Magic Imperium 2

Magic Imperium 2

A Story by Sinto

Sequel to Magic Imperium with more power and spells

Magic Imperium 2

CHAPTER 1 The Legend

Many years ago, the world was thrown into chaos, the world’s population was decreasing at a rapid rate, that’s when a man dressed in a dark blue cloak appeared. The knights fighting to protect the city suggested he take refuge and let them handle it. However, the man walked past the squad of men toward the ravaging army of demons. Some were small red imp-like creatures with winks while others were much bigger and buff. “Are you insane!? Run now before you’re killed!” The captain of the knights cried out. The squad could only watch as dozens of small demons raced towards him.

He stood motionless as he uttered the words: “Holy compression” Golden light surged around him before creating an immense burst of light, obliterating every devil that was in 20 meters of him. The small creatures let out hisses as they floated there, too scared to go any further. That’s when a large muscular demon with blood-red skin came charging at him.

Abundus paid more attention on this demon type as more and more came rushing toward him. But once again the young mage had a counter: “Mystic seal” A ray of light lit up underneath a large crowd of them as they were trapped within a sphere of light. Clinching his fist the sphere imploded, sending them all in random directions. (I don’t have time for this, I must get to their leader) He looked past the army of demons to see a titan-sized one watching from miles away.

“Magic boost: Speed and defense” Suddenly wisps of blue and purple mana floated around his body as he ascended into the air. He flew through the sky at an incredible velocity, but that didn’t stop the demon horde from tying to bring him down. A swarm of flying demons tried blocking his way and trying to make him fall. Each of them scratching him with their sharp claws.

Once more the mage unleashed his Holy compression, obliterating all the attacking demons like they were mere flies. (About half way there, might as well use one of my advanced magic spells to get there faster and buy time. “Multiplication magic” In a flash of light, three clones of Abundus manifested around him. One descended down to attack them from the ground while the other focused on protecting the real mage so he could reach the army’s master.

Swarms of winged demons once more tried to stop him but were knocked away by his duplicates. Once the mage was close enough to the largest demon, his clones levitated on both sides of him waiting to attack. “Mmm, seems you were able to reach me in a short amount of time. I expected you to be mauled to death by now” The colossal demon announced with a booming voice.

“Enough of this destruction, the people of this world does not deserve such chaos and torture. Since no one else will step forward I will be the one to finally end your madness”

“Oh really? What does a single mage thing he can do against the strongest demon lord of this world? You might as well be a mere pebble in front of me” Without a word, Abundus threw both his hands out in the direction of the titan, unleashing a powerful Shockwave. The hundreds of minions watched as their master was pushed several feet away by the mere mortal. “Impressive, seems you have far more magical power than I assumed. But I highly doubt it will be enough to stop me”

The large red-skinned creature with empty eye sockets of orange light aimed it’s massive Palm in the direction of the mage preparing to fire off an attack. Seconds before the massive blast shout out, Abundus sealed him and his clones inside a sphere of blue energy. “ colossal devastation!” abundance watched within his barrier has orange light lit up around him.

His shield barrier begin to crack apart luckily managed to stay intact just as the attack faded past him. Once the demonic creature’s attack at faded Abundus clapped his hands together causing the earth around the titan to raise up around him ceiling them within a dome of rock. After just moments the dome shattered apart with large boulders flying in every direction.

“You didn’t really think that would hold me did you?” It taunted. But when he looked in the direction of his opponent they were gone. (Damn it, should’ve known he only used that technique to buy himself some time) “Very well if you’re going to hide from me I’ll just destroy this entire town in one move” The tyrant swiped his hand in front of him in the direction of the town as a wall of fire made its way towards the civilization.

Finding himself having no choice, Abundus flew out in front of the wall of flames throwing his arm up in the air creating a wall of ice. The massive wall of ice instantly melted on contact but managed to cause the flames to evaporate on contact as well. “ I knew you would show yourself as soon as I proceeded to attack. It’s time to end your pathetic life and take over this world. “Dark magic: Dimensional paralysis!”

The magic Caster suddenly felt his body become paralyzed in place and able to move. (S**t, there’s got to be some way I can break free of this technique) His assailant grinned with sharp teeth. “To think you thought you were strong enough to defeat me all on your own” But moments before the demon lord prepared his final attack, Abundus began taking in a long deep breath.

“What is it that you think you’re doing?”

“You'll see in just a minute” The Caster responded still holding in the breath before taking in more. His attacker finally couldn’t take anymore and once more fired an overwhelming project towards his target. Abundus unleashed an Abrupt wave of power out of his mouth in the direction of the coming threat. Both projectiles clashed pushing each other back and forth nearly equal.

