Day one (Chapter four)

Day one (Chapter four)

A Chapter by Sunny Skye

We arrived at school and as soon as Uscher parked his car everyone started t surround us. But I’m it wasn’t me they wanted to talk too or about. Uscher got out of the car and people started asking him how was his day yesterday and if they were going to skip today but he ignored  them and walked to passenger door.  Oh what a gentleman, he opened the door for me. I got out of the car and grabbed my things.

“Thank you” I whispered in his ear. Since everyone was been so loud.

Next thing I know people started to stare at me and the cheerleaders sent death glares my way. Then they all started murmuring things, some very nice things about me and others not so nice.

“Damn, she’s hot” said a guy just a few feet away.

“What a s**t, she just got here” said one of the cheerleaders.

“I love her shoes!”

“I hope I got classes with her”

“She’s not that pretty”

“Who the hell she thinks she is”

“That s**t doesn’t belong here”

“Hey!” yelled Uscher. Then he looked at me and gave me a just go along with it look.

“This is my girl and I better not here or see you bothering her if I hear something negative, that you guys did to her I will rip you to shreds” He said very seriously.

Oh my god, that is the sweatiest thing anyone has ever said to me. It was so cute and then he smiled at me and grabbed my hand. I looked at him confused and then I remembered he said we were…dating? Oh god my eyes got as big as the moon. I just met this guy and not only was I going to have the same classes as he and at the same time but people are going to think we are dating.

“Calm down. This is just so they don’t bother you, my father is the owner of this school and no one would dare mess with me except the teachers of course because my mother said so.” Uscher whispered in my ear. Everyone stood aside while we walked through the crowd and into the front office. There I received my schedule, locker number and library card which I wouldn’t use because I don’t read like to spend my time reading.

He held on to my hand the hole time and when we finally reached my locker he laughed and said his was just three lockers to the right. I found this weird and kind of a thing a stalker might do but then he explained that was a coincidence and that maybe that was a sign and then he winked at me.

He leaned beside my locker while I figured out how to open it while Uscher said hi to a couple of football players and other guys while I blushed every time they said I was super hot and high fived Uscher.

I wasn’t finding North Carolina so bad, maybe it was a good thing to move here, I mean everything is going great and I haven’t driven away anyone…yet. And I’m not a loner right now everyone in the school knows who I am and every guy well almost every guy is hitting on me which I find weird yet very pleasing.

“Finally” I murmured.

“It was about time” Said Uscher.

“Hey sweetie” said a blond girl, wrapping her arms around Uscher’s neck. What the hell was she doing! Doesn’t she know I’m right here! AHH! Oh my god why am I so mad is not like we are really dating.

“I told you I don’t want you around me” said Uscher with anger. I just closed my locker and looked at them and then a thought came to mind. Maybe this is his ex and he doesn’t want her around right?

“I’m done babe” I said and then I side stepped the blond girl and pulled her arms away, wrapped my arms around him and then I kissed him.

“The f**k you doing” yelled the girl.

“That’s his girl” said a very handsome guy with brown shaggy hair and blue eyes.

“This is none of your business Derek.” Yelled the blond girl.

Oh so his name is Derek. Cool. So what’s the troll’s name? I just stood there holding Uscher’s hand.

“Get out of here Amanda, don’t you have some cheerleading s**t” said Derek.

Amanda growled at him and walked away.

So, she is a cheerleader and has a lame name. Good to know.

“Rachel don’t mind her she just can’t get over that Uscher here dumped her a*s” said Derek laughing.

“Thanks bro” said Uscher giving Derek a shake on the hand.

“Thank you” whispered Uscher in my ear and I’m pretty sure no one else heard it.

“Well get to class love birds before the rest of the people jump you guys with questions” said Derek walking away.

“I enjoyed that” said Uscher with a smile and a wink.

When we got to class we were late. No surprise there since I’m always late to class no matter what state it is, yet this time everyone stared.

© 2012 Sunny Skye

Author's Note

Sunny Skye
Please tell me what you think, thank you for reading. :D

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Oh! It has drama! :o Sorry, but town is dramatic but more chilled out Pretty cool. :D

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Sunny Skye

12 Years Ago

Lol, thank you for reading
I like the interplay between the two of them and the way the story is progressing.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Sunny Skye

12 Years Ago

Thank you glad you liked it

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2 Reviews
Added on October 3, 2012
Last Updated on October 3, 2012


Sunny Skye
Sunny Skye


I want to read some stories please send me mail about your stories and I will check it out as soon as I receive your message. I have been writting since i was 10 and i really enjoy it. I love w.. more..
