Nothing At AllA Poem by R.J Calzonetti (SinisterPotatoe)"You're only a sword... without a sheath, filled with scratches and bloodstains, with a fatal nick, a broken sword." (Godot's words, From the masterpiece known as Berserk By Kentaro Miura)
Nothing At All
You cannot know peace without war Or war without peace Pain without pleasure Pain without numbness Numbness without pleasure Pain without God, the absence, the hole, the gap in the chest without a heart But no I know nothing at all Just the way the world ends And begins As the flower opens its innocent petalled palms Like the hand of God Unapologetically tethering hemorrhages Blemished cemetery of spiralling hieroglyphics Like gypsies in whiplash fishing glyths for blissful Icarus Falling down upon the sun like a lover would in the early morning Before finally; being brought back down to earth, Returning in dismay plummeting below the blistered trees grown messily on Gaia’s back, Drawn together in their parting words of colour Before the grey sky swallows decay And spits seeds into dirt forests; forever Once proud to have conquered the skies, now, nothing Some would say I was nothing You could say I had nothing But the dim light over the horizon; The bulbous sun wilting maple leaf red The yolk of lampshade malformed amorphous and incorporeal Under spiderweb nebulas like a mouth of lost alphabets Unable to skip over their bloated tongue; The carcass of their own words like an eternal hurricane Etched in depths of crepuscular necklaces of trees That weave through terpsichorean genomes of stone And rows of euphoria in midmorning’s Gregorian corneas Chanting in a banquet for the grimoires of stars Iridescent testament of tempestuous resurrectionists Scintillating creation like pistol-whipping ricochets of Icarus Knots of crisscrossing phosphorus offerings like a bloated kaleidoscope Poinsettias like reverends bow to the headstones of the cemetery; As if the play were to continue in the wind of all our sins Tumbleweed of kneading helixes speleothem like a bohemian gangrene phoenix of onomatopoeia Reaping life in the lamplight of shadows Cast like sparks in a bonfire of broken dreams Each scattered piece of blasphemous masochism like astral vassals of daffodils shrill in shillings Scaffolding rapturous fate denying safe passage in the masses of atrocious cornucopia Black with anathemas like shrill cerulean villas of willows and vermillion bougainvillea Quilting wilted amaryllis syllables in the weeping willow’s guillotines Of Elysium crocheted from blades of glass like pastels of castles in asphodel (Battling pianos bougainvillea of mademoiselle’s elegies elegant melancholy andromedas) (In cowl of malleable hallowed gallows towels of the bowels of wildflower borealis) The dishevelled swivelling meadows and headstones cascading in the halo of maelstrom Looming cumulus of plumerias (barren with the marrow of harikari baritones in the snow) Plumage of druids who roost from their nooses And the nook and cranny of cavernous amaranths Slathered in the Lazarus Cadavers of jasmine and jasper rafters of taffeta That bloom illuminating in the dew of a new moon The crescents of crestfallen crepuscular incandescent Requiem beckoning sepulchres stretching from the phosphorescent Bethlehem Of droning pandemonium in the roses of epitomes Fiddles of shrivelling amaryllis chiselled In the biblical chisel of dribbling cerulean And the blasphemous alstroemerias of miscarriages In the barren lands of a thousand crownless hands That perched crows of the universal telephone poles slack and phantasmagorical Foraging for the origin of it all in the windswept gaze of gauze Like newspaper spiralling unravelling the hollow Stygian figurine of God Until there is no skin but the leather-bound hallowed ground Where the dishevelled rebellions swivelling in the billions Of bougainvillea civilizations where the broken springs of their tendrils, arms, legs Whisper lithium with drifting sun shapeshifting lickerish Leaving the strands of chrysanthemums in the wake of aether’s tribulations As the tributaries of marionettes chase the wreck of a sunset’s depths Like an amethyst’s calamity grating grasslands in the swirling whirlpool Of fools who lose their grip on the lip of photosynthesis And the bangles of their sanity, their showmanship, their dreams, and their realities, The maw opens; And swallows the swollen imprints of humanity Of what was left behind undivined by the divided skies Of a