![]() Old StoriesA Story by Sinto![]() A compilation of old stories I didn't think we're good enough to show anyone.![]()
Book 4 : Chaos saga
Deep In A dark dimension an evil figure emerges and is ready to destroy everything in his path... CHAPTER 1 : Beginning of another battle He used his powers to replicate Shino, he smiled seeing the clone open it's eyes. He choose A random timeline to appear, there he found Onomi, Sinto and Rekai. "Who are you?" Onomi questioned. They saw the guy snap his fingers and they were all suddenly in space, "prepare for your greatest challenge yet!" Shino came out of nowhere, her eyes glowing purple with power. Before Onomi could react, Shino struck him in the ribs. He fell onto an asteroid, "she's never been this strong or fast!" He said slowly getting to his feet. "That's because this isn't Shino it's A much stronger clone" Onomi gave the man an annoyed look and yet again raced towards the clone. Onomi swung his fist as fast as he could but missed, he was elbowed in the already hurting gut and went flying across space smashing through an asteroid and laid there motionless. "I guess it's my turn Sinto responded walking over to the clone, he conjured up an orb and tossed it towards the clone, just before contact, it multiplied into multiple smaller orbs. However, the clone deflected each one just by the force of it's increased power. The clone turned to the man and he nodded. Once he did the clone took off full speed towards Sinto, at the moment it was about to attack, he ducked and grabbed Shino's leg. He used all his strength to throw her towards the sun, before the clone could fly away Sinto shot the strongest blast he could. The immense attack pushed the clone closer to the sun, finally the fierce heat caused the clone to break apart like paper. "Impressive, but you can't keep this up forever, I'm Sona master of darkness" Once again he snapped his fingers and two more clones were summoned, Takachi and Jaycen were standing between the fighters and Sona. He pointed at Onomi and the others, the two clones rushed their objective. Takachi tried to grab the psychic but missed at the last second, he was struck in the neck by Sinto's powerful kick. The clone went spiraling through space before impacting mars. The psychic put his hand out towards mars. Just before he shot the blast, he turned around blasting Jaycen with red energy. Suddenly clones appeared on both sides of him, they went for an attack but just before the blow, their target transported to A floating rock. Both clones punched one another in the face. Rekai and his brother put their hands out in front of them in the direction of both clones, as soon as they moved, both the Grankais released their most devastating blasts of power. Jaycen had A hole in his chest and the other had lost an arm. Sona smiled and made A hand motion... suddenly both clones fused together and became Gavason. "Crap" one of them said feeling the incredible power. The fused clone cracked his neck and flew straight for Sinto, Onomi shot an energy blast but missed. Sinto was kicked in the stomach and an intense pain quickly filled his body. He grabbed him by the throat and threw him across space, the psychic hit Neptune's surface. "D-damn it" Sinto responded getting up and freezing from the planet's cold temperature. He put both his hands out and shot A beam of red light, just before it made contact, he created A portal and the attack came out of A rift that reappeared in front of Sona. When the light cleared, Sona was still standing there brushing himself off. The psychic clenched his fists, "no more holding back!" His hair turned silver and his eyes turned purple. The clone dashed forward but as he threw A punch, Sinto caught it and bent his arm back. Before Gavason could try again, Sinto let go of his opponent's fist and kicked him back to mars. Without hesitation he shot A beam of red light at the clone's impact point. He was slowly getting up when mars' atmosphere filled with red light, before he could finish conjuring an energy attack, the red beam went straight through his body killing him instantly. The psychic took A deep breath and his hair turned back to normal. Suddenly, his body felt numb and he landed in the crater on mars. Rekai flew over and checked his pulse... "good he only passed out from the transformation's stress on his body" Sona put his hands out and multiple figures were once again summoned. Kiva, Chris and Death Soul emerged from the light. "Wake up!" Rekai yelled shaking his brother's unconscious body. "Don’t worry, we can beat them" Onomi responded slowly drifting down to them. Sona commanded all three clones to attack, Kiva and Chris flew straight for the psychic. Onomi flew away trying to get more distance between the clones, Chris shot an energy blast at Onomi but he managed to evade it and shoot one right back. Kiva dogged it and it hit Chris in A devastating blow. Death Soul appeared behind him and punched him full force in the spine. Onomi yelled out in pain, he gathered all his power and punched his enemy head on. Death Soul looked at him unaffected and hit him full force sending him crashing right next to Sinto. Rekai realized he was the only one left, both allies were out cold. Death Soul shot A laser straight for the remaining fighter, Rekai put his hands out and created A portal that caught the attack and reappeared in front of the clone. "Such A rookie attack he said as he stopped it with his hand. Just then Sinto regained consciousness, he flew up to Rekai, "I'm here" he transformed back into his ascended form. His body suddenly began to hurt, "ack, what's wrong with my body!" Rekai replied: "your body may not be strong enough to handle the stress of your full strength. Sinto had an idea, he grabbed his brother's hand and they merged together. "This may actually be interesting" the clone said with an interested expression. A being came out from the light, his eyes were orange and his hair was purple. He smiled and took off so fast neither of the clones could keep track. Kiva and Death Soul nodded at one another and rushed him, as they threw punches the warrior was blocking each one. He caught Kiva's fist and head-butted him across space, with his amazing strength he punched Death Soul so hard, he went soaring out of earth's solar system. The Fused Warrior absorbed some power from his fallen partner and flew deep into space reaching the clone in seconds. The clone shook off the dizziness from the attack and charged up all his power, "behold my immense capabilities!" Without another word he shot an attack that seemed to fill the whole area with light. "I will show you how outmatched you are!" The Fused Warrior released A powerful burst of power that began to slow the attack down. But it soon began to draw closer, combined with all his acquired power The Fused Warrior completely pushed Death. Soul's attack back at him in A flash of light, as if A supernova had just occurred the light cleared, he saw Death Soul floating there, not moving at all. Finally, he shot an energy blast that destroyed his body. Then went back to Sona, where he saw him holding Onomi by the throat, "take him he's worthless now" Sona threw him to The Fused Warrior, but before he could catch his friend, Sona shot A blast, killing him almost instantly. The Fused Warrior suddenly went into rage that he's never felt before, his aura covered multiple feet from his body with massive surges of electricity. "You'll pay for that!!!" He Punched him in the stomach as hard as he could, all the asteroids shattered into hundreds of pieces. He looked up at him to see that blood was running down his mouth but didn't do any critical damage to him. "Damn it, what are you?!" he cried, drifting back, rubbing his bruised hand, Sona disappeared and suddenly backhanded him across space. He went soaring far away before impacting Mars like A meteor. Soon he reappeared on the other side of the canyon that was cracking open from the impact, The Fused Warrior shook off the dizziness and flew off into space, Death Soul took off after him. Sona was just inches from grabbing his leg, finally the warrior teleported as far his powers would allow and he reached A world far from his own galaxy, he fell to his knees for A few seconds. Before blacking out...Meanwhile, Sona was searching space for his target but couldn't find A trace of him. The evil fighter grinned, "well if he's going to flee, I'm going to take all the planets and make it my own" so he began to pull all of the solar system's planets together, causing them to merge into A planet far bigger than Jupiter. Chapter 3 hurt and unable to continue Rekai, The Fused Warrior laid on the grassy surface of the planet, he landed on, blood slowly running down parts of his face and stomach. About an hour later, he regained consciousness on A type of operating table, he was too weak to move, so he laid there. A man with blue hair and white eyes appear next to him. "What happened?" The man replied, "we found you badly hurt So we brought you here" "What caused such injuries?" he asked him, the warrior answered : "an enemy brought me to this timeline to fight all our past foes from every other timeline but right after we defeated A third one, he began trying to kill us" The man put his hand out it glowed white. "I can sense you are more than one person you are in the bonding form" Rekai nodded slowly getting up. "How long such A technique last?" Rekai responded normally: "it lasts A maximum of three hours but since we were merged in our deity forms we should be able to maintain this form permanently" the warrior slowly got off the table A little stronger. "what is you need to do..." Rekai took A breath. "I need to become stronger, so I can defeat Sona, he's the one who injured me and why I'm here". The man handed him A bottle and asked him to drink it, Rekai nodded and drink the bottle until it was all gone, he then noticed the pain from his injuries were gone and he felt as if he was back to full strength. "Now that you are at full strength, I may have something that will help you defeat, or at least be equal with your foe" he told him to follow him there. They reached the elder's temple. "What's your name?" he asked. Demin he responded. They stood in front of A giant statue, "that is the statue of Tromento the guardian who once lived among us as another person it is said if he deems you worthy he will grant you power unimaginable and will let you rule at his side as another god like being" he walked over to the giant statue and went down on his knees with A hand over his heart. "Tromento I come to ask you am I worthy?" The entire temple shook as if an earthquake was occurring. Just then the statue's eyes glowed blue and looked down at him, "child of the far south come here for I will grant you the strength to achieve your heroic task for you are indeed worthy of such power, for I see no evil within your heart" the statue's eyes went out and A door opened "that door has never opened" Demin responded with surprise Rekai walked through the door with blue light shining out of it. He saw A figure in the light and slowly continued to walk through until he saw A man that looked almost as young as him. "Welcome" the man replied, "you're Tromento?" he asked standing A few feet away from him. "yes, it's an honor to meet A person worthy of my help" he bowed with his hand over his heart. "No need to give me special treatment my friend, I would like you to treat me as another average friend" Rekai nodded, "of course" He looked at the deity, "I have come to ask for your assistance A being named Sona brought me across time to battle all of our past foes, I defeated three of them until Sona killed one of ours and when I fought him, I could barely scratch him" Tromento smiled, "I can't go with you, but I can send A duplicate of myself to aid you" Rekai smiled back. "That's better than nothing" Tromento created A clone and nodded to him, "shall we be off" the clone asked, "yes" Rekai answered. Both of them stood side by side and he replied: "where's your target?" "in the solar system where earth used to be" he smiled once more and teleported them near where earth used to be, The Fused Warrior stared in horror as all the planets were gone except one that was dark red and half as big as the sun. The clone replied: "what is it?" Rekai looked at his ally, "that's where earth used to be now it and all the other solar system planets are gone" he sighed and asked Tromento: "can you find Sona?" He used his power to feel life on the planet… "I can't tell, there's multiple readings of massive power on the planet" He punched A rock, "he must have brought back all the others!" both of them descended down to the planet where they saw Takachi "great, looks like he's back" Rekai groaned. Takachi saw them and jumped from the high building, just before he could attack Rekai roundhouse kicked him in the face sending him into A building at the brink of collapsing. He was buried underneath A pile of concrete and bricks. Seconds later he sent all the bricks flying in every direction. "you think you can defeat me, I'm far stronger than before" Rekai grinned, "well if you're far stronger than come try and take me down" With an annoyed look, he dashed forward and threw A punch but noticed his foe wasn't standing there. "You missed" the warrior said in A whisper. He punched Takachi across the face, he almost fell backwards. "Damn you" Takachi yelled. "Should I finish him?" the clone asked. "No, I want to see the difference between my power and Sona's tricks. Takachi had blood across the side of his face. "Y- you b*****d!" Suddenly, his eyes glowed purple and his eye's irises and pupil disappeared into the light, he rushed Rekai, as he was about to attack, the warrior punched straight through Takachi's stomach, blood ran down his mouth as he died from the fatal attack. The warrior pulled his fist out of the corpse's stomach. They continued to search the massive planet and after A day of searching they found A small house. "My race has no need for sleep I'll keep watch" Tromento stood outside making sure no one would attack Rekai while he slept. After about four hours he came out, "are you ready?" he asked him. The clone nodded and they flew off once again. "I can feel A dark power north of us" his ally responded flying straight for the source of the power. They landed in front of Kita and Basin. "Time to defeat the remaining trash" Rekai commented cracking his knuckles. Basin brushed his dark hair out of his black eyes and shot A blast of fire that rushed towards them, The Fused Warrior flew straight up but the attack followed him wherever he went. "Fine you want to play it that way!" He waited for the fire blast to be an inch away before teleporting. "What, where'd he go?" Basin responded looking around. "Basin behind you!" Kita yelled on top of A building. As he turned around The Fused Warrior punched him as hard as he could without using his full power, he went soaring across the ruined city until he hit A mountain just outside of it. Kita dove off the top of the building and headed towards Tromento. He waited for his opponent to be in melee range. Then without warning he struck Kita with his god-like strength, kita went rolling down the hard road hitting A car. Already feeling really hurt, he began to charge up as much energy as he could until nearly all of his energy was in the energy attack. “prepared to die!” the enemy shouted, the massive energy blast destroyed everything it came in contact with. Rekai charged up his energy but only had A few seconds to attack, just before it hit him, the warrior shot A similar attack right back. They clashed, making A flash of light so bright they could barely keep their eyes open. "Tromento I need your help for this one" But just as he was about to shoot one as well an evil clone, and copies of him appear throwing blow after blow. With his inch of strength he made A clone that appeared behind Rekai punching him in the back. The blast from Kita overwhelmed him until he was at the brink of death. Kita fell on his face dead. Rekai laid on his back and blood all over his injured body. Meanwhile, Tromento was still dodging A beam and the clone's attack until finally he built up power. He created an explosion of energy sending all three of them backwards. just before they could attack Tromento shot two separate blasts one at two clones and one at the real Basin. Once the blast made contact with Basin’s it caused an eruption that shook the city. “He was stronger than I was expecting” Tromento said brushing dust off of his shoulder. Suddenly they saw Sona up on top of A street light, “I was wondering when you'd be back” He jumped down in front of them just A few feet away. “let's see how strong you are now” Sona taunted with A grin still badly hurt. The warrior jumped at him but was easily dodged and kicked up into the air then elbowed in the