![]() Chapter 1...HelloA Chapter by SketchyRabbit-Literature![]() Intro of characters with quite a bit of foreshadowing hints left here and there![]() Sitting in the corner kissing the loneliness, adoring the final silence of tonight, and taking comfort of sitting upon rough carpet, with the only source of warmth in arms wrapped around her legs tightly, being the only embrace she could trust, holding her knees closer to her chest. Chapter 1: Hello "We've been through a lot, and you're the only person I could tell these things to. I'm happy I met you, we could possibly, keep in contact and-" "No..." He began forcing words to quit the lingering and practically regurgitate into speech before it'd just be considered wasted moments that never happened "You and me both know the contact won't last if it even starts. I know I told you I'd be around forever to help your problems, but I think you need...you just need someone different than me. I can't handle all of this to start with, maybe some other fucked up person in the world can cure all this bulshit, but I'm not the person for that. So...just...just find some other way. She was aware the anger was only masking the sadness, although she couldn't restrain the mental urge to believe she's just screwed over enough to cause so much frustration to others with no fix for either party. She eased out the words with a smile pushing past the actual feelings "It's ok. You're right and I'm sorry." Her head turned towards the doors leading back into class, not looking at anything in specific, she continued to speak "It's just my fault for relying on you this time." then she proceeded to distance herself into her last class of the day. The walk home was lonely, the retreat back home inside was triumphantly s**t, although the drive to their new small apartment was pleasantly quite with the hint of shared smiles between her younger brother, pointing and grinning in the face towards oddly dressed looking people and children playing games in the street. It was good to act as if their family "guardians" weren't pulling the strings to their emotions. These little things here and there keep them sane, ignoring their parents rolling eyes and discrete mocks. They're new apartment resembled the perfect definition of being as low as it gets. Aside from having a roof over their heads, it was a place she'd never be pleased to go back to after school hours. The walls were peeling off, there were already cigarette burnt holes in the carpet, the faucet was held in place with duck tape, and the bathroom was small with unmentionables everywhere. She settles in with her brother inside their new bedroom. It was smaller than their last bedroom together, the carpet was rough, and a few boxes of their unpacked items stacked in the corner next to her old princess lamp from years ago. They had to start school the day after. Her brother was to young to attend her's, so they walked from home in the morning leading towards different directions. Going to a new school didn't bother her, considering she wasn't the type to worry about these kind of changes, morely to accept them. On her way there, she realized that almost everyone around her seemed unnatural in some way or another. Some were at least nine feet tall, others where practically layered with tattoos, a couple of them even had realistic looking animal parts. The closer she got to her school, the more she believed she was going delusional, seeing more and more off appearances, which just gradually became worse. When she finally reached the school, it appeared to look more like some huge convention get together, than a high school. She awkwardly tugged on someone's sleeve quickly and questioned "where is this? Just to confirm I'm at the right school." He looked down at her strangely through his shadowed bangs inquiring back "where do you think you are, Ditz?" he turned to her, now looking more intimidating than ever, standing as a skyscraper in comparision to her scrawny and small appearance "You're at the Combine High, the one and only within miles around here. There's no other high school to go to unless maybe your a younger gradeschooler, meaning you definitely need to turn your uniform back in, your boney a*s around, and sense of direction to where you belong." Temptation over took her "Why are you so tall?" so she had to ask. "Why are you so small?" He had to answer. "I've got the same reasoning as you" He turned away heading towards classes, and by now, she figured she'd probably do the same. She approached a desk near the back corner by the windows, settling down, she placed her bag on her desk and sat down with a sigh. Although not long after, in came the really tall and dark haired guy from before. He looked in her direction for a brief second, then casually walked, with a stride of attitude that spoke confidence, towards her way. Rather than next to her desk, behind her desk, or sitting in front of it, he swiftly knocked her bag off her desk onto the floor, then proceeded to bring his a*s in contact with the base of her desk, now making direct contact, sitting Indian style "Whatcha doing, Newbie?" "Uh..." "Exactly!" He interrupted "You don't know what to do, didn't know where to go, and now you don't know what to say, why's that?" Before she could answer, he placed one hand on his heart, the other behind his back "As a student being presented as a newbie within Combine High, you must-" "What the hell are you doing?" She questioned before he had the chance to continue his lecture. "You're an interest!" He practically declared, then coming closer, changing his atmosphere from a punk-like playful and pissy disposition, to a curious yet