir. As per your order, I have contacted the director of Hope Hospital, Dr Duvall. His medical team is on stand by to receive the patients," said the young lady in suit as she breathlessly trying to keep up with her boss.
" They better be ready" he snarled. His expression forbidding. " Tell Dr Duvall expenses is of no bearing. I want the best neurosurgeon and medical devices out there." Shang is like a man possessed. As he reached the helipad, the chopper is already all ready for take off. He loosen his tie as he boarded it. The wind causes his already messed up hair flying all over the place. He quickly strapped himself down as the pilot closes the door. " Let's go Jake. They are waiting for me." His clenching fist betrayed how he truly felt. He is barely holding onto his sanity. " Yes, Mr Shang. I am sure madam and the kids will be fine" reassured Jake. He had been working with Mr Shang for ten years.The truth is, he had never seen him looking so haggard. " I hope so. No, they will be..." he mumbled , as he tries to convince himself of that fact. Closing his eyes, past memories keep flashing before his eyes. A sense of dejavu that history is about to repeat itself. He remembers it clearly like yesterday. He was just seven at the time. His dad left him and his mother not long after he was born. As far as he is concern, he has no father. His mother works as cleaning lady in the day and waitressing at night in a bar close to their home. He snickered. Home....yeah right. It was nothing but a bed space in a large room shared with another five families. There was only a small stove serving as kitchen and one bathroom. They charged you weekly. Even the shelters' for the homeless are better than our living space. But mum, she said if we are still able to provide for ourselves, we should not take advantage of facilities meant for those that can't. Personally, I think we qualify big time. It is just her stubborn pride. The descending motion of the helicopter and Jake's voice broke his reverie." Mr Shang. We have arrived." As Jake landed on the helipad above Hope hospital, Alex opened the door and got off, without waiting for his PA, Sean Mah to help him. The deafening sound and strong wind of the propellers cause his coat to whipped against his legs and drown out his PA's words. " Are my wife and kids here?" Alex asked as he rapidly headed for the elevator. " Yes Mr Shang." Trying to keep up with his boss. " They are now in ICU and Dr Duvall and his team are running all the necessary tests." He updated Alex. With a nod, he stepped into the elevator. Alex is silent all the way, as he watched the numbers on the display panel as they zip down from the roof top. The elevator stopped at the second floor. The door opened into a lounge area with seats for family and friends to rest and wait. Walking past it, Alex headed straight for the area with the sign ICU. Once there, a man in his late forties and wearing a doctor's coat was waiting." Alex." They shook hands and he led him to a consultation room. " Mike....How is Sarah and the kids?" Alex asked anxiously. " Can I see them now?" Mike and him had been friends since their college days. Mike came from a rich family , while Alex is poor and on scholarship. Both stayed in the same dorm and are always at loggerheads in the beginning. Eventually they became close friends despite Mike being much older. " Currently, they are sedated and as stable as can be. However, things can go south any moment." " What are saying? Do you mean, their conditions are getting worse?" He manages to spew out. His hands shaking. Realising this, he quickly shoved them into his pockets to hide his anxiety. "Don't beat around the bush, tell me the truth." " There is haemorrhaging in the frontal lobe of your wife's brain and cerebral fluid is exerting pressure against her brain. " " Layman terms please. So what are you saying?". Alex comb his fingers through his hair in frustration. " There is bleeding inside of Sarah's brain along with pressure build up due to fluid retention" he explained. " You can fixed that right?". " I can drill a whole through her skull, inserting a tube to drain the fluid. " " That is good news right?" Alex stared at Mike expectantly. " This only reliefs the brain from pressure, but if the bleeding does not stop, it may lead to clotting and stroke." "Casey and Ryan?" He asked in a somber voice." They will recover, won't they?" "Casey's heart stopped on the way here. After performing CPR and other procedures, we managed to resuscitate her after thirty minutes." " And....." " I hope I can give you better news......there is huge possibility even if she recovers, she will need a kidney transplant. Otherwise, she will die."Mike looked at Alex apologetically. Clenching his jaw, Alex just stared at Mike. He stood up and stood before the window , a myriad of thoughts flooded his mind.The silence was deafening and Mike was startled when Alex spoke. "Ryan?" " He....." Whatever Mike was planning to say, got cut off as the head nurse of ICU came dashing in. " Dr Duvall, one of your patient, Ryan