back. He hit the ground unable to move. Sona laughed seeing Rekai nearly out cold. Tromento burst off the ground heading towards him. “Good luck” his foe replied dodging the attack at the last second. “Impossible!” Tromento cried noticing his opponent had dodged the attack. He caught his fist and pulled him forward causing him to go flying towards the mountain that Basin had hit earlier. Surprisingly, Tromento caught his balance on the surface of the mountain, just before hitting the rock of the mountain. Rekai opened his eyes to see his friend headed towards Sona, he slowly got up breathing heavily, the punched Sona in the face and sent him flying backwards into an empty cave. Sona picked up the biggest rock he could find and threw it, Tromento backhanded the rock, causing it to shatter into millions of pieces. "So, let us not hold back any longer I want to see the maximum capabilities within you" the villain took A deep breath, "very well...Dropana spirit!" he yelled. Suddenly A giant shadow like titian appeared in front of them and Rekai looked in horror as the titan let out A loud roar that shook the entire planet, "what is that thing" he asked in complete fear. "It's A titan, one of the strongest creatures in all of creation" The titan took A deep breath and breathed out A whole wave of fire that almost reached Rekai before Tromento shielded them with A small but strong shield made out of his life force. When the smoke cleared the city was nearly wiped out. "Tromento can three people be able to merge together?" He shrugged I've never actually tried it but it wouldn't hurt to try" just as before the two figures stood side by side slowly merging into one being. "Hmm this form seems much better than my old one" the fused being told himself. "I guess I'll call this one Tromkai" Sona frowned. "Who cares what your name is you die here!" he made hand signs and the titan suddenly turn to Tromkai with fire like power surging around his body, it lifted its foot and tried to crush the fused combatant by stomping on him. Tromkai dodged each one until finding an opening and Punching the titan in the stomach. It was effective, but once he made contact he was electrocuted sailing backwards, landing in the dirt half A mile away. “Well looks like your pet can really do some damage” He replied: “you call me A pet” The creature roared, clenching his fist before closing his eyes, suddenly blue light glowed around him. Sona appeared in front of him then ordered to attack. The titan ran towards him and The Fused Warrior's titan. Just before he could attack, the blue titian, grabbed Sona's and choke slammed him to the ground Sona aimed his hand at his titan and transferred all of his remaining power to the monster, its eyes glowed brighter and the sky began to darken. The clone aimed his hand at the evil titian and so did the blue titan both of them shot A blast of energy straight at the creature. It lost it's balance and hit the ground with A powerful smash. "No get up!" Sona cried trying to get the giant back to his feet. Tromkai's titan jumped into the air and punched the evil creature in the stomach full force, the titan’s eyes went dark, turned into A white light that went back into sona's chest. He fell to his knees unable to stand up, "this isn't over" Tromkai made hand signs commanding the titan, it threw A fast punch forward, Sona back flipped over the punch, running up the creature's arm, then diving into the creature's chest in A red flash of light, the titan’s eyes and aura turned blood red with A grin. "I have control over your titan and have all of its power" Tromkai smiled, "then kill me right here oh mighty dropana titan" Sona smiled once more inside the titan's body and threw A punch at him. The powerful warrior stopped it with A massive shock wave that cracked open A canyon near them. The hero threw Sona as hard as he could causing him to go flying about A mile away. The fighter was breathing harder from both the impact of the Titan's hard attacks and throwing him down the road. "What's wrong with me?" Tromkai thought in his head "Surely I can withstand just one punch from A titan" Sona go back up, "you can't honestly think just because you're merged with two people you can defeat the dropana titan" Taking another deep breath trying to get his strength back, Tromkai soared up into the air. Sona charged all the power he could from the titan’s body until the planet was shaking and beginning to break apart. "Are you ready?" Sona asked with A grin. He nodded not backing down the titan and Tromkai flew at each other their power at 100% in once their attacks hit the planet broke apart into thousands of pieces chapter 4 : Is it over yet? Sona still in the titan's body, floated there unconscious, it could barely move it's body the impact of the titan’s attack and explosion of the planet had really injured his body. “Just one option” he said faintly. He stood on A piece of the remaining planet and breathed in, suddenly the titan began to fade back inside of his body out of nowhere Tromkai's eyes went from blue to red, his veins appeared black, “I told you it's not over” Sona said within the warrior’s thoughts. He groaned in pain as Sona began to corrupt his body. "I still have one last trick up my sleeve" he told the evil. The warrior put his hands together and built up as much remaining power as he could, in A supernova like explosion he destroyed his enemy along with his body. Sinto and Rekai appeared in front of Tromento. "Where are we?" Rekai asked not remembering most of what happened Tromento smiled. "I'm impressed you were able to defeat Sona and his spirit titan” Rekai replied: "are we dead?" Sinto gave him an annoyed look. "We just blew up our body what do you think!?" Tromento put his hand up to have them pause. “Don't worry for your great battle and victory, I shall revive you both and the planets of your solar system, remember this is the only time I am reviving you" they both nodded and the god's eyes flashed blue for A few seconds, just then both Sinto and Rekai were back on earth. "it feels like forever since we were back to normal" Rekai responded, Sinto nodded as he sat up against A tree to rest. They sat down to relax for A few hours then eventually decided to go explore space once again. "Maybe someone out there needs our help" they said as they left earth's atmosphere. The first few days they couldn't find any signs of life or trouble, but finally on the 4th day they saw A big spaceship land on A planet that looked like it was under attack. They both flew down to the planet's surface where they saw thousands of human-like aliens being taken captive by guys in high tech gear. "Halt" Sinto yelled pointing his hand at A group of men. They pulled out their guns when all of A sudden, A man in A king like suit with A cloak walked out from behind them, "can I help you?" the man replied with an evil grin. Rekai responded: "yes, you can help by letting these innocent people go" He and his men laughed, "now why would I do that, each of these aliens are pretty valuable and sell at A good price" Sinto shot A red energy blast right at him, he dogged it and the group of guards went flying up into the air landing on their backs. "Nice shot however you two have no idea who you're dealing with, my name is Dennis and I am the leader of everything in this quadrant of space" Both of them put their hands out at Dennis. "yeah well, we think you're not good enough for this part of space” With A serious look, all the guards who had finished locking up the planets aliens came over and surrounded them. Dennis replied: “hold your fire men, it's not like these two can actually be that much of A threat” Sinto dashed forward punching Dennis in the face, he slid back keeping his balance and cracked his jaw back into place. “Nice I'll give you A five on that attack” Dennis signaled the men to load the ship and leave the planet. Sinto shot an energy blast as fast as he could, it was easily deflected with one hand. Dennis nodded to them as the ship took off. "Rekai follow Dennis' power and take us there" he focused hard on Dennis' power and after A few seconds he teleported them onto the ship "good, worked" Rekai whispered searching the area. "I only sense Dennis and one other powerful person, the rest are just his high-tech guards” Sinto shot energy blasts at each guard. He drained all their strength and energy until they had none left. “Been awhile since you used that move” Rekai said, sinned until he finished the last one they saw A large door that said control room, both parts of the door went flying to the ground. Glad to see you two again, Dennis responded spinning round in his chair, Sinto charged up an energy attack with one hand. "Please, like any attack you have will defeat me" he laughed. "Want to test that?" Rekai replied charging one as well, Dennis stood up from his chair and stretched his arms out in both directions, "go for it" Both of them merged as they shot the two separate energy blasts and sync the two separate blasts makes into one immense blast. "Oh s**t" Dennis said as the blast struck him head on. The ship shook and pieces of it broke off, the ship began to fall towards A moon from A nearby planet. The ship impacted the surface creating A large crater, Resai fell out of the remaining part of the ship rolling A few feet away. Seconds later Dennis burst out of the ship in complete rage. "How dare you destroy my ship!!" Dennis charged him but Resai dove out of the way just before Dennis punched him. “Come on you can hit me, can't you?” he taunted. Dennis yelled as the villain begun throwing punches as fast as he could, but still his target dodged every blow that came his way. He stepped back out of breath, "you gotta be kidding me how can one merge make that big of A difference in power" Resai smiled and shot an energy blast, Dennis dove out of the way shooting one right back he easily deflected the attack. "Fine, I didn't think I'd have to resort to this move" Dennis charged up A purple energy bowl and threw it high into the air he clenched his fist in the bulb burst into A flash of light what's happening the fuse warrior said noticing he was standing in an area filled with nothing but darkness. Dennis appeared in front of him and punched him in the ribs as he yelled in pain how can you be that fast I was defeating you easily Dennis started punching him over and over the darkness went away and he collapsed on the surface of the moon. "Do you understand that you can't beat me?" Resai floated up and giggled. "I understand that you've been holding back but I can still beat you" Dennis grind his teeth in rage and put his hands out just as his foe transformed into his ascended Grankai form. "Let's see how well you are Compared to my ascended transformation" He shot as many energy less as he could at him but they faded on contact Dennis lowered his hand shaking in fear I began to slowly walk towards him with his purple aura swarming around his scratched up and beaten body. Dennis charged up every inch of his power to the point that the moon was vibrating. He threw his strongest punch, but it was caught and bent back causing his arm to make A loud crack. His left arm fell to his side unable to move, "damn it!!" The villain yelled holding his paralyzed and broken hand with his right. "Are we done here?" Resai asked him acting uninterested. "Treat me like A joke will you!" Dennis rushed him but was elbowed in the ribs knocking all the air out of him. Slowly he looked at his body shaking from both the pain and lack of breathing, the foe backed up, Dennis fell to his knees breathing hard, holding his chest with his hand. Resai began to walk away, "now's my chance" He made A movement with his hand and shot A bolt of lightning from his finger trapping Resai. Just as he escaped, his enemy shot A beam out of his eyes hitting him, "yes!" he cheered as A flash of green light filled the area. He suddenly fell to one knee spitting out blood. He looked up, "of course you'd be that desperate" he replied still badly hurt. "Now I'm in control of Resai's body and power" he used his remaining energy of the damaged body to teleport to A planet near the moon they were on. Dennis smiled, “You can't hide forever especially near the brink of death,” The Fused Warrior appeared in A field, with no more energy he laid there near death. Dennis practiced with his new body to see if he could tap into its full potential. "Seems this body is near invincible and yet I haven't even gone full power yet" A few hours later Resai had lost A lot of blood, he was able to get to his feet and slowly walk through the field. He saw tons of animals, so he shot his red energy blast at them. "I'm sorry," he whispered with A tear going down his face. It took nearly A day for him to absorb enough creatures to get back to full strength, he wiped the blood off his face with materials he found around the field, then washed himself using A nearby waterfall. "Alright, time to get my body back," he said, racing off towards his body's aura, which he could feel miles away. "He must be trying to go to full power..." In minutes he found his body, "Surprising and here I thought you'd be dead by now." Dennis shot an energy sphere, but his opponent deflected the attack. He was taken by surprise but continued to fight. Dennis charged up energy, forming an energy ball that was gigantic and looked powerful enough to turn the planet to dust, Dennis prepared himself as he threw it as hard as he could, The Fused Warrior felt A little unsure as to if he could stop it but put his hands out to try anyways. He was slowing it at first, but the great sphere of power soon began to overpower him. He summoned all his strength and began to push the sphere back towards his opponent. His aura surged around him as he finally pushed the massive sphere back at Dennis. "What!?" He exclaimed, surprised he tried to stop it, however, The Fused Warrior shot A beam that blew it up right in front of him, the impact of the first sent Dennis spiraling backwards into A rock, causing the rest of them to fall and bury him. The Fused Warrior flew over and used the strength. Of his energy to force all the rocks away Dennis was starting to get back up when he kicked his head back down hitting the hard ground even in my body is still weaker than me Dennis swung at him but was kneed in the chest and fell back onto his back. How is this possible? He said faintly Resai picked him up by the collar, "go ahead kill your body" Dennis said with A beaten-up grin. "I don't have to" he replied, throwing him into the air and shooting electricity, towards him, he yelled in pain as he endured minutes of strikes of electricity to the chest. The warrior lowered his hand, letting the target hit the ground, Dennis stood up dizzy, swaying side to side, "fine, take your body back" He shot the beam out of his eyes and yet again switched bodies with the fighter. Resai dashed over and punched him in the jaw full force knocking him out. "To think one person could do that much damage to me, especially in my fused state" He left the planet and just drifted through space. "I guess it's time for me to go back to my own timeline" he tried using his energy to create A portal through time, but he fell over out of breath. "I guess I need my full strength to create A rift" After A day of rest the warrior was finally ready to create A portal back to his own time, he charged up energy making A quick separating motion with his hands. A portal slowly began to open. "Finally, I can get back to my own timeline and forget all this" As he was about to enter through the rift, he heard something heading towards him, he turned around to see Dennis, "come on does this guy ever quit?" Resai released an energy blast, "oh crap" the weak foe groaned putting his hands out to stop it. "Not this time" He whispered, throwing his hands straight up, then clenching A fist again. The blast went straight up before splitting apart into separate blast, coming straight at him from two different directions he blocked, but when the blasts struck him, it went through his guard, killing him in the process. "Good he's gone. Resai went through the portal just before it completely shut, once back in his own timeline the warrior tried to forget all that had happened except for the friends that he made along the way… ________________________________________ Book 2 : psychic power Gavin was sitting at his desk waiting for his history exam. "Hope you all studied" the teacher replied putting answer sheets on each desk. Gavin picked up his pencil and pretended to do his test. "Alright that should be long enough" Gavin took A deep breath and focused… All the thoughts of everyone in the room entered his mind, at first it was just noise, he began to focus harder, finally he could understand what each of them were saying; "Number one is A and two is B" A student thought. Using his telepathic ability, he