bluntly nosy detective without much to lose "I can smell it on you" now coming close enough to invade. "Please, get off my desk." She said shy and awkwardly. "God, yes, please, sit!" The teacher spoke up, using hand gestures for him to "shoo away" and sit at a different desk. As he went to the one behind me, the teacher began to speak "Alright! My name is Mr. Philis, your charming biology teacher. Today will be full of introductions!" She was taking mental note of all the instructions given about attending classes, bringing supplies, and other sorts of continuous rambling. Until something very disturbing occurred, causing her to turn immediately"Excuse me, but why are you sniffing my hair?" she asked. "What's up with you? Why do you smell like a barn animal?" As if nothing was wrong. "Emile!" Shouted Mr.Mr. Philis from across the classroom "That's your name, correct? What is it that's taking so much of a grasp towards you attention, aside from my lecture?" "He's sniffing my hair" She responded. "And?" "And?" "What's wrong?" It didn't seem to even throw him off one bit. "Anyway, so just try to focus, be more responsible for your actions, Emile, please." After class he still wouldn't leave, flicking the back of her head in time with every step she'd take "So why are you all testy, Shorty?" She tried to speed up her walk, although he only did the same "Because you've been being a jerk, and creepy!" "How was I creepy? You really do smell like a barn animal. straight from it." She turned around and slapped his hand away "Will you stop?!" then turning away, hoping he'd get the hint. Which he didn't. "You'd think being a new student, you'd try to actually make friends here, not slap them." he rolled his eyes and just continued to follow, side-by-side next to her "So what class do you have next? Maybe I'll be there." Putting aside his question "Who are you anyway?" she stopped and leaned against the lockers, giving up on trying the ease him away by easing up the pace, she glanced at him with a sense of toleration "You never told me." He stood in front of her with a little annoyance in return "It's Sacrocy, and answer my question! You're being so difficult today." As if he was one the judge. "you've only known me for a day, you say it like your around all the time" "Does that answer my question?" He flicked her head once again "Focus, Emile, focus. It's not that hard, I promise." She pulled her paper out only to have it immediately freed from her grasp without a word of warning "Boo, business. Have fun learning the obvious." he handed back her schedule and walked off into the crowd of people, eventually turning a corner out of sight. Although she was more than just positive that she'd end up running into him again later. And that theory didn't take long to be proven. There he was, once again, sitting directly next to her as if nothing was even spoken between the two of them a few minutes ago. He didn't even glance over at her. Rather than swarming her with childish insults, inhaling her insecurities through his nostrils, or even lecturing about her current standing, he just charmingly smiled towards every other pretty girl who sat within blushing distance. Leaving her unacknowledged and alone, just as she wanted to be. Near the end of class, as she began walking out, she reviewed the sheet of paper she was given in the class, trying to comprehend what she was reading. "You look confused." Sacrocy poked his head behind her shoulder "What's questionable about it?" "It tells me we're going to go over mobbing and targeting the wealthy for money and valuables." She responded. Sacrocy reached for the pamphlet in her hand and took a look "This seems right. You're new here though, so I'll answer all your unasked questions." He then stood proudly with his chest out, hand on her shoulder, and ready to educate the inexperienced "Here at Combine High, we focus on your physical and mental original abilities. This is primarily for survival, combat, and mental stability. Example..." He searched through her bag until he found what he's been looking for, her class schedule. "You have your next class with me, C.E., Combat Education. It's the highlight of this school. If you want a good, known, reputation, this is the class required." She looked up towards him like a helpless, confused, and highly questionable child "Are you literally saying I have to fight others daily? Possibly dying?" He roughly messed around with her hair playfully "Oh, innocent Newbie. It doesn't work like that. They give us some great stuff to keep us alive even if we're stabbed right through." He stopped in front of her while they stood near the doors "So any other questions before we enter?" She didn't know much of what to say, so she tried to just act as if nothing at all was absurd about this conversation from the start. "I just wish I didn't have to deal with you three classes in a row each day. I don't know if I can handle all these lectures and lessons your teaching." "What do you mean? Last class I had was dance." "You were sitting right next to me, but you ignored me, talking to a bunch of other girls around us." She was becoming even more flustered from conversation after conversation today each time after talking to Sacrocy. He smiled slightly with understanding "Ahh...You mean Chagas. He's always talking to the other girls. He has a habit of flirting, impressing, and swaying women into his arms like a cat attracted to cat nip." He bent over to her eye level jokingly sly "He usually doesn't leave a single lady ignored though. Were you jealous, Emile?" She pushed him away "No, shut up! I wouldn't get with some kind of man-w***e." As Sacrocy