The stores (chapter three)

The stores (chapter three)

A Chapter by Sunny Skye

I kept on thinking about Uscher the whole ride to the mall.  I mean we are alike in some things like being trouble makers and our parents never being home but he was different somehow and god was he gorgeous. I parked the car in the parking lot across the street from the mall since the mall’s parking lot is ridiculously packed. I swear I saw some cars trying to park on the side walk.

I walked in the mall and wondered around I saw a show store just a few feet away and decided to check it out I didn’t really notice the name of the store but who cares they had gorgeous shoes. Then I was looking at a pair of boots when I noticed a beautiful pair of beautiful Alexander McQueen boots. Oh my god! This made my day. I quickly grabbed them and hugged them other people were staring at me but I don’t care they were ridiculously hot. I mean Alexander McQueen boots! They were black, leather platform ankle bootie boots. I mean they were perfect I was so going to wear this on my first day of school. I quickly grabbed the box and checked what size it was. Yes! Size six my size I am so lucky, this store only has one pair of each shoe and they never restock on the same stuff they’re always different or at least that’s what the cashier said but it is still great because this means they are one of a kind and only I own them.

I gladly swiped my credit card and paid for my boots they nice lady gave me my bag and I walked out of the store with a huge smile. Then I walked across the store to a clothing store and it was mostly leather so it was calling me because I love leather. There is not one day I don’t wear leather and if I don’t I must have gone mad. I wondered around the store and looked around. I walked to the dress section and wow was there some gorgeous dresses but two of them caught my attention. OMG! I’ve been looking for this dress for ages. It was a rare metallic, leather look bustier dress. I was so going to buy this no matter what and it was a size three, my size. I was feeling lucky today everything I have found was my size so far thank god for that. The next dress I was looking at was a leatherette waterfall dress which I wasn’t really dying for because it was a mini dress but it was leather and I kind of wanted it for a while. I stopped looking I didn’t want to waste any more money on clothes that were ridiculously expensive but then again they were one of a kind and who would’ve thought North Carolina would have this store.


I got home and I walked up stairs I still need to choose a room but I know that my dad probably gave the people that brought our stuff in where to put it so I checked every room and I checked the closest to make sure if any of my stuff was there, and no my stuff was in none of them and there was only one room left. When I opened the door my mouth fell open, I mean this room is going to be mine. The walls were so perfect; they were red and black and had gold stripes. Then the carpet, it was black just like I like it that way you can’t see if it’s dirty or stained even do I’m a very clean person. The lamps they were Victoria secret and I loved their lamps. Oh my god and the bed had black and gold covers, it was silk. I dropped my bags and jumped on the bed next thing I know I am fast asleep.

I saw Uscher just outside my window in the drive way. He was lying in his car facing my house. I smiled at him and blew him a kiss. Then I jumped in the shower and got dressed I passed the comb through my hair, grabbed my purse and books and left the house. I walked towards Uscher and kissed him we stood there talking for a bit and then he opened the door of his car for me. Oh what a gentleman. I smiled at him as I got in the car and then while he was going around I realized this must be a dream. I’m not dating Uscher and I don’t even know him.

I woke up and looked at the clock it was only four o’clock in the morning. I am surprised I slept all that time I got home yesterday at seven pm. I got up and brushed my teeth then I took shower and washed my hair. I was still thinking about Uscher I mean I don’t like him he was just good looking and I don’t even know him, so what was I doing dreaming about the guy. That was just weird.

I walked to my closet and took out my Riva embellished silk, Chiffon mini dress and I put it on then I walked back to the bathroom and started to blow dry my hair as soon as I was done with that I walked back to my room and put on my brand new shoes the Alexander McQueen boots and then I started searching my closet for a leather jacket. I grabbed my short Pu leather jacket and put it on then I grabbed my purse and car keys and walked down stairs. I got a cappuccino from the coffee machine my dad bought a few years ago and then I walked out to my car. I had left my car parked right in front of the garage and yet I didn’t think there was going to be a problem because there is cameras everywhere and there is huge gates surrounding the enormous house which you might just call a mansion.

I was about to jump inside my car when I hear someone call my name and his voice sure sounded familiar. I turned around and had a look outside the gates.

“Good morning neighbor” said Uscher.

“Neighbor?” I asked rudely.

“I live right next door, now do you mind letting me in” he said politely.

“Sure, why not” I clicked a button on my car and the gates slowly opened. He walked slowly towards me and it was getting annoying, who did he think he was a freaking model?

“Walk any slower and you’re going to make me late to school” I yelled. Then he jogged to my side.

“Do you even know where it is” he asked with a grin.

“No” I said annoyed.

“Then I’ll take you and by the way you look very sexy today Ms. Bliss.”

“Whatever but we’re your car because no one drives mine except me” I said with a smile.

“Fine my Ferrari is way better than yours anyway” he said mockingly.

© 2012 Sunny Skye

Author's Note

Sunny Skye

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Added on September 30, 2012
Last Updated on September 30, 2012


Sunny Skye
Sunny Skye


I want to read some stories please send me mail about your stories and I will check it out as soon as I receive your message. I have been writting since i was 10 and i really enjoy it. I love w.. more..