was able to find most of the answers. "Better get five wrong so the teacher doesn't suspect I'm cheating" he told himself. After about thirty minutes the test was finished and the teacher collected them. "Time for lunch" he thought. After getting his lunch, he noticed A guy about to purposely bump into him, at the last second he slid out of the way still holding his tray and the guy knocked into A teacher making him drop his salad. Not looking behind him Gavin made A slight grin. "It's so sad when they think they can play tricks on me" He picked up his sandwich and continued as if nothing happened. Just then his phone rang "hello?" He replied tossing his tray in the trash, "dude it's Chris come here I found something cool" Gavin put his phone in his pocket and concentrated his telepathy all over the school. "This is tricky, Chris must be around A large group of people" Gavin could only hear up to 140 feet away, "Chris could just be out of that range" He kept his telepathy connected to Chris' faint thoughts. "If it was quiet maybe I could hear up to 200 feet" the physic complained. Gavin began to hear someone's thoughts: "When Gavin walks up I'll trip him" the teen grinned, "good luck trying to trip A psychic" As he turned the corner A foot came out but before it could trip him, Gavin dove over it landing on his feet. Chris stared shocked of what he saw. "So, what is this cool thing you wanted to show me?" Gavin replied staring seriously into Chris' eyes. "I forgot" Chris replied pretending he didn't know about trying to trip him. "Well six period, two classes left" Gavin began to walk towards his next class. Dylan whispered to Chris: "One last try" he picked up an unopened milk carton then tossed it straight at him. Noticing the projectile Gavin used his power to cause the carton to burst just far enough for the milk to splash all over the ground instead of him. Dylan shook his head as if it had been A dream or illusion... Entering the classroom Gavin took out his supplies and waited for the teacher to start. He read the teacher's mind to get ahead on the work. 6th and 7th seemed to go by fast, with his telepathy he didn't have to work much. Finally the last bell rang and all the students crowded through the door-way out into the bus lot. Gavin tried his best not to focus on anyone's thoughts. Nearby, A car was speeding down the road about to hit A girl crossing the street, Gavin pretended to wipe his mouth and used his telekinesis to stop the car completely, he then unplugged the car's spark plugs to make the car look like it stopped on it's own. "That solves that problem" He went into his house and sat on the floor with his legs crossed. "Maybe I can practice to help my telepathy reach 300 feet" He focused for almost an hour... He eventually ascended his telepathic capabilities to 250 feet. "Well it's A start" he thought. Five days A week, Gavin would focus his power to reach beyond his psychic limit. After about A year he seemed to reach his maximum potential. "Well looks like it's already senior year, it felt as though I was just A junior," he said to himself. "The upside is I've been able to reach up to 350 feet of range," Gavin sat at A table in the cafeteria eating breakfast with Chris and his sister. Chris asked, "so what do you guys want to do, class doesn't start for twenty minutes." Gavin thought for A second. "Not sure," Gavin replied eating A corn dog. At that moment he heard someone's thoughts, "time to prank Chris and Gavin" using his psychic vision, he watched Dylan without needing to actually turn his head. He watched as Dylan entered the cafeteria from the other end. Dylan picked up two milk cartons and tossed them at both Chris and Gavin, "have any new tricks?" Gavin thought. "Chris lean back" Chris hesitated but leaned back just in time for the milk to miss and land in A trashcan, the other one hit A student before it could reach Gavin. "So you think you can throw milk at me and just laugh about it!?" The guy grabbed Dylan by his shirt and knocked him out. 'That was fun," Gavin responded watching Dylan get back up and run out of the cafeteria. Suddenly A voice rang out, it was telepathic and he knew only he could hear it. "All who can hear my voice, I summon you to A battle of Earth's survival, if none enter, or all are defeated... Earth will be destroyed" Gavin took A breath, "Chris, I got to go home early, see you later," Gavin went into the bathroom and searched for the source of the voice. CHAPTER 2 : A Real Challenge Begins Finally, after A minute, Gavin located the source of the voice and transported to the telepathic being's location. He appeared on some type of fighting stage, "so who are you?" he asked with his arms crossed. "I am Kamero, A telepath with extraordinary capabilities, you my friend will participate in A battle for earth's survival" The telepath opened A nearby door and pointed, "here is where you wait out until each battle" Kamero vanished as Gavin walked through the hall, he picked A random room. "Room 100 it is" the teen whispered. He looked around, it had everything you'd normally see in A hotel. Gavin aimed his hand at the floor...Out of nowhere A suitcase with about two weeks worth of clothes appeared. "Didn't think I could pull that off" he said smiling. He sat on the bed and soon fell asleep... About two hours later, Gavin awoke and could hear people talking out in the hall. "What's with all the talking?" Gavin responded to the crowd, one of them replied: "because we don’t want to fight in the tournament, the only reason we're here IS to make sure earth stays in tact" Gavin nodded "same" just then their host appeared. "Alright it's time for the first match, who will be going first?" Gavin stepped forward and volunteered. Kamero waited for someone else to volunteer and vs. Gavin. "Since no one will volunteer I will pick someone, you there" The telepath pointed to A guy with long white hair and light blue eyes. "What is your name?” He asked, "Decon" the guy replied A little nervous. The host aimed his hand at both of them, they were transported to the battle stage. "Fight" Kamero announced, Decon shot A fire ball towards his opponent but it slowed down averting it right back to him. Decon put his hands out in an attempt to deflect the attack, but just before it made contact, Gavin used his telekinesis to make the fireball erupt in A big explosion. When the light cleared his combatant was all bruised up. "I'm not through yet!" The adversary bolted fast as he could for Gavin. At the last second, he tried to punch him but Gavin transported to the other side of the stage. "Over here!" He called out. Decon aimed his finger into the air, "one last attack" he shot A beam straight up into the air. "What's that attack going to do? He taunted. The beam suddenly split into multiple smaller beams motioning straight at him, "oh please" Gavin said lifting his hand up before creating A psychic barrier. The other contestants stood there in shock as each blast hit the barrier head on and had no effect. He lifted the barrier protecting him and began walking towards him, Decon shot the strongest blast he could but was deflected easily. The opponent stood motionless nearly out of power. "time to finish this" Gavin shot A beam that sealed his foe in A paralyzed state, he put his hand out again as A blue light drifted from Decon's body to Gavin's hand. "What's happening? One of the other fighters asked Kamero. "Hmm, he seems to be stealing strength from Decon" the fighter responded, "are you allowed to do that!?" "Well there's no rule against it so I'm going to have to say yes" Finally Gavin lowered his hand, Decon collapsed out cold. "Winner: Gavin!" Kamero announced, "where did he go?" Gavin asked noticing his foe's body was gone. "He was teleported back to earth, as will all who fail the tournament, I will summon you all when it's time for the 2nd match" He vanished and the others headed to their rooms, they could feel immense power surging through his body. "you cheated" A voice called out, Gavin turned around, his eyes glowing blue with power. "how?" The psychic replied slowly walking towards the guy that brought it up. "B-because you stole his power that's unfair to the others" Gavin grinned standing just A few feet from him, "then maybe you'd like to be my next opponent" he shook A little and said: "y-yea I'll take you on myself" "Very well what's your name?" "Hiret" he responded, Kamero reappeared, "so who's going for round two?" A random guy pointed at Gavin and Hiret, Kamero nodded and the two fighters entered the ring. Hiret ascended into the air and swung at him but Gavin dogged the punch as the adversary hit the stage. "you're fast but can you handle my heavy attack?" He grinned, "go ahead hit me right here" the psychic pointed at the center of his stomach. The combatant punched the psychic as hard as he could, but it had no effect. "Pathetic" he laughed back handing across the stage. Gavin put his hand behind his back and charged up his energy. Hiret got up slowly. "D-darn it...I don't have much left in me" using his psychic ability he tried to predict his opponent's next move. "I'll shoot an energy ball then attack from behind" Gavin put all his energy into his hand and waited...he shot an energy ball straight at him and vanished, the psychic smiled, Hiret reappeared but just before he could attack once more, he was struck in the center of the stomach. Gavin pulled his hand away and A burst of light filled the stage. Kamero appeared then announced: " once again Gavin is victorious, enough waiting onto the 3rd round!" He transported two random fighters onto the stage, Setro vs. Gaini. Setro brushed the black hair out of his dark red eyes and dashed full speed towards his opponent. Just as he was about to attack Gaini deflected the punch with merely his finger, then pushed him away with superhuman strength. "Give it your best shot" Gaini taunted. He clenched his fist and quickly shot A blast of fire at him. His foe shot A water attack to stop the fire, soon the water overtook the fire attack and Setro went rolling across the stage to the edge. He suddenly appeared in front of his open opponent and kicked Setro off the stage. "Gaini wins, we're Down to two fighters!" They stood across from each other on opposite sides of the stage, they nodded at one another...Gavin jumped into the air and vanished, an energy went rushing straight at Gaini from above but he deflected it with one hand. "My turn" he whispered, he shot A massive blast to wide to evade. Gavin put his hands out to stop it but it fazed through him. "An illusion!?" Before he could move Gaini punched him in the center of the stomach. "Ack!!" Gavin fell back onto the stage, his foe aimed his hand at Gavin, "any last words?" He grinned, "yea do you see that meteor headed towards us?” Gaini turned around to see A giant meteor about to impact their location, Gavin shot A beam that paralyzed him and the meteor hit him head on after the impact, Gavin moved the meteor out of the way to see him barely alive. Gavin began to steal Gaini's strength as well, increasing his; endurance and psychic powers... "seems you have more power than I thought, the average person usually only lasts two minutes" Gavin took every inch of his enemy's power. "I feel invincible now!" Kamero walked over to him clapping, "congratulations, you're the last remaining contestant, you may go home but first stand still" Kamero placed two fingers under Onomi's right eye, A red symbol appeared and faded into his skin. "I gave you the vendel mark which will give you power, but only when you truly need it" he nodded and teleported back to earth. Gavin checked the date... "October 10th, so I was off earth for three earth days...hmm felt more like A day in A half but that's space" his phone suddenly received five messages. He got two from the school and three from Chris. He deleted the school's messages and skimmed Chris'. Soon he got bored and just walked down the street, Onomi was hoping for A normal day... Out of nowhere he heard A scared girl's thoughts just A few blocks away. He vanished in A cloud of black smoke and appeared nearby where he heard the girl. A man was aiming A gun at her about to shoot her with A pistol, Onomi once more teleported and appeared between the man and the girl. The gun shot rang out, but He had caught the bullet then dropped it on the ground. The man began to shake in fear, "that's impossible no one's that fast!" The man fired multiple rounds but Once again he stopped each bullet that came in his direction. Just before the man could escape, the psychic got A metal tube and wrapped it around his body keeping him from moving. "Thank you" she said and walked away. Onomi went onto A high building and closed his eyes, "better make sure no one else is in trouble" he stood still letting hundreds of voices enter his mind : "I'm so hungry, that movie was A waste of time" The psychic descended to the street, "well looks like everyone in about A 400 feet Radius is safe" Before opening his front door, he felt as if something was wrong, he tried using his psychic vision, but it was too far to see, "duh I can only see as about as far as my telepathy" I reminded myself. "To see space, I would need to see from 300,000 feet or 62 to miles to be simpler" Gavin formed A psychic barrier around himself and flew straight towards space. Onomi wasn't using much focus on his flying since he also needed A strong barrier. Finally the teen reached mars, he descended towards it's surface when the boy suddenly couldn't fly, he impacted the surface of the planet hitting A rock. "Well that was strange" he tried to fly but couldn't even float, his teleportation wasn't working either, still nothing happened. Gavin looked up at Mars' atmosphere noticing ruby-like rocks. The determined boy shot concessive energy attacks directed at them. As soon as they shattered he could feel his strength returning. "I'm not at full strength because of the remaining tiny shards but should be enough to get back to earth. CHAPTER 3 : Need more power Gavin had made it to earth, he sat up against A concrete wall and tried to rest when A spaceship landed nearby "not now" he complained. The ship's door opened and A man in A dark robe and gold crown stepped out, Onomi couldn't seem to hear the man's thoughts. The man grinned, "you're probably wondering why you can't read my thoughts...it's because of my tradis gem from mars, but with the glass-like substance covering the gem, it won't affect you for now" Gavin stepped back, "what do you want?" He smiled, "I want you to relinquish your powers and give them to me" Gavin cracked his neck, "if I refuse?" The man replied: "simple, I use the tradis gem to weaken you and take your powers by force" Gavin vanished... suddenly emerging behind him "I'd like to see you try" he whispered. "I Jinro will take all your powers!" Onomi put his hands up preparing for Jinro's attack. The new foe clapped his hands erupting in A blaze of flames filling the city. Onomi used the psychic force of his power to take out the flames. All the flames were blown out except the ones around Jinro, the enemy began charging up another fire attack but just as he released it, Gavin sealed him inside A barrier was burned by his own attack. "Why didn't you just use the tradis gem?” He questioned, Jinro collapsed onto the ground with his whole body scorched. He slowly reached for A button on his crown, but just before pushing it Onomi used the force of his power to send Jinro smashing into A wall. "Seems I'm low on energy, better regain some from my unconscious friend over there" he put his hand on Jinro's shoulder, absorbing his remaining power. Henchmen began to swarm out from Jinro's ship, they pointed guns at him being completely silent. "I don't have time for this!!" Onomi charged up as much energy as he could without blacking out. In A massive blast of light, all the henchmen and the spaceship were obliterated. "C-crap I think I used more power than I intended to" he fell to the ground and blacked out. "After he regained consciousness he noticed he was in A bed. "Where am I?" The warrior thought, Onomi tried using telepathy but he still wasn't strong enough to concentrate. He headed towards the front door when A hand grabbed his shoulder, Gavin spun around and tried to punch him, A guy about his age caught his fist "whoa calm down, we brought you here so you could regain your drained powers" the man pointed down the hall, "go talk to Daniel, I'm sure he can help you get back to full strength" Gavin walked down A hall of doors then went down A few wooden steps when he saw someone working on A machine. "Daniel?" He asked the stranger, "yes, oh you're the one who passed out from low power, don't worry I have your solution just stand there" Daniel pointed to A platform. As he stood on it, Daniel pressed A button that shut A glass door around the platform, A green laser began to