i know that feeling too well...
"Is this my lover, or just a friend?"
I can't tell you how many times that thought has gone through my mind. =p
BEAUTIFUL POEM! I enjoyed every sentence, every word! You have a wonderful way of putting together poems :D
"It's hard enough for me to figure it out
You look like a friend
But you feel like love"
Those lines alone have captured me... this is my favorite poem of yours!
This is wonderful and new Siya!
I was overcome with a feeling of new
love... and it was refreshing :)
I am a believer that friendship builds
a stronger bond between ppl... so when
the friendship turns into more, it is that
much sweeter.
This is awesome. I think what really
caused me to smile was exactly that
line about your "childish smile".
It took me back a few... :-D
Your writing has really improved my friend. :)
Not that it needed much, but it's an ongoing
learning, improving process for us all and it's
wonderful when you can see it happening with
someone, which I do with you.
There is a thin line between love and friendship...
Sometimes a good friend can become a lover or vice versa.
Loving a friend can be confusing, but reading your poem, I get the distinct impression that you do know the difference. You have written down your feelings in a very honest and sensitive way. Yes this poem is very sweet and I have a gut feeling that your friend is a really good friend.
Reading your poem, deep down inside, he must know that you love him.
You have written a very beautiful poem, full of emotions and nuances.
You do know the difference between love and friendship. The way you are describing your intimate feelings shows this very well. And yes, all this can be very confusing at times. I hope your friend never will take advantage of your feelings and that he can appreciate your love and that your friendship may turn into love, for friends can become lovers!
This is very sweet. I know EXACTLY how you feel. He just sees me as a friend, but I love him with all I have. The feeling when you're together though is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nice poem! Very sweet.
i can relate...i think that feling my be something we all feel at one time, like...is it possible that this relationship has become "more than just friends."
You explained it all well and simple, and i loved these lines!
"Oh! You've got me confused
hi i have to come back again ,i have even a better review for you dear...
as tears run down your face
you know i am there to wipe them away
as you hold closer i hold you tight never letting you away
i will talk to you ,i will even sing
i will dance for you
i will play the clown just for
and you laugh,laugh my love
i just want to wipe them tears away
will do anything just for you for
i will build us castles and dreams and hopes
though holding loose in the air ,our love will hold them strong
so they are always there
i will fight the world for you
i will pave the way under your feet
i will do as no one done for my love
i will do the strangest things for my love
mock me as you like ,never care
i will always do it for my love
i will do wonders ,i will travel the world just for you
my love
i will forever want you happy
even if in a dreamy world just for us
that will be just enough for me
if you were in it
as tears run down your face
you know i am there to wipe them away
as you hold closer i hold you tighter never letting you get away
i will talk to you ,i will even sing
for you,i will build us castles and dreams and hopes
though holding loose in the air ,our love will hold them strong
so they are always there
i will fight the world for you
i will pave the way under your feet
i will do as no one done for my love
i will do the strangest things for my love
i will forever want you happy
even if in a dreamy world just for us
that will be just enough for me
if you were in it
again some other crazy thought driven by your wonder mixing of friends with lovers ,this very tricky thing ,you never know when one ends so the other starts ,very thoughtful writing ,gave lots to think about ,you are doing great here really
Hi, I'm Preeti. Nice to meet you!
I found this place around the same time I found my love for writing. To be honest, it was a time back when I could write. And I did, oh so much. I found words to b.. more..