![]() The Crying Men (After T.S Eliot)A Poem by R.J Calzonetti (SinisterPotatoe)![]() I'm a fan of The Hollow Men. I'm also a fan of love. Though I never partake in it. Part 5 is called A Swallow's Song. It is separate. However, 1-4 and part 6-8 are here. And one extra. Enjoy.![]()
The Crying Men
(I lost my way when I found you)
(More or less)
Hues of blooming fuchsia ludicrous altocumulus perfumes illuminating hallucinations
Magenta nebulas of tenebrous testament exodus
Homunculus of upside-down cake world
Morning maidan a maze of Himalayans in my cranium
Ambrosia of reborn torrents of agoraphobia’s exordia
Molotov andromeda
The maze
Twisted hands of the clock
That bend time and space
Into present wrapped gifts of memory
Ripped into shreds by demiurge
Unorthodox metamorphosis anthropomorphic hydrochloric oracles
Ears to the ground
I am the open mouthpiece of the puzzle
That calls itself life
In an aim to feel complete
To piece together the idea that braided me and birthed me
Into recirculatory aurora borealis
The puzzle called life completes me
I am the open-mouthpiece of the puzzle
Built the heavens from the ground up
Abyssal Peripheral syphilis of promiscuous incubus
Monolithic hieroglyphics glisten visionaries vicarious marionettes of sunset destinies
(Alstroemeria fairy-tales)
The infinite magnificence cistern of a blistered (picture’s) chrysalis
Polycrystalline willow wisps of ellipsis
Ricocheting maze everglades of clay-doll fables
I loved you once; the sweetest rose to drown in rain
Dug up by the roots
Your dangling stem
I watched as if an unturned leaf, yet to pale in Fall
Perhaps, it was not love at all
Perhaps it was but a golden inkblot of sun
Tattooed, a birthmark on my sandpaper skin,
The wallpaper engulfing
Peeling back a factory of Rorschach’s
Dunes of juniper
Painted faces of latex screams exfoliate over the engine within the silence
Fleecy petals of cerebellum
Balance malice every pastured hourglass of callouses
Envelope the meadows of bellowing stilettos evangelical arpeggio
Fighting till death with a hallucinogenic Serengeti
Crawling its way out from under my skin like
The mouth of a riverbed
A tongue bent into spirals of metaphors
A labyrinth of kaleidoscopes
The eye of a hurricanes’ needle threading its way
Stitching itself across the wholly earth
Conquering dirt with its grenade of shattered people
And broken homes,
Bottles of knucklebones holding the swallowed wrath of the past
Within their glass castle grasp to see through the smoke and mirrors
A looking glass obtuse
Of a closed window pointing its finger at God like an effigy’s menagerie
Dangling from the shingles in the wind, and
I thought of you yesterday;
The mossy stump of endless forests of family trees
Grown tired of angry spades that don’t give a helping hand
Discarded memories sprawled out magazines of paper-clipped hearts
In the rough draft of sacrilege
Adam’s apple hermaphrodite an elevator shaft throat crying out in blacklight
Cerebellum Cinderella belladonna Nirvana nymphonids
Swallowing bottomless Autumn winds
(Mantras entendre arsonist of cartilage)
Symphonic harmonies of a carnival’s arteries
Malachite stalactites ballad ballerinas of Valkyries of amnesias mocking aquamarine
They put your name in the mud
Strangled by its own thorny noose knitting the yarn of your stem
Into my blood clot heart like a vein deep-rooted under the willow of my spine
Like a garden of Eden, and
A crescendo meadows of limbo’s primrose murmuring purgatory,
The emerald demiurge of metallurgy’s furnace
Blurring the burden of a hurricane’s stained-glass asterisk
Catatonic andromedas of onyx monoliths of symbiotic obelisks cauterized on the horizon
I suppose you died out when your candlewick
Drowned in the waxing and waning of a two-spirited heart
And the moon pulled the pulsating oceans into orbit like body bag
Under the blanket of a black canvas’
Pandemonium dancing phantasmagorical
Pastel’ed pathogens of a backwards lapis lazuli of upside-down tears
Bleeding the pallet you
You should see me now
In the light of a new day, never fighting, always fighting
I died a long time ago
I loved you once
(More or less)
(When I found you had lost your way)
(Back to yesterday)
Rollicking Catholicism diabolical comets (commandeering)
Falling albatross discombobulated halogens frolicking Andromedas
Of star-crossed doppelgängers
Pathogens in Lovecraftian baptism
Basket-case masquerades of a cardiovascular masterpiece’s apathy
The world gets under my skin like a splinter cell without a battery
Against the assault of the war on my tongue
Paternal hernias of my epidermis hurricane in the false bliss like a death’s kiss
My last wish acrylic umbilical pastels scratching pathogens of gastric Rorschach aftermath
