![]() Fleeing RedskinA Story by SkaiWeeks
The ground shakes underneath my balances and I crouch deeper into the long, yellow grasses. The feelings of earthquakes near as I suck in a breath. Trampling voices whisper in the air; I tighten my phalanges around my wooden spear. "Dyami," I whisper. "Feel it?" Dyami, a strong Eagle spirit, nods his head carefully. "Would you like for me to fly above?" His deep voice is an aroma of safety. "Yes." I answer, pressing my palm against the dry earth. Hearing the flapping of his wings, I watch as he soars through the air. His brown body is but a speck, and his head looks like a cloud. His shrill voice comes back through the wind, followed by the eruption of stand still. The herd as stopped. I grin to myself and slowly rise. Hundreds of buffalo graze just meters from me, unnoticing the danger. Buffalo (especially this large mother) are very dangerous indeed" just a foal can be murderous. Gripping the spear tightly, I pull my first foot forward. Another shrill call from Dyami makes me glance around skeptically. Is someone coming? I hear nothing but the wind, the crunch of dead grass, a few foals trampling the earth... Forcing myself to crouch into my wolf spirit, I take a glimpse around" still adjusting to my new sight and smell" but all I see are the buffalo. My ears perk forward at the exact moment I catch a whiff of the pack. Not the spirit pack, but the real coyotes. Ugh. I knew we didn’t come fast enough. Oh, how I’d love to rip each one apart; limb by limb. I’m going to have to act quick, I think to myself. Stalking toward the mother is difficult because of first: my limited sight, and second: because I’m pretty sure she can smell me now. The eruption of hoof beats interrupt once more and I realize the pack is on the move as well. I leap into the air just in time to dig my claws into her shoulder blades. Praying that she won’t alert the others that she’s been attacked, and hoping that I can take her down, another call from Dyami makes me wary. I growl menacingly and dig my teeth farther into her shoulder" she rumbles. Mother... I start to pray but then suddenly the buffalo I’m attacking trips. In the pound of dust flying about, I snap her neck quickly. Out of breath, I wait for Dyami to return. Sometimes he just leaves me here, and ten minutes later, I’m thinking that’s exactly what he did. I snarl at this found discovery. Throwing back my head, I howl as loud and long as I can. It’s a warning. For moments on I hear nothing but then the shifted weight of a coyote. The pack is bickering over scraps of meat, and I hear a snarl. They fight so solemnly, I think. Aren’t they a family? Shouldn’t they be protecting the younger ones from starvation? Oh yes, they are savages. Greedy, ignorant, obnoxious savages. "Catori." Dyami’s voice forces me out of my distasteful thoughts. "Stop leaving me; I am not a loner." I snap at him. His dark eyes soften from the annoyance as he slightly bows his head. "Apologies, Catori. May I congratulate you on your kill?" Turning from him, a small smile upon my lips, I reply, "Yes. Load this majestic creature up, Dyami. I will not have any more protected blood on my hunting land." My voice is soft but firm as I demand him. Dyami gets to work immediately, mumbling something about my attitude, and I watch him. He is lanky but strong. He’s built well and the biceps strain under his sun-kissed skin. His jaw muscles flex and un-flex while is strange yellowish eyes flicker around. Sighing, I return to my thoughts. I’ve always fancied Dyami for his hard working vibes, his wise words, and of course" his smile is so beautiful. It’s the shining from moonlight though his two front teeth have a wide space between them. I’ve always told father that I would like for Dyami and I to wed, but Annawan wouldn’t have it. He says Dyami is not worthy of me but I disagree" of course I wouldn’t say that to my father’s face but I believe my opinion matters most. "Are you ill, Catori? Do you need to be carried?" Dyami once again cuts through my thoughts like creme. I look up and smile reassuringly. "No, no. May we go, Dyami?" He doesn’t say anything as he turns and starts pulling the already built sled towards the woods. I follow suit, making sure to catch any movement or sounds. The bright day that was once overhead showing us it’s blue sky, has turned to splash our sights with orange, red, and purple. The sun hides away and as it does, the air turns cold. I shiver as I watch the stars peeking down and streaking across to each other. A shaft of moonlight strikes through the path we’re on and I can’t help but giggle. It’s probably hysterics from the chill but I don’t care, I start to really laugh. Dyami turns around to gaze at me like I’m insane. "What are you laughing at?" His tone is incredulous which makes me chuckle harder" I grab at my flat stomach for some sort of motion so I can stop. I can’t. Dyami shakes his head. "You need to quiet yourself, Catori; you will awake predators." I snort at that. "I am a predator." He pinches my nose and I fight back the urge to embrace him. "A beautiful, young but arrogant one." "Are you insulting me, Warrior?" I narrow my eyes at his perfect sculpted face. "Of course