lilac bible rising like isles of violet fibres and spires of chimera Toppling from the towers that were me (The glee of weeding speleothems of onomatopoeia like frail veils of nightingales’ halos) (Ribboning infinity skipping in whispering of chrysalis lithium) The cauliflower cauldrons of discombobulation Born from these words washed from the etched crevice, (willows and lilies) The sanguine guts, the black trenches of the page Razed down to their cold foundations’ of flowerless empty, a bed cold; Under the sheets of midnight, sleeping restlessly, devoid of air in this sun-kissed abyss, This prairie land, this fairy of rotting corpses that couldn’t find their way back, Or back out, of home, false battle scars on an unending body, And if there were anything more, I would have found it by now For the mouth of the Lord hath spoken
Riff Wrath
Riffing lithium in the autumn lithography In phosphorescent exodus molested by iridescent convalescencing essences, The windswept effigy of requiem, of pestilence, of festering festival’s In the polyester decibels of reckoning sepulchres In the grasslands of alabaster mine shafts Of glass castles in the cardiovascular molasses-like a statue of church pews Like a hill of vermilion amaryllis basilicas in the butterfly twine Of spiralling rhinestone under the thundering sun of tundra slums Like yellow arpeggios of swelling ghettos In the perpetual resurrectional complexity Carving arteries in the cartilage of martyrs Reincarnated by the marmalade grey of yesterday
Felt a helix twist in my fingertips As all their colours bleed unto one sunset Under the curtain herculean all serpentine Swathed in the phosphorus brothels Like swastikas of apocryphal gigantomachy Where the sun swallowed down the sky in an astral gulp And spit the stars into orbit like contorted satellites of lazulite knives That dig their fingertips into the ridge of flesh the umbrage in the umbrella of swelling cellos Like mademoiselle of archipelago mandala elegies in the welted velvet gout of parhelion Swivelling melodies of cinnabar In this shattered glass jar Where the formaldehyde geysers of blindsided horizons Wire around this prairie town, in the burying grounds The promised land bequeathed to me by a leaping Prometheus extends its hand; It is still a swastika better left discarded and broken in by the discord of dusk Dusting the succulent homunculus that crawls from the empty chamber of the heart And spits bullets at us like stars that fall from high mountains of death And fall from heavens of genocidal gods Who do not watch as the sun swallows up the restless ghosts Hungry for a resurrection that will never come, Let the endless stars die for me now, And rest my head upon the temple of their rust: And the tributaries of their tears stamped into the mud Written into arms of trees and bare on my forehead Like the excuse of a haphazard unwanted scar bearing the children of their smiles, Fathering the dead and those that should have died In their sprawling follicles of gigantomachy Discombobulated in their hatred coronating obliteration
Zion in the iris of a wildflower, Seeing all but the downfall of mankind Lost on the tracks of a blackbirds’ vinyl wyverns Tsunamis of caramelized horizons Like an unbridled bridge of sigil amaryllis Widowed to the rigid briars of hyacinth <Wrestling hectors of decibels under the length lamppost ghosts of chrysanthemum> <Glazed in champagne gaze of hurricanes crocheted in aeons> <Bleeding through the fields of greased gears> <Of rearing mirrors to the creeping elysian empyrean murals steering veneers of the lyrical> <Splintered in their whimsically disinterested symphonies of skin scintillating infinites> <From the rim of rhythm and whim that schisms seraphim with visions in their endless prisons> <Still the stygian prisms ribbon whittling rivers unforgiven by livid obsidian photosynthesis> <Civilizations like the trill of umbilical bougainvillea shrivel in septillion skillets Of frivolous waterlilies like pillars that riddle the literal with cremated aether of mother nature> <Seeing all but the downfall of mankind, blind)