The hemorrhage of dredging memories
Dragging time along with me
An iron chain holding the ball of my steel soul steadfast
Caught against my shredded ankle a sprained ukulele
Smoking a double-jointed fractured mind off of eldritch aurora borealis
Ouroboros metamorphosis of endorphins agoraphobia chlorophyll kaleidoscope metempsychosis
And the madness balaclava unravels sabotaged Avalon
Vagabonds of dialogue mindboggling constellations
Psychotropic mockingbirds of doppelgängers
Brandish anguish candied canvas wasteland strangled mannequins of smothered colours
Collage revolving mandalas engulfing sulfur of hollow menageries
Comatose rainbows of archangels stained gold
By halos of double-helixes bent into dancing cancers of gargantuan amaranthine chrysanthemum
Basking in the ashes valleys of lapis lazuli of pastors asterisks cardiovascular Vaseline
Star-spangled bangles stalactites valleys of lapis lazuli
Calloused chalices of Valhalla’s ballet candelabra choreography legato sonata of fauna’s lolita onomatopoeia
Stalagmite poltergeists of opal scythes vocalized
Coastline iris of Aphrodite’s’ lilac kaleidoscopes unbridled bibles of agonized libraries
Recirculating vertebrae coagulate Pythagorean immortality
Labyrinths of vorpal teeth that smile at me
Valleys of lapis lazuli ballad Valkyries spanning ceramic calamities
Megalomanic stanzas of jagged avalanches
Branching amethyst canopies dangle entangled mangled by brambles
Galaxies capper with aether lips vociferous eclipse shapeshifting viscera
Semi-omnipotent Lithium flickering prisms of circumcision
And I still scream at the smiles on the walls in silence
With their picture-frames of God’s will, empty
And I still hate to love hating you all in a heart that forgot how to love
And has not yet remembered how to die
So I still smile at the screams of silence within these (cushioned canvas) walls
(More or less)
(When I hear their feet pitter patter over these eggshells, these bodies)
Penultimate electroconvulsive mantras polish cauliflower mitochondrial gonorrhoea pondering
Gondolas semiauto of amalgams pallet of ballerina Valkyries
Hourglass pastures of bastardized lives dive within the dim-light (a parasite)
In the rapids of time rewinding diamonds of ivory eyes riving rhinestones of spiral asylum
Neon lights blinking in and out of existence
Dark worlds that are blinded black by shadows among the stars
Carve their names in jade serrated craniums made hurricanes of mayhem’s craving
Pandering amaranthine Neanderthals, lavender anagrams of little lamb’s
That can’t flow with organisms orgasm God’s damnation stuck rotting in their throats
Rolling, tiding over under summer sun
And a million butterflies intertwine and smother the sunrise with red-wine Gaia
Chewing aluminum rejuvenation screwheads of a bioluminescent toolshed’s resonance
Violescent biomimicking equilibrium fixing ourselves a meal, word of mouth, a last supper
Blooming Juniper Kahlua fuchsia’s supernova four-leaf clovers locusts of motions
Comatose osmosis smoking melodic omniverses lurking in uncertain verses
Pursed lips spitting spare change to a world home to taxing ideals we built from the foundations
Waging war on the flip of a coin
Put their money where their mouth is
And eat away at their savings like it would save them
Save time until the day passes into night like a memory of rain
Save face until the featureless get featured on the face of the earth
To wear another mask we identify as
There are many types of monsters in this world
Those who smile an upside-down frown
Those who are the needle that pops the balloon
Holding the uplifting high-rise of thousands of airheads’ dreams
Those who are the thread that stitches the fabric of this reality
Into a world falling apart at the seams
Those who boil over steampunk scalding tongues of burnt pride
With glazed over eyes, brain freeze, cold hearts, and ice in their veins
But melt like Antarctica when they’re in the hotseat
Those who have crossed paths and been led astray
Following the order of things
Those who have broken down each piece of literature
Into serving sizes they could take a bite out of
Those who’ve bitten off more than they could chew
Those who spat out songs born from their dirty mouths like crushed tobacco
Their offkey notes a temporary high for the lowest of the low
The dirt on me could bury mountains
Could grow daises pushing up pincushion dolls of hollow asphalt acupuncture
Could lift the ceramic planets of amaranthine lotus
Of hypnosis’ spoken pandemonium
The blood in my veins could turn an ashtray into a garden of fireflies
Catching smoke
My lungs could hold their breath like a moth to the flame made floating butterfly