not, Catori. I am only being honest." Dyami stops pinching my nose and I realize we centimeters apart. A polite smile is replaced on his dark pink lips before he ducks down the path once more. "Now what would our Annawan say if he caught us kissing?" I mumble something unintelligent and he chuckles. It’s a dark sound but it engulfs me. * * * "Catori, my daughter, you have returned home. Are you well? Did you make a connection with your majestic internal spirits?" My father’s scarred face shows pride as he grins down at me. "Father, Annawan." I bow slightly in respect before gazing into his brown eyes once more. "I have returned with much food with little news. The coyote, the pack itself, is on the move toward our territories. I did not know what to do invade without your permission, father. I hope that was the right decision." "Of course, my Catori. I would never ask you to fight alone." He grabs my palm and kisses the center. "Where is Dyami?" My father’s eyes narrow slightly in suspicion. "Cooking the buffalo, Annawan. Where would else he be?" My tone is innocent and he soon composes his face into it’s normal stand. "I don’t know, my daughter. Go freshen up in the creek now; we must prepare." Now it is my turn to narrow my eyes. "Prepare for what, Annawan? We’re about to feast." I ask, curiosity shooting through my veins like lightning. He smiles in a way I do not like; it’s smug. Annawan lifts his hand and runs it through my long, black hair before tracing my jaw. "Your wedded is arriving tomorrow when the sun rises." What? No, no, no, no, no, no! No. This will not happen to me, I will not get strapped down by a" a " man other than Dyami. I don’t say anything my Annawan, I just stare into what used to be my father’s face. "Catori?" Annawan says my name slowly as if asking a question. "You will not force me to wed, father." I answer, venom leaking through my voice. "You will not disobey, Catori. You are my daughter. He is the Chief’s son. You will meet. And you will wed to him for I sense a great disturbance in the future. We do not want any enemies while this disturbance is happening. Do you comprehend, Catori?" I rise my chin to show my decision. "No. I will not wed to a stranger, Annawan." His hand comes from the corner of my eye like a whip. The sting hurts and I immediately raise my hand to touch the wound. It hurts. The slap isn’t so painful as the trust is has just broken. A lump forms in my throat, my stomach hurts with uncertainty, my heart starts to ache from my limited freedom, and tears hustle out of my eyes. Pushing away from Annawan is difficult, but I know that he is not my father any longer. My father would never allow such vulgarity in his presence; not even toward a woman. "How dare you disobey you Annawan! Dyami!" Minutes later, Dyami appears into our Teepee. "My daughter is to have no supper, comprehend?" He doesn’t wait for a reply. "Put her to bed under the stars; I will not be disrespected again tonight." Annawan’s voice is harsh and loud as he storms from the elk-skinned tent. Dyami stares at me with questioning. I bow my head in respect; no longer am I worthy of being in such a presence. "What has happened to you, Catori? Why is your precious cheekbone ruined with red spreading?" His tone is careful. I shake my head and whisper lowly, "Just lead me out to your tent, please." My voice cracks as another tear escapes my left eye. Dyami stays quiet until we are safely inside his variety-skinned teepee. He sits cross legged and I crawl into his lap; I sob quietly. After only thirty minutes of silence, he speaks. "Please answer my questions, Catori." "He"he"e"e.... he’s forcing me to"" I take a deep breath calming myself. "Annawan is forcing me to wed against my will. Dyami, please stop it. Please ask Annawan for my wed. I beg of you-ou-ou-ou." I start to cry again and I bury my face into his neck. His skin is warm and smells of fire. "You know I can not do something so drastic. He wouldn’t ever allow it, Catori, be both know this. Now. Answer my other question." Dyami orders. "H-he...Annawan slapped me across my cheekbone." I whisper, tightening my arms around his neck. "You refused? Catori! You never disobey our Annawan, not ever." Dyami’s tone is too harsh, much more horrid then Father’s was. But then he whispers, "No matter the cost I will pay for telling you so. I must get this out of thought. Do not speak anything in return, do not speak of it at all. Understand?" I nod into his neck. "I love you. I always have and I always will. You are my beautiful, young Catori. I must never speak of this to you again, but now it is out of my thoughts and into yours. You must be wedded to this man for he is of another tribe. You two will bring the tribes together once more and we will be united as one. "For now, Catori. Get some rest. I will be just outside the tent if you need anything." With that, Dyami’s lips press up against my forehead for three seconds before he gets up and disappears into the night. For hours it seems, I lay awake thinking of what the future withholds. Will this son of a Chief be suitable? Will he have a kind soul? What will be it like if he is horrid? If he is rude and abusive? I shudder at the