A barge of cardinals in the Tartarus of arteries Bargaining and opalescence questioning of carnivalesque destinies Of amaranthine banshees branching adamantine canvas In the outstretched treble-clef Everest Unapologetically tethered to every leatherback hemorrhage In the nebula of skeletons rebellious melodies of tenebrous parhelion The celebration of condemnation of primordial orchestras Of metamorphosis phantasmagorical celestial effigies Dishevelled metallurgy of the circus of interpretations Ripping lithium precipitation through collaging walls of a colosseum In the stalls of their hallowed follicles as vengeful emeralds in the mithril centrifugal chrysalis A wishing-well of jasper riffraff daffodils In the jazz of asters in waxen alabaster grasslands In the fields of sunflowers and asphodel shells Of shrapnel asteroids in the void of turmoils’ soiled immemorial amorphous porcelain vortex Of limbs swimming in the obsidian river-ways Of grazed hazel ocean waves of stale frayed greys In the steel speleothem of bedlam’s crevices In the venomous heavens of riverbed bled sediment Leaden with the embers embroidered embedded malevolent To those who know the world below The silver snow of crumbled homunculus Steampunk voluptuous umbrage penumbras of wanton mantras On the mantle of chrysanthemums Crepuscular repetitions in the crocheted bays of crystalline lithium precipitation In the maze-like haze of the braille halos Of maelstroms combing the slopes of dystopian opals Incorporeal as the immortal moon The immaterial ethereal speleothem peeling back the eyes of God from the frolicking façade Rolling in the dirt of uncertainty Merging with the inferno of surgical burgundy Churning with the word-whipped eternities courteous curvaceous wake Of laboured aether in slabs of labyrinthine symphonies Off the skin of a rhythmic photosynthesis in glyphs of lithium Ricochet into earl grey glades in the cannabis cytoplasm of Lazarus In the oozing hubris of altocumulus gelatinous cardiovascular mass of plastered alabaster Caskets in the attic of alleyways stray through the thread string of sunray A helix in the hand of gravel and enamel Devoid of the humanoid form of death and war In the marrow of those with broken bones Stowaways of jade marmalade tornadoes Like a godless tsunami of origami poems Written into superstition’s eclipse As Icarus ricochets in eclectic resurrection Of epilepsy in the debris of parted seas calligraphy Of strawberry dreams and summer jeans like honey bees Under stygian wings of spriggans’ prisms Circumcision within linen twigs of jigsaws’ jaws That spit the moon and swallow us all in sea breeze Where bent to heaven-sent trapeze longevity of river-reeds Reverends, gospels, apostles off the lease of reapers Of godetia leaping from the mouth of page And into the polyphonic monasteries of andromeda Indomitable in drawling polymerization Calling drawn into melancholy the frolicking tobogganing of songbirds wordless Before the gurgling girdle of a hurricane A fat belly of breathless lungs from the highest rung of forgotten tongues Cauldrons of molecules in the crepuscular musculature Of rushing thrushes blustering into the suffocating cremation Imprisoning defibrillators of deliberation Stigmatized nations reverberating in the fingers of tributaries Like strings of carrion Ferris wheels In the prairies of alstroemeria interrogating marionettes Of the blossoming nocturne’s prospering phosphorus colossus apostles Collage of fallen andromedas Cauldrons of columns of thunderclouds’ colour motherhoods summit, And a house full of brothers in the bronze obelisk of concrete speleothems That reach up to the wreaths of Elysium In the wreckage of their necklace of sepulchres Where the September Armageddon dismemberment of severed heaven’s Leathery cemetery embedded in the tremor of renegades The institution of wrinkled instinctual instruments Of disfigured ligaments to the obsidian flow of fallen snow In the hippocampus and pancreas of a mangled God Under the domes of clovers like chromosomes In the window frame of broken glass tapestries of me bleeding silver daffodil vermilion Guillotines lost in the phosphorus Cocytus of flocking mockingbirds In the suburban hurricane of my life the liquor of gypsy
Crooked Teeth
