

A Poem by Enigma

A parting gift for my significant other. Revised version.


I have faith in you

But not in the time

That is capable of crumbling mountains to dust

Can our love withstand this strong tide of faith?


I have you etched in my heart

But now that you are continents apart

To not hear the voice of my personal angel everyday

Smiling and yet, fearful of the things to come

Scared at the very thought of being alone

When you have shared my days for many years now

Can our love withstand the distance?


I haven’t been too perfect or pretty

But you made me feel far better than that

Could you actually peep inside the thick crust of my concrete disguise?

Could you actually make out the outlines of my real self

Long forgotten by me

And love me, for the same

For the very same

To not snatch that feeling of being loved and needed

Feeling frightened for my fragile heart

Can I withstand the separation?












You have touched my hand and my soul many a time

Filled the moment with the feel of eternity

By looking in my eyes

Pulled me through the toughest battles of life

Reminding me of my own strengths

And at times, weaknesses

Being my confidant, companion, care - taker

My friend, my lover, my every thing

I have faith in you

I have hope for me

Through the clouds of my insecurities

Your presence will shine again

It will be difficult without you

But, I know, the next time I see you

You will see the same girl

I will see the same guy

And the years that separated us will fade

Oh yes, they won’t exist anymore

For the feel of that sheer happiness

When I see you again

I will have to carry on

And I believe, I can

© 2011 Enigma

Author's Note

My boyfriend leaves for UK tomorrow and I thought I should write him a parting gift. I have a feeling that the poem is over-whelmingly about myself. I should've tried to incorporate the thoughts of both equally. Ah, well. :)

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Featured Review

A great poem of the heart. I feel the way you wrote mostly about your view point is good because it came from your heart and your thoughts not his. The lines i have faith in you and hope for me is really what love is all about and penned very well in the write. Great job!

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Well there is always room for revision if you should feel the need to make it as you say "less about you". In my opinion though it isnt about you, its about how he makes feel. He made you feel sacure and loved. He gave you companionship and strength. It tells me that he is obviosly worth waiting for and that whenhe does return your love for eachother will only be made stronger by this seperation. Well done Enigmatic Soul!

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

A great poem of the heart. I feel the way you wrote mostly about your view point is good because it came from your heart and your thoughts not his. The lines i have faith in you and hope for me is really what love is all about and penned very well in the write. Great job!

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

A beautiful poem. No separation is a good one. I like the kind emotion and hope in the words. Distance can stale love. Can't stop it. A very good ending to a excellent poem.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

If love is meant to be it always shows. Beautifully written! Great write

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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24 Reviews
Added on September 16, 2011
Last Updated on September 17, 2011




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