Like a nostalgic memory of a large room in a child’s eyes that held the whole family
Like the warmth in a cold soul
Maybe I wasn’t made to bury mountains
Wasn’t made to bleed burnt cigarettes
Cannot hold onto the moment, I’m slipping, my sweaty palms are oceans and
If I were to encounter someone like that
I would likely be eaten alive hanging by the throat of their slipknot tongue
Because, in truth
I am this
Human monster
(More or less)
(The way the hands of god shaped me from the clay of blood and flesh)
Alone with myself among crowd of formaldehyde dandelion irises
I threw my life away and it clogged the gutter drain
In the summer rain of jasmine cataclysms
Yet I still wish to end the symphony of my life on a high note
So I write poems on my skin in black note ink
And etch Nephilim on the face of a clock in 3/4ths time
As if I still have time on my hands
Holding your outstretched heart
An apple red
An inkblot teardrop
A dying sun
A spiral spun
Till day is done
To hang by rung
This thread we strung
Till death become
The next of young
And breath and tongue
Blossom holocausts from quiet lungs
A choirs’ solitary confinement
What’s done is done
The paint runs down the pallet
The shapeless God’s Vahalla
My fingers form the ballet
The string that bound our talons
The little birds all cloudy
The song of hallow melodies
A dawn to follow felony
The devils form their fellowships
The treble torn indelible
Remnants left ineligible
Pastels unravelling the flowerheads
Shallow wounds of planted lead
Become me
And the animals all lovely
Botanical homunculus
Annuls of the subdivisions
Percussion hustling luscious hushing substance sustenance of rushing lustrous nothingness
And each heartbeat ripples and ricochets out of a cardiovascular chamber
Like a pebble made skipping stone jumping across a jigsaw puzzle in pieces
And I melt into a puddle of dreams
And wake up from a long nightmare
A lost soul in a lost and found body
(Less or more)
(The way you found me) VI
A broken toy God’s children no longer play with
Screaming at the pictures on the walls
“I suppose you loved me once”
I suppose;
They loved me
Before I stopped listening to their radio static voices
Until my parched throat gurgled on a dry tongue
Of angry love letters collecting dust in an empty vocabulary
Of a library of desk drawers
The coiled snake of my tongue hissing
The slippery sounds that scale the snow-smothered mountains of my mind
I suppose;
I learned to love the hate too
An old friend’s passing
The way it rolled off the slopes of their open mouths
The way it climbed over the walls I built
To keep out the pain and let in the wrath
As I waited to crumble
Just to greet me
The way it scratched the blackboard itch in my gnarled fingers
Until I lost my grip on reality
Until I came to grips with letting go of a heart I couldn’t reach
My clenched fists
Outstretched palms
Tangled stems under dirt-caked fingernails
Flowers I couldn’t touch
My knuckles fresh and blooming
Like ivy on the (peeled orange of a) concrete wall
The thudding hollow drum of this cardboard box called the world
I still plant these hands in flesh
And grow roses
In the garden of your memory
Even if the thought of you has already been lost to the wind
I still bleed the dewdrops of a new world
Onto your shriveled tongue
But I don’t want to taste defeat
(I’ve already bitten off more bullets than I could chew)
(Staring down the barrel of the light at the end of the tunnel)
(I suppose that light knew how to love once)
(Before it was left in the dark)
Each of us a shadow of what we once were
Stretching oaks under a watercolour drowned sky with ink in our uranium veins
Must smeared in the pencil lead of our dusty words
I know
The smudge of sun in the corner of my hazel eyes
Is a distant memory
Blurred by the clouded thoughts of night
Emerald tendrils like a hand of God’s entendre
Miles leviathan of an unguided wildfire defiling the horizon
That lost their way when they found me
Less or more than a dream
Found my way under the covers of sunset and smoky ocean waves
Blooming like a juniper in the grave of every passing day’s blade
Coughing clouds out of my overcast cherry blossom lungs
Pulling the reins of a hoarse power-hungry drifter drenched
The lone wolf among cats and dogs stuffed in sheep’s clothing
Howling ballerina’s that dance with death one step at a time
I put my foot in the door and trespassed on the stairway to heaven
I cranked inner sanctuary up to eleven
The bottom of the barrel (a shooting star) on top of the world
To bleed red from a heart of gold once in a blue moon
(I suppose)
(I found God)
(More or less)
When I lost my way
I found my redemption
In you