Teeth of the urethra Like a spiralling xylophone reaching from the basement, The crawlspace, to the attic Biting into the fruit and spitting out its seeds; Cherry-bomb ensembles of andromeda in the virus of fireworks maniacal manifest manipulation Megalithic megalomaniac lampshade of rancid lampposts of opal ghosts This life of happiness is impermanent; You have to enjoy the moments of stagnating beauty; The scaled-back time of music notes in the hazy white noise of the black void The ragged fabric of history A rippling Rorschach of taffeta Vast and endlessly blowing like God’s beard Flowing lucidly in the wind; the impermanence of beauty; A music track in woods coated in the hairs of viridian moss Caked on rocks with flowers between the handfuls of dirt, Fireflies in the glass jar moon sliced into seconds that keep leading nowhere; Wandering the trail that no longer straightens into one long grasp at life With serendipity and serrated nails Hooking inukshuks in the books of the trees Constellations constantly conjuring like an unafraid saviour Washed from the brine of mankind Unmapped wrappings of madness scattered among the brush with death like life on a canvas; A canopy, a gateway when there is no entry but the word of mouth In the voice of storms and thorn-bushes; Lush with repercussions of concussive percussionists Rusted in the rain of umbrella mandala A bottomless collage of broken bodies The trouncing trees and the bounce of leaves In the bulbous melancholy of the umbilical cord oracles of ouroboros Of broken chains in the glass asters Cast in the rapturous molasses of alabaster graphite In the unabashedly smashed guitar of my life
Stretch of the Guitar
As the stretch of time unwinds my dandelion strings Unravelling in the patterns of my sanity; A quilted wilting guillotine of daffodils A patchwork of eternity howling in the towering palaces of disembowelling Valkyries That split the skies like the dissembling heavenly blocks of a jigsaw puzzle In the gallows of a sunflower And the answer of chrysanthemums And other potted plants untrimmed, My heart the clamouring amaranthine campfire of lilac twine Silent in the mineshaft labyrinth of the buried pastures of rapture, the promised lands Bequeathed by a wreath of priests to Prometheus; Blinded visionaries who burned away by the light of asylum; The scythe of the grand titans In the writhing white skies of spiralling sirens In the Nihilism of irises and hyacinth Unravelling in the gravelly insanity of mangled mangroves Of dreams rambling in the ramshackle taffeta of candelabra And brambling pianos Among the scattered candlelight avalanche of scavenged animals
Smoggy fauna of mitochondria andromedas In cars on the freeways Floating in bloated ambrosia motionless oceans of them, Oozing balloons of fuming luminous hues of lucid cumulus, Fat bellies of air ballooning in bruised helium, Like specks of dust over cracked highways, Dangling from the air like the still-painting of a piano yet to hit the ground, All the balloons cysts of humanity, Blooming flowers bulbous; Ready to pop A mausoleum of phoenixes Like double helixes rewinding in the briars of cytoplasm Like wriggling spriggans of calligraphy’s ligaments
Lonely Forest
Green hairs of moss in the crisscrossing of phosphorus In the tableau of flowers Like reconstructing lustre of rusted musculature’s brushstrokes Of opalescent crescents In the crocheted page of our vertebrae In the offstage malaise of phraseless memories Melodies like the swivelling chisel of a billowing guillotine Wavering lackadaisical haloes of braille To not grasp the world within my palm; But (for) myself, Desecration’s oasis of shapelessness within the violet of a smile, Between the valley of my teeth, Civilizations spiralling violin of barbed wire, Metaphorical oracles in the dread of bedlam’s heavenly Everest Of bevelling rebellion resurrection’s hexes Ambidextrously severed leverage in the boondocks of dreadlocks In the flock of clockwork Phosphorus mockingbirds of murmuring hurricanes in the blue jays of rain
Milliseconds’ exodus, Pressed into pestilence, Off record requiem Iridescent crescents questioning perfections Of the crepuscular maleficent incandescent wreckage Of double-decker effigies breathing terpsichorean Elysium Like forests of ouroboros choruses of metamorphosis Orchids in orchards orchestrating aurora borealis In a glass chalice of Valhalla’s amalgams Dowries of a gallery of collages of trapped colours In the thunderstruck percussion perched between Ursuline herculean reapers Of the creeping Prometheus of featureless creatures Of the night ripe in the limelight of rhinestone chromosomes In the soma of ambrosia’s osmosis Interloping (Petrified Poseidon in the isles of a hyacinth) (Horizon of fibres writhing within irises like spires of ironworks) A kaleidoscope of cornucopia formed from the carapace of aether Evaporated halos in the lackadaisical maelstrom Of foaming oceans of dopamine poking through the new moon