“This can’t be, how are you holding my attack back with your mere breath!?” the demon ordered all of his thousands of minions to gather around him to unleash in all out attack, the Titans attack grew nearly twice as strong, slowly pushing back towards the magic user. But Abundus still didn’t give up even with his body paralyzed. (Time to use my final ability…Magic boost: Mana multiplication) suddenly a blue aura surged around the Caster as his power was multiplied. He could feel his body becoming sore from going past his limit but didn’t let up.

“All out attack: Universal obliteration!” with his magic capabilities multiplied, Abundus released a blast from his mouth multi-colored like a rainbow. The immense blast pushed all of his enemies’ projectile right back at them obliterating all of them. “Impossible! How could I be killed by such a puny caster!!!”

The young magic-user smiled knowing that all of the demons were finally destroyed. Sadly going past his limit the after effect of using so much power begin to affect his body, as he felt the last spark of man to leave his body his body suddenly became Stone and he fell from hundreds of feet in the air. Many humans came out and watched as he fell from the sky before shattering apart on contact.

The few elder magic casters ordered the civilians to try and find each and every piece putting him back together in hopes of reviving him. But even after hours of finding every piece the ritual used to revive people was unsuccessful. “I’m sorry my children, it seems I do not have the power to bring him back. But maybe one day our magic will evolve far enough for someone to bring this man back…

CHAPTER 2: The Present Mage

Exius Cyrel found himself reading the last paragraph of the journal written by the same elder caster who attempted to resurrect their savior. (So…that was the legend of Abundus, it seems way shorter than I expected it to be, but it’s still amazing to hear about someone with such power. Hopefully in my lifetime I’ll get to see who will be the next Abundus)

He closed the book and slowly made his way back towards the academy's library. On his way through the courtyard nearby the library heard two teachers talking: We may have a problem on her hands that may endanger the students as well”

The student stayed still behind the wall continuing to eavesdrop on the conversation. “What is it? Tokomi replied. This surprised Cyrel since he was his teacher. This made the young caster listen more carefully.

“We've located a legion of dark casters that may have targeted the academy planning for an attack”

“Another attack? How are the wizard supposed to learn with all the attacks popping up more often?... I’ll try to plan something, don’t let this get out to any of the students Yunagaia” His fellow teacher nodded before both walking in opposite directions.

Cyrel was in shock to hear that the school might be under attack soon, but kept his cool to make sure no one became suspicious. That he was aware of what was happening. After returning the history book to the library, he was messaging magic to telepathically Signal Sara and Virgil to meet him somewhere where they wouldn’t be disturbed.

They met in the gymnasium which not many people used since the students were more focused on magic instead of Sports. Some students did however use magic during the sports such as using telepathic spells to move the ball without touching them.

“What is so important that you suddenly contact us? Sara responded a little annoyed. Virgil was curious to know as well but wasn’t surprised that his friend had called him. Exius told them about the conversation he had heard between the two teachers about a possible war coming to the school once again.

“Why did you eavesdrop onto teachers!?” Sara responded as if it was more important. Virgil sighed replying: I don’t condone eavesdropping either, but I think you’re losing track of what’s really important at the moment. I’m curious to know why the teachers aren’t alerting the students of this. I know most of the time it’s to keep from paranoia from spreading, but they should at least alert the high-tier magic users or the seniors. I’m sure high-class magic users know how to stay calm in a serious situation”

“Yeah, this must be a very serious situation if they’re not even willing to alert the elites of such a predicament. Hopefully we can figure out a strategy before whatever it is comes our way. Virgil we should try to locate the source of this coming threat before they can plan an attack”

“That’s a terrible idea, plus I highly doubt the teachers would let us leave without a good reason and we’d easily be caught as soon as we left the campus. We're three of the best students of our classes so it wouldn’t be that hard for them to notice that we were missing!”

“Are you sure that’s a good idea? If we did find their location what exactly would we do? scout them or just head back to the school and try to plan a strategy, possibly alert the head of the school of our plan?”

Exius thought for a moment and replied: “We should do that, we should try to find their base and scout them figuring out how much we’re dealing with, plan a strategy then tell the head of the school our plan and hopefully they’ll go along with it or at least not expel us for leaving the grounds to do something like that”

Virgil hesitated for a moment then decided to go along with it. “Obviously Sara is right, but on the other side I think the school is wrong not to alert more people of the situation. If more high-class casters are aware of the problem that would give more solutions to the problem hopefully saving the school and lives”

Sara just groaned and walk back towards her room while the other two planned their strategy on how to scout the base once they located it. Virgil and Exius made their way towards their teacher’s room since he was the one told about it, they assumed he would have info on the location of the base.

Virgil looked through the window signaling his friend with a thumbs-up that it was empty. Both used their magic to teleport inside the room in a puff of blue Smoke. While Virgil searched the room for any notes or maps locating the base, Cyril looked out the window and used his magic sensing ability to make sure no one was coming.