Shang just went into seizures and his blood pressure is falling very rapidly." Without waiting , both Alex and Mike dashed off in a run. The endless beeping sound , countless tubes and intimidating machineries greeted Alex. In the middle of all this, Alex caught a glimpse of Ryan before the medical staffs pulled the drapes around. "Sir, you can't stay. Please wait outside.." Suddenly, Alex feels suffocated and can't breathe. Walking like a drunk, he made his way to the lobby, covering his ears with his hands. Unwelcome memories , ones that he thought he had forgotten came like tsunami. Unstoppable. ***************** He is once more that powerless little boy of eight holding onto his sick mother's hand for life at the emergency room. She is coughing so hard that there was even blood. " Please doctor! Someone. Help my mother....." Tears streaming down his face. " Mum.....hold on.....You will be fine." " Baby,....let's.....leave.We can't..." Her words keeps on being broken by fits of coughing.".....afford the medical....f...fees". She gasped for breathe. Alex left his mother and ran after a man in white robe.Standing in front with arms out stretched he glared at the man. " What are you doing boy?" " Help my mother" he refused to move giving the man an obstinate look. " Boy, without medical insurance, we can't admit your mother. There are rules, policies and procedures we need to follow" explained the man. "I don't care and I don't understand what rules you are talking about. All I know is that you are a doctor. So, it is your job to cure the sick and my mother is sick!" " Fine. I will take a look." His eyes glistened as he pulled the doctor to his mother's bedside. " Mum...I found you a doctor." He enthusiastically shakes her hand. Seeing his mother, listening to her chest, he suspects that she might be suffering either from acute pneumonia or lung cancer. Further tests needs to be run, but he knows they won't be able to afford the medical cost. "Well? Can you save her?" Alex asked, sounding older than his age. The young doctor shook his head. " I am sorry. There is nothing I can do for your mother." " Liar! You're just like the rest. Money, everything is money." Alex rages as he angrily wiped away his tears. " Baby, I am thirsty, can you go get me some water?" " Yes. I will be back in a jiffy." Alex ran off to find the water dispenser. " Forgive him." She coughed and tried to pull herself up. The doctor gave her a hand." Madam, your condition is not good. I can't run any test or do treatments unless you have medical insurance." " Don't worry. The poor has no right to be sick. Furthermore, I know it is too late for me.." she gasped for air. He gave her a breathing bag. " Take deep regular breathe. That's it" he looked at her considering my. " May be I can write a referral letter for you and you can apply for welfare medical assistance." She smiled tiredly and shook her head." It will just be wasting good tax payers money. Better save it for those with hope. Young man, I have fourth stage lung cancer and it had spread all over. Known about it for sometime. Just didn't want the kiddo to know ....." Her face ashen. " So, what are your plans?" He looked around frustrated. " Tell you what...." He gave her a name card and an address." I volunteer there every Sunday. It's free and my name is Joshua Cambell. Come." " Mum! Why are you up? Did he throw you out?" Alex turned around and kick the doctor's shin. " Alex! That is so rude. I thought I taught you better than that." She glared at him disapprovingly." We are leaving now." " But mum...." Alex gave the doctor a suspicious look and stuck his tongue out before running after his mother. For the next two months, Joshua saw them at the welfare clinic every weekend. She was getting weaker and the painkillers he prescribed can't relieve her pain for long periods anymore. The door to the clinic opened with a bang. In came Alex, soaked from head to toes with a haunted look." Doctor Cambell! It's my mum. She ....she was coughing and in pain....blood....lots of blood....passed out...street" his lips trembling, trying not to cry. " Ok. You calm down and bring me to your mum." Joshua grabbed his medical bag and rushed out the door with Alex at his side. Alex led him to an alley, two blocks away and Joshua saw a prone figure on the alley floor covered with a few pieces of cardboard boxes. He put his bag down and placed his fingers against the side of her neck to feel for a pulse. But there is none.He quickly lay her straight and performed CPR. "Mum! Please open your eyes. I need you mum!" Cried Alex shaking her arm. " Come on Mrs Shang. Breath damn it!" Joshua refused to give up.He was at it for over fifteenth minutes before falling back . Water running down his face hiding traces of his frustrated tears. " Why do you stop Dr Cambell!? Do something! Anything!" Alex screamed. Joshua reached across and pulled Alex against him. " I am sorry. She is gone." " No!!! Liar! She is tired and sleeping!" He kept hitting Joshua with his fists." Make her wake up! She won't leave me...." Alex was