thought. Daybreak will come soon and tomorrow I will be wedded to a stranger. No. How could I disobey my father, my Annawan? How could he disrespect me in such ways? A thought strikes me. And if I weren't here, would I be free? Could I sneak off without a trace? Would my spirit let me take her form? But if I were caught, what would be the punishment? Is it worth the try? I ponder for moments that turn into minutes, from there it takes an hour to think through. My plan is flawed and I have no idea where my Annawan’s territory ends, but I have only one objective that I will achieve tonight. I will leave an hour before dawn; for my freedom is too worthy to lose. * * * I awaken under the afternoon sun against rough tree bark that scathes the skin across my shoulder blades. Grunting, I pull myself away from my knees who I’d pulled up against my chest for warmth earlier this morning. I look around at my surroundings. I’m in the forest; obviously on a tree branch. Below, green grass is short and the big trunks are too close together. Whispers rise up and I scramble to be quiet, but my foot slips and I tumble down onto the ground and into a bush. A whimper escapes my throat as I realize this is a thorn bush and the thorns are cutting my arms and legs. A drop of blood leaks down my arm and to my foot. “Ow.” I cry out when a branch presses up against the back of my neck. The voices fade away; however, I wait five more minutes to make sure. When I am positive no one is around, I jump out of the bushes. Looking down at myself, I can’t help but gasp. Blood is smeared all over my legs and shoulders and the deer dress I wore is torn in multiple places. Great, I think. An hour later, I am stumbling across an unknown territory in large plains. I’ve seen a herd of elk and one wolf so far. I don’t know why I haven’t tried to connect with my wolf yet but somehow I just can’t will myself enough to tell her that I am running away. Why am I running away? Oh right, my freedom is on the line. Cold water pushes me out of my thoughts, and on cue my stomach squeezes with such force I have to sit down. The mushy ground underneath me makes noises as I settle in at the bay of a large river. It’s wide and a variety of color dances across the surface. It’s beautiful. Making my hands into a bowl, I scoop my palms under the surface and bring the freezing liquid up to my slightly opened mouth. The water is sweet and refreshing as I scoop some more into my mouth. Once my stomach is half full with the fresh water, I slowly make my way to a long grass meadow almost a quarter mile away from me. The long grass means their roots are strong and nutritious; I learned this from Annawan. As I walk on, I think of him. What is he doing at this very moment? Has he noticed my gone? Is he wary or furious? What about Dyami? Is he disappointed? I can’t even finish the thought as a sharp pain starts across my ribcage. Obviously, my heart isn’t ready to think about Dyami. After fulfilling my need of food, I curl up in a ball on my side and close my eyes. It only feels a few seconds before I hear it. Large padding across the earth; too closely. I relax my body and try to channel what kind of animal it is. Much too large for a wolf, and hooves are easy to detect. Claws are dragging in the dirt and the weight of the animal is big. No, bigger than big. Big enough to kill with one swipe. That’s when the hot breath spills across my face and my whole body freezes. Under my lashes, I take a glimpse. I squeal and back away. Not even a foot away from me is the most humongous grizzly bear I have ever seen in my life. It has an ear torn off and scars all across on side of its face. What should I do? Annawan never told me how to fight off a bear with my wolf. I’m sure my eyes are wide and the gaze of this deadly animal is harsh. It’s a male (I know this because no female could be this large). His fur is bristled and his claws are only inches from my bare feet. His nose twitches as he sniffs at the air between us. It all happens so fast that my mind barely has time to figure that I am probably dead now. The bear raises his right paw and swipes it against my cheekbone. The blow is too powerful and I am against the ground in seconds. In response, the bear rumbles and I feel pressure on my side. My head is too heavy for I cannot turn and look; black and red blotches scatter across my eyesight and a burning/stinging sensation has erupted on my cheekbone. With as much force as I can pursue, I open my mouth and scream as loud as I can. The sound echoes but right in the middle of my cry, the sound gurgles and splits off into a sob. The warm liquid of my tears sting where the bear slapped me. Everything turns black in the matter of minutes and a certain strange kind of peace overwhelms my body. The pain fades away and I no longer feel a thousand pounds; I am feather light. Am I asleep? No, no. I am dead. © 2013 SkaiWeeksAuthor's Note
Added on May 18, 2013 Last Updated on May 18, 2013 Author![]() SkaiWeeksIrelandAboutHi there, I'm Skai! I'm sixteen years old and I pretty much live on Cloud Nine. Up and to the right is where I live my days; not the left, thats where the bad crazies live! Don't mix them up. My favor.. more..Writing