Way too true man, the poem tells a sad tale of good guys who thinks that good girls like to be with good guys but the reality is that if the girl is really good she wouldn't be with you just hours, days or months but would take at least a year so just that she could figure you out because such girls like lasting relationship; on the other hand there are girls like the one told in your coming-of-age poem, some b*****s wants to dominate you and live their life exquisitely clad in a garb of feminist mindset and the other b*****s who date just on how cool the guy is and such girls don't like to date s**t such as good boys then they do drugs 'cause they cant cope out being thrown into one disastrous relationship to another and they these feminists says it's because all the boys are same. Thank you truly for giving a middle finger to such w****s through your impactfull words.
It was very sincere like your username says. It was interesting because it seems like she had control over you and you couldn't be enough. You loved her so, but she couldn't see. It is a sad poem, but I enjoyed it! Thank you for sharing!
I had some trouble understanding this one. There seems to be a narrator, whose voice is the initial one heard, this being followed a refrain beginning with "Did any tell her?" The refrain is repeated several times. Is it being spoken by something like a Greek chorus? . Also, the second verse spoken by a narrator seems to be addressing an audience, where the first one came across as being directed to the object of desire. Then in the last verse, the desired one seems to be addressed again. There is a powerful story here, but I am having trouble following it.