laughed hysterically, while pointing behind her, he asked "That was great, Emile! You want to tell him that?" She quickly turned her head 180 degrees to see a tall man looking more like Sacrocy's clone than anything. He looked down at her with a charming smile, while lingering his fingers through her hair lightly "A maiden, as yourself, shouldn't speak so foul within commentary school grounds." he then was the next to bend down to her eye level with a sly expression "If my unacknowledgment of your presence before-hand was a bother, than I present to you my most sincere apologies, Dearie." Sacrocy flicked the back of her head "You wanna get with him now?" then looking over at Chagas, holding in his laughter "With the beloved by many, 'Man-W***e'?" "No!" She turned to Sacrocy looking determined and embarrassed. Chagas caressed her cheek on the way traveling towards Sacrocy's side "In time, I'll fix those thoughts." She followed them into the classroom while they walked ahead of her by a foot in distance. They all three stood a lined, present to the teachers central vision. Sacrocy and Chagas both placed a hand on her back, gesturing her to hold her stance between the two. They all listened to the instructor's instructions, Emile paying more attention than others "You'll be randomly chosen to fight whomever, one by one. On some occasion I'll give you the option to choose yourself. Each day you can either pick to fight alone, or with others by your side. You can then choose your weapon of choice or non at all, then we'll inject you with a dose that'll keep you perfectly intact and alive, no matter your blood standing." He took a pause after explaining simply, then in such a dull monotone voice, he spoke lastly "Everyone, line up, choose your weapons, find your partner if any, and let the lovely assistants preform their acts" Emile looked up to the two of them with nervous and hopeful eyes of a beggar "Will you guys team with me?" Since it's my first time?" They looked at each other for a second, then both of them smiled in delight and responded in unison "Nope" "What?" Sacrocy chuckled "You have to learn on your own a bit. You'll be fine." Chagas smiled at a girl with dull blonde hair that stood behind her "It looks like you already have a fight lined up for you." Emile looked behind her surprised, the blonde girl stood there very serious with her peek-a-boo bangs leaving her eyes shadowed over. She stood even smaller then Emile and still looked more threatening. She then spoke in a beautiful yet strong voice "We pink our battle today. I want to fight you. I haven't seen you around and I want to know what your capable of." Emile smiled wimpishly trying to convince her otherwise in a friendly sense "I swear to you, I'm not capable of much here." Although before she could fully comprehend it, she was standing in a large chained cage, holding a scythe, with the gate locked, and with a small crowd watching over silently, seeing who would make the first move. The girl from before stood there, holding two steel daggers. The fenced in battle grounds became full of energy in seconds when the girl standing across the way darted towards Emile with grace. She dove forward like a human bullet while taking a spin a few feet off the ground, and landing with a forward roll. Although quickly she slit Emile's leg with one swift and fast movement. The instructors voice was heard over a loud speaker that echoed among the room "Hit one, of three." The crowd observed, unsatisfied by a simple cut. Emile looked towards them all until seeing Chagas and Sacrocy looking back at her. The both of them interested and focused more than everyone else in the crowd. Suddenly a rush of blood ran down her back. She was stabbed right in the middle before she could even blink. She looked around to see the girl making direct eye contact with no regrets, as the speakers announced "Two!" then she continued by stabbing Emile in the leg from behind. And that moment Emile's vision became more clear. She didn't belong here, and this school was only going to get worse and worse along the way. Not that it's been bad, but there would always be something to learn, and she couldn't help but think that things would all fall apart. But now it'll all go down just the same as this battle, being painless, expected, and still just as unacknowledged as she began. "Three!" After C.E, it was time to head over to P.E, being (for once) regular, physical education. She walked there with the twins, since she just happened to have that class with them as well. Although she still couldn't get her mind off of the battle. Sacrocy waved his hand in front of her face "Yo, spacey much?" Chagas stood in front of Emile with concern "You alright? Did that battle get to your head, Love? I can't easily comprehend the reasoning for these feelings you experience after this being your first battle, although I'm sure the either of us could assist with the conflict." Sacrocy "Wait, so something wrong?" he stood in front of Emile, grabbing her shoulders Who's a*s do I kick?" Chagas lifted her chin to grasp her attention "He could sometimes be a pest, but we hold the same intentions of bringing a beautiful smile to your face. So if by mistake he makes it more difficult, you could always come to me. Even if it means calling me in the midst of the night, I'll always attend to a maiden, as yourself." She turned her head away, only to end up facing Sacrocy, as he held her head with both hands firmly "How do we fix this? Do you wanna talk or what?" She pulled away from his grasp, now opening the heavy steel doors into the gym "I'm fine, it's not that big of a deal. I'm just kind of confused