beside himself in grief. Bawling like there is no tomorrow. " I am sorry". That is the only thing Joshua could say as he tries to comfort the child. ************** Alex startled awake, he found traces of dry tears on his face. " Mr Shang?" Called out his assistant again unsure. His expression hardened with a vicious gleam his corporate rivals are familiar with. The ruthlessness and daring that made him a self made billionaire, top 20 in the Forbes list since his early thirties. " I don't care how, where,legal or non-legal.....I need to prepare for the worst. I need a kidney for Casey. You do understand what I am saying." " Yes , sir. I will make sure it is done." He answered unfazed by the order. " Dr Duvall is looking for you." Without knocking, Alex opened Mike's door with the name plate,' director Dr Mike Duvall'. " Ryan? Is he okay?" Looking at Mike's face, Alex has a very bad premonition. The suspense is killing him. " I can take it. Tell me" " He is still alive." Alex sighed in relief then tense up again. " However, he is on life support now ." " Meaning?....." Alex is too scared to ask. " Technically, Ryan is now considered brain dead." Mike watched closely, waiting for the eruption. " But you said he is alive....how can he be brain dead. It is not funny. Last I check, it isn't April's fool" he started laughing in a hysterical manner. Mike approached him slowly and placed his hand on Alex's shoulder. "Don't touch me!" He flinched away as if scalded. " I don't believe you.Ryan....i need to see my son.Excuse me." He stumbled out, as if possessed. "Alex! S**t...." Mike quickly following closely. Pushing past the nurse, Alex pulled open the drapes. The scene before his eyes, twisted his guts. That is not his bubbly son. His left eye swollen with bruises. Tubes everywhere, the nostril, the arms, the mouth.Alex choke back a sob and felt like gagging. Reaching out with a trembling hand he gently hold Ryan's hand. " Hey buddy....Time to wake up. Are you blaming dad for being late for your birthday. Is that why you are ignoring me and giving me the cold treatment?" Mike told the nurses to leave them alone for awhile as he also leave to check on Casey and Sarah. Picking up Sarah's chart, he frowns before turning to look at one of his assistant surgeon in neurology. A young but promising doctor. " Her blood count is still dropping despite receiving blood transfusion. Do an MRI scan ,then transfuse another pint of blood." " Yes Dr Duvall. But, I don't think we have much option except perform open surgery if it keeps on dropping to stop the bleeding in the brain. " " I am aware of that , Dr Lennon. The problem is the possible site. It is in the inner part . If we probe it too much while searching and repairing, the patient could die or goes into coma." " Another thing Dr Duvall....the daughter..." " Casey Shang?" " You told me to monitor her urine and other signs of possible kidney failure....." " Are you saying there are confirmation of that? " " There are traces of protein , glucose and blood too. Earlier her temperature is also up." " Keep up the monitoring and prepare for dialysis if her condition worsens. We need to put her on waiting list for kidney transplant." " Yes Dr Duvall. " "I will be in my room should you need me. Thanks." ************** "Alex?" A husky voice belonging to a man in his fifties penetrated his catatonic mind. " Why them?" Alex whispered. His voice emotionless." They never harmed anyone. It was Ryan's birthday. He was so excited for days." " It was an accident. Life is filled with unexpected incidents. We are just guest in this world, following the path of our destiny." Consoled the man. " Destiny?!" Alex moved for the first time in hours. "Joshua....are you telling me it is my destiny failing to save my mother,having her died so pitifully. " Joshua stared at him. Searching for the right words. " Your mum was in great pain in the end, it might sound cruel, but dying is a form of salvation for her. It was never your fault." "Does it even make sense for Ryan, Casey and Sarah to be facing death at such young age. What sort of God will allow such preposterous thing happening. There are so many evil people committing all sorts of crimes, but they are walking free, healthy and enjoying their spoils." He snarled like a wounded wolf. After Alex's mum's death, he was left in the care of social workers, then transferred to foster care, where he tried and did run away from for the first year. Feeling sorry and the kid kinda grows on him. Hence, he applied to be his foster guardian. It wasn't easy feat since he wasn't married then, but under special consideration and providing Alex promises to stop running away, they granted his application. Since then, Alex had been living with Joshua until he was seventeen. One day he just packed up and left leaving a letter about needing to fulfill his life mission. Joshua hadn't heard from him, except for an occasional postcard or text. It wasn't until a few years back that Alex returned, by then the founder of the Shang Corporation, a phenomenal successful business