Follicles of chronological andromedas Sonata rollicking rolling hills of farmland under coniferous eclipse, Riffing the hieroglyphic cliff of lithium Icarus Crippled in the lilac eyes of formaldehyde Gaia In her anathema of daffodil pathogens In her Rorschach grasslands In the hands of God applauding In the knotted metropolis of mahogany and terracotta Crawling (kilometres) through (rollicking polymer) mausoleums Dreaming reavers of bulimic helixes speleothems of helium In the cerulean whirlpools of fondue funerals Luminous with the feuding altocumulus Blooming construed in the polymerization of constellations Multiplication in the poinsettias of metallurgy Frayed feathers of pandemic thrones to pandemonium And lacerated pastures of relapsing taffeta In the rapture unwrapping black daffodils With the willows like pillars in the pavilions of amaryllis Swivelling umbilically Trilling in riverbeds of red and cedar Bred from wedlock clockworks Provocatively doxing the nocturne’s esophagus Swathed in the crossing coffin of a blossoming apocalypse You live in the limelight While I die in the dark
Ignorant Words
There is no defence for ignorance The crisscross-legged of walking moccasins Stumbling over bumblebees of the steampunk homunculus Making its way through the strawberry snow Of a blood moon's cumulus Plumerias and alstroemeria caricatures in the blur of insurgency Within the braided crochet of decay in the lackadaisical maelstrom I scream without a mouth They are ignorant to my words, to my love Know my sentence Or know nothing at all Do not deprive me of this endless heaven This is the way I pray There is nothing else for me to believe in Until the stars rot into forestland Until God’s balled up fists open Until these ignorant words taunt on the rope of a tongue A whip I am hesitant to crack Remember how to speak And scar the rockface of my skin For you cannot know peace Without war Or God Without pain Fear without bravery Love without suffering And lust without hate Unreadiness without anticipation (Waiting until the fist of God, his right hand, the blunt edge of anticipation) (Hits your face with its secondless exodus) (Its beautiful, true, façade) (And bloodies the devilish imprint, the bored impression, in your featureless smear) (And its endless expressionlessness of vacant emotionless cold and hardened with deadpan hate) (Glazed over like a field of snow smothered blank, tantalizingly feeling, indifferently numb) (More <than an> empty page stained white) (Than coal pupils black) (Again, and again, and again) Look at what you’ve done to me now You cannot know to (hide a) smile Without (showing) tears But no I know nothing at all Just the way the world begins And ends Nothing (Nothing) <Nothing> At all Again And again And again Nothing at all Look at what you’ve done (To me)
World Breaker
As I watch the world tear itself apart As I rip the strands from my slipknot heart Hanging like a planetarium I cannot help to laugh at your weak attempt at barbarity Falsehood and weakness You reek of it Your smile is ripping at the seams Let me sew up the wound of your face Smooth and featureless Once more Wrenching free the nail from the wood The song from the bird The man from the heavens The innocence from the sin (The lesson from the hell) The black night from the sun The ink from the page The breath from the bethel The devil from the angel (The sermon from the coffin) As the flower opens its innocent petalled palms Coming down upon you and I like the sledgehammer it is Like (shaking) the hand of God Crushed by the pain in these fingers (of roots) I am Reaching out in the silence I am The sound of stillness I am Yet it left me feeling nothing For I am Atlas, and have grown weary, tired, used to this weight I carry precariously Happy for the broken fibres of me to stretch into tapestry, into mosaic Crocheted and quilted and entangled The vines that circle around my limbs outstretched like a vast tree I reach for the sun And grasp nothing But this earth But this temple, full of blind men with visions, and visionaries better left blind And the torn fabric of my ragged wilting silken body in its splintered intimacy of photosynthesis Yet I still wear the shroud, the shadow, the flag (of clouds) ravelling revelling around my figure Billowing in the wind My bath of blasphemous taffeta transfigured oblivion of squinting cymbals of Indra scintillation This multicoloured scarf of mine (These emblems of pendulums) The framework of my skeleton bending in hallucinogenic