I am the Rain

I am the Rain

A Poem by R.J Calzonetti (SinisterPotatoe)

The first poem I've made to share in too long. Sorry about that, I'll try to make more soon.


I’m like the rain

I bathe you in my tears

Drown you in my feelings

And drench you in my pain

I stain the ground in my colour

Pouring like no other, scoring with your mother, putting a cold shudder in your brother, cancel your parade


I don’t give a s**t when you shiver, because I’m a cold person who’s liquid quick and ambiguous with my sickness and cannot be embraced full of wickedness but picturesque conspicuous insidious ridiculous growing life that lives and relies on me as I bleed my soul all over the concrete

I am like the rain

So don’t exclaim I’m insane just because I don’t know the meaning of shame

Cause I’m so lush that I can crush you under the water brush strokes of the very essence messing with your picnic that makes the world choke on my thickness

A biting punch to your face before I sway through the day blown away by the hate naming the streets in a hazy water blaze running off your skin like I’m something lovely god’s tears playing with the ground today looks ugly coming from above you while your praying to the sound of the pitter-patter all around but that loud rumble can only be found above causing trouble like the clouds bring me down and drown your sorrows with alcohol as I drown the forests when the weatherman calls for a shower, because no one will love someone as cold as ice, even if I’m needed simply to survive and suffice I’m not a coward

I’m not nice if you mess with me I’ll turn to ice and nail your car with hail as I trail and spray fading away into the sewage drain chained to my existence to fall like dreams in the school hall and spiders down the wall of the washroom stall

Hi, I came to call, I’m the oceans thrall feeding the sea and breathing life into the dirt quenching mother earth’s thirst like dessert

I am the rain

I fall from the skies blotting out the sunrise because I own your tomorrow with ice like water that flounders until it hits the bottom like a knife through cotton and pierces the ground with my sorrow, my splattering sound, my might shatters all around, absorbed by the ground, forgotten


Reengineering fear into the hearts of those who hold the sun dear to their cut and dry world.

Wanting to fry something on the barbeque? Go for a hike? Visit the zoo? Try to have a picnic?

Well that’s my cue, I’m not mad at you this is just what I do when you want to wet your appetite I’ll just make you wet, what else can I get at, because that’s literally all that I do, and I’m what you’re bound to live through from April to June so you better expect to see me soon falling through the atmosphere drenching the people you hold dear making the sky less than dry, but the air clear, do not fear me, I simply want you to hear me thundering from the sky fear me

I am like the rain

For I cannot change my fate to fall I’m filled with rage thrilled to hate scar and maul the world that makes the earth shake with sorrow, washing it in my morrow, let it borrow me burrowed underneath the soil lest it turn to dust, living with the rocks underneath, sometimes flooding to the top and nourishing with every drop unstoppable until the point where even a thousand mops are not able to dry my cries

The surfaces are wet you better bet, and I encourage you to try to wear a coat or keep me out of your boat if you want to continue to float protect a phone, or a paper note why does everyone not thank me for the plants my body nourishes, do you not love the flowers my soul flourishes?

Because I am the rain, and no song will make me go away and yes I’ll be back another day some way to keep the sky grey and the world wet in a cold sweaty spray down your neck may make you shiver until I deliver the quivering cold tendrils back into the ground, safe and sound, it’s my job to grow on you guys, it’s why the plants keep me around


For I am the rain

Leaving the people marooned in their rooms

I’m unpredictable, I come down on you hard, invincible, landing on your body branding you, reprimanding you, soaking your yard in my icicle shards

And my jokes are not dry and your clothes are not fly when their wet so I bet you wish you could forget I exist and just die

But I’ll persist because I’m precipitation, and every nation needs some rain migration to feed creation what it wants to be tasting

Just like the rain, someday I’ll dry up again be gone one of these summer days, just like the rain before the morning sun, I’ll be forgotten, erased

For I am the rain

And are you just going to stay inside, or will you face me with pride and shout at the sky until I arrive for you to lose the feeling of being dry