on where this is all going. Every where I turn there's more weird things to learn, and I'm not really sure how much of this will help me in life." Sacrocy put an arm around her shoulder "I'm pretty sure it'll all come in handy at some point or another." "In time you'll see, Dear" Chagas chimed in with a calming tone "First day of C.E is always tedious anyway." When they entered the gym, Emile's idea of actually having a "regular" class was left behind in her little world of logic she used to know. The room was abnormally large with dark navy blue spring flooring, that was divided by many black lines across the flooring, each line titled "Boarder Line" and numbered on the sides. The walls were titanic mats reaching to the ceiling where chandeliers hung, bringing little light to the shadow covered emptiness. Emile, Sacrocy, Chagas, and all other students approached the center. They were divided by height without proper measurements. Emile considered herself short, although those who considered the same of themselves, were all around the height of two feet or lower, so Emile placed herself in the group of people who were considered "Mid-sized" according to the coach, separate from the twins who were within the exponentially tall group. The coach began roll call, then they all lined up once again to begin injecting, then one by one, with the same fluids from C.E to allow them to heal and take damage with no pain. There were coach assistants who started setting up obstacles throughout the gym. Nothing looked anything to familiar with set ups she used to deal with. Sacrocy, as before, wrapped his arm around Emile playfully with a child-like smile on his face, having Chagas by his side, following with his head held high as usual, having all the other flocks of women look his way as if they've seen the dapper prince of England himself. "Where are you wanting to go first?" they casually spoke in unison. Emile looked confused as she carried Sacrocy's hand away off her shoulder by his index finger, like an insect placed where it doesn't belong "Why do you two have to talk at the same time? It just makes it more like the classic stereotype of twins in shows and stories." "We're not twins" Chagas corrected. Although Sacrocy quickly continued on before that subject could become an official conversation "OH god, Short s**t! Pay attention! We've gone through this before, it's a question, I am asking, focus!" Gripping onto her shoulders to face him. Emile pushed him away, being annoyed "Quit it!" then proceeding to hide herself behind Chagas "I don't like being messed with all the time." Chagas turned around with a smile that spoke flirtation "Awww, Emile, I thought this has all been delightful..." he turned around to face her more directly "Seeing that amazingly cute face of frustration in play." He weaved his fingers through her unmanaged hair "I don't blame Sacrocy in wanting your complete attention, now that I realize the true spell you arise when pushed to you limits, I may crave a little of that too" He caressed beneath her chin with his soft inviting fingers, while Emile stood there, unaware of what to do in response. Sacrocy split the two with ease, pulling Emile away with her back to his chest now. He looked down at her, seeing her wide eyes of a deer in head lights expression looking back "So..." he almost spoke, till he couldn't help for a brief moment to stare back "Your eyes are more noticably big when your looking up. I didn't notice before." Chagas tilted his head in curiosity "Do I see something interesting, Sacrocy?" "F**k no!" He claimed defensively. "Good" Chagas responded "We know the trouble that'd bring to our table." Brushing aside the suspicious commentary,"So what do you want to do, Emile?" Sacrocy inquired. She played along when it came to setting aside events, and just spoke "I don't know. It's not like I come here often." "Well you sucked before at C.E." Chagas smiled, once again with the confidence he always reveals "It just takes practice, Dear." Emile was slapped on the back when Sacrocy announced "Well then let's start with the easy stuff." Afterwards, the three of them met in the hall, Sacrocy jumped out from behind her "To the Dining Hall!" Emile's eyes woke with excitement "So lunch?!" her body was over worked and tired from Sacrocy and Chagas's "Fitness Training" before. "What kind of food is there? I'm starving." "Calm down, Piggy." Sacrocy said jokingly. Chagas came around to the other side of Emile, brushing his hair back with his fingers, relaxed and cool as always "They've got the simple stuff like any other cafeteria." Chagas and Sacrocy stepped ahead of Emile for a moment to open the large grand doors to the Dining Hall. The Dining Hall looked like something straight from some Harry Potter movie, although with the colors being many shades of blacks, blues, and greens. Rows of surprisingly long tables were covered with shining silver plates, spoons, forks, and tea pots. Curtains draped along side large windows, letting in the afternoon light to compliment the scene. Up ahead, served the food. "It's so big and fancy..." She stared off at the crowds of people, enjoying their meals with friends and a few being couples. She realized the two of them started walking ahead. So she quickly began to follow to keep up. They approached the gathering of endless soups, sweets, and a whole lot of other meals she's never seen before. "So which would you like first, my Maiden?" Chagas asked. "I-I don't know, and there's a lot of things I've never seen before. I didn't know food like this existed." Sacrocy began taking his plate and wasting no time to serve himself "Well, you said you were