crescendo, (heaven’s parhelion) Clothing the naked figures of angels Worn out by empyrean mirrors of godless facades of august applauding in the gauze of polymers As the (menagerie of) leaves fall upon the soil and dew in the grooves of cumulus ballooning Oozing through the confused blooming of this musical illusion I am The (sum) result of it all Everything I am There was a time when it all bent itself on one knee And proposed to me in the sound of silence <In the space of eons> <(The song of mitochondria in the mahogany of andromedas; each tree before my forest)> (Withered by tooth and tongue) <Twisted on the cross> <Wearing the crown of my own creation> I knew the way of land and the hourglass of sands I held between the lines a symphony of Olympians I (once knew/was) the hand of God And (what am I) now? <A deprived wyvern, a beggar starved of riches> <Tipsy in wisping lithium of picturesque ricocheting through the bands of chrysanthemums> <The strands of amaranth anchored to sanctuaries lacquered handkerchief of riverbanks> (The space, the shadow, the parchment) (Empty) Nothing
I Am
(For) you cannot know war without peace Or peace without war Yet (now, battered and broken)> I am free (from the tendrils of both) (I enjoy the wine of nothingness; and) I am (The wrath of God) (Laughing in the face of (my) madness) I am Comfortably alone) (And resigned in that lonesomeness) <I am> Lost to the archives of time’s library A secret passage running through schizophrenic pages, pictures, literature yellowed, frayed I am My own god Of stillness Knowing Suffering And death As every crevice of it all lies in the palm of my hand With every bloodied sputter Of my ragged breath With the current, the stream of this consciousness swelling over the riverbank The sound of mind is silent to an empty ear, deranged by forgotten names Old friend, remember me and this voice turned static, turned tongueless, drawn out of line, metre Bar, and tuneless Let these words be a headstone for tomorrow A crown of empty promises (that promise emptiness) Worn away by the grit split down the middle and whittling away at the rock of my mind The crocheted coast of my ferociously woven oceans Bloated like a tongue over the lips of the once young beaches and sun-drowned skies Half buried by the sands of time As we slip through your infinite fingers, o god The meadows of our renaissance crescendo into bending memory of hallucinogenic heaven Like grains on the fields of alabaster asphodel and the nectareous depths of Elysium Worn away by the grit Split down the middle with our spittle A river (of mud) whittling away at the rock of my mind Under the yawning (lithium) cliff of (mithril) omniscient indifference Wandering the blunt treeline of blind wilderness for the aimless graveyard of words God wouldn’t allow me to find Digging with my splintered fingers at the endlessness of stripped away sentences Wrenched like a screw from the scaffolding and plywood of my pages Housing my shivering spirit under the shelter of a tar shingled roof of clouds So much of me left behind in bending streets And the forked trails of azaleas a fortress of trees in my orange coral forest of Ouroboros Soaring in the metamorphosis of incorporeal oracles born in spores of chlorophyll Dancing mannequins of shunned men free Chasing their own shadows lengthening down into the night Wanting only to hunt Perhaps for meaning in their empty lives Hollow drums without an orchestra Welcomed by the static noise of their homeless oasis Hiking through splintered scintillation In infinite mimicry of the skinning whispers of photosynthesis Slipping through the bloom of a ballooning broom of looming cumulus against the dusty floor Wound up by the out of tune dunes of the all-consuming womb of full moons Howling into the balaclava of faceless night And the featureless day Worn away in its different shades Shapeless clay heated and kneaded into bottomless terracotta menageries and mausoleums Freed by the speleothem of a cartwheeling helix And I find when I look up to the stars cold as ice This flat old sky is bottomless, lipless, without teeth or tongue, but smiles upon me Still, (unmoving, immemorial, and immovable) Like death I had forgotten How to accept it To hold it in my hands and feel the weight of its pommel in my never-ending palms I hear my fingers scream You should have died You should of died You should of died- Into the crippled son of the morning light Into the deep depression