zap him, he could feel himself getting stronger. Daniel pressed A button, the glass door opened, "how do you feel rejuvenated?" Onomi could easily hear everyone's thoughts without much focus. "I feel great thanks" Daniel walked over to him and placed A watch looking device on his wrist. "Make sure to wear this" he said stepping back. "What is it?" he asked, "It's an energy receiver, it transfers power from my machine to your body, and thanks to the satellite in space, it should reach you off planet as well" Onomi walked outside and his telepathy picked up someone : "I just got word that another UFO is approaching earth" He smacked his head with his hand, "great another thing to stress about" Onomi looked up and studied the sky, looking for the UFO, once it was in view he teleported as close to it's landing site as he could without being seen. He used his psychic powers to send A truck flying straight at the ship, but it had no effect. "Darn the ship must be made out of something nearly unbreakable" A girl with light green hair stepped out and looked around... He stepped out but kept his distance in case the ship or her had tradis. The girl noticed him and said: "Human, relinquish this planet so I may rule this part of the galaxy" with A blue aura glowing around him, he clenched his fist. "Rule the other planets...because I won't let you take earth" She pulled out A purple sword. "Fine if you won't stand down, I'll kill you myself" she swung her sword in fast sword slashes, protecting his hand in A psychic barrier, he deflected each powerful strike. "You pest!!" She ascended into the air and formed an energy ball. In one quick throw the ball went rushing towards him, Gavin made A glove like barrier and back handed the ball right back at her, "impossible!!" She yelled as she was killed in the massive flash of red light. "Enough of this I'm going to that planet and ending this annoyance!" He ran into the spaceship and looked through the computer's programmed routes, "finally it's in the XR solar system... about 25 trillion miles away, crap even with the device on my wrist I still wouldn't have enough energy to teleport that far" Gavin went back to Daniel's lab, "Daniel is there some way your device can give me enough energy to teleport 25 trillion miles?" Daniel replied: “depends, how far can you teleport now? He thought for A moment... "maybe 34 million miles at best" Daniel did some calculations on his device's screen, "stand on the platform just as you did before" Gavin did as Daniel had asked and the glass door closed. Daniel turned off everything in the building to save as much power as possible for the machine. Daniel pulled A lever and A gold beam hit Gavin beginning to multiple his capabilities. Daniel turned off the machine, "well that should do it, how do you feel?" He looked around, he didn't have to focus at all to hear the thoughts of everyone in the building. "I feel great" he closed his eyes and focused..."I can hear the thoughts of everyone on earth!" Gavin teleported from earth to A random asteroid between earth and his destination. He took A breath to regain some stamina and teleported once more, the warrior finally reached the planet. Onomi brushed his hair out of his face, he noticed his hair had become silver, "must've happened from the laser that increased my powers" He looked around, the sky was dark green and the grass was red. He saw that most of the plants in the area grew tradis. "Crap" he complained. He walked around watching people just act normal... Just then A guard in futuristic armor appeared. "Halt, what's your purpose here!?" Without A response he struck the guard in the face and began running, he tried to lift off the ground and ascend into the air but the effect of the tradis was too strong. After about two minutes of running he was able to lift himself back into the air and get some advantage on the guard. The man pulled out A gun and began shooting lasers at him, Onomi formed A psychic field that absorbed every laser attack that made contact. "Take this!" The guard tossed A grenade straight for him, but Gavin caught it and threw it right back. In A burst of fire, the guard went rolling across the ground nearly dead. "Better just destroy this planet before they send an army" He was just about to form A barrier when he was hit with an energy ray, he hit the ground spitting out A small pile of blood. He looked up to see A guy in A red mask and dark battle armor. "Is there something you want?" He said sarcastically. "Are you for or against the empire?" he questioned aiming A gun at his head, "against" the psychic responded. "Good" he said putting his gun back to his side. Gavin kept his telepathy on the man's thoughts when he suddenly heard: "now!" Just as the man attacked, Onomi ducked under his enemy's punch kicking him in the center of the head causing him to pass out. "Better teleport out of sight" he grabbed the unconscious stranger by his collar and vanished from the open. He sat with his legs crossed, letting the thoughts of the planet soak in. Moments later he heard someone threatening to kill everyone on the planet. He was just about to see who had mentally said that when he was transported off to another world that he had never seen before. "Where am I now, this whole space travel is getting confusing" He saw A girl sitting on A throne-like chair. "welcome, to the psychic world, here psychic beings are judged for their actions" He tried to use his teleportation technique but it wasn't working. "You can't leave this world without my say" Gavin concentrated and shot A powerful psychic blast straight for her, she twitched and the blast swerved away hitting the ground. "You are so basic, you use your powers as A human...why not awaken your true power, not put your hopes in A machine" the guy dashed straight for her but when throwing A punch she caught it and threw him backwards. "I told you, if you use your abilities like A weak human you're bound to be defeated easily" He frowned flying as fast as he could, in A blue flash he was frozen in time. She struck each of his weak points and stepped back. Onomi hit the ground stunned from the blows. "I'll summon you when you're ready" she snapped her fingers and he vanished. He found himself back on the planet with the tradis. He went to try and find the guy he telepathically heard but there was no trace of him or his thoughts. Onomi went back to where he had put the knocked-out stranger but he had disappeared as well. "Yet again another problem" He said to himself. The psychic closed his eyes and focused to search the entire planet to try and find the guy that had escaped. Soon he found him, he was at A fortress where the ruler of the planet was. He flew over to the fortress keeping focus on the guy's thoughts. Gavin descended onto A tall tree near the fortress. Onomi looked deep inside the man's thoughts... "His true name is Jaycen" he watched Jaycen climb up the side of the brick wall and dive through an open window. Then used his aura reading ability to scan the entire fortress, finding everyone inside. He noticed A guard about to shine his flashlight on the tree so Gavin transported into A nearby unoccupied room. “Technically I could mentally kill everyone here if I concentrate hard enough but that's A little boring" A guard came into the room searching the area, Onomi appeared behind him and fazed inside the guard's body. The knight's eyes glowed blue, he smiled. "Better keep following Jaycen" He found him at the tall throne room door striking it repeatedly until it fell to the ground. "Time to die!" He yelled rushing through the throne room towards the king, he pulled two swords out, deflecting everything that came his way. Jaycen leapt into the air and stabbed the king in the center of the heart. Gavin looked away as blood dripped from the dead king to the floor. Gavin sat down and used his ability to search for auras and tried to find earth's aura. After A while he finally felt the faint aura radiating from earth, the warrior teleported back to earth and appeared in A field. A few days later... Gavin was relaxing high in the air when he felt an abnormal heartbeat, he soared through the air to find A small dragon, "I found you!" It roared attempting to charge him. But with one flick motion the dragon went flying backwards smashing into A small store. As it rose to get up the psychic appeared just A few feet away from the impact location. The dragon began to flap it's wings and try to escape, Gavin sealed him in A ball of psychic energy. "Going somewhere?" He taunted, "my master will defeat you!" He roared. "Sure" Onomi launched the ball across the city, it struck A building like A meteorite. CHAPTER 4: A New Form Gavin was at A McDonald's just enjoying the view and drinking soda when the warrior felt as if something was wrong. He back flipped off his stool before A truck smashed through the side of the room. He drifted through the hole in the wall spotting A man with blonde hair standing there. Onomi flew from the parking lot to his opponent, his powers suddenly failed. He grabbed Gavin by the shirt, "so you're from Teria" he commented. He choke slammed Gavin to the ground putting his foot on his weakened foe. He began to put force on it, Onomi couldn't focus his powers, he was as weak as A human at that point. Suddenly A silver aura swarmed around the psychic, the blonde man stepped back and Onomi stood up, the symbol that Kamero had placed on him appeared on his right eye. "S-stay back he said shooting A white beam at the powered-up psychic. The valiant hero deflected it with one hand grabbing the stranger by his shirt, "well, Chris I see you've come to try and kill me and take my powers" He tripped Chris and elbowed him in the stomach with his new level of strength. Onomi began absorbing Chris' strength, "s-stop" the opponent weakly said. He took A breath and stopped absorbing. Chris got up as quick as he could and made A clap that caused A sonic eruption shattering buildings, cars, nearly everything for miles. Unaffected, Gavin backhanded Chris across the street. Chris' eyes were filled with rage, he charged up every inch of power he could...”Take this!!!" Chris shot A massive blast that covered the city in green light, the psychic began to slowly walk through the blast until he reached him and grabbed his enemy by the throat. "You lose" he said sealing Chris within A ball of concrete and sending it to another dimension, "well I guess back to relaxing" Gavin went to A roof and fell asleep... "s-stop" the opponent weakly said. He took A breath and stopped absorbing. Chris got up as quick as he could and made A clap that caused A sonic eruption shattering buildings, cars, nearly everything for miles. Unaffected, Gavin backhanded Chris across the street. Chris' eyes were filled with rage, he charged up every inch of power he could... ”Take this!" Chris shot A massive blast that covered the city in green light, the psychic began to slowly walk through the blast until he reached him and grabbed his enemy by the throat. "You lose" he said sealing Chris within A ball of concrete, sending it to another dimension. "well I guess back to relaxing" Gavin went to A roof and fell asleep... A few hours passed and the guy awoke fully rested, floating through the air watching the cars race down the street. "I wish I wasn't always the target, then I could actually enjoy my powers, instead of draining them from countless battle" He noticed A commit approaching earth but he appeared in front of it destroying it with one blow. The stressed psychic took A breath once more, "I'm glad I have time to conserve my power for once" The valiant hero flew into space and stared at the earth... "I'm done with people trying to kill me or the earth, there's only one thing I can do at this point" He put both of his hands out then concentrated his energy into A barrier for the entire earth. It took nearly five minutes for the shield to cover the whole planet, once complete he sat on the moon and admired his protection to the earth. "They'll need to be powerful to break that" he said wiping sweat from his head. A few weeks later he felt A familiar evil power, he flew through space until he came to the source, A massive rip between dimensions. "Oh no" he whispered, suddenly Chris soared straight out of the rift and kicked Onomi in the stomach, the powerful fighter struck an asteroid and blood drifted from his mouth. "How did you e-escape" he asked trying to get up. "Easy question, I absorbed the strength of A few worthy creatures in the dimension you sent me to" Barely able to stand, he clinched his bloody fist, "do your worst" he choked out. Chris grinned, rapidly flying in the direction of his weak opponent, Onomi waited... just as Chris shot an energy blast still approaching him, Onomi vanished and appeared back on the moon. He formed A small rift and A warrior fell from the gold portal, Gavin pointed at Chris, "please...help me defeat him" he nodded heading back to Chris. "reading your thoughts, I know your name is Carm, son of Rason and Hannah" Carm frowned, "let's go" he whispered, both fighters clashed, they were nearly equal. Each blow was countered by the other's. Chris flew straight down and shot an energy beam towards Gavin, he was struck in the heart and fell towards earth, the barrier shattered. Carm teleported then caught him, landing on A floating rock. Carm looked up and Chris shot A blast towards earth, "nooo!!" Carm tried to get in front of the blast but it struck earth, it was utterly destroyed to pieces. He stood in shock... "the earth...it's gone" Carm laid Gavin on the ground then aimed his hand at his ally's almost lifeless body, absorbing all of his Powers and memories. White and gold power swarmed around his body. "Father was right, my power has reached that of the ancient gods" Carm focused, scattering all of the remains of earth towards Chris. They were almost too fast and large to evade, he was struck multiple times. The foe went falling back towards mars, the enemy landed on the surface but slowly got up. "I better end this before more planets get destroyed" Carm shot an energy blast that filled space with blue light. Chris shot one right back, the force of their power caused A massive shock wave. "Give it up Chris, my power is equal to that of the ancient gods, I'm only using 10% of my maximum power" Chris made A clone and it escaped through A portal just as the original Chris was killed in the blast. Meanwhile... Chris landed on A random planet far from the earth's location. "Hopefully he can't find me from this distance" he walked down A small path, the world had A dark purple sky, he found A small village and began to steal their strength... It took about twenty minutes for Carm to finally find Chris' location. He appeared on the planet and looked around, Chris rushed straight at him but was knocked off balance and hit A tree. "How many times must I tell you that winning for you is basically zero" Carm put A hand out and shot an energy blast, Chris jumped to his feet and put his hands out in an attempt to stop the powerful attack. Chris noticed he was getting pushed back by the incredible force of the attack. "Damn it why can't I affect the blast's movement!?" Before Chris impacted the cliff that was just seconds away, the warrior made A hand motion that caused the energy blast to wrap Chris into A ball. He then tossed the ball into the air and shot A beam at the sphere causing it to burst in A flash of light. "Takes care of that annoyance" The hero hovered to an empty part of space before using his abilities to make planets collide together to form A planet much bigger than earth. "Hmmm, now how do I resurrect nature like earth's on A barren wasteland such as this?" Suddenly he got an idea and took off to Teria, Carm gathered A few bags of seeds from the planet then teleported back. He then planted the seeds in the thin soil of his new planet. Finally, in about A week plants began to grow. In about A month, most of them were fully grown. Just then Carm was in the psychic world, "not this place" he thought to himself, the queen of the world gave him an annoyed look, "you don't belong in this universe" she snapped her fingers and Carm was sent through A portal and landed back in his original universe. He began to feel weak as Gavin's powers faded from his body. CHAPTER 5 : An Evil is upon us Back in the Soul universe, A dimensional portal opened and A new threat appeared, they had blood red hair, glowing blue eyes and was dressed in black. He walked through the deserted land, "they should be here somewhere..." He walked over to A graveyard and A row of tombstones read killed warriors : Gavin, Jaycen, Chris etc... He floated into the air and released A green wave of energy, suddenly all of the warrior's bodies floated out of the dirt and circled the man perfectly. He then summoned the souls of all the dead men, once they were inside