hungry. So eat something." Chagas grabbed two plates and set down on the side near him "Dear, id you'd like, I could make an attempt to choose something you'd like." She looked over at him with hope that lingered for the apatite "That'd" be really nice, please." she said with a small voice. Chagas smiled kindly, getting reasonable samples of multiple dishes for Emile. He handed her the plate full of random assortments of unusual foods. "I hope this satisfies your taste, my Maiden." She took the plate and quickly followed Sacrocy, who she saw walking off to a table, before either of them had a chance to finish picking their meals. "Wait! Can you-?" Ge sat down and gestured for her to take a seat next to him on the long, extended, wooden bench "Sit next to me." Chagas placed a hand on her shoulder from behind, chiming in "Between the two of us, Emile." As he began guiding her to her seat with a discrete push of her waist forward. Although having his hand up against her behind her hips only made her a little more nervous. So she didn't hesitate to make her way closer over to Sacrocy's side shortly after. In front of her, were tea pots and sugar cubes along side candles that perfumed the tables with a mix of what almost seemed like newly baked pumpkin pie, and apples powdered with cinnamon. Suddenly, a chill of silver reached her lips and caught her attention towards Chagas, who smiled with a sly and calming vibe. "Young Lady, are you going to allow a gentleman as myself, to take the honor of serving one such as you? As my reward for retrieving your meal, I'd like to see how satisfied you are, or not, with my choices." Sacrocy smirked "Here we go again." he set his spoon in to partly sway, and partly lean, within his soup bowl. His eyes directed towards Chagas, looking just as sly "Why don't you set a bib up for her while your at it?" he leaned against the table with his hand pressed against his cheek "You know we're supposed to keep this even, and you've been hitting on her all day. Even in gym when she tripped face first, you took no moment to waste before pouncing to the rescue after your poor injured kitten." Chagas ignored Sacrocy's glance and smiled at Emile, yet continued the conversation "I could never ignore a maiden in distress." Sacrocy laughed "Oh, yes! A bruise! Or maybe she'll scrape herself to death, you never know." Emile turned her head towards Sacrocy "Are you fighting over this?" They spoke in unison "We're not fighting." now both of them looking at her as if she's just spoke foreign. Chagas proceeded to explain "I speak more reasonably, while Sacrocy just has a funny way of going about with his words. Although our tone, matters not. Our words are only commentary." He set his spoon aside, now looking precisely towards Sacrocy "So, now you say our fair share in attention directed towards Emile hasn't been equivalent, so go on, make your mark, I'll step aside." Emile looked towards Chagas with blushing cheeks and eyes of fear "But what do you mean?" Chagas was now the one who's feelings were shown with a laughter and a smirk "To break it to you, Dear, your currently our personal toy to tease, there isn't an escape, I should say." Emile froze in an atmostphere defining danger "Chagas, n-now your talking funny." Sacrocy called her out "Your the one with a stutter, short s**t." Emile turned quickly to Sacrocy, although got thrown off the rail when seeing a piece of meat pressed between his teeth and only a few inches away from her face. He tried his best to speak through what seemed like maybe beef "Juf tehk ith..." He said impatiently. Then before she could question, he shoved it in her mouth using his. Their lips only lightly touched for a brief moment when he was trying to encourage the food to pass from his mouth to hers, using his tongue for the advancement in her keeping the majority. She big down on the piece of meat and immediately turned away with warm cheeks, leaving the other half of the bite to him. She looked at him with a three-fourth quarter angle, embarrassed and oblivious when it came to knowing what happens now. Sacrocy "Your worked up already? Damn, your a p***y, Emile." "Flattered" Chagas added in with amusement. "Why'd you do that?" She questioned. "Do I need a reason?" Chagas laughed "We'd better finish eating, children." he smiled. Her next class was geography. Neither of the twins were in this one, so she sat alone somewhere among the middle of it all. Although it felt a little weird having so much to tease about, so many sassy remarks, then being left to suddenly take a step back to continuing her side-line life as a lone wold, a wall-flower, as being Emile. She took out a few papers and her mechanical pencil, getting ready for the teacher's first impression. The bell rang and all but one was seated. It was a girl who stood there with a hand on her hips and eyes that aimed towards the only seat left by Emile. She walked over, now seeing that she'd probably stand just a bit taller than Emile once compared back-to-back, and her sleek black hair with a light pink under layer would flow perfectly behind her shoulders, as if every inch of her spoke confidence, almost like Sacrocy or Chagas. Emile listened to the teacher while taking notes. Although her attention was brought anew to the girl once again from the corner of her eye. The girl was very pretty, and it made it a little to difficult to just sit there without being envious. But it seemed she was looking over for a little to long once she heard her whisper "How long do you plan on staring?" Emile looked away hoping it'd hide her face. Although the girl waited patiently for her to speak, so she awkwardly asked "What's your