man. "Do you know what they are asking me to do? They are telling me to kill my own son." " Alex, Ryan is practically dead. He is only breathing because of the machine. Without that......" Joshua's voice cracked with emotion. The kids are like his grandchildren and Alex his son. " You should let him go in peace." " It is too soon Josh.....He might still wake up....Look at him." " Excuse me Mr Shang. Can I talk to you for a second?" It was Sean, holding a folder. Alex turned all tense with expectation." You found it?" " Yes." " Found what ?!" Asked Joshua. " It's...Er.....nothing?" He answered quickly as he caught the signal from Alex. " Follow me." He stride away not checking if Sean is following. "It should be alright here. Speak." " We found a donor that fits the bill" informed Alex. " Legal or illegal?" " Depends. We found the donor through an organ broker in the black market. It appears the donor is willing to sell one of his kidney because he needs money." " Will there be any problems later?" " We need only get a few documents to cover the tracks . Then, it's all within the law frame." Explained Sean. " One more thing....I think it is best that you check and see if the donor is in debt and to whom. Make sure we pay enough to cover all his debts and extra too for this person to start anew. I would hate to see all goes into lining the broker and debtor's pocket. I fully understand being desperate to the extent of selling your own organ." " I will look into it immediately." Alex turned around and saw Joshua's ashen face filled with disbelieve. The air between them filled with tension. " How long have you been standing there? How much did you hear?" " Long enough.....Are you out of your freaking mind?" "If you plan on lecturing me, I would appreciate it if you pretend you did not hear anything." Alex tried to walk past him. Joshua prevented him by grabbing his wrist." Do you need to go to such extreme? Do you think they will be grateful and happy if you ended up in jail because of them?" " Otherwise....what am I suppose to do? Watch Casey die ?" Shacking his head. " Ryan is already hopeless,waiting for me to pull the plug and my Sarah.., she might leave me any moment too!" He lashed out in pain. " I am desperate Josh. With mum, I was too young and had nothing then. I didn't even have the option to help her fight to live! " " But Alex.... " " This time it is different....I need to do this. Legal or non legal. Besides, you heard Sean . This guy does it of his own free will. In truth , I am throwing him a life line. It is a win-win arrangement. I will really die of guilt if I lose them without even trying." With that said, Alex left. Joshua really can't make himself to stop Alex. He knows pretty well how deep a wound his mum's death left in Alex's heart. A wound that never really healed. He blames the society for being money centric. Thus, believing that all tragedy can be averted as long as he has money. His obsession with this idea in fact borders on manic at times. He became a man driven. Even owning so much wealth, appearing bigger than life to others, Alex is nothing but still that boy crying for his mother to wake up. The unfortunate accident befalling his wife and kids is the last straw, causing his hidden wounds to fester. His eyes hurt from unfallen tears. He tried hard to give the boy love and care....but he is stubbornly refusing to open his heart. Joshua was so glad when Sarah came into Alex's life. It's as if Spring came bringing colours to Alex's heart. She achieved something Joshua had fail to do. How cruel of destiny to have given a blind man sight fleetingly before letting darkness return. ******************** Three days later, Alex was taking a much needed hot shower. He felt like being ran over by a two tonne truck and dragged for miles. On top of that, lack of sleep is also rendering him mentally exhausted. Everyday, he would conduct a short meeting with his BODs, settling the more pressing matters. The rest, he let his managing director to act on his behalf. After that he will meet Mike for updates. spend time talking with Sarah and the kids till late at night. The incessant ringing of his handphone causing him to dash out of the shower. It's Sean. " Yeah?" " It is Miss Casey. Dr Duvall needs you to come right away...." Alex hung up before Sean could finish talking. Dressing quickly , he rushed out before running back in for his phone and car keys. It is only a five minutes drive from where he is staying, but it felt like forever. "Casey, daddy is coming. You must hold on...." He keeps repeating and blasted his horn as a car dangerously cuts in front. Soon, he parked his car and Sean is already waiting at the main door. " Mr Shang, I have contacted the donor and he is currently on stand by. " " Good job. Now, I just need to get Mike on board.' his expression gloomy. Typically him, Alex burst into Mike's office. Seeing Alex, Mike seems uncomfortable and tense. " Let me guess....Casey needs a kidney transplant...." Mike nods his head. "She is showing signs of septicemia even with dialysis. Both