their bodies, he absorbed their powers. "Now all I need is the psychic" The villain easily opened A portal and entered the psychic world. "Who are you!?" She demanded. "I am Hotaku, the master of darkness...I've come to defeat you and claim the psychic world as my own" She dashed forward and threw A punch at him but the man caught her fist and struck her in the ribs, she back flipped away shaking the pain off. She prepared herself for his next attack, he vanished for A moment... she heard him about to reappear, she swung her foot to kick him but he caught her foot and threw her into the wall. "D-damn, this is impossible" she said weakly getting up and holding her hand to her ribs. Hotaku made A sword out of fire and leapt at the open girl, striking her through the chest, blood seeped out of her wound before she collapsed unmoving. He noticed A necklace around her neck, he gripped it, pulling it off her neck putting it on. The entire room began to warp from A blue and light throne to A bloody red and dark. "Seems this gem controls the reality in this world" The villain then sat on the throne and ponder about what his next move should be. Hotaku closed his eyes and put his hand out in front of him, A portal opened leading to A source of power that could be of interest. "D-damn, this is impossible" she said weakly getting up and holding her hand to her ribs. Hotaku made A sword out of fire and leapt at the open girl, striking her through the chest, blood seeped out of her wound before she collapsed unmoving. He noticed A necklace around her neck, he gripped it, pulling it off her neck putting it on. The entire room began to warp from A blue and light throne to A bloody red and dark. "Seems this gem controls the reality in this world" The villain then sat on the throne too ponder about what his next move should be. Hotaku closed his eyes and put his hand out in front of him, A portal opened leading to A source of power that could be of interest. He sent two clones out to check it out, Hotaku's clones found Chris. "Ah I have A faint memory of you" he responded to Chris. "You must have me confused with someone else" Hotaku moved so fast, Chris couldn't track his movements. Suddenly he grabbed Chris and had him in A choke hold, "I've absorbed all your counterparts from soul Universe and this one as well" Chris kicked Hotaku as hard as he could and luckily, he let go and Chris gained distance from his new foe. He shot multiple energy blasts at him not holding anything back. When the smoke cleared his target was still there nearly unharmed. Hotaku shot A large lightning bolt and struck him in the chest. Chris gripped his heart and fell to one knee, "no, I won't be defeated" Chris stood up slowly and flew into the air, he charged up as much power as he could gather and shot back towards the nearly unbeatable villain. "I don't care who you are, you die here!" Chris flew as fast as A spaceship but just before Chris could land the final blow, Hotaku shot A beam that went right through his target like A bullet. Chris hit the ground and bled out. "The psychic universe and Soul universe are mine!" Weeks went by, the evil adversary soon became bored, he didn't have the conflict that he loved so much. Finally, A new power appeared, it was far and faint but Hotaku could tell that the being he felt was powerful. As he got closer to the being he felt he said: "I recognize that power" he reached earth's moon and found him... he stood turned away from Hotaku, wearing A tux with silver hair. "Brother, you have killed innocent people and stole power you neither need or deserve" Hotaku formed A fireball in his hand ready to throw it. "Please Haruki, with my power you have no chance of winning" his brother stood motionless waiting. Hotaku tossed the ball towards him, the fireball rushed past him, circled back around and was just about to hit him in the back when Haruki back flipped over it and it missed blowing up between both of them. They got in attack position and pointed their fists at one another. In A great burst of their powers, the blasts collided. Both the soul universe and psychic soul began to become merged from the fierce power wave. The two men stopped to noticed that the universe had completely changed, Hotaku starred at figures that were approaching from A rip in the damaged barrier between both worlds. They saw all the warriors that Hotaku had absorbed or killed. Haruki sent telepathic messages to each of the resurrected fighters: "help us battle Hotaku the man standing across from us" all of the fighters stood side by side and merged with their counterparts. All of them, even Shiro were going all out against Hotaku giving everything they had. Hotaku made A barrier that gave him twenty feet of space between him and the fighters. "He's my brother, I need all the strength you can give me!" Haruki cried out. They descended down to him and all of them began to become white light, Haruki absorbed them and his power multiplied far past the limit of even the known gods. "What are you?" Hotaku said slowly backing away, "brother, I have absorbed all the fighters of both worlds, I've become...the psychic soul" Hotaku gave him an annoyed look, "I have all their powers as well, I can defeat you!" He darted straight at his brother but Haruki moved out of the way, grabbed his leg and threw him towards mars. "Damn, my brother's always been one step ahead of me but this is ridiculous!" Haruki made A praying pose then pointed his hand at his brother. "Goodbye brother, hope you find peace" Haruki released A blast that covered space, Hotaku tried to escape but was caught in the fire. "Nooo!!!" The foe yelled being destroyed completely. "Now this trouble is over..." ______________________________________ Zombie 17 prologue it's been two years since the toxic gas either killed half of the people in the United States or infected the others turning them into zombie like creatures... Gavin was one of the remaining survivors. 20 years old with black hair and light brown eyes. He walked through the empty streets of Deland. “I can't believe it's been two years since the infection" he thought to himself. The only reason he would ever walk through the street is if he was looking for food, water, clothes or A working car. This infection is exactly the way it looked in most apocalyptic movies. After an hour which was his usual amount of search time, he would go back to the base. it was about 6 am when he came to the main door of their base. A passcode and fingerprint scan were needed to unlock the door, otherwise A member would have to unlock it from the inside. He looked back to make sure no infected citizens were approaching. You'd expect the infected to be loud like in video games but in fact they were quiet when they knew you were looking and listening. Gavin walked in and laid his rifle against the wall as he collapsed onto the couch. His best friend Chris came in, Chris was one of those tall and skinny guys, he had dark blonde hair with very light blue eyes. Chris and Gavin have been best friends for years. Sadly most of their friends and family had either disappeared or been infected. Chris was good with A gun. he could kill the Infected Without any assistance or help Whatsoever, Gavin was more of A support type he planted bombs and others similar in the right places. Using A sound projector he could get the infected attention and lead them straight into an activated bomb. There was also Karen, Chris‘s twin sister she was more of an arrow type shooter. Gavin thought: ”what's an arrow doing in an Apocalypse, though as long as it keeps us from becoming infected I‘m fine with it" we used to have contact with A few others such as Jason and Chris Simpson. (an easy way to tell them apart is to make sure you see the first letter of their names...) CHAPTER 1 : low food, low ammo Gavin looked over to Chris, "how much ammo do we have left?” he asked. Chris mumbled as he did math in his head... "About enough to last A few more days so we're okay" Just then Karen came in from the back door, "Anything?" Gavin replied: ”Nope I think it's time for us to pack up and move on to the next city or even state at this rate“ Gavin got up and began packing A suitcase. “we've only been here five days” Chris told them. Karen gave him an annoyed look. "Doesn't matter our supplies are getting low mostly food wise so l'm packing up" After about an hour and A half they were fully packed and ready to head up north towards Georgia. Once they passed the Border they found A hotel, “alright Chris you take the stairs l‘ll use the elevator and Karen you stay In the lobby to check for incoming infected" They agreed and each went in A different direction. Chris quietly went up the long flights of stairs, each time he made it to the door to the hallway he‘d turn on the flashlight to his gun. it was quiet... Just then he heard A Creak and an infected jumped at him. With A clear shot to the Head the infected man collapsed to the ground. Suddenly he saw A group of infected coming out from hotel rooms. He made sure his gun was loaded and pulled out A small grenade, he rolled it down the hall near them and it caused A Flash that made them screech loudly. Before the light cleared Chris shot one in the side of the head it collapsed to the floor bleeding dark and terminated blood. The remaining five ran at him full speed. Chris began shooting them non-stop. one guy got face to-face With him but he used his hand Blade to decapitate him. Meanwhile Gavin was in the elevator waiting to reach the top floor, suddenly he heard the elevator slow down With A screech. Just then the door Opened and Gavin saw A zombie sprinting towards the elevator. Gavin wasn‘t good at accuracy though he pulled his emergency pistol out taking the shot. The bullet flew down the hall, hit the infected in the eye and it fell Over. Gavin ran through the hall placing A grenade on the Zombie‘s chest. Gavin slid through the stairwell door and the zombie blew up causing the floor to shake. The boy placed A bomb in the center 0f each floor, each was strong enough to take out an entire floor or at least cause them to collapse on each other. Gavin stayed on the top floor with Chris to keep watch for any zombies. Karen gathered all the supplies that was left from the dead people. Chris and Gavin set up the chairs by the Windows. Gavin was throwing A grenade up when all of A sudden Chris got up and it got knocked out of his hand out the window and blew up on the street. Chris looked out the window to notice that the sound wave had attracted tons of zombies. “Finally something to kill" he said grabbing his scope gun, taking them out one by one. Karen came in telling them that zombies were trying to break in Gavin tossed A gun to Karen telling her to help Chris. As they shot round after round Gavin was putting something big together. "What are you making?" Chris responded not keeping his eyes off the horde of zombies. It's ready!" Gavin shouted tossing A disk out the window. They watched as the disk fell towards the ground floor but landed on the second floor Window. Chris quickly took out his zip line gun and noticed A Wal-Mart about half A mile away. He shot straight at the roof, it perfectly locked on to it. Chris and the others quickly got on the zip line flying through the air, they unhooked from the line rolling through A window and landed in the store. They looked through the automatic doors to watch all the zombies get crushed by tons of concrete. "Crap" Karen said still looking outside. “What is it?” Chris replied. Karen pointed to their car that was crushed by the hotel. “We better head out in search of A new car" Gavin said loading his gun. He took some things from the store such as bottled water and A few snacks then threw it in his backpack. They prepared their guns and began walking down the empty road. Eventually it was about 8 pm. at night so They decided to stop and rest by A car. While Gavin and Karen rested on the ground Chris hit the car window with the back of his gun, causing the whole thing to shatter to the ground. He unlocked the car searching it for anything useful. “Hmmm....clothes. water, Bingo!" “What?” Gavin responded stretching, slowly getting up. He saw A bag of ammo. 'This is surprising to find A bag of amino in an average car Instead of those armored cars” Chris took the ammo, putting all he could in his bag, the rest in Gavin's bag. Chris checked to see if the engine would start up but all it did was make A small burst, They continued for two days until they eventually reached A forest. 'Why would we go through the forest!?' Karen whispered. Gavin and Chris didn‘t answer as they slowly walked through the forest. It was pitch black outside, they could barley see anything. Took them awhile until they found A tree house. Chris started up the tree when A foot came out and kicked him off, he landed on the ground though slowly got back up. A flashlight shined in their faces. “Chris?” A familiar voice said. They saw Kris standing there, he seemed like he was doing pretty well after two years. He wore A green cap, had dark hair, green eyes and was still skinny yet had more muscle then before the apocalypse. Kris put the gun back to his side and climbed back up the tree. “Come on he replied seeing them just standing on the ground. Kris, Jaycen and Tyler told them how they found the tee house and it kept them alive through most the apocalypse. "Every few hours A deer or bear will get A few miles away. just enough for us to hunt and catch it” Kris told them loading his empty guns. After about three days of being in the tree house Gavin and the others decided it was time to move on. Kris hesitated at first then decided to go with them. "There's hardly anything left in the forest so moving on would be the best choice" All six of them headed out, with A bigger group the chances of survival were greater. At least that‘s what Kris said. By foot it felt as if they were getting nowhere. when they saw an armored up car. "Sweet we found A car!” Kris cried in excitement. Kris checked the front hood of the car. "Yes this should work, at least I hope so" He found A corpse, “excuse me" Kris said Pushing it out of the car and hopping into the driver's seat, He turned the key that was already in the key slot. The car roared to life and everyone got in the car. Kris hit the gas full force and the armored car Went flying down the street. They were going about 120 miles per hour dogging all the cars when A blockade was at the end of the road. Kris saw A control panel, "lets see what these do" Kris pushed A button and A war hog came out from under the car, it began shooting 30 MM bullets. The barrier was destroyed with just one hit. They go flying through the remains of the barricade. Once through it, zombies came appearing out of nowhere. "Let me try one" Chris responded. He pushed another one out of three rows of three. A big chainsaw came out the top of the car and A joystick came out of the panel with it Chris controlled the chainsaw. He cut all of them in half before they made contact with the car. Soon they noticed A light near by. they reached A casino. They parked the car close to the door for A quick escape. They pushed open the door and there were rows of slot machines including A bar. “I‘m getting some soda!" Gavin said going over to the bar. A zombie got up but Gavin threw A bomb and it landed in the zombie's mouth. It's head blew up with blood spewing everywhere. “l‘m gonna take A s**t, all of you collect supplies” Kris walked into the restroom. Soon he heard A zombie clawing at the door. “Just A minute I’m taking A s**t“ the zombie started to walk away, Kris opened the door and called to the zombie, it screeched and ran towards him, Kris tripped him and the zombie's head landed in the toilet. “I forgot to flush" he flushed it, it became clogged. "Zombie I'm gonna use your head as A plunger" it finally flushed, "this is the best plunger ever“ Gavin sat on A stool drinking soda from an old Coca Cola bottle. Karen and Chris tried out the slot machines, the others searched for any useful supplies. Gavin took his pill bottle out and took one then put it back in his pocket. “I guess I‘ll scope the roof since Chris and the others are busy, Gavin climbed up A ladder and took out his assault riffle. he scanned the area for any incoming zombies or other survivors. Gavin noticed A incoming car and focused on the front tires. He took two shoots and the car flipped over. Gavin reached in his pocket. activated A grenade and chucked it as far as he could. 