The same (chapter two)

The same (chapter two)

A Chapter by Sunny Skye

“The hell you doing!” I yelled at the guy.

He turned around and raised an eyebrow at me. Then checked me out and winked. Yeah I was used to this but who cares he was sitting on my car! I crossed my arms and waited for his excuse.

“I’m not gonna jack your car” yelled the guy.

“That’s not what I meant. I don’t let anyone sit there a*s on my car” I said.

“Oh you’re new. Yeah my bad I’m Uscher” he said putting out his hand. I politely shock it.

“Not so nice to meet you am Rachel” I said with a smile.  “So what your mother decided to name you after an artist”

“It’s spelled different but I guess she tried, anyways here are your keys” he handed me the keys and I gladly took them. Then I had a good look at him and he looked young and he was wearing very expensive jewelry I mean I can tell.

“Wait...You work here?”

“Nah I’m just serving time” said Uscher.

“Serving time?” I asked raising an eyebrow and smiling. Nice hot guy and a bad reputation just like me except I wasn’t a guy of course.

“You wouldn’t understand” he said while turning around.

“Oh I would, see I might be rich but I have a bad reputation as well” I said and it worked because he turned around and smiled.

“Oh so it is you the Rachel Bliss” said Uscher. What did he mean by that? Now I was confused.

“What you mean?”

“My cousin always talked about you he used to live close to your neighborhood and he heard all the crazy stuff you did. When I saw your name on the computer and I saw your car I thought it might have been you and I was right” he said.

“I guess so but you still haven’t answered my question”

“I broke a couple things with my own car and I did graffiti all over the walls and stuff” he said, he sounded proud.

“Why didn’t you just pay for it” I asked stupidly.

“Because my mother doesn’t want to bail me out of everything with her big checks she says I have to fix my own problems and whatever plus she’s never around” he said while lying on a pole. “What’s your story” he asked right before I got into my car.

“Maybe another time” I said and I closed the doors to my car and started the engine.

“Fine I guess I’ll see you at school and let me warn you I have the same schedule you do” he said with a grin.

Yeah right. That’s not possible never have I met someone that had all the same classes as someone else at the same time maybe two or three classes but not all of them. So I just laughed and reversed my way out of the garage.

© 2012 Sunny Skye

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Uscher's cousin knowing about Rachel sounds a bit contrived. Also, it isn't clear to me how Uscher would have access to the school's administrative systems. Uscher's family is apparently wealthy. His parents and her father may come into contact socially or through business. They might have heard something about her. Is her school a large urban public school or a small private exclusive one? That could also help explain Uscher's knowledge about her.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Sunny Skye

11 Years Ago

I see where your questions come from and I'll like to let you know i'm still fixing somethings. But .. read more


The only issues I really notice are technical, like the punctuation which is inconsistent at times and could use a bit of tiding problems with the storytelling or characters though, which are well-defined and original...great work^^

Posted 11 Years Ago

Sunny Skye

11 Years Ago

Thank you :D

11 Years Ago

No problem :D
Uscher's cousin knowing about Rachel sounds a bit contrived. Also, it isn't clear to me how Uscher would have access to the school's administrative systems. Uscher's family is apparently wealthy. His parents and her father may come into contact socially or through business. They might have heard something about her. Is her school a large urban public school or a small private exclusive one? That could also help explain Uscher's knowledge about her.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Sunny Skye

11 Years Ago

I see where your questions come from and I'll like to let you know i'm still fixing somethings. But .. read more
keep it up yo

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I really enjoyed the playful banter between these two.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Sunny Skye

12 Years Ago

thank you
A very good chapter. Good conversation and you create a interesting situation. No weakness in the excellent chapter.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Sunny Skye

12 Years Ago

Thank you

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5 Reviews
Added on September 29, 2012
Last Updated on September 29, 2012


Sunny Skye
Sunny Skye


I want to read some stories please send me mail about your stories and I will check it out as soon as I receive your message. I have been writting since i was 10 and i really enjoy it. I love w.. more..