of her kidneys are only functioning at less than 15% capacity. At this rate, she won't last more than two days.' " So, the only way to save her now is a transplant?! Then, what are waiting for? " " We had referred her to the National Organ Transplant Department under special case but there are still more than 10 people on the waiting list. Without suitable kidney, we can't perform the surgery" explained Mike. '" I have already found a suitable donor. He is most likely on the way here as we speak." " Please don't let me know you procured the kidney from the black market..." commented Mike in dismay. " You do realised it is illegal to accept life organ donation unless it's from close relatives." " I fully understand it and what do you know....he is a long lost cousin who selflessly volunteered to donate his kidney. Nobody will be wiser. All the necessary legal documents had been taken care of and checked by my lawyers." " That is still unethical and should people get wind of this, my career is over," Mike argued. " It is not as if I asked you to steal a person's organ. He is a willing partner, whom I stressed get paid an exorbitant amount of money to do so." He is rapidly losing his patience. " Just answer me....yes or no?!" He watches Mike like a hawk. " There is always lines that we shouldn't cross no matter what." "Fine.....I will look for other surgeons and medical institution to perform the transplant as long as the pay is lucrative." His eyes like ice chips. "Alex.....Where are you going? Hey, I am not done yet." " Well too bad... I consider this subject close and over." He left " S**t. " Racking his hair in frustration, Mike kick the basket by the door in anger. *************** Bad luck usually comes in droves. Before Casey can do the transplant, her heart suddenly stopped after a heart attack. On top of that, Sarah's condition also worsened. They had to performed an emergency surgery and succeeded in keeping her alive but there is a 80% chance of going into deep coma. The next 24 hours are critical. Alex sat by her bedside, holding her hand in his. He slowly raises it to his face, inhaling trying to find her uniquely familiar smell. But, only the sharp antiseptic smell greeted him. " Hi, darling. I know you are mad that I am too busy and always late. Even so, I think it is a tad cruel to sleep for so long leaving me all alone." Only the incessant beeping sound of medical device greeted him along with the laboured breathing of his wife. It had been a hard and long day. Just this morning, he made the decision to unplug Ryan's life support. It hurts like hell, as he slowly watch his precious son slips away. The moment the beeping stopped as he exhaled for the final time, it is as if the world had stopped before crashing down and shattering into shards that cuts deep into his body. " Alex? Alex, honey...." " Wake up daddy. Casey and I are waiting for you." " Ryan? Casey?" He couldn't believe his eyes. They are all here and we'll. He chuckles in disbelief. " I must be dreaming" he thought to himself. " Honey. I know you are tired but we are going for a picnic celebration." Sarah urges him, smiling cheekily. " Celebrate what?" He asked, confused. " Daddy, you are so silly. It is Ryan's birthday of course." Answered Casey with a shake of her head. " Yeah, Ryan's birthday." He started clapping and singing the birthday song. "Come on." They pulled him along a majestic field with lush greenery, brook with fishes and dancing dragon flies, an expanse of blue cloudless sky and gentle breeze caressing his face. It is like a scene made in heaven. Under a willow tree is a feast fit for a king with a birthday cake . " Daddy, let's play frisbee and ball!" Suggested Casey. " No! Daddy play horseback riding." Argued Ryan. " Daddy play with me first..." " Me first...." Alex never thought their endless bickering can sound so melodious to his ears. " You better go over and play with them. Otherwise, there will never be peace" said Sarah with a grin. "Okay. But you have to come along too." He pulled her along, laughing happily. Be it real or just a dream....if it is the latter, he hoped never to be awaken. Later, after playing and eating, the kids took a nap while Alex lay down with his head on Sarah's lap, he keeps staring at her, enveloped by her smell. " Why are you staring at me?" Sarah asked lovingly. " I am afraid if I look away, all this will disappear and I will once more being thrown into the arms of hell" he whispered with remembered pain. " You are not going to leave me are you?" He tightened his hold on her hand. "Hmmmmm......I am sorry dear. I can't promise you that" her eyes misted and pearly tears rolled down her face onto his forehead. Sarah looked up at the sky, as the setting sun painted everything reddish with yellow tint. With a regretful sigh, she looked into Alex's pleading gaze.She bent down and placed a gentle kiss on his lips before rising to her feet. " It is time children. We need to leave.Say your farewell" The kids walked towards their father and hugged him. "Goodbye daddy. I love and will miss you. I