'Come on..." he thought keeping his focus on the grenade... It landed on the car and the entire car erupted in A massive explosion. Chris walked out of the casino and started searching the few cars left in the lot. He found some money and started walking back to the casino. just then he heard screeches and slowly turned around... "Holy s**t" Chris dropped his wine. "Damn I dropped my wine" he pulled out A m82A1 50 Barret. He began shooting the massive crowd of infected. CHAPTER 2 : Zombies lots of Zombies Gavin saw Chris. "get up here!" he shouted, Chris ran to the ladder and climbed up it as fast as he could. He reached the top and they began taking the huge group as fast as they could. “You would think the others would have come out by now” Chris said noticing the zombies were getting closer. Meanwhile Jaycen and Tyler were loading their guns. "Wait…did you hear that?‘ Jaycen responded listening to A faint zombie noise. ‘Let's head out the others must already be out there” Kris Came out last holding an RPG. “Where did you find that?" Jaycen asked. Kris loaded it and aimed it at the crowd, “I hid it in my big bag" He pulled the trigger and A rocket went flying towards them and blew up A great amount of them. “That was effective” Gavin replied placing his gun on the floor and started working on A strong enough bomb. “How long is going to take?” noticing Gavin working on it. Gavin plugged A gold wire into the bomb and threw it into the crowd, "everybody duck!" he yelled as it was about to go off. Gavin and Chris slid down the ladder and the others ran inside and closed the door. An explosion went off causing the ground to vibrate. It went quiet and they all slowly opened the door. Their jaw hung open seeing miles of land completely vaporized as if A nuke had gone off. "Sweet it worked" Kris said taking his cap off, wiping the Sweat from his forehead. They took all the supplies they could find including beer. soda and some ammo. and got in the car taking off. Chris watched for any zombies and loaded his gun. “We should head to A near by Pharmacy" Gavin said putting his hand on his head. "Why? seems pointless" Kris responded. Keeping his eyes on the road. Gavin Pulled out an empty pill bottle. Kris hesitated then pushed full force on the gas going 80 miles per hour. They sped down the road. Gavin began feeling dizzy. After about 30 minutes They Saw A pharmacy. They quickly parked. Chris got out and went inside when he didn’t come back after two minutes Tyler Kris and Karen went in. Jaycen stayed to Protect Gavin (now unconscious). Finally all of them came out and Chris tossed A bag to Jaycen. He took A pill out and put it in Gavin‘s mouth, they got back in the car and took off yet again, Kris focused on the road as If nothing else Was there, each time A zombie jumped out he would run it over then drive normal again. “Are we looking for something or just driving?" Karen replied as they were Still just racing down the empty streets of Georgia. “I’m just looking for ether A fancy Place or anywhere that I can tolerate to take shelter in” Chris looked as his watch it was two in the morning, "wow time went by fast" out of nowhere A big zombie Came into view, it seemed to big to hit. Kris swerved out of the way and the car rolled past the creature hitting A big oak tree. All of them slowly got out of the damaged car. Gavin had glass in his shoulder. he Quickly pulled it out and scuffled through A bag for bandages, He soon found some then bandaged his wound. The Others weren't that hurt though Chris‘s right arm was broken and unable to move. “Crap“ he yelled noticing his unmoving arm. Gavin bandaged his friend's Paralyzed arm and helped all the others. may all turned to the giant zombie that let cut at loud roar. “That piece of s**t is gonna pay!" Chris yelled picking up A Pistol. He started walking towards the Zombie shooting over and over. Green blood came out of the creature’s stomach with every shot. It spat out some Kind of goo but Chris was able to dodge it. He finally ran out of bullets and dropped the gun. As the zombie spat more out, Chris slid across the ground barley dodging it and picking up A RPG. "Game set match!‘ Chris pulled the trigger and the rocket hit the zombie head on. it blew up with goo raining everywhere. Jayden banged his fist against the car, "damn it, the car was perfect and now its damaged“ Gavin responded: "help me push this over” Jaycen and Chris helped pushed the car back to the right way. Gavin opened the hood, "one of you try to start the car again” Kris got back in the front seat and turned the key. The car shook but didn't stay on. Gavin moved some things around. "Try again” Kris sighed and tried again. The car then caught fire and was about to blow up. All six of them ran out of range, most of them dove into the bushes, the car blew up and everything in the car went flying, luckily their bags and guns were fire Proof. Gavin heard something in the near by woods, “hey look out!” A dart hit him before he could finish, he collapsed on the ground out cold. They came flying from the darkness of the trees and almost everyone was struck with A dart. Three hours later they found themselves in A thick layer glass room. Gavin pulled out A katana and hit it with all his might, sadly it had no effect. They looked around yet didn‘t see anyone. “What do we do?" Gavin asked them. “l'm not sure, wait where’s Kris?” Jaycen responded. They looked around but there was no sign Of him... CHAPTER 3: Changes to come Kris had been the only one who wasn't caught by the ambush. He managed to hide in the back of A car that followed the van that that brought the past out survivors to the glass room. Once it was quiet Kris slowly got out of the car, he snuck past the cameras looking for the others. There were only A few guards in the hall, he took out A gun and Put A silencer on it then shot each guard In the back of the head. He checked for any more cameras, when he saw one he shot it‘s support and it hit the ground breaking open. "lt should be here some where" He read the rooms; armory. study. testing. He slowly opened the door and found the others. “Kris!?~ they said surprised. Kris shot the lock and unlocked the door, “we need to hurry before they lock down" he told them They ran through the halls not Stopping. Kris shot each guard that came through. Suddenly A man blocked their path he held A RPG. “Don't move” He ordered, Kris waited... then shot at him, he pulled the trigger and the bullet struck him in the throat. The missile went flying out of control. They all dropped down and the missile struck the generator of the entire System and the electricity sparked A fire. All of them except Gavin ran out, he went back looking for their stuff, he found it and got them outside, however the roof cracked apart and killed him. His friends dug A hole by A tree and buried him. “We lost one” Chris said sitting on the ground with A Sigh_ They continued towards Tennessee. But The farther they got Chris soon became paran0id he began to talk to himself and he looked as if he hadn't slept in days. Kris and Tyler went searching for food while Karen, Chris and Jaycen stayed at A house that still seemed in good condition. "Well what should we do now?” Jaycen asked. Karen shrugged and began Sharpening her arrows, Chris sat there zoned out as if he were just staring off into Space. Karen shook her brother. “It's Ok Chris nothing's gonna happen to us. We‘ll get through this” After A week Chris began to hallucinate and hear things until finally he took A pistol and aimed it at himself. He was about to pull the trigger when Kris came in and smacked him in the face. “Get A hold of yourself!' Just then Jaycen came in, 'we have A zombie problem, A big one“ All of them grabbed their guns and locked the door just before one got in. All of the survivors began shooting all the zombies they could. Chris and Jaycen had the front door while Karen and Tyler had the back door, Kris managed to get outside and onto the roof just before the zombies reached the house. He shot each zombie in the head and reloaded as fast as he could. He saw two big zombies but he was running out of ammo. With his remaining ammo he shot one of the big zombies in the face however it only slowed them down. Finally Kris had ran out of ammo and was stuck on the roof. Some zombies managed to climb up the side of the house but he hit them off the roof With his gun. The battle had already been going for 20 minutes when finally all of them had run out of their remaining ammo as well. Zombies began to enter the house and back then into the corner, just as they Ware about to be killed... 'Aaah!!!‘ Chris screamed waking up in A car that Kris had stolen. ‘w-what happened?” he asked still A little scared from the dream, "You were struck in the head with A big Piece of the roof from where you. were captured“ Gavin replied shaking Chris out Of his scared state. “What do we do then?‘ Chris said starting to calm down… (To be continued) ________________________________ Tournament of The Four Worlds Written by : Gavin Sinto - Team 1 {Gavin, Jaycen, Sinto, Rekai, Ciros, Hakkida Levi Nomyn �" Team 2 {Gaverdon, Gas, Silhouette, Raven, and Lumos} Christian Miranda �" Team 3 {The Harbinger of Death (Katherine), Head Hunting Sally, Roswell) Andre �" Team 4 {Rox, Jayden, Carlos, Sadin, Lore, kabe} Ciros was A powerful warrior, he was in the Soul universe, all of the fighters he had gathered as his allies were preparing for the big tournament they had planned. However, they had been planning this, without alerting the other warriors. They had no idea what they were about to go through. He put his hand out, causing multiple rifts through several dimensions to appear, causing A few groups of warriors from each world to appear... They were all put into five teams of six. Ciros, the host of the tournament, announced: "Alright! Time for the first match: Gavin Takachi vs Gaverdon!" They stood facing each other, Takachi clenched his fist and took off. Gaverdon, however, stood still, staring directly at the charging opponent. "Take this!" Gavin exclaimed, as he struck his target in the ribs as hard as he could then back flipped away noticing it had no effect. Gaverdon lifted up his hoodie, revealing A skeleton ribcage with one of the rib bones covered in blood. "You should be careful where you strike." He said with A large grin, directing his vision toward Gavin's bloodied arm. Takachi ascended into the air building up energy in his hand. He focused his gaze on Gaverdon. The adversary lowered his hoodie, it disappeared. "Don't want my clothes getting all burnt and destroyed..." The foe said with A smirk. It was then that flesh, blood, and skin began to form over his skeleton figure. "Now then... Shall we have some fun?" The humanoid asked with murderous intent in his eyes as they glowed with A bright crimson. Ciros pointed at Gaverdon, "there will be no murdering" Takachi released A devastating blast. Gaverdon stood still and allowed himself to be hit, his clothes disintegrating, but soon being replaced by A thin rubber-like material covering most of his body. His grin grew larger, looking at Ciros. "If I can't murder anyone..." Several things burst from the ground, impaling Gavin and slamming him to the ground. "Can I bring him to the brink of death, not fully killing him?" Ciros looked away allowing it, Takachi slowly got up regenerating. Gaverdon suddenly appeared in front of him then slammed him back into the ground. "Did I tell you that you have permission to stand?" Shards of an almost bone-like material fell from the air, pinning the vampire down, impaling him in every place that would cause the most pain possible without killing him. Takachi looked at him then his eyes began to glow red. “Ref I call for A power boost" Gaverdon found this amusing. silently laughing to himself. "This should prove to be interesting" Takachi lent his hand out, Jaycen grabbed it and light filled the stage Gaverdon yelled out in painful agony, summoning A barrier of physical darkness to shield himself from the intense light. Gaverdon thought to himself, "This is going to be fun... I'll let 'em believe he has some advantage over me and then... I strike..." Gaverdon began to look uneasy, "I made A mistake angering you, didn't I...?" The humanoid almost couldn't stop himself from laughing though managed to keep calm, yet the terrified look on his face. Gavason made A punching motion sending A shock wave towards his opponent, Gaverdon went along with it, timing his actions just right so that it appears the shockwave had thrown him to the direction Gavason wanted. Gavason pulled out his sword and dashed straight for the shape shifter Gaverdon had made it appear as though his leg was broken through his shapeshifting techniques. Acting as if he was trying to stand up to face his opponent, but too weak to stand. "Have mercy..." He spoke out, his trickery twisting the atmosphere into deep suspense. Gaverdon then proceeded to appear behind the warrior, disarm them and kick them into the ground, stabbing them in the back with their own sword. Gaverdon siphoned the energy from the blast, magnified it, then threw it back at him. "Children shouldn't be able to play with such dangerous toys!" He exclaimed, shattering the sword he had stolen. Then sent the shards of the weapon flying toward his opponent. Gavason held on to his shoulder panting with his wounds quickly healing. "I can keep this up for awhile” the warrior taunted. Gaverdon's smirk grew to the largest it had been in years. "Good, because I'm not done with you..." A large rumbling could be heard deep from under the ground. "Ready for the true fight to begin?" Gaverdon asked, his grin stretching from one ear to the other. Gavason clenched his fist releasing incredible bursts of power. "Bring it on!!!"Gaverdon laughed, "I love your enthusiasm." Several skull-like creatures burst from the ground and sent out A barrage of attacks, blasting massive amounts of energy, sending sharp shards of bone directed towards the warrior. Skeletal arms burst out and held him down so that each attack would hit with deadly precision. Blood ran down Gavason's mouth. "N-not yet" The warrior used his remaining power to create three clones of himself. All three of them knocked the creatures out of the ring then faced the final opponent. Gaverdon stared at them. "You better have not killed my minions..." They both turned as Gavason sent an energy blast completely obliterating all of them. The foe quietly began to laugh before Gavason put both his hands out in the direction of his target, "I win..." he released all of his power in A massive red energy blast. Gavadon was now laughing maniacally, with A scythe in his hands, using it to tear the energy in half, his eyes glowing A deep, yet bright yellow. Gavason fell to his knees Gavadon slowly walks towards his enemy, dragging his scythe across the ground as he does, the scythe spreading darkness into the ground. "You shouldn't have done that..." He swiftly raises his scythe decapitating his enemy before anyone can react. Gavason regenerated but was transported back to his timeline. "Damn it!" Sinto shouted. The victorious being wiped the blood off his scythe, swiping his finger across some of the blood popping it into his mouth, curiosity getting the better of him. "Vile... Putrid... Horrendous taste..." Gaverdon spoke quietly to himself. Ciros announced, "Winner Gaverdon, prepare for round two, Rox vs Gaverdon!" The winner made his scythe vanish preparing to face his next opponent. Rox stepped on to the stage with A grin on his face, "I hope you are A challenging opponent" Gaverdon silently smiles, the insanity still clearly visible in his yellow, glowing, pulsating eyes. The being slowly approached the opposition, observing them, studying them. He then got close enough so that they were face to face then quietly said, "I will make this A living nightmare for you." Gaverdon flicked the opponent's nose, breaking it. The being quietly laughed as he thought of what to do. Gaverdon’s insanity, causes him to be more susceptible to being taken by surprise, causing him to stumble back A small bit after being struck. The lunatic stared directly at the opposition while planning out his tactics. After A few seconds, Rox charges at his challenger full speed. However, Gaverdon doesn't charge at him directly, instead, at more of an angle, which shifts at random, causing him to be running at him from one place to another, attempting to confuse the opponent. Rox suddenly unleashed his triko spirit, covering him in an aura. His spirit charged him, head-butting him across the ring. His spirit charged him, head-butting him across the ring. Rox smirked, "is that all you got?” Gaverdon was behind him and tapped his shoulder. "Not even close." What the combatant had head-butted was A hard-light projection Gaverdon had made while his attacker was distracted. He then slashed his combatant's back with his scythe, which drained the aura's power and fed it to himself. The powerful being kicked him away almost instantly. Rox vanished in flames then reappeared behind him punching the opponent in the face, his opponent slides A few feet away as Rox summons triko once more to both sides of his opponent. The spirit bites down on it's target stealing his energy. Rox formed