Their teacher’s room had a dark blue carpet with most of the wall covered in bookshelves. A small desk stood nearly in the center of the room with windows aligned across the top right of the room letting you in a small amount of light. “Crap, I’ve looked through nearly every nook and cranny of the room and yet haven’t been able to locate anything of use to us”

Just then Exius had an idea, he placed his hand on the ground and cast an energy detecting spell throughout the room. A pink shockwave filled the entire room when a small blue light emanated from the corner. Quickly catching their attention Virgil rushed over and pulled down the photo of Tokomi to see a small hole with a wrapped up piece of paper sitting in the center.

Virgil unwrapped it to see a map with an area circled with a note saying threat located. It was miles away, luckily they now knew the location of the threat and quickly decided to think about plan on how to leave school grounds without anyone noticing long enough to reach the location of the legion.

Wrapping the piece of paper back up in the ribbon, placing the painting back on the small hole, they proceeded to make their way to the courtyard towards the exit. They looked around and saw no sign of teachers or seniors, the only ones around were freshman and sophomore that paid no attention to them.

Just as they were about to leave Sara came up behind them running towards them. “Ugh, originally I wasn’t going to go along with this stupid plan of yours but I don’t want either of you getting hurt just because I wasn’t there” She quickly grab both of them teleporting them off of the school grounds miles away as far as she could teleport.

“Now, which direction is the base located?” Sara questioned. Cyrel pointed north and said: “It’s a few miles that way” They proceeded to make their way north. After about an hour of going north, every now and again having Sarah teleport them further to save on time they finally reached the base.

The face look like a large castle made of steel with nothing but a rocky terrain surrounding it. As they got closer, the trio could see a few casters dressed in dark red robes guarding the outside. “I can already sense their magic from all the way over here which means they are high-tier casters. Looks like this really is going to be trouble” Exius commented. That’s when a large rock golem came run towards them from the base’s yard.

“Where did that golem come from!? I never saw one of the casters summon it!” The young male wizard commented as the tall muscular rock creature threw a punch toward the three magic-users. Sara vanished in a flash of blue light while the two mages held their hands out forming a large blue circular barrier between them and the creature. The monster had impressive strengthen, but not enough to crack their shield.

Vergil took a deep breath as flames engulfed his hand. “fire chain!” Just as the red-headed caster whipped his magic chain toward his enemy, a man appeared in front of the golem, catching the chain as it faded away. The heroes noticed he too wore a dark-red robe as the others.

“Hmph, to think the academy would be foolish enough to send a mere trio instead of a crowd of casters. You choose death the moment you trespassed on our land. I’ll show you what true magic is!” Gavin formed a wall of ice shards, shooting them all in the new foe’s direction. Vergil noticed the golem just standing there like a statue. “Don’t mind him, my golem is psychically connected with me and knows when I want it to attack. Now, as I was saying…Time for an elite spell from a real caster”

Throwing his arm up, the surrounding earth around Cyrel and Vergil ascended up into the sky crating a tower of earth from the ground up near the clouds. Just as the pair attempted to fly, the towering earth collapsed falling to the ground while dozens of new buttes of rock ascended up around them in a circle. That’s when they merged together, sealing them within the skyscraper of earth. “One last touch should do it: Magic nullification”

A flash of pale-green light went towards the butte. Once it made contact, the entire column glistened with an outline of his magic spell. “With that, their magical energy should either be sealed, or too weak for them to use a strong enough spell to break through the rock. Now to find the girl” The dark caster looked around the forest area but couldn’t locate her. Even trying to locate her magical mana essence proved useless.

“Seems she’s hiding her magic essence. No matter, I’m bound to locate her eventually. Might as well do this the easy way. Golem summon: fire, mana and wind!” Using a large portion of his magical stamina, the villain created three more creatures, each one completely made of an element. Using his mental link to them, he had the rock, fire and mana monsters to search for the girl while the wind golem went to attack the other two mages inside the butte by moving through the spaces in the rock.

“I feel, weaker, but we should be able to brea through this trap if we use enough power” Just then the wind monster sent a strong gust of air toward the two, both mages slammed into the solid wall behind them. They could barely see with only bits of light coming through but not enough to even seen their own hand. The assailant kept them pinned to the soil-covered wall using strong wind.

Meanwhile in the forest just a mile from the enemy’s base, the dark-caster’s minions ravaged through the shaded forest. Burning or smashing down trees while the mana golem followed behind in case the witch’s mana was sensed. A magic-user can’t hide their magic trail and attack at the same time. “Hmph, I can feel the men’s magic will weakening, but still no sign of the girl…No matter, even if she escapes and alerts a high-tier magic user, I’ll have hostages on my side”

Back At The Magic Academy…

Sara rushed into the teacher’s planning room to alert them of the situation. Carsamic Daygen, the teacher that specialized in dark magic and Tokomi who mastered light magic were assigned to handle the current situation. The dark magic caster lead them, his dark purple eyes gleaming from the sun while his long white hair blew in the wind. He wore his black cloak as usual.

