this was a skin-crawling verse. the descriptions were vivid and the words really came to life. both the beauty and cruelty of the insecct world was captured. the savagery of nature -- eat or be eaten. at the same time, there is a sort of harmony in it. i particularly liked the description of the cockroach's hymen. this work evoked a visceral reaction from me. i really like your writing.
Posted 3 Months Ago
3 Months Ago
Thanks Ern. To me the insect world is just the manifestation of life's far reaching drive to go one .. read moreThanks Ern. To me the insect world is just the manifestation of life's far reaching drive to go one because it can go on. We may be repelled by what we see but in essence it is magnificent in all the forms it takes, like a kaleidoscope that keeps mutating and evolving.
This is such a complete insect world, with busy meetings, buffets and events happening in the dental dam. There's also the cockroach’s hymen, silky and lustrous and beckoning. Simply amazing and more. Loved it.
It's like a terrarium. Some nerd should make a movie where people get insect species change surgery, like transgender, and then the govt makes them duke it out in a giant glass tank. I'd watch the hell out of that.
Legend has it that only the cockroaches will survive; you know, the ones in sharp suits that will doubtless scuttle into their secret underground bunkers the second the s*** hits the fan. :))
yep, it's all about the politics. No one ever chooses a "filth buffet" but then suddenly, there you are in the middle of it. I always like your kind of surrealism SF.
-- from where i'm looking, this seems to me to be a kind of indictment of politicians... -- it actually reads like a description of the 'fixing' that goes on before 'candidates' are 'selected' to 'fight in elections'... especially 'for the first time'... or maybe... just because elections are due in five states in india this year... and there's a mad scramble amongst first-times to get the ticket to contest, the expression "filth buffet" reminds of all those closed-door meetings where deals are being struck...
-- p.s. a really long time ago, i wrote a 'poem' which ended with...
i live like an insect
and write about it to feel human
-- your work always reminds me of things i think i have forgotten...