In the shell of a man who hated to face the judgement of God without jury
In a hearing where spoken word isn’t heard
In a cracked pavement court where he was called a basket case
See, these bullet casings always leave a shell
The point-blank expression on my face the tolling of the bell
See me in every magazine
See me type my life away on a greasy bloodred page
See the world through my noosepaper tumbleweeding to the wind
See the tree hang its head in shame
See the roots tie the knot and dye their leaves the colour of June
See the pitchforks in the mirror of the full moon
See me, see me dance like an open flame
Devouring all but the ashes of a phoenix with one wing fluttering with the mother tongue of butterflies
And my eyes, are an iris in sunrise, a pupil of God looking down on all you low blows
All you eyes of the hurricane, tongue twisting the hands of the clock
To yesterday
Hues of blooming fuchsia ludicrous altocumulus perfumes illuminating hallucinations
Homunculus of upside-down cake world
And the ground opens up its heart-
Beating wings of oblivion’s windbreaker
And I storm out of an empty room
And blossom into a beautiful waste of space
Crawling its way out from under my skin like
The mossy stump of endless forests of family trees
In the light of a new day, never fighting, always fighting
Against the assault of the war on my tongue
Dragging time along with me
Labyrinths of vorpal teeth that smile at me
Neon lights blinking in and out of existence
Their offkey notes a temporary high for the lowest of the low
Holding your outstretched heart
A lost soul in a lost and found body
I suppose
I still plant these hands in flesh
And grow roses
Stretching oaks under a watercolour drowned sky with ink in our uranium veins
To yesterday
To build another sandcastle
Under the waves of tomorrow
And when they come
The sands of time
Will remain ingrained within my rocky shoreline of a mind
And my footprints
Will disappear
And you
Will step forward
Like so many bare feet before you
Crying oceans under florescent nebulas of acrylic waterlilies silvery cerulean as the soul
Till the end of your beginnings
Change this world
Dismantled mannequin amethysts adrift shapeshifting amaranthine star-spangled dandelions
Eclipse the lithium tongue twisters of syphilis
Liquid hieroglyphs prickling ellipsis from peripheral visionaries
Wildflower hourglass ecclesiastical pastels catheter cardiovascular valves mandala amaryllis
Honeyed words inside the hivemind
Malleable palettes of Valhalla’s aurora borealis
Mapping dilapidated evaporating aspirations
Shuffling the lustrous muffled conductor of the derailed maelstrom
Blowing in the wind-breakers rhythmic gibberish of scintillating defibrillators
Ethereal marigold of hysterical prairies of rosemary aether oasis of faceless glaciers
Laced with discombobulated comets
Vomited andromedas of Nirvana’s mitochondria
Blessing the plethora of opalescent respiratory Expurgatorius
Picturesque proliferous photosynthesis of linden trinity
The light, the dark, and the purgatory
I sip the lemonade of glazed horizons from your starry eyes
Star-criss-crossed hearts that hope to die
I’m running out of room to run from
I don’t have a prayer in the world left for worlds to pray for
I don’t have a dream left to sleep on
My life a cypher’s own detour
I crawl through the crawlspace in my mind
I leave this island behind
Reasoning rhymes might be my only reason to be alive
To talk through the oxygen of gossips’ apocrypha
Aloft from the drip drop of my esophagus
Claustrophobic utopia kaleidoscopic operas of nocturne
The faucet of a docile hope
My life is going down the drain
Every droplet is just how I cope
Swallow the sun
Caught the world in my throat
And called my teardrops rain
Until the day we meet again
Diabolical palpating constellations culminating pollinated andromedas astronomers
Daffodils of spit flecked from the mouth of God like glassy molasses castaways
I suppose we are what we are
This world is still young
Learning to walk for the first time
On thin ice
My breath is hot against the cold brush of the snow smattered breeze
My life is a blob of shapelessness within the detail of an embroidered shell with a rusted name
I suppose,
The husk of this world is a maze of cornfields, but
That will never change
I know that by now
Even the moon bleeds red On the velvet curtains of the stage
Without an encore
© 2021 R.J Calzonetti (SinisterPotatoe)Author's Note
StatsAuthor![]() R.J Calzonetti (SinisterPotatoe)Burlington, Halton, CanadaAboutMost of my poems can be differing lengths depending on the time you want to spend reading them. You can avoid reading anything brackets, or read it all. If you want an in-between, you can read only th.. more..Writing |