Paradise (Chapter nine)

Paradise (Chapter nine)

A Chapter by Sunny Skye

I was walking towards something. I have no idea what it was my eyes were blind folded and all I know is this must be another country or an island. So, I’m guessing an island because there is no way we were riding that boat for more than two hours. I never liked being blind folded it always ended up badly, either I fell or someone did something stupid to make me look stupid like making me fall inside a fountain when it was freezing cold outside. But I trust Uscher.

I could feel the wet breeze hitting my skin. It’s so refreshing because the sun is super hot it felt like I was been cooked but the ocean and the nice cool air mixed together cools me down. Even do when I might get sick for the change of weather. From hot to cold from cold to hot. It’s not a good thing to trick your body it always ends up badly. Is like pissing of the devil and expecting him to forgive you and I don’t know maybe you guys believe in this stuff and that’s why am saying it but I have no believes towards the devil to me he doesn’t even exist. But I’m sure you’ve heard stories about the devil and him being the worst thing ever and compelling people to do bad things which by the way is such a lie people do bad things because they feel like it not because the “Devil” compelled them too. There is no such thing. And if there is and his listening to my thoughts right now. Mr. Devil I will enjoy watching you laugh in my face while your demons pull my nails off my hands one by one while I yell in pain and ask for forgiveness while blood runs down my hands and my eyeballs lay on the floor. While I yell in pain looking back to this day and laugh and make him be confused of why would I enjoy this terrible pain.

But back to reality. I am totally in an island because Uscher just told me.  Thank god! Because if my father found out I was even out of North Carolina he would ground me for life! Not that I care. I’m used to being grounded and get un punished it’s something that normally happens to me just like brushing my teeth in the morning and taking a shower every day is to you.

Yes finally! He took off my blind fold. And I just look straight ahead and I feel like crying. It was. It was. Beautiful! Oh my god! It’s the most beautiful place in the world it’s like-like I have no words. I got it! Is like that planet on that movie….Avatar! Yes just like that planet where everything is flowers and magical plants and green. This was just like that. There wasn’t a single man made thing on this island well the boat and the bridge but besides that. Nothing! I quickly took of my shoes and Uscher just stared at me in confusion and then he smiled when he saw me run around. I literally rolled on the ground like a dog.  I am serious! I dropped to the floor and rolled. I touched the grass and smelled the roses and the lilies oh! And the sun flowers and the orchids oh and that weird plant….what is it called? Those that open and close, they close if you get near them. Yeah those plants. Ahhhh it’s just so beautiful. I wanted to stay here for life and wear sun dresses every day like the happiest person on earth. I swear if I lived here for life I would become one of those annoying people that are always happy. The type of person that you would be like “the world is going to end today” and they will be like “Yay!” isn’t it a beautiful day?” and you’ll be like “No b***h it’s raining and a tornado is forming over there and over there oh and our house just broke” yeah those type of people.  I would become a happy person that nothing can ruin my parade. Not even the end of the world. Which by the way I don’t believe that either. Maybe we all die but come on the world! Not happening.

“So…I have a feeling you’re in love with the island” said Uscher laughing. I smiled and I felt my eyes light up. I’ve never been so happy to be on a place but I am and I’m with someone who I want to be with so yes I am in love with this place.

“I am” I said. I walked up to him smiling and I jumped on  him. He hugged me and held me. Like one of those scenes on a movie that a couple hasn’t seen each other for a while except we were never apart.

“I’m glad you like it.” He whispered in my ear. Then unexpectedly he threw me on the water.

“Oh my god!” I yelled with laughter.

Then he took off his shirt and jumped in as well.  We splattered water everywhere and we laughed and shouted. I loved to see him laugh and smile. His eyes bright up and it’s like he doesn’t have a care in the world. He’s beautiful and caring. Everything I ever wanted. He understands me and we have experienced the same things. We understand each other’s pains and I think that’s what brings us together. 

We both got out of the water and back into the island we sat on the grass and he wrapped his hands around me and we watched the sunset together. Time went by so fast. I wish to live this day for ever. Then I noticed it was too dark to go back and I looked at him with a questioning face.

“I know. There’s a small lake house a few minutes from here. On the center of the island. We can sleep there if you want. It has see thru roofs we can watch the night sky from there” said Uscher with a smile.

“Sure” I said. I was about to stand up when he held me back down and placed his hand on my chin. He stared at my eyes with a smile. Then he brushed back my hair and kissed me.

“I know we’ve only been dating for a week. But it feels like I know you so well already and each day we’re together I feel we get closer and closer” he said hugging me.

Then I smile and look at him. “I do too. I mean you understand me and I feel I understand you too babe.” I said kissing him. We stood up and walked. We walked for about ten minutes and we finally reached the house. It was perfect. Small and simple. We walked in thru the glass door and locked it on our way in. I looked around and even do from the outside it looked simple the inside was expensive. There were leather coaches and the kitchen was huge.  Everything was in light colors and that gave life to the house. I loved it. There weren’t many lights but the colors made it bright. I went to the master bedroom and wow was the bed huge. It looked nice and fluffy and everything was silk. The pillow cases and the bed sheets it just looked so comfortable.  I took of my clothes and only left my under clothes on and I walked to the bathroom I didn’t notice Uscher standing by the door and I blushed.

“You should’ve said something” I said.

“I didn’t know you were going to strip down your clothes” he said smiling. I playfully gave him a push and walked past him. I noticed him looking at me and I shook my head I searched the closets and noticed there were clothes there.

“You mind?” I asked.

He shook his head so I grabbed one of the shirts. There were all man clothes and then I noticed it must be his because they had his name on the tag. I put on the shirt and jumped on the bed. He changed and followed me and laid next to me. He turned on the television which by the way was a seventy inch flat screen. He changed it into a movie and we just laid there. I placed my head on his chest and he wrapped his arm around me.

“I love you” he whispered. And then I was shocked. Did he say what I think he just said? No one has ever said that to me before. I felt my heart speed up and I was even happier.

“I love you too”


© 2012 Sunny Skye

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Added on October 16, 2012
Last Updated on October 16, 2012


Sunny Skye
Sunny Skye


I want to read some stories please send me mail about your stories and I will check it out as soon as I receive your message. I have been writting since i was 10 and i really enjoy it. I love w.. more..
