![]() To Whom It May ConcernA Chapter by Hope![]() The letter is sent and Ben is on the hunt. Where can Bryan be?![]() To whom it may concern: I am here for one mission and one alone: to serve the God I love by doing what he has commanded. Almost three days ago many people disappeared and around the world, millions of people began living in chaos. A handful of you are still eft here because you chose to not believe Him who had lived, died, and now reigns in Heaven. he came and he gave us these instructions: to go to the ends of the earth, presenting the news of life to those who do not yet know Him, and pointing them in the direction of their Saviour. We must remember the times of old; the times where we walked with God Himself in the garden, the times He walked as one of us humans, the times we turned to Him to be our saviour. Israel, you cannot understand God unless you know him personally. Are you blind? God already came and told you all that has happened, even up until the end of time. This time has come. Your Sajid and Hadassah have disappeared from your group because they chose to believe in Life, they chose to be saved through the death and love of Christ. How can you deny that? You missed it, you missed the call of the bridegroom, the trumpets have called and the saved have been rescued. You, however are still here. Come to God again, come to God as did Moses and Abraham. Serve God like Sajid and Hadassah. Remember what they last said to you: 'come near to God and He will come near to you. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.' Those who have come to accept Christ in this dark hour, the Lord has said: "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promises is faithful." He has also said, "So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have doe the will of God, you will recieve what you promised. For in just a very little while, 'He who is coming will come and will not delay. But my righteous one will live by faith. And if he shrinks back, I will not be pleased with him.' But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved."
Those in command for Israel, I write to you: obey the living word of God from Genesis to Revelation, and act upon His word. The instructions to find the oil are already written down for you. Find it and God will sustain you through these seven years. I strongly believe that now is the time to begin gathering everyone you can. The seven years have just begun and the war has already been declared. Alexandru is almost in power, life as you know it will be gone soon. "May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all." 2 Cor. 13:14. Join me and my family in alliance with the many other believers still here for the Kingdom of our Lord, Almighty God. We cannot do this alone. ~Keep in the faith, Brian, angel of service ***** [1700 hours; Kenya; Day 7] "John, what's the update?" "Ben, we don't know where they're at. We have to get Alexandru in power now, it might be the last opportunity we have." "I already sent you, Nicolae and Josiah to make that happen. That's why I'm asking." "This plan better work, Ben, or I will send for Lucifer to deal with you." "John, do not test me. Lucifer is the only one I answer to. © 2009 Hope |
Added on July 19, 2009 AuthorHopeSomewhere MagnificentAboutMy name is Hope. Music and poetry have been my life since before I can remember. I can't tell you who I am, but I can only show you. What I can tell you is who I believe in. I believe that Jesus .. more..Writing