name?" "Clarity. You?" "Emile." "Cool..." There was a moment of silence. Even her name was pretty. Emile looked her way and began making her attempt for conversation "Do you have any hobbies?" Clarity looked at her curiously "Are you trying to be my friend?" and now realizing Emile's face just froze "Is it that difficult to speak?" "I-I'm sorry!" she said a bit to loud, now trying to keep her voice down "It'd be nice to have a friend. I'm new here and so for I've just gotten acquainted with these two brothers, but I guess that'd good anyway for my first day." "It's good, you say?' "Yeah." "Then you don't seem to need me." She said jokingly. "So anyway, my hobbies are dancing, running, I like to deal with a bunch of spa stuff, and the girly things like make-up and hair, and so on..." she crossed her legs while leaning in a bit to Emile "So what are you into?" Emile thought for a moment, knowing her life-likeings wouldn't be as fun and frilly sounding as that "Well I'm into stuff like drawing, board games, and piano." "Can you play anything good on the piano?" "I actually don't own a piano" she said in a nervous tone in fear of seeming to lame. "I just like to listen to it and my mother used to play before we moved to some other house pretty long ago." "That's to bad." Through the rest of the class they talked about each other an the class quietly, once in a while trying to hold in laughter with their palms pressed to their lips to muffle the sound. Once the bell had rung, they headed out only to see the twins ready to escort Emile to her next class. Sacrocy greeted her with a smile "Your next class is with me, Emile." Chagas stepped ahead and ran his fingers lightly through her hair "Good luck." Suddenly Claritie's eyes lit up "Oh my gawd!" she turned her head to Emile quickly "How come you didn't tell me your getting hooked up with these two?" "I told you I met two guys" she responded simply. "I know! But Sacrocy and Chagas are popular, they're practically the heart throbs of the school." Chagas stood proudly "It's lovely to realize our reputation has kept up. " he held Claritie's hand now close to his lips "It flatters me to see how delighted our presence brings you, my Dear." Sacrocy grabbed Chagas by the collar and lead him behind his back to make room for his turn to speak, looking at Emile "So this girl is your new friend?" "Yeah..." She answered. He made sure that Chagas was held by his side and that Emile was now joining along the ride, grabbing her wrist, he made his way into the crowd of other students "Well we can talk some other time." Clarity was left without a word. Chagas stopped once they were far enough from Clarity to be out of her sight "Why the rush to leave? She was perfect bait." Sacrocy looked back at Chagas and openly spoke of their intentions "Emile's been our goal, remember? We're targeting HER." Emile poked Sacrocy's hip "Um...hi..." Chagas a bit sternly "Well I understand, but you think we may be able to get two hit up?" "What do you mean?" "They're friends, right? Maybe they won't mind sharing." Chagas spoke pretty bluntly. Emile raised her hand high like a frantic student with an answer and chimed in "If it involves ne, I'd like to know what we're talking about." She put her hand down and continued "I understand if your liking Clarity and want-" "It's not like that!" Sacrocy spoke loudly to interrupt "Emile, our games shouldn't have anything to do with Clarity." He looks over at Chagas with shame "He's just being stubborn." Chagas "You know my reasons, so don't attempt to make me the one with a foul disposition. You and I are one in the same." He stood proud as always, but somehow kept his charm as well. Sacrocy pulled Emile away from the scene and into their classroom. "I'm sorry. We don't mean to come off sounding harsh." Emile "What was the whole conversation about?" She stood in front of Sacrocy, with a look that seemed more like an investigator than a student "You both talked about me and Clarity like a crush or dating thing." She looked a little embarrassed and weirded out in her next words "I understand if you both meant one of you wanted to date Clarity, but I didn't think I was involved like that." "Your completely lost, Traveler." He kiddingly smirked, although it was obvious there were more complications going on behind his mark that he wasn't willing enough to reveal. At least not yet. "When will you tell me?" "Sometime soon." He bent down to her height and placed one finger on his lips with a playful wink "Secrets are fun, aren't they?" They entered the classroom, only to be injected one-by-one in a line. Mats to sit on were placed on tables rather than the floor. The woman in front of them introduced all to her yoga class. Emile wasn't going to question the reasons of a yoga class being a required class to attend, considering how the rest of her day has been, so this would be little in question, in comparison to C.E, P.E, or the magically classy looking cafeteria. She sat on the table, although instead of sitting next to her, Sacrocy sat on the table behind her. "why are you back there?" "So no one else get's this view." He said being very full of himself. The teacher began to continuously talk for quite a while without breaks about the importance of yoga and all the health benefits it provides. Although Sacrocy was easily bored out of his mind enough to lay down and relax, taking his nap on the table behind her. The teacher didn't seem to mind when she saw, and just continued to speak. Emile turned to poke him. He stayed low, but looked up towards her while trying to blow and shake the wisps of his hair from his face. He smiled back at her knowing what to