am happy today." Said Casey. Ryan ran to hug and kissed his dad too. " I love you daddy" Alex gasped and tears fell blurring his vision. "God, please no. I love all of you. Don't leave.There are so much more we haven't done together. Sarah....." He whispered in agony. Sarah shook her head." Our time is up. It is our destiny. Promise me....." "What? Anything....." " Take good care of yourself. It isn't your fault. You have tried all avenue possible to save us. It is just not meant to be. All life ends in death. With death comes new beginning. Nothing last forever.....I love you" having said that, Sarah turned around holding onto one child on each hand as the setting sun glows with bright white light. "Sarah! Casey! Ryan! Don't leave. Take me with you...." He desperately tries to run after them. But his legs just refused to move. " It is not your time yet. We shall reunite one day, as tangible things comes from the same origin. Hence , are destined to meet again...." Alex watches helplessly as they faded into the bright light." No!!!!!!!" He uttered as his world darkened. The first thing Alex registered when he opened his eyes are the lifeless hand of his wife, then the monotonous beeping sound the machine makes when no heart beat is detected, followed by the rushing in of ICU medical staffs. He was asked to leave. He didn't stay to wait, because he knew they had left and he is all alone again. ************ What took place in the next few days until the funeral were a blur. He was like a walking zombie, hardly sleeping, eating or talking. Joshua, Mike and Sean practically took care of all the details of their funeral. Alex became an empty shell of himself. The service, guests, location, and process means nothing. He watches as all three coffins are being ushered into the crematorium. His eyes dead and dry . Alex, why don't you sit here and wait while I take care of some documents . I will be fast. Don't go anywhere..." Said Joshua, frustrated and uneasy about leaving him all alone unattended. Sean and Mike are out and about sending home guests who came to the funeral service. Nothing seems to be able to crashed open Alex's walled up heart. He failed....no, money failed too. He was poor the first time he lost a loved one. He lost his loved ones again despite how wealthy he had become. How ironic....if he could, he wish he can screamed and rant, conveying his anger and disappointment. Suddenly, he heard the chanting of the Buddhist scripture. For an unexplained reason, he felt the wall surrounding his heart slowly crack.Letting a fine beam of light in.With it, warmth like nothing he had felt before nourishes his withered heart. He followed the direction of the chanting to a temple located not far from the crematorium. The chanting led him to the main hall of the temple and monks in yellow robes are chanting prayers inside. Alex just sat quietly, listening as the feeling of peacefulness filled his heart since his mother's death. He wasn't sure about the meaning behind the prayer but it is as if resonating with his soul. " Can I help you sir?" Asked a young monk. In a raspy voice, Alex asked," What are the monks chanting about? " " I am not very good yet in interpreting the true meaning yet." Said the monk. " This is among the most common Buddhist prayer. It's called ' da bei zhou'. It tells how Buddha tries to teach people that all the things we see, are actually empty. Everything in the universe is unchanging, it does not die, be destroyed, nor does it increase or decrease. .. it exist but yet not so..." " Why does it reminds me of Newton's Law" Alex asked ." So, it is like us trying to gripped water with our hands. The harder you gripped, the less you can hold onto. We more I wanted to keep someone by my side by force, the further they drift away..." " May be it is.... Buddhist teachings are in many sense quite vast. It can take on many forms depending on how that person perceived it. I myself is still learning and new at this." He bowed in respect before leaving. Alex remembered what Sarah told him in his dream. He was so filled with rage because of how unjust life had been to him. Now, it appears to make perfect sense. It is karma...Our life is governed by karma. Suffering, envy and greed will cultivate negative thinking and actions. Consequently , this leads to regrets and us losing what is most important. His obsession with money because he doesn't want to lose his loved ones. He neglected them, causing them emotional suffering and still failed to save them. With that thought, Alex walked into the temple and became a monk later on. He created a non profiting foundation with all his asset, assigning Joshua and Sean as overseers, helping the poor families like his mother and himself. © 2018 Stone |
Added on August 30, 2018 Last Updated on October 6, 2018 Author![]() StoneKota Kinabalu, MalaysiaAboutGrew up in a traditional Asian family. My family motto is family comes first thru good and bad. Writing is something I had always like but was sacrificed when work and home started to swamp my life. .. more..Writing