While their teacher Tokomi had blonde hair, golden eyes while wearing a yellow cloak like the kind of magic they mastered. They were only half-way there when they spotted the trio of minions. “If a single caster is controlling this many creatures simultaneously, then they definitely are a force to be reckoned with” Daygen commented. Throwing his arms in opposite directions, a wave of darkness surged across the force.

The rock golem fell over but didn’t break. They let out deep roars charging him. “Dark magic: Utter destruction!” Slamming his palm onto the soil, a wide trail of cracks began to open headed towards them. Purple light emanated through the spaces between them. The flame monster flew toward them as a cloud of fire when the rock golem stepped on one of the cracks. The trap actuated, causing a fierce explosion.

Sara and Tomoki covered their eyes from the blinding flash of the attack. Once it cleared, they saw that the rock golem had been completely obliterated by his spell’s immense power. Miles of the forest had been destroyed by the attack. However, the mana and flame golem were still intact. The flaming assailant tried trapping them within a dome of flames, but even Sara was able to douse the flames by creating an ice barrier around it.

That’s when she membered the spell of getting rid of fire attacks. Swiping her hand to the left she yelled: “Fire vortex!” A black hole formed behind the golem, pulling it inside before closing. “Two down one to go!” She responded. “That won’t be necessary” A familiar voice called out. The looked up to see the dark-caster dressed in red with short black hair levitating over them.

“No need to waste anymore magic on mere pawns. Time to see what a teacher from the magic academy can do when they use their full power” They watched as the figure of mana phased back inside it’s caster. “My name is Hindo Kemahara, the 3rd chair of six members. In case you’re unsure, that means I’m the 3rd strongest caster of the six. So even with the slight chance you defeat me, you still have two others to deal with”

“Enough of your boasting, it’s time to stop you here before anyone else get hurt! Sara, be support by lending us magic. Tomoki, go help the students trapped in that tower of rock over there!” The light wizard vanished using a teleportation ability while Carsamic begin the attack without hesitation. Clapping his hands together the tyrant was trapped within a black sphere of dark magic. Before he could finish his spell’s attack, the sphere shattered apart.

“You can’t beat me, I have a magical item that nullifies all magic that comes within five feet of me” Making an abrupt pushing motion, Hindo sent a massive wave that caused the very earth beneath them to go crashing back like a wave of water or earthquake. The mage was knocked off his feet, not having enough time to create a protective barrier to take the blunt force of his foe’s attack.

Sara watched as the man went staggering across the forest, smashing into a thin tree. It broke and landed backwards onto the ground. “Are you ok Mr. Daygen!” He assured her it was just a bruise. “I’m fine, it’ll take more than this to take me out of the game”

Back over at the butte, Tokomi put his index and middle finger together and fired a beam of yellow energy. But his attack was nullified by the barrier surrounding the rock formation. (Very well, seems no long-range attacks will have any effect. Then let’s try this…if I use my power to multiply my physical strength, I should be able to get past the nullification)

His aura swarmed around his body when it abruptly faded. The mage’s body grew more muscular from the magical energy flowing through him. “Now let’s see if this trick works” His yellow clothing blew in the wind violently as he struck the rock. Tokomi felt his magic drain the moment his fist made contact. However, the force of his blow was enough to cause the tower of rock to come crumbling down.

The light wizard was weakened but managed to stay in mid-air as he levitated half-way up the falling rock. The wind golem rushed toward him, but with his teleporting spell, Tomoki evaded his foe’s attack, managing to grab both wizards before the hit the ground. They were badly hurt and had lost consciousness.

Their teacher sat them in the grass a few feet away then ascended back up to challenge the being of air. (Hmm, I can’t think of a spell to stop a creature made of light. Wait! There might be a way to defeat this creature) Aiming his palm toward the transparent figure, large pieces of rock formed together around it, buying him time before it phased through the cracks of the solid. Quickly he sent the ball of rock into space like a reversed meteor.

“There, looks like I was right, it takes the golem some time to get through the rock depending how small the crack is. Now to go and help the others. He flew back to his allies to find Carsamic up against a tree, blood running down his face. “Daygen!” The mage rushed over checking to make sure he’s still alive.

Just then the dark teacher placed his hand tightly around his ally’s arm. “I don’t know if I’ll survive these injuries, so I’m giving you all my magical energy…use it to protect the students” Sara and Tokomi watched as their comrade collapsed onto the ground after his last breath left his body.