of its setting This is it This is all I am Death, I had forgotten I do not know the touch of gods on my scarred body “You should have died” “You should of died “ “You should have died” Should never been born You should of given up back when it was easy “You should have been better” But I’m not I am not better I am just human Just the mirror image of you The shadow of my former self Not ready to fully accept myself, or you Both ends of the spectrum colourless Chasing my tail from morning till night Reaching into the night sky for the moon And grasping nothing but snowflakes and ashes Into the early morning Tossed from the turning churning sea of my own spirit, drowning in it now Let the armor weigh me down Let the sword fall from my fingers Let the grooves of the riverbed feel the smooth sharpness of my spotless, immaculate blade Let me climb out of the depths of (heaven and hell’s rivers) defenceless Let me hoist the flag of my struggle, (my defeat, my colours, feathers turned grey) Let me leave the cage of my mind and fly in freedom throughout these incalculable skies Let me yearn for the sun and fall back to earth as Icarus did, splintered on his own curiosities Let the grand pits of Tartarus in the stomach of Gaia ground me now, welcome me to Valkyries Let my heart (of Yggdrasil) yearn to stretch its branches and roots throughout the realms Let me bring myself into fleeting moments and bite deeply into its plump bulbous fruit Once more I’m sorry I had forgotten you (Both ends of the spectrum colourless) Life was all I knew I straddled (the middle road) The line that separated the three of us Alone
Sparks (Drawing Heavily from the Manga and Anime ‘Berserk’ by Kentaro Miura)
Sparks, the light born in the clash when two swords meet They serve me as well Throughout my life, the moments, and people, that have defined me Have all been illuminated by sparks This is it All I am I don’t know my dream But from this day forth I wield my sword for no other man I will seek you out And sparks will light my path As the clash when two swords meet Has served me well These tenebrous nebulas shredded by September reverends of Neverland These torchlit orchestras of forked tongue paths in the wrath of alabaster chapters These sundown’s melting caramel aurora borealis on the geyser horizon These bonfires of dreams teeming with dead men’s innocence They shroud, they breathe, they wriggle, they cry, they consume me The night is calling I answer back With fallen stars pouring from my eyes There is nothing I do not question Anymore When we see things differently How can we share the same views? With our different ideals of perfection Blind to each other Seeing freely Incendiary windmills glisten with lithium precipitation The ridge of ideals kneeling before the wheels of wheatfields The golden barley, the sapphire stars in a cobblestone sky The clouds, and the whetstone, the millstone, and the sun The sum of it all grinding itself, whittling away until all that’s left is the fingers of splinters The end of some thing, some small figure, no bigger than a loaf of bread The teeth and tendrils of combing trees that wear crowns of clouds Their pitchforks raised in defiance of the heavens and their long stretch of empty The mob moves on, builds a campfire, sleeps for the night Before terrorizing the morning, too beautiful to be praised by the spawn of men Their sparks call to the night sky Drunk on the wine of riverbeds It does not answer It does not care It nonchalantly makes its way across the (split) ends of the earth and back again <Time and time again, without (a pleasant way to) end> As everything else falls into (scrutiny, absurdity, and) obscurity It watches the ending of all beginnings And does not make a sound Until the last bored nail is beaten into submission By the hammer of God It is the welcome matt for angels Something to wipe their soles clean of this earth (As mortal men renovate his house) I am illuminating this scene somewhere in the long hallway of my mind, behind locked doors I am the light born in the clash when his two swords meet I am the empty when the spark fades I am the parchment Without the burden of these words I am the song Without the mouth that sings it This is it All I am I am the memory Without anyone to remember him I am the human Struggling to be This fight called life at least shows me that they still value me Enough to bleed for I am not the light I am the long stretch of black behind the gold