A Cold Night's Thoughts

A Cold Night's Thoughts

A Poem by Merle Van Dee

I sit out and ponder tonight

Under golden starlight.

A colder wind blows,

Winter is just around the bend.

Soon summer will end,

The long nights filled with fruitless fights.

You crept into my dreams again last night.

I didn’t know what to do

A part of me said ‘call’

But I wouldn’t survive that fall.

So I did nothing

I tried to reach you before

But I guess all those bridges burned.

How do I move on?

I’m just a lost boy

Wandering new streets of life.

Been awhile since I walked alone.

I forgot about the silence

What that is like.

To only hear one set of footsteps.

I know I am paying off a debt.

Once paid

It’ll be like I’m dead.

A fresh start ensues

I must pursue,

Pursue the wind wherever it leads

It whistles to me in these darkened streets.

Beckons me on to a lonely sunrise

So I’ll march on to the beating

Of my own drum

My forsaken heart’s song.

Off key she may be

Slightly slow.

Weighed down with baggage


The pace quickens

As the burdens are shed.

Reaching the end of the way

Still broken and bruised

Stitched up with needle and thread

I’ve reached a new street

Time for a different beat.

The sun has risen

I’ve been forgiven.

© 2016 Merle Van Dee

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Added on February 4, 2016
Last Updated on February 4, 2016


Merle Van Dee
Merle Van Dee

Peoria, IL

"Terrible things happen to good people every day. Consequentially, I am not one of the good people. I am one of those terrible things." - Marianna Paige For more consistent writing follow my .. more..
