you've a way to flay away the pc prose of modern woes and reimbue it with the gut wrenching tear stained beauty that it IS even in a condition's degenerative dissolution~ you are like the olden wizards of preRome who wandered lands of Dhawos making magik out of pain and suffering and breathing stunning revelatory gem drops into the wrenching fields of mortality~
The more we listen, the more we hear, the more we notice the more mind spears! Perhaps. Seems each ache has a reason to tempt or teach, to realise or whatever. So much to dabble in, so much to pacify, in its own time. Your poem reaches far above me but then, am short, your fine words are not.
the memories are always whispering to us...the good ones, the bad ones...the ear gets full and we just expand it.
clever metaphor here, Frank.
Posted 4 Months Ago
4 Months Ago
Thanks for your thoughts Jacob. Sometimes the ear takes in too much, not so much those little ear-wo.. read moreThanks for your thoughts Jacob. Sometimes the ear takes in too much, not so much those little ear-worms that won't leave you alone, but rather the more penetrating types of parasites, if you know what I mean.
This feels like trauma. Something we have to learn to co-exist with in spite of the desire to leave it behind. I have had a realization more than once—that feeling like it’s me or them (them being the thing inside me I can’t move free from)—and then sunk back into the understanding that it’s a duality I am unlikely to escape. And so often, like the shaman and any other who feels equal to the challenge, those who approach with a mind to manage the anomaly walk away feeling just as lost as me.
It’s a powerful and heavy concept given some levity here. At least that is how it is bouncing off my imagination. Some things are very hard to shake. I do like the way you play around with difficult subjects, so to speak.
Posted 4 Months Ago
4 Months Ago
Thanks. Sometimes it as though we are some species of poorly constructed automaton. We function desp.. read moreThanks. Sometimes it as though we are some species of poorly constructed automaton. We function despite the weight of all the unspeakable and incurable defects we are burdened with and recognize but are helpless to do much about. So we just carry on. I always appreciate your comments. They help me understand what it is I am trying to express.
Definitely had a sci fi feel to it but this poem can be read on different levels. Yes to types of relationships. You also brought a memory back of my three year old sister who stuck a tiny artificial flower up her nose. There is stayed rotting until the smell directed my mother to the doctors. Said stinking flower was removed eventually by a pair of tweezers. Children have a habit of sticking things in strange places. I can,t say I enjoyed the read. It made me wince although you certainly got a reaction and my attention.
Quite scary and fascinating in the one breath. It has features of sci-fi and fantasy all blended into one riveting poem. Thanks for sharing. /Frederick.