For I am the rain, and the reason you’re alive

I feed the ground, every drop, every cloud, every plant in the ground and whether or not you can deal with my weather, you better remember, I’ll be snow in December

Like the rain, someday I’ll dry up and be gone, like rain I’m fragile, sometimes I fall, but before I hit the bottom, know I stood strong from summer to winter to autumn, remembered, never forgotten

For I am the rain, and it looks like you’ll have to wait for me to drain again before you can have that picnic


© 2018 R.J Calzonetti (SinisterPotatoe)

Author's Note

R.J Calzonetti (SinisterPotatoe)
I very seldom reply to reviews, but I promise I read EVERY single one. I look forward to my next review because it helps me learn. Even if it's just one word, I promise, I will be ecstatic to have the chance to hear what you have to say. Whenever you write something about my poems, or the themes of my poems, or criticize me it is not in vain. I will listen, learn and be thankful.

My Review

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THIS is BEAUTIFUL!!!! I felt every single line as I read them! I loved how you turned rain into SUCH a wonderful and creative description by 'rain'... I'm just in shock at how creative you made something so simple as rain become!!! Thanx for sharing!!!

Posted 6 Years Ago

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It's interesting how the perspective alternates from "I am the rain" to "I am like the rain". The simile in this poem is wonderful, comparing your unintentional, inevitable, necessary self to something we all experience in both good and bad ways. I enjoy the unashamed attitude of asking the reader to consider the importance of rain's existence, after highlighting inconveniences that seem smaller in the scheme of life's larger picture: "For I am the rain, and the reason you’re alive/I feed the ground, every drop, every cloud, every plant in the ground needs me to survive". That stands above picnics, zoo visits, etc. As for a recommendation, I would suggest trying out separated stanzas.

Posted 6 Years Ago

R.J Calzonetti (SinisterPotatoe)

6 Years Ago

You really understand the poem, and your review makes me feel like I did a good job, but also shows .. read more

6 Years Ago

Of course you did a good job. =) You're very welcome!
you are like rain,bringing pain and raining on someones parade

Posted 6 Years Ago

R.J Calzonetti (SinisterPotatoe)

6 Years Ago

Thanks for the read wordman! I always appreciate what you have to say.
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This was a great poem.... You've used personation for rain... I could recall one of my my favorite poems "The song Of Rain" ...This was different! As they are always. Thanks a lot for sharing this poem. I truly loved it! It was long and great... I always like such poems. These kinds of poems make me realize the real thing about "sorrows" and I feel better about me. So there's a Big "THANKS" for you.
Good Luck for your next poem though I know you don't need it ... You are a great poet.! Because poems come out of you so naturally .

Posted 6 Years Ago

R.J Calzonetti (SinisterPotatoe)

6 Years Ago

Thank you for the complement, and reading my poem. I'm glad you enjoyed it!
so I'm not too good with long poems. i don't write them as long either, but yours definitely was what the read.
my observation? your poem seems to be jammed - for lack of a better word. it wasn't my usual style, the lines seemed really long, and a bit on the confusing edge. but it could be the whole point, the style of the poem.
when i decided to look at it that way, i was like COOL. a poem about being the rain, and creating your own style at it. the rain isn't apologetic, it doesn't conform, it just beats hard and willful. it is crazy, and that crazed, i saw in your words.
so what if it had to spoil our picnics and our dates, it is its nature. rain is meant to fall.
i like your poem. i still will recommend a bit of shorter lines and maybe sparse punctuation - because that is more my taste - but your words flowed good. and again, i liked it.

Posted 6 Years Ago

R.J Calzonetti (SinisterPotatoe)

6 Years Ago

Thanks, happy you enjoyed it.

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5 Reviews
Added on June 1, 2018
Last Updated on June 20, 2018
Tags: rain, the, am, I


R.J Calzonetti (SinisterPotatoe)
R.J Calzonetti (SinisterPotatoe)

Burlington, Halton, Canada

Most of my poems can be differing lengths depending on the time you want to spend reading them. You can avoid reading anything brackets, or read it all. If you want an in-between, you can read only th.. more..


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