“Looks like I finally managed to kill one of you worms. Ugh, didn’t think it’d take this much time. But at least I killed one of you fools for my troubles. It’s time to obliterate the rest of you since I’m running out of patience…High-tier magic: Time shift!” Putting his hands together in the shape of a triangle, a golden light was sent from his triangle-positioned hands toward the two remaining magic-users aside from Cyrel and Vergil who were still out-cold. Once the beam of light made contact with the pair, it formed a dome of light that froze everything within it in frozen time.

(This magic technique takes a huge toll on it’s user, but is very useful when attempting to take down an enemy faster” Hindo stepped inside the dome of light, he could feel immense pressure around him as if the gravity had multiplied, but could move freely unlike his opponents. The dark-caster was unable to use his magic abilities while inside the dome along with the fact his magic was badly drained from the time manipulation spell.

The assailant approached Tomoki first since he was the closest to his own power and a great threat to the organization. Kemahara struck the mage in the abdomen but noticed it hadn’t effected him. (Hmph, he must’ve protected himself with a barrier of both light and dark magic. But I doubt the girl is just as lucky) Even though the dark-mage could feel his magic draining from keeping the time dome active for so long, the tyrant move up to his 2nd target, punching her full-force in her torso.

Using the last of his stamina caused the time dome of golden light to shatter, releasing his foes. The mage of light was unaffected thanks to his shield while Sara coughed up blood getting thrown back by the force of her enemy’s attack.

“I’ve had enough of this pain and suffering! I may be a professional teacher, but I’m done seeing my friend students go through such pain. Take this! Dual magic: Light and dark blow of destruction!” Sara watched gripping her wound as her comrade fired a gold blast with a purple outline. Hindo didn’t have any magic left, his only option was to try and stop it with his bare hands.

The moment he stopped it, a shockwave was sent throughout the forest, causing immense damage for miles. His hands were becoming scorched and sore from the overwhelming power of his target. (Damn, why can’t I force it back!? Was my power drained that much!? Even my magic nullification doesn’t seem to be taking effect!) Finally the attack overpowered him, causing him to be destroyed by the high-tier magic.

“There, he’s finally gone”

“B-but he said there were two even stronger than him part of a legion of dark casters” Sara commented. He sighed still weak from his attack, but used his bit of magic to heal some of the girl’s wounds. “Sorry, but I’m not strong enough to heal you completely for the moment”

They waited a while until Cyril and Virgil were awake and ready to continue the mission. “Alright, I think we’re all finally ready to raid the dark caster’s fortress before they can make their way to the academy and take innocent lives” Tokomi commented getting back to his feet from sitting down for nearly an hour.

Once again they reached the fortress, the mage dressed in the golden cloak aimed his palm towards the castle with his fingers close together. He shot a wave of light that made contact with something just a few meters away from the base. That’s when the trio noticed a barrier come into sight after the shockwave made contact with it.

“Seems there really is a shield keeping us out from their territory. They must’ve put it up the moment the golem came to attack us in case one of us tried to sneak into their base. However, everything has a weakness, there's got to be some way we can shatter the Shield and make our way inside. Either we use our full power simultaneously towards the shield, or wait a few hours and hope they take it down. Because there has to be a castor using their magical energy to keep it up and they can’t do it forever”

That Night…

The mage once more fired a beam of mana toward the fortress, it once more struck a barrier. Tokomi decided to proceed with plan B… “Seems we must resort in an all out attack in hopes to get through the shield. Think of your strongest attack and unleash all your power with that single attack”

The casters nodded as all four of them faced the invisible barrier. Simultaneously they attacked, Cyrel sent a path of ice spikes toward the target, Sara sent a massive asteroid from above, Vergil tried siphoning the magical energy from the shield to weaken it. Finally, Tokomi sent a drill made from light and dark mana. With their combined efforts, they broke through the shield as the magic drill hit the base, digging into the side of the concreate wall.

“We did it! Let’s hurry before they have a chance to reform it!” They ran up to the fortress, ascending up to a balcony where they assumed their target was projecting the barrier. Not long after, they found a caster out-cold by a door on the long hallway balcony “Guessing this is the one causing us so much trouble” The teacher responded. Vergil used magic seal to keep the dark-caster from using his spells once he woke.

The casters found a gray steel door, making their way inside. Tokomi knew there’d be dozens of dark-casters within the fortress, yet could only sense the presence of three. Two of them felt like average maybe even low-tier wizards. However, the third magical pressure was immense, it was far greater than what they were expecting from the legion magic-users.