statuette of God Illuminated by the maple leaf-stained sun I am the shadow brought to light under brush and foliage of canvas The moment before yours Fleeting and docile and alone The cold wind that murmurs to the pits of your ears I am the man dangled by another man’s dream Wishing to more than his shadow Wishing To be better An imperfect copy Of an imperfect copy Seeking something more Than just myself, wielding my sword, the hesitant enemy, and (thinking about) how I’ll kill them But I suppose in the end, we were all one man Right? I didn’t choose this This is who I am How about you? Are you the only man Who doesn’t dream? God? So where do you go from here Is this not the path that will lead you to your dream It is what you believe in, right? What’s holding you back now that you’ve come this far? You were always looking skyward Focused on it, rising, climbing, soaring Like a hawk flying alone Reaching for the highest precipice Always watching us from above Never down here Crawling with the rest of us Calm, cold, supreme Letting nothing stand in your path to victory If that’s the way that it really is, Then what does that make me? A (wild)flower? Burning in the flames of the (phantasmagorical) orb (Backing itself canoeing) over (the lip of, the waterfall, of) my own horizon? The nothing In opposition to your everything? The yesterday that fears tomorrow? A dance that ends In the same way as its own beginning, forever The seed left behind by the burning flower Is gratifying Its virtue Is enough
A Broken Sword
How can you gain anything without losing? How can a diamond change? I am finite and young Infinity cannot say the same Timelessness is pointless I care only for the fleeting sweetness of the moment (Berries) Tart and then inaudible over the eons Gone in an instant Fondled by history Forever is boring, (permanence is everlastingly vague and purposeless) Beauty can only be attached to the evanescent The crescent moon will always be there crocheted in the ripped fabric of the (tie-dyed) skies Let me be better than that Let the crack of my whip write volumes out of a second Let the end be remembered, (until it is not) Endlessly, until no longer (there is an ear to be) heard (from) in the roar of time Important, greater, in contrast Only in comparison to the great boredom The scarcity of true meaning found in something that is truly endless Truly undying and infinite Ugliness The gnat that will never leave You and I will know everything, (overlook everything), and overthink everything about it To see it as more than what it is And that freedom to be without opposition I will not let it mock the wilting flower Of its moment For the second passed, that is truly, only felt, only loved, only tasted Once You could say That which (cannot/will not) die and disappear (like smoke over a bonfire into the night) Does not know What it means to live Does not know What it means to die (Does not know) (What it means to lose itself to age, and doubt, and forgetfulness, and change) <And with the beauty of that, it cannot compare> And (so it) loses all its beauty (to me) (Within) all its feathers Living only on the ground for eternities, (waiting still-framed, for nothing) Instead of perched on the precarious twigs and branches of the trees (Never ruffled) <Crumpled like silk sheet pages balled in the soft steady hands of a writer> (Never tested) Without ever having the ephemeral chance to spread its wings And (attempt) to fly But I do not hate them, or you, or even myself For any of this Hate is A place where a man who can’t stand sadness goes A corner in a pitch-black room where the (painted) sun will never reach (with its yellow brush) <Of curdled light under the milky way> It is simple to be this way now I am just human <Impermanence permeates like a cry from the soul, fetal, wild, yet as weak as a newborn> I cannot wait until the end of days Either leap from the branch Stretch past the canopy of the mind Or never be born (with wings) at all © 2021 R.J Calzonetti (SinisterPotatoe)Author's Note
5 Reviews Added on November 23, 2021 Last Updated on December 23, 2021 Tags: Nothing At All AuthorR.J Calzonetti (SinisterPotatoe)Burlington, Halton, CanadaAboutMost of my poems can be differing lengths depending on the time you want to spend reading them. You can avoid reading anything brackets, or read it all. If you want an in-between, you can read only th.. more..WritingRelated WritingPeople who liked this story also liked..