say "Do ya wanna join me here, Emile?" "Eh..." She backs up for a moment, not being able to help but blush a bit from his inventation. Although she laughed to his humor and messed with his hair the same way you'd scruff any adorable puppy. After class was over, Sacrocy rubbed his eyes with a yawn that exaggerated into a brief opera. Chagas walked from around a corner, now taking Emile's arm to her with glee, like a middle schooler on their first date, he pulled her playfully close "We've got dance class together, Emile." He clung by her side, not minding the glares from other girls, and he stayed this way until they've arrived to the class, leaving Sacrocy to wonder on his own. Rather than a simple mirror surrounded dance studio, we all gathered on the side behind the curtains of a stage. Some of the girls brought heels or skirts that they held in their arms close to their chests. "This is not a class of lessons, as much as it is expression. I see some of you have already come prepared with your self-complimentary attire, braaaaav!" she said very cheerfully "So, in case you don't already know your role here, you'll be free to express your inner psychotic state through body language. For the most part, you'll have your moments to pick to either do this alone, or with others, although be sure you'll sync enough together to create a well preformed piece." She gestured to us all with her arms open wide and her steps traveling in reverse towards the stage behind her "I'll call you one by one to approach this foot-marked canvas to add your strokes, while I watch from a far in the presence of this crowd of the invisible audience." She smiled fro ear-to-ear with hands that ushered "So who'll proceed before these stage lights first?" When Emile looked behind her to ask Chagas if he'd be her partner, she saw that she was one, ut of many. Girls gathered around him begging. They all had lingering puppy eyes that wouldn't look away. Although his destination led him, and all those eyes, to Emile. His soft smile was to sweet to look away from once he's made eye contact, as his hand reached out towards Emile, and exclusively for Emile. They all looked at her with impatience. Emile looked up to him with a little confusement, taking his hand, she smiled back. They walked together on stage, with Chagas leading the way like a prince while Emile followed unsure of what to do. When they stopped for a moment to face each other before the music would start, Chagas said to Emile charmingly "Follow my lead, Traveler." The music began, the lights dimmed, and for a brief moment they were still. Her hand was with his, weaved through his fingers, and the hand of his that remained was placed on her hip firmly. He then guided her with a gentle pull of the body and a couple steps taken in which ever direction "Thank you" she spoke. "Your not the kind to often be seen as desperate." He commented "Those are the type of women that interest me." "I don't find a reason to get all excited for one person like that. People are people, and no matter how well drawn they look, there will always be smudges, and people will always try to erase it, or make it look better, but over half the time, the smudges will always stay." "Ha, very poetic." he laughed. "Did you know, Emile, that me and Sacrocy can sense those smudges?" "What do you mean?" she inquired. He lightly spun her before continuing "We can feel the touch of agony seeped in you pores, we can hear the whispers of desperation from your unconscious, we smell the fragrant of irony among your daily lifestyle, we can even taste the fear that follows behind false flavors of salted skin, but all we physically see for now, is you." He dipped her down "I enjoy poetry, Emile." "I don't understand you and Sacrocy half the time when I talk to you two." "I don't find it necessary, considering if you spoke our language, it may encourage you to flee." "You don't think I'll just get used to it?" she rolled her eyes a bit playfully "I've gotten used to this whole school, I don't think you two would be to much more to handle." "In time, as they say." They turned and bowed to the invisible audience as the music came to a gradual stop. Ironically, her following class was Poetry/Riddles. Through the class, like some of the others, it was full of introductions about what we're going to do, supplies we need to get, and about the teacher himself. Although afterwards, there was Counseling, but some called this class "Cleansing". There were desks near the front, and glass cells in the back. Emile sat in the back, since the teacher's glare kind of intimidated her. He looked over every individual student as if they'd become his new experiments to play with over time, although he was quite handsome, having his pupils explore from his iris blue sea to the shore of many characters he's been required to educate. He seemed unapproachable. The bell rang and the majority of seats were taken. He walked towards the of all our desks and raised his arms sarcastically "I don't care for introductions, simply, I am Professor Rillamore, your psychologist." His hands gestured towards the other side of the room "Enter the cells towards the back and we will begin." Everybody, your psychologist." his hands gestured towards the other side of the room "Enter the cells towards the back and we will begin." Everybody got up to head towards their cells. She picked the one towards the end. When she opened the door and released the cold steel know, the space around her was empty, small, and white. There was nothing around, aside from a small microphone and small boxed speaker in one of the top corners. Even when she looked behind her, the