(But why, why would so a powerful wizard just let his magical energy be sensed? It must be a trap, they’re sure they can win so they’re allowing themselves to be found. This may be troublesome, I fear this assailant’s magic power exceeds that of Hindo. I would try to avoid them, but no doubt they’d just find us anyway. Might as well fight them head-on but first I need to signal the school for back-up)

“All of you wait here, I’m going outside to see if I can sent a message to the school using a physic spell”

“Yes sir” they responded waiting in the dark hall. Once their teacher had gone outside, the trio waited in the hallway by the door they had entered from. The walls were also gray steel while the floors were made of a stone path. It was kind of hard to see far through the hallway when the torches aligned on the walls suddenly lit up with purple flames. They now could see the end of the hall that led to a left turn. That’s when an enemy wizard came around the corner facing them.

“There you three are, I know you have a high-tier caster with you, so it’s best to dispose of you now before he gets back. Allow me to show you my death magic! Undead horde!” The group of young users watched as a small legion of skeletons with purple magic around them formed from the ground. The group raced toward Cyrel and the others with flames emanating from their eyes and claws.

“I’m still drained from our all-out attack, but should have enough to stop mere skeletons” Putting his hands together, his body was outlined with blue light as he sent his ice spikes toward the horde of undead. The enemy watched as the spikes pierced the skeletons, pinning several to the wall while causing the others to fall apart.

“Well, that’s about all I can do until my mana restores” Exius commented walking behind his allies leaning by the door. Sara assured them she had enough energy to stop the caster. Just then, the undead put themselves back together, along with the pinned ones that used their fire manipulation ability to melt the thick ice.

“Damn, this may take longer than I was hoping…never the less, I won’t be brought down by such a basic undead spell”

“You see my spell as basic huh? Very well, let’s make it more challenging! Come death knight!” Placing his bare palm down onto the stone floor, he sent a magical dark-mist that caused all the undead to evaporate into wisps of purple light. Sara and Vergil watched as the orbs of light spiraled around themselves until a single large undead with black armor formed from the light.

“I know summoning a horde his low-tier magic, but since when can they be formed into a single being with far greater power!?” Exius responded sitting up against the door.


Tokomi put two fingers to the left side of his head as he tried to sent a message to the academy. He could feel it was more difficult than usual to contact anyone. “Someone must be trying to block any kind of communication spells from getting to any direction. Even trying to get in contact with the other school doesn’t seem to be working. Might as well go with my 2nd option” Aiming his two fingers into the sky toward the direction of the school, the light caster fired a energy projectile of golden light high into the sky.

Once it was near the clouds, he clinched his fist causing it to burst in a dome of immense light. “There, that should signal the other mages to come assist us in this growing war. Now to hurry back to the student’s side” He burst through the door, causing Cyrel to fall forward. Catching his balance, Tokomi saw Sara unleashing ice shards toward the death knight. It let out a deep demonic roar as it blocked the coming attack with a large one-handed blade.

They watched as each shard shattered to pieces just by hitting the blade. “How strong is this thing!?” She cried out. A grin grew across the tyrant’s face. “Attack death knight, show them despair!” The large creature lifted it’s sword up, destroying the roof before slamming his blade down towards them. A wave of dark power came towards them. Just in time, Tokomi put up a small magical shield that stopped the coming attack.

The mage was surprised to see a fracture on his transparent purple energy field. “To think a solo undead could even scrach my barrier. Just what kind of magic is this? Feels like dark magic, but somehow different” An abrupt force sent the heroes staggering backwards, back outside off the balcony into the grass.

“Time to kill you useless wizards. Behold the full power of the death knight!” Sending every ounce of his magical power into the undead creature, it’s body grew more muscular with fierce power surging around it’s body. The caster stood back and watched as his death knight threw his blade down as it flowed with great power. Once more the mage formed a barrier, this time as a dome over all four of them. However, the sword shattered the energy field nearly with ease. “Heh, see! My undead knight has enough power to kill every last one of you!”

“Is that so? It may be able to break my defensive spells, but let’s see it handle my high-tier offensive spell. Even with my mastery over light, this technique uses a lot of my mana. Now parish, along with this fortress” An orb of light formed levitating in his palm. All could feel incredible power within the small sphere. “Light magic: Holy destruction!” Sending the ball of light head-on, the monster attempted to slash it apart.

Just as the undead creature slashed his large sword through the air, the projectile made it past him entering his torso. The death knight let out a deep roar as it erupted in a massive ray of light. The young necromancers watched as nothing was left aside from a large crater.

“No! How could my full power knight be defeated!?”

(Crap, since I put all my magic into the creature, I can’t use any spells!) Vergil had plenty of mana left from siphoning mana of the barrier earlier. Using his own energy to boost his body’s capabilities, he dashed past his teacher and struck the foe knocking him out.

“Looks like keeping the extra mana really was a good idea. Now we need to get to the deal with the boss of all this madness” At that moment, Daikas and Sagero arrived. Daikas was the master of fire magic while Sagero had nearly mastered a less-known magic class: Blood magic. Daikas had dark-red hair with orange eyes. He wore a black and red mage uniform. Like an armored robe.