A beam and shot A beam at his trapped opponent. The triko vanish once the beam made contact. Once the Triko vanish, everyone in the general area feel as if something was being drained from them. Gaverdon healed almost instantaneously, appearing to be stronger than before he was attacked. Gaverdon's eyes were relieved of the yellow glowing, the warrior took A few deep breaths before saying, "I apologize for those actions. I lost A bit of control, nevertheless, let us resume..." He then dashed toward his opponent, jumped over him, flipped around and slashed his back A few times before appearing in front of him then kicking him to the ground, holding his scythe towards his throat. The fighter summons his dragon spirit once more, it bites the shape shifter in the leg and slams him to the ground. It disappeared in A blaze of flames, Rox charges up two orbs then fires them straight at his target. Gaverdon tried to dodge it, but his Left hand got caught and could barely move with his unharmed arm. The injured combatant reflected one of the orbs then absorbed the other to heal his arm faster. The fighter dashed towards his opponent upper cutting him into the air, Rox reveals his wings taking off into the air flying past Gaverdon shooting A blast in his back, causing him to impact the stage harder. Rox remained in the air. Gaverdon hovered above the ground. "Gravity has no hold over me." He then floated up to where Rox was maintaining himself, and stares him in the eyes. "Your move." The warrior charged up all his power causing the area to shake, his opponent got pushed back A little. "I'm not done yet" Rox begins to crack apart in red light, transforming in an intense light. Once the light cleared, his body was swarming with an immense red aura, his attacks were much faster, the warrior was throwing punch after punch. Rox kneed his enemy in the chest. Blood ran down his body, the warrior summoned multiple trikos and all of them rushed him. One bit him in the arm, neck and leg. They absorb his power as Rox's capabilities multiples dramatically. Despite the fact that his power had been drained, Gaverdon remains unphased in the air, staring down his opponent. The warrior charges up his power with A red aura all around him, the assailant moved through the air going straight through Gaverdon's stomach. The target had reverted back to his skeletal form, meaning the combatant had no stomach. The man had ceased staring, not because he had no eyes, he did. Gaverdon ceased his staring because his eyes were now closed. Yet again red light fills Rox's body and takes off, ripping both of his opponent's arms off then shatters his rips with an intense blow, Gaverdon remains motionless, allowing himself to be torn apart, however he does not allow himself to be moved from the position . A faint glowing can be seen from the closed eyes, the glowing appears to be cycling through several different colors each second. Rox tore the head off beginning to crush it. "I don't know what's happening but I've grown tired of this" As the combatant attempted to crush Gaverdon's skull, they hear A loud snapping sound followed by intense, searing, burning pain in his arms and legs. Gaverdon's eyes had opened and were glowing A blinding white. It was unknown what his opponent attacked Rox with but said: “an attack had gotten inside his body and was almost as if it were molten metal flowing through his veins pulling outwards slowly and painfully increasing each second” the strong fighter reformed his body to it's fully intact state then stared into Rox's soul, causing even more deep burning pain. The opponent stays up, but shakes with blood beginning to run down his body. With A last attempt, Rox sends A Triko spirit towards his target, devouring him and taking his power. He falls to his knees with blood all over the stage After A few seconds, Gaverdon was forcefully ejected from within Rox due to his energy not being able to be combined with another living being for more than A few moments. The skeleton stood up and stared down at his opponent. His eyes went from white to green as he healed his opponent then disappeared. Ciros stood up, "Alright next up team 2 vs team 4" Ciros watched interested, Gas stood and nodded at his teammates before walking into the battlegrounds. Then did A small salute before getting ready to battle. The messenger walks into the battlegrounds. You could see the confidence in his eyes if it weren't for his mask. Gas was staring at his opponent for A moment. "I've seen many mercs in my life, You're mask is the most interesting..." Gas walked over and held his hand out to shake his hand before the fight. The messenger shakes his hand. Then takes A few steps back and pulls out A music box with weird symbols engraved on it from his pocket Gas returned to his former position and studied his opponent effect. The messenger pulls his phone out from his other pocket and begins typing, "Just A little something to even the odds" the machine says. The messenger winds up the music box and it begins to take its effect Gas could feel the small amount of magic in him get locked in some kind of safe within his mind. "Magic nullifier? heh that's pretty neat." "Thanks for the compliment" the machine replies, "though I can see it had very little effect, I suppose we were already on A somewhat equal level" The messenger puts his phone away taking out A crossbow with labeled bolts i.e. Poison sleeping etc. Gas nodded and takes out A pair of military grade revolvers. "Ready when you are." Gas looked as if he were being careless but was carefully planning his every movement. The messenger loads A bolt into the crossbow but then takes out A new weapon, A handheld shotgun with A revolver chamber. He starts sprinting at the opponent. Gas waited for just the right time then runs at him, jumping over him, then slides A few feet away before turning then shooting at his legs. The messenger timed things perfectly as the music boxes’ effect wore off. He sees his opponent fire at his legs and quickly teleports away. The messenger looks down at gas then shoots A sleep dart at him. Since the magic had been restored, Gas received A small warning and just barely dodged the dart firing in the direction it originated from. Not letting his guard down for even A second, he prepared to use his secondary weapon. The messenger reloaded his weapon and prepared for any incoming attacks Gas threw his revolvers at him since he ran out of ammo with his wasted shots. "Damn. I'm gonna have to be risky now..." Gas thought to himself. The messenger sees his opponent throw his weapons down, "what is he plotting" he thinks to himself. Without wasting time the combatant teleports to A new position thinking he had been seen. Messenger holds his crossbow to his chest with A poison dart loaded waiting for the right moment to strike Gas walks to the center of the battlegrounds, and stands perfectly still. "Obvious trap" the messenger thinks to himself. Gas closed his eyes. The warrior had trained vigorously to master all of his senses, meaning he could hear even the slightest sound when he chose to focus. The messenger runs from his hiding spot. At first glance this may seem like suicide but then he began to slow time, the fighter planted devices around gas. When time returned to its normal time the messenger was far away from gas holding A detonator. The bombs were detonated and A sleeping toxin had developed around the target. Gas remains dead still. The opponent had no need to worry about the toxin because Gas is unaffected by it. Ciros continued to watch, his hands crossed, Gas remained eerily still. Despite his physical appearance, the fighter is always in A skeletal state, since he has not mastered his shapeshifting methods, or any magical methods for that matter, Gas uses highly complex masks and human-like synthetic skin tissue to avoid being called out. He therefore has no lungs, meaning gasses have no effect on him. The Messenger stood still for A second, "damn will any of my attacks work on this guy" he thinks to himself. "Oh well guess I'm gonna have to get A little violent. I wanted to avoid death as much as possible though I guess I have no choice, I just have to hope my attacks don't kill him." He repeats his previous attack but instead of mines fillies with sleep gas he puts down regular mines and returns to his previous position. He detonated the mines one by one to avoid collateral damage. Gas had created A poor hard-light projection although because of the sleeping gas in the air it was less noticeable. Gas used his distraction to get behind his opponent discreetly. He then quickly took out A knife and held it to the Messenger's neck. The messenger saw through the cheap trick instead of teleporting away he instead begins to possess gas making him hold the knife to his own neck Gas tried his best to stop, but found himself failing. It was at that moment however, he was reminded of what Gaverdon had told him. "To be the victim of your own mind means you have no mind at all." This thought echoed throughout his mind, giving him the necessary strength to break free of control. The messenger quickly drew his sword and cut off the hand that gas used to grasp his knife Instead of his hand falling off, due to certain modifications Gaverdon made to enhance the density of Gas' bone structure, the Messenger only managed to sever the artificial skin and flesh, the sword got stuck in the bone, causing Gas quite A bit of pain. He jerked his arm back, slightly pulling the sword with him until it was driven out of the bone, and he kicked the Messenger away, throwing A few blades at him with his other hand. The messenger flew through the air and saw the blades coming. Using his power to slow time he grabbed the blades and returned them to the sender. Gas decided he had to bring out his last resort. He summoned his scythe into his hands and sliced the blades in half. The messenger drank A blue elixir and A red. He made sure his crossbow was loaded and at the ready. He was prepared for the next attack Gas made it seem like he was going to charge at him and attempt to slash at him with his scythe. When he was certain it would be least expected he spun the scythe and shot at him using the scythe's gun alternative. The bullets flew by going past the Messenger at lightning fast speeds and went upward into the sky. The messenger grabs his pocket knife and slows down time preparing to block the bullets. Noticing that time has been slowed, Gas stares at the Messenger with A large grin slowly spreading across his face. The messenger catches A glimpse of gas staring wondering what he has planned. He prepares for anything to happen and lowers one hand to his shotgun ready to retaliate if necessary Gas, for A brief moment, disabled the Messenger's time influence and fired A barrage of shots which all went into the sky along with the first shot, and then everything began to go slow again. Noticing that his influence over time had been messed with the messenger quickly took out his shot gun and fired all five shells at gas while still holding his knife ready to block any bullets The bullets Gas had fired instantly interrupted the Messenger's bullets at lightning speed. Time being slowed or not, the bullets that come from Gas' scythe remain unaffected. Noticing the billets aren't affected by his influence of time the messenger quickly dove for the nearest cover to protect himself from the rain of bullets. A few more of his bullets came down, they changed their course utterly hitting the Messenger in his right arm. The messenger grabbed his right arm wincing in pain. If he couldn't block the bullets he'd have to take out the source. He grabs another mine and runs at gas while time is still slowed. He plants the mine on gases back and runs back to cover. He detonates the mine hoping it will at least disrupt the hail of bullets Gas flew into the wall due to the explosion, the bullets falling to the ground. Gas was trying to stand up, though couldn't find the strength to do so. Gas looks over at Ciros. "So, is the fight over? Or..." He asked, curiously. The messenger reaches for his crossbow and fires A sleep dart in one final desperate attempt to defeat his opponent Gas hears the whiz of the dart and slowly turns, the scythe on his back blocking the dart by sheer luck. "Damn" the messenger thinks to himself, "I should have aimed for his leg" Gas sees the dart after it falls to the ground. "Wow. I almost got hit. Heh. Nice try, though" The messenger drops the crossbow and tries to stand up accepting defeat Ciros looks over at Gas, Gas looks back at Ciros, cautiously aware of his surroundings, just in case. The messenger just continues to lay there. Gas awaits Ciros' decision. "Victory, Gas" The messenger takes gas' hand Gas pulls him to his feet and pats him on the shoulder. "You fight well. It was an honor to meet you." He says, looking through the mask into his eyes, with A large genuine smile. The messenger bows as A way to accept the compliment then takes out his phone the device saying: "it was an honor to meet you as well" Gas returns A small bow, "Until we meet again." Gas politely turned away and prepared for what came next. The messenger turns away and says A goodbye to his allies ready to return home. “Next up Hakkida vs Sadin!” Hakkida stepped onto the stage grinning, Sadin appeared on the opposite side, emotionless. His combatant slowly pulls out his sword, "this will be quite interesting "Sadin's spirit came out in the shape of A sword, "I'm ready for anything" Hakkida created three of himself and they each took off towards their opponent. Sadin took A deep setting the entire stage ablaze with fire, one of the clones struck him straight in the gut. Sadin back flipped away getting some distance, suddenly he reappeared kicking the clone in the side of the face. "Your move" he taunted. Hakkida frowned and began spamming energy blasts with his hands together. His foe charged up his energy summoning A dark spirit, it flew through the beams tackling Hakkida, punching him in the side of the face the others watched as the spirt continued throwing blows shaking the entire stage. Sadin stopped and the spirit disappeared. "I-I can take anything you attack with" Hakkida responded dizzy from his opponent's attack. The warrior gripped his sword and dashed straight at him not holding back. Sadin forms A sword and stops the attack with the fierce weapon. Hakkida stared into his eyes, the warrior stabbed Sadin in the back and jumped away only to see the fake opponent fade away. "A clone!?" Sadin shot A blast straight at the ground, it disappears underground Hakkida waited... Just as it resurfaced, his target slid across the stage having it miss and hit the stage breaking A tile. Hakkida could react, another purple blast struck him in the back. He hit the ground with burns all over his body. He slowly got back up and begins to charge energy in his left hand, finally he released A massive energy wave towards Sadin. His target shot fire into the air and flew inside. The fire formed into four other Sadin, the clones rush towards him but Hakkida moved his hand in their direction utterly obliterating them. Sadin descended out of the attack's way causing it to soar out into space. Again, the fighter shot flames out of his hand creating two fire clones heading towards Hakkida. he warrior put his hand out creating A force field in front of him nearly out of power. Sadin revealed his wings and summoned Linx, A demon spirit. The spirit strikes the barrier with it's fist shattering it on contact. Hakkida loses his balances and falls back just as the spirit grabs him and begins to crush him. Hakkida shoots A ball up into the air in an attempt to blind Sadin and the spirt. The clones of fire shot two separate blasts towards the ball of light. The ball blew up sending tons of blasts scatting blasts everywhere one of them hit Hakkida sending him collapsing to the ground. Sadin pops out of the ground holding A sword, he suddenly stabbed him in the back, he began to feel A burning throughout his body. Hakkida finally collapsed on the stage out cold. "Winner Sadin" Ciros announced. Jade stepped onto the stage Sally stepped onto the stage, she slows down time running around Jayden. She pulls out her sniper shooting an entire clip towards Jayden. She returns to her normal position and time returns to its normal speed Jayden shoots energy out of his body striking the bullets down Sally slows down time and furiously strikes Jayden. The warrior falls back holding his chest, he frowned before taking off as fast as he could, sliding past Sally, grabbing her by the leg and threw her across the stage. Sally landed on her feet then pulled out A small cube, tossing it across the tiled stage, Jaden aimed his hand at it but just before he could attack, the cube gave off A wave of red light stunning the warrior completely. Jaden slowly clenched his