only way to identify that there was a door, was the knob she's left behind to sit there and shine against the solid, blunt wall. After waiting a few minutes, Professor Rillamore's voice was heard coming from the speaker "These will be your special little rooms through the year. If you haven't noticed by now, these rooms can be seen through from the outside, although that changes once your inside. I'll be watching over you from the outside during these sessions for information and emergencies, you never know." over the speaker, you could hear the sound of a chair being dragged over and his sigh of self-relief "Now, do you want to know a fun fact about what me and these rooms have in common? Oooooh, thank you for asking. What you'll witness from the both of us is only what your deepest thoughts would like you to witness. Whether it be the screaming of your past, or these white walls looking back at as your self - reflection, you'll stand in the middle of it and I'll be watching from the outside. Although because I'm not in your head, I'm only half of what you'd expect me to be. Now how about we begin our first round?" For a brief moment there was nothing but the walls, the speaker, the microphone, and that silver door knob. But then the world became a world of thick smoke, making it hard to see or breath. Her airways tightened, her breath shortened, and her lungs struggled. He told us we would see and hear things, but the touch and feeling of suffocating in this atmosphere was unexpectedly real. What if she'd die? She lost the ability to even vaguely mutter the plead for help to open the door and escape. her body couldn't support itself any longer, so her knees gave out and allowed her to collapse to the ground. She was shaking from not only the sudden lose in strength, but from fear. A small familiar hand reached out to her through the smoke, and after a bit, she realized the dark figure that followed after was her little brother, Trent. Emile felt the urge rush over her to tell him to leave her be, to go back home for his own safety. But she couldn't. Then there were more shadow shaded figures appearing behind him, but all she could see were the arms wrapping around him and pulling him back into the smoke where he began. She could now breath. The room was white, and the door revealed Professor Rillamore looking back at her with a look of mono-tone "It went well." There was the final meal of the day, dinner. Chagas set the plate in Emile's viewing while Sacrocy was seen to have already began stuffing his mouth with more than he could eat. Emile turned to Chagas and asked "How is it for you when your in the class for 'Counseling', or whatever." she tried to ask casually. Chagas realized the tension and hoped to make an attempt to comfort "It's fine. But how come your so down? Did yours not go so well?" "As if anybody's does." Sacrocy said once his mouthful of food was swallowed. Emile poked at her food with a fork, making pieces roll over and mix with others. Chagas held her hand still, grasping her attention from the thought that she has to be alone "We're here to listen if something's troubling, Dear." "It's probably just cause it's her first time." Sacrocy said as if he knew all the answers, so proud of himself. Chagas ran his fingers through her hair soothingly "It's probably just that. Moments, as what you've gone through, need getting immune to." "Probably" She muttered under her breath. Sacrocy turned her head towards his way and smiled in a sense that made Emile blush without much effort "This'll make ya feel better" he whispered a little suddectivly. Emile felt her stomach drop and body turn hot "Sacro-!" Before she could slip in another word, the taste of thick, warm noodles and broth was shoved in her mouth abruptly "Taste good?" he chuckled. After swallowing, Emile started throwing her little bashful tantrum "You made me nervous from how you acted! That isn't cool!" He poked her forehead teasingly "Awwww, is Emile thinking dirty now?" Emile shoved Sacrocy away by the shoulders "Quit it!" Chagas came behind her to whisper in her ear softly "Are you being pushed to your limits again, Dear?" then caressing down her spine with just one finger on her back "I'd like to see that pushed a little farther." "Chagas, I said-!" Sacrocy hugged her tightly from the side, now restraining her arm movement "Just quit whining and enjoy, Spoiled!" he shouted to her playfully. Emile couldn't help but laugh a bit to loudly from the teasing, and it couldn't help but continue once Chagas began to tickle her stomach, realizing now that it's been the reason why Sacrocy held her so tight. So her legs began spazing out as her self-defense, kicking the table violently, and practically shoving herself off the seat if Sacrocy wasn't there to keep a grasp. After the last bell of the day, Sacrocy and Chagas stayed by her side, until she'd realize they were on the sidewalk that laid on this Earth in front of her household. They never took a step past the edge of the sidewalk that made contact with the soiled path that lead to her apartment on the lower floor. Emile's voice would shake when she would tell the two of them about how they'd have to stop here, rather than escort her to the door. They didn't question, because honestly, they already knew.
© 2014 SketchyRabbit-LiteratureAuthor's Note
Added on July 2, 2014 Last Updated on July 2, 2014 Tags: sketchyrabbit, nuclear sunrise, parasites, love, sex, mature content, combined world, abstract Author![]() SketchyRabbit-LiteratureLas Vegas, NVAboutI'm into many different things, literature is just one of those things that flutter through the wind on my branches ^.^ more..Writing