Sagero had black hair with red eyes. He wore a black robe with red along the ends. “Let’s do this, we can’t let anyone else die from this monster. We put the school on lock-down and had the two remaining teachers watching over them. If we can deal with this here and now, it won’t reach the Kenya”

“Who is the Kenya?” Cyrel asked. Unsure of who that was. Vergil told him about the history of the Kenya: The Kenya is the one that is considered to be the most powerful in each country. Each country has a different name for it, but I’m unsure of what they are. Anyway, not many are allowed to meet with the Kenya. We’ve been through several magical rulers and I’ve only heard of one person meeting a Kenya, the academy’s head master Alacar Kinro. If we survive or when we survive…you can ask him about it”

Suddenly they noticed a man floating above them with his hands behind his back dressed in black armor with a silver outline He had long brown hair with blue eyes. “Welcome magic-users, I’m impressed you managed to get this far. However, this is the end. I am interested to measure each of your magic capabilities, I’ll even take more than one of you on at once” They watched as their assailant touched down in the large grass field with the fortress behind him.

“You may be wondering, my name is Nero Nomay, the 1st chair and lord of the legion of dark-casters. So sad you beat the 2nd seat caster with ease. But he was a fool for only using 3rd-tier death magic against you. There’s plenty of death spells he could’ve used. Allow me to show you. Moving his hand up, a steel chamber was brought up from the ground as if it had been buried. “Do any of you know what’s within this chamber? I have two more by the way but I’m sure one should suffice for the moment”

The six casters just remained silent. Sagero had an idea of what was inside, but brushed it off as a dumb idea…

CHAPTER 3 A Terrible Advantage

Snapping his fingers the chamber slowly opened with a screeching sound. All of their mouths fell open when they witnessed who was inside…

“No…Is that…Fanora!?” Tokomi commented in shock. Sara nodded slowly replying: “That’s Savannah Fanora, the Kenya before our current one. I heard she died 20 years ago”

“You are correct, I’ve managed to keep her body in good condition for this very purpose. I want to fight but I think trying this spell out on one of the strongest witches in history will be just as entertaining. Death magic: Control resurrection” Placing his hand in the center of the corpse’s face, the dead body outlined with white light as her lifeless body suddenly reverted back to normal as if she had never died Her blonde hair back to it’s lightly color.

Her irises were white with a black cross made of mana formed in the center of her head. “Behold the power of death control resurrection. She has all the power and magical energy she did when she was alive. So I doubt any of you can beat such a powerful combatant” The mages were unsure if they could even stand against Savanah. Just then they watched as she stepped forward, her magical essence alone making the students feel a great pressure weighing down on them.

(Incredible, she has even more mana than the leader of dark-casters, how have I never heard of the Kenya until now!?) Cyrel thought as a wave of fear brushed over him. At that moment Savannah aimed her palm toward the group of magic-users. The mage teachers got out of the way while Exius was too frozen in fear to move. Sara attempted to telaport all three of them away, but there was no time, a force of wind hit them like a powerful hurricane.

The sheer force of her attack, sent all three of them miles away, impacting a small lake. After being submerged underwater for a few seconds, Cyrel ascended back into the air. Water dripped from his body but with his focus on the battle, he had no time to be worrying about something so minor. (I can’t let my fear keep me from aiding my allies in this fight. I’ll do anything to keep them alive)

The wizard ascended back up headed towards the battle with his teammates already there. “Take this! Flame magic: Wall of hell!” Daikas slapped his hand onto the ground as a massive wall of flames erupted from the soil. The others began to sweat from it’s tremendous heat. However, Daikas watched in horror as then powerful mage walked through the flames as if it were mere wind. “That’s not possible! Not even a scratch!?”

With an abrupt movement, Fanora struck the fire mage in the abdomen, sending him smashing through several oak trees in the forest behind them. (She really is a Kenya, I sensed her magic sure, but this level is far beyond anything I’ve ever seen) He tried to stand but felt his legs unable to stand up. “Damn, at this rate we’ll all fall to that monster and he said he has two more!?”

Meanwhile Back At The battlefield…

“Dual magic: Blood light pierce!” Tokomi and Sagero announced simultaneously. Placing his hand on the light mage’s back, a symbol shaped like a diamond formed. Pricking his index finger, he wiped blood across it. A diamond symbol formed in the center of Tokomi’s head as a red light outlined his body. “Let’s do this Savanah!” The powered-up mage took off, running at super-human speed. The witch stood motionless with a plain expression.

A red blade made of energy formed around his right hand as he sent his arm forward, hoping to pierce the woman’s chest. Just as he went for the kill, she created a white version of his attack made of death magic. With ease she stopped his attack by blocking it with her energy blade.

