Your eyes (chapter five)

Your eyes (chapter five)

A Chapter by Sunny Skye

Everyone stared and then started to whisper to each other. The guys eyed me and then winked, I smiled when I noticed Uscher frown at them and they quickly changed the subject. The teacher was murmuring something but I couldn’t understand. He looked just like a science teacher. He had the gray, white and black hair and he wore glasses. Okay maybe not just like any regular science teacher but all of the teachers looked the same to me the only difference was some were old and others were young.

“Would you guys like to take a seat?” said the teacher with a bit of anger.

I looked around the room to see where there’s an empty seat but I was interrupted by the cold hand that grabbed mines and pulled me towards the back of the room. Then I realized there were two empty desks at the back. Uscher took a seat and placed his backpack on top of the desk. Then he moved his desk right next to mine.  I didn’t mind I mean we were dating. Fake dating. Then while Mr. Varon, the science teacher explained something about net force which to me it was all boring and I wasn’t really paying attention.

“See guys just can’t stop slobbering all over the desks because of you. Mr. Varon is going to have some heavy duty cleaning after class” whispered Uscher in my ear. I giggled. Weird I have never giggled in my live and then I laughed.

“Aww love birds” said one of the girls that was just a couple desks in front of us.

“Shut the f**k up Trisha his mine and he knows it” said Amanda. Oh great I had my first period with this stupid b***h.

“Oh is alright Amanda there’s plenty of other guys you can cheat on” said a guy with a football jersey next to Amanda.

Amanda smacked him on the head and cursed him. This time the teacher heard that and stared at the class. He took a deep breath and talked.

“Amanda Detention! Now go to discipline and learn how to have manners” said the teacher angrily. He turned back to the bored and started writing down formulas shaking his head.

So, this school is no different. You curse in class and the teacher hears you, you get a detention. Good to know. Class was long and boring I did none of the work and neither did Uscher. I smiled at him a couple times every time I caught him staring at me.  He has such beautiful eyes. They just sparkle every time he smiles.  His green eyes were just beautiful! There is no other word to describe them but then if you really looked at them you could see pain hidden and my smile slightly faded. I knew that pain I had the same thing on my eyes.

“Hey can you do me a favor” asked Uscher quietly.

“Sure” I whispered.

He leaned closer to me than he already was “Can you wear my football jersey, there’s this thing were-“ I cut him off .

“I love to” I said and smiled. Everyone was looking at us so I decided to take advantage. I leaned forward and kissed him again. This time do he wouldn’t let go. He placed his hand on my cheek and kept kissing me. He wouldn’t let me go and every time I tried to pull back his lips just begged for more.  But god they’re sweet and soft. It’s like they were made to fit with mine. Then he finally pulled away but this time I didn’t want to let him go. But I just smiled at him and he did too.

I looked around the room and everyone was once again starring at us and I swear their mouths were wide open. I think I even saw mosquitoes flying in and out.  I just blushed and Uscher grabbed my hand and got up. We both walked out of the classroom with our stuff and everyone just stared. Right when we stepped outside the classroom the bell rang.

Uscher walked me to his locker and handed me his jersey.

“So...What position you play” I asked putting the jersey on top of my clothes then I tied it on the back so it didn’t look like a dress.

“Quarterback” he said.

“Oh” wow first day of school and I’m sharing saliva with the quarterback. Fantastic.

“Wanna skip class”

“Sure” I answered happily.

We walked out to the parking lot and walked over his car. I took a seat on top of his hood while he just stood in front of me with his hands placed on either side of my thighs.

“So tell me about you” he said.

“There isn’t much to know”

“Then tell me what there is”

“Well I’m a troublemaker as you already know, I listen to rock and R&B a lot, I draw, write, sing and dance. And no I do not wear contacts” I told him. He smiled.

“Well don’t we have tons in common. What are your favorite artist”

“Trey songz, Maroon 5, Avenged Sevendfold, Ne-Yo, Lil’ Wayne, and Eminem…oh and Sick puppies”

He just smiled.

“What” I said laughing.

“it’s crazy how we like the same things and been through the same things as well” he said starring at the ground between my legs.

“You don’t know what I’ve been through”

“Oh but I do. I can see it in your eyes just like you noticed during science class that I have the same thing on mine” he whispered.

I just stared at him. I was expressionless. So, I wasn’t imagining anything. We are the same in a huge thing and that is the hidden pain.








© 2012 Sunny Skye

Author's Note

Sunny Skye
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Sometimes its that hidden pain that can connect and draw people close and give strength when you need it. I enjoyed this chapter as well.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Sunny Skye

12 Years Ago

Glad you enjoyed it. Thank you

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1 Review
Added on October 13, 2012
Last Updated on October 13, 2012


Sunny Skye
Sunny Skye


I want to read some stories please send me mail about your stories and I will check it out as soon as I receive your message. I have been writting since i was 10 and i really enjoy it. I love w.. more..