fist trying to break free from the cube's power. Sally dashed forward and kicked Jaden so hard he went flying off the stage into A large rock. "Take that miscreant" she taunted. The red aura swarming around him faded as his eyes snapped open soaring straight back to his opponent. He disappeared just before the attack, "wait what!?" she thought looking around for her opponent, just then she was hit in the back and collapsed the ground. "D-damn it...how could I not see it coming” “Time to make things interesting" Ciros said stretching by his chair. “We will now have two on two for A more intense fight" the others looked at him surprised yet nodded. Ciros grinned before leaping from his chair landing in the center of the stage. "Who will be my teammate in this fight?" he asked. Chapter 2 : 2 on 2 the tournament intensifies Silhouette appeared beside him. She said nothing as she looked around, judging the terrain. She glanced at Ciros. She then faded away into the shadows. A few seconds later she appeared on the highest point in the surrounding area. She sat down and waited. "You can't be over there only around the ring." Ciros said, preparing for the coming battle. Roswell from team 3 stepped onto the stage with Rekai. Silhouette appeared A far enough distance from Ciros to be in the ring, yet not be nearby him. She silently prepared for what was to come. "Alright let's begin" Ciros released massive waves of energy shaking the entire planet, "You first, Silhouette" her teammate replied. Silhouette silently walked forward, staring at everyone in the area, the opposition and her ally alike. She silently estimated what their capabilities were. She was planning the most effective strategy that would involve the least confliction with her ally. She then, after completing her mental strategy, began to execute her plans. She approached the enemies, mentally telling Ciros what she was planning. “Get them apart from each other, finish them off one by one, they're weaker apart” Ciros brushed the blue hair out of his eyes and took off so fast the two opponents lost track of him. "Where'd he go!?" Rekai thought, suddenly Ciros reappeared in front of him and side kicked him towards Silhouette like A soccer ball. Silhouette's eyes darkened as A small tear appeared in the air, she had created A rift through the dimensions. Out of the dimensional rift, three large Shadow-beasts emerged. Silhouette commanded them to attack Rekai, just then Ciros appeared behind Roswell getting him in A full nelson. He made A clone, which began to punch him in the chest of his armor. The Shadow-beasts clawed at his arms and legs, rendering them A mass of useless, bloody limbs. Silhouette sent them back through the rift before they killed him. She stood above him, preparing for him to heal, creating A wide list of countermeasures. Rekai was breathing heavily with blood all over his body, he transformed into his grand-kai form. His hair went from black to silver then his muscles became far bigger. "I'm serious now!" He dashed towards Silhouette and aimed his hand at her point on shooting A powerful blast of energy filling the planet with A blue light. Silhouette surrounded herself in A swarm of darkness. Upon contact, the blue light grew corrupted by the darkness and was ineffective in doing any harm. She kept the swarm of darkness where it was then disappeared. She reappeared behind Rekai. She attempted to stab his back to paralyze him. Rekai could feel the presence of the darkness, then back flipped over her kicking her in the side of the face with all his strength. In an attempt to defend herself, she created A small orb of shadows to absorb most of the blow. However, she was still knocked to the ground. She disappeared in an abrupt blast of darkness. She then proceeded to continuously reappear and disappear while striking Rekai from every angle, each time the amount of darkness in her eyes growing, causing her attacks to inflict more damage with each continuous hit. Rekai stood shaking with barely any strength remaining, "I-I won't fall, not now" he took of straight towards the powerful enemy and began throwing punches trying to wear her out. Silhouette avoided each attack, while swiftly counter-attacking. Her attacks growing more vicious each passing second. She delivered A final strike across Rekai's back, leaving him temporarily paralyzed. She then turned her focus to Ciros. The warrior let go of Roswell letting him collapse on the stage, just then he saw Silhouette looking at him, "What, has something happened?" Silhouette said nothing as she waited for what was to occur next. Ciros aimed his hand at Rekai shooting A massive red blast in his direction, sending him off the stage landing in the bleachers of his team. The two turned their attention to Roswell who was just now getting back up. Silhouette observed Roswell silently, as to get A good plan of attack. She looked at Ciros as well, judging what they both might do. She planned to her best ability the most effective strategy she could to avoid unintended conflict between her ally. She remained at A distance. Ciros put his hands together then began creating clones of himself, finally he made four surrounding the opponent. Roswell took in A deep breath before releasing it in A burst of wind, the clones stood motionless, waiting. The warrior was running out of ideas, "just one chance" He charged up every inch of power within himself blowing himself up sending two of Ciros' clones out of bounds and Silhouette to the tip of the stage. Not knowing how to respond, Silhouette looked around noticing that she was on the edge of being disqualified. She closed her eyes and melted onto the ground, becoming A shadow. She went to the center of the stage observing surrounding area. Once she was prepared, she reverted to her physical state. “What was that?!” She thought to herself. She calmed herself, ready for whatever might happen. Roswell reconfigured then fell to his knees. "So, is that it?" Ciros questioned walking over slowly, he formed A blade made of energy, aiming it at him. Silhouette slowly approached them both. She was cautious not to be too close to either of them. "Game...set...match" Ciros threw his blade towards him. Just before it made contact, it faded causing Ciros to punch him in the stomach. Roswell choked from the attack and fell face down on the stage not moving. Is... He dead...? Silhouette thought to herself. She summoned her Staff of Shadows then lightly poked Roswell. She turned him over to see if he was still breathing. Roswell spat out blood shaking in deep pain. "This match is over." Ciros said walking off stage sitting back in his chair. Silhouette disappeared into the shadows. “Time for the ultimate battle” Ciros announced, him including Sinto waited on the stage, Carlos and Sadin stepped up onto the stage as well. “Begin” Ciros yelled dashing towards the two fighters, Ciros kicks sadin across the stage, Carlos appears on the edge of the ring catching his teammate at the last second to keep him from A ring out, Sadin blows fire out of his mouth covering the stage in flames. Suddenly Sinto grabs Sadin by the mouth stealing his energy, Sinto began to have A violet aura. “So much power” Carlos Dashed towards Sinto but was utterly back-handed across the stage. “Not now” Sinto taunted still draining Sadin’s energy. Sinto continued to absorb until suddenly Santo begin feeling of warm feeling in his hand, he looks up watching Sadin begin to light Up in flames. “I thought there was something suspicious” Sinto responded lowering his hand. Sadin finally transforms into his Sercara god form then soars across the stage he punches his target in the face, the force of the attack causes A large crater in the ring. Suddenly Ciros appears behind Sadin, kicking him across the stage, Sadin hits Carlos. Both Ciros and Sinto aim their hands at the two Warriors, they release A massive energy blast covering the entire stage in light. In their transformed state they managed to deflect the blast sending it straight up into the air blowing up in A supernova like explosion. Both of the warriors take off at new levels of speed and the group of warriors began exchanging attacks moving around the stage faster than ever, team 2 and 3 watched the 4 fighters move at incredible speeds, Sadin along with Carlos strike the two warriors of team 1 sending them up into the air, Sadin and his ally charge up their power, unleashing A massive attack at the falling warriors. Ciros managed to dodge the powerful attack Sinto was able to catch his balance still falling and put his hands out in front of the attack, he began absorbing the pure force of the attack with his muscles beginning to grow bigger, electricity swarmed around him. Each step he took cracked the tiles on the stage. Power surged through his body as he slowly walked towards Sadin, the warrior put his finger straight towards the overwhelming opponent. He shot A large purple beam head on. Sinto easily deflected the attack causing it to hit just outside the ring. “You got to be kidding me” he complained, Carlos appeared in front of Sinto before throwing the strongest punch he could, the physic struck his enemy in the ribs causing him to puke out blood and fall to the ground barley moving. Sadin sighs making A fist building up all his power, “I'll give you everything I have!” Sadin transforms into his ultra Sercara state with his purple aura swarming around him like A tornado. Sadin charges up his fierce power before releasing it in A quick beam attack far bigger than before. Sinto put A hand out, absorbing the entire attack, his muscles grew much bigger. Sadin races towards Sinto noticing the warrior’s large muscles would slow him down, he managed to elbow him in the back sending the fighter A few feet across the stage. Sadin realized the attack had moved his opponent though he hadn’t taken any damage, Sadin took A deep breath trying to stay confident. Sadin powers up once more shaking the whole area, Sadin punches Sinto to the edge of the ring, the physic takes off up into the air, he taunts him to follow. His opponent shoots fire up into the air creating three clones of him, Sinto begins attacking the clones, etch one he hit disappeared in A wave of fire. Suddenly the real Sadin came flying down punching the overpowered fighter back down to the stage. He impacted the stage in A powerful explosion. Sinto slowly got back up with bruises all over his body he looked up at the single warrior with all of the Clones defeated, he put two hands out in front of him firing the biggest blast he could with his muscles beginning to go back to normal. The blast filled the sky in red light, Sadin couldn’t think of what to do with the immense power headed towards him take all my strength Sinto said releasing as much power as he could. Sadin suddenly surges with electricity and shoots A wide blast of lightning, the attacks clash with the stage beginning to break apart, Ciros stood there still watching the two warriors battle at their near limit. Carlos’ uncontentious body rolled off the stage landing next to team 2’s belchers. They continue to clash until suddenly Sinto’s energy blast disappeared, his eyes widen as the large energy blast hit him head-on. “Noooo!” the rest of the Ring was utterly destroyed as A burst of light filled the entire side of the planet, when the light cleared Sinto was laying in the center of what used to be the stage bleeding all over his body shaking from pain. Sadin descends down to the bleeding opponent then checks to make sure his heartbeat is still going at A normal rate… ”Alright everyone he’s good enough” Sadin says walking away not helping him up. “Did you forget about me?” Ciros says tapping him on the shoulder Sadin spins around gets punched across the shattered stage into A rock. “I will be the one to finish this” Ciros says cracking his knuckles. “Or do you have something that you’re not showing me?” Sadin pulled out his silver sword then gripped it tight, suddenly he flew towards his opponent, Ciros dogged each attack, Sadin did not let up on the attack and continued striking with his tremendous speed. Eventually out of nowhere Ciros caught the sword, kicking his foe in the stomach causing him to let go of the sword, he went spiraling out of control into A mountain A few miles away. Ciros begins to feel the sword begin to heat up, he looks at it seeing it turn from red to yellow he throws it up in the air attempting to destroy it with an energy blast using half of his normal forms power he shot of blue energy blast straight for the weapon the weapon gave off A small purple like barrier that deflected the energy blast as the sword hit the ground. “Very interesting” Ciros said picking the sword back up. Even held it in his hand tightly as Sadin watched it disappear before his eyes. “what are you going to do now without your sword?” Ciros said smirking with his hands crossed waiting for Sadin’s next move. Sadin lets out his full potential before rushing into space Ciro’s followed him as the remaining Warriors teleported the bleachers into space sealing A barrier around it for those who can’t breathe in the airless area Ciros cracked his neck as A blue aura swarmed around him, “I can go one step further, I’m not even trying” sadin floated there in attack position. “I have one trick up my sleeve so get ready” Ciros just smirked and waited for his move with his arms crossed. Sadin charges up A black energy blast, shooting it straight at the powerful warrior. Ciro’s charged up Red Energy in his hand and made A fist the blast rage towards the heroes at high speeds with all his might firing the blast as hard as he could. Suddenly Ciros noticed Sadin moving his hand with the blast turning red, the energy blast split into four separate smaller blasts that hit Ciros in all angles, Ciros went falling towards A nearby planet with fire building up around him like A meteorite. He impacted Saturn laying in A crater. Sadin felt A little uneasy before descending down to Saturn he walked over to the crater but noticed that Ciros wasn’t there anymore. “S**t where’d he go?” Suddenly Ciros appeared behind the assailant before sending a blow to Sadin’s back. The warrior hit the ground turning back to his basic form. “Who’s the winner now?” Ciros said taunting with an energy blast in his hand. “I haven’t even transformed, yet you’re on the ground crying like A baby” Ciros fired A massive energy blast that completely obliterated Sadin along with half of Saturn was destroyed. Ciros put his head down in disappointment realizing he accidentally killed Sadin. “God damn” Ciros sad looking around trying to find if Sadin had just moved his body. “Crap I must’ve accidentally killed them. “I guess I win” Ciros said floating back to the barrier where the bleachers were. Ciro’s floated there and said: “Team two choose three of your remaining Warriors, shall we fight in space or pick A planet?” Raven, Lumos, and Gas stepped forward. Gas announced, "We are prepared for what you may face." Ciros floated there facing Team 2. He prepared himself "Game on!" Ciros charged Raven sending a blow to the side of their face meanwhile team 3 left, "Are you kidding me, why is he wussing out!?" Ciros exclaimed Ciros was surprised Raven wasn't defending himself. Raven smiled. "Before I begin, it's nice to meet you! I'm Raven, though my friends call me Rave." He says as he holds his hand out. "I assure you, this isn't A trap. I pride myself with honor when I battle another individual in A formal event." He states, his tone of voice genuine. "Normally I would accept A handshake from my opponents, the fact that you said this is not A trap, I don't trust you!" Ciros unleashed A blue wave of energy that managed to push him back A few feet. Staggering to retain his stance, Raven looked to Ciros, "That is A valid point, I take no offence. I wish you luck!" He says with A small smile as he runs forward. Despite the fact that he runs forward, he's not running directly towards Ciros. He takes cover behind A large boulder before taking out A few throwing knives. He plans on surveying his opponent to fully know who and what he is up against. He throws A handful of knives at Ciros, hiding himself from view, yet still being able to see his opponent. The warrior caught two of them but the third one was headed towards him, Ciros vanished... Raven was caught by surprise and put his back to the boulder, surveying the open space around him from all angles. Suddenly A hand pierced through the boulder inches from his head. Caught aghast, he stabs the hand with A throwing knife. Leaving the knife in the arm, he dashes away from the boulder placing himself by A nearby tree, watching to see what he might do next. "Superhuman strength, Energy-based abilities, the ability to appear and disappear at will... This guy's tough..." Raven thinks to himself…. © 2020 Sinto |
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