“How is that possible!? She created a similar attack on the spot!?

“Hehe, what fun it is to see you struggle against one you once called the protector of this world. If you don’t pick up the slack, you’ll surely die…Savanah, show them a bit of your godly power” The teachers stood guarding their students as the Kenya aimed her hand toward the ground. “God magic: Land devastation” With a calm voice she fired a pink blast at the grass between her and them.

Both teachers and two of the students put most of their power into a shield made of ice, dark and light magic as the land around them blew up in a fierce dome of light. Exius was hurt but still conscious. He got to his feet. His cloak now ripped up and burned. The wizard saw all of his allies out-cold near death. (Sara, Vergil, Tokomi and Sagero…they’re all unconscious. I’m the only one with enough power to even fight. But what can I do? I’m just a student, not at mage level like the teachers and I can’t find Daikas)

(Don’t give up! You have great power within you, even in your first year I saw it. You must focus on your will to save others, not how strong you are. If you’re to overcome such an over-powered enemy, you must let the magic within you build up. Stay calm and realize the truth that awakened the powers of Kenyas. A calm and determined mind is what gives a true mage power. Your true potential is blocked by all your fear, doubt and thinking to hard instead of letting your body move on it’s own while you let your mana flow instead of hesitate)

“I understand Daikas, letting my mana flow instead of forcing it out or over-thinking…I must become one with the source of mana” He walked toward his target, feeling the magical pressure build up within him. Holding both hands out in opposite directions, he took a bit of mana from each of his friends. His hair became gray as his irises became a rainbow color with his pupils vanishing.

“I’ve done it, I’ve become not a mage…but something greater…a sage. The level beyond my teachers. With this power I shall end your reign of chaos” Exius spoke with a calm and serious tone. The leader laughed responding: So you powered up a bit, I don’t feel your mana at all. Even if you’re concealing it I doubt you have enough power to beat her” Cyrel looked up, he saw they were in a deep hole crated by the Kenya’s attack, it seemed to be several meters deep.

“If you believe I’m still weak, then let’s go these wounds are nothing and can be remedied. Life magic: Full heal” A green light flashed around him before fading away. “Now then, time to release my mana for the final battle” Letting out a soft breath, his mana was uncovered. Nero felt such power from his foe. He was starting to become unsure if he could win, but decided to proceed.

“Go Kenya! Use all your power to end this accursed man!” Also unleashing her power, she moved at such a speed even Nomay couldn’t keep up with her. Exius closed his, sensing out her magical pressure. Suddenly his eyes snapped open as he spun around, throwing a blow with his body engulfed in energy She was struck in the side of her face, soaring into the wall of earth past the dark-caster. She went smashing through it, creating a small tunnel from the abrupt force of her body.

“If I kill you, she’ll either come to her senses or go back to her rest. Either way works for me” Nomay created a shield of purple light but with a flicking motion with his middle finger, he sent a brunt force of wind that shattered his field with ease.

“You-you’re a monster, no one should be capable of such power, only Kenyas can be this strong!”

“Thanks for the complement. Now begone, god magic: Utter- annihilation”

“Impossible you shouldn’t have knowledge of god magic, this is blasphemous!” As a massive blast of dark-red energy left his hand, Savanah arrived in time to cross her arms and block the immense attack. As the smoke cleared he saw her badly wounded but still standing.

“That was an impressive feat, it even took a good amount of my magic to pull-off and for your question, I was not only given power by others and mana around me. But knowledge as well. Come Savanah it’s time I used my most powerful spell…another god spell”

“Kill him Kenya now!” She threw both her hands down, just before she could active it, he uttered: God magic: Time fracture” Time froze for everything that was within a few miles of them. With that he aimed his palm toward his allies, transporting them back to the academy. Barley able to sense Dakia’s magic he transported him as well. Even as a sage, the spell was using a great deal of his power to use. With his remaining power, he fired a beam of rainbow energy that he called: “god energy”

Time resumed as the projectile instantly killed Nero on contact. With her manipulator now dead, the magic symbol faded away as she came to her senses. “W-where am I? What’s going on!?” Exius explained to her that she had been brought back from the dead by an evil wizard who had used her power in hopes of wiping out the academy and probably the world.

“I thank you for your help, you have such power for such a youthful magic-caster. I must return to the afterlife. I have high-hopes you’ll be the next Kenya of your generation. Before I go, I want you to meet the current Kenya” She created a bubble a whispered a message into it before teleporting it to the magic tower where the Kenya lived. “Thee I ordered them to let you speak with them. Good luck Exius Cyrel…”


© 2020 Sinto

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Added on March 6, 2020
Last Updated on March 7, 2020
Tags: Fantasy, action, Sinto, Black clover



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