My lost loveA Story by Sindy![]() A young woman in love with Brady loses him to another woman. She tells the story of their wedding![]() The way I
lost my piece of happiness I stood on
the staircase of the church. Bells were chiming telling the whole world that
two people were tying a knot. I entered and sat at the back keeping my head
down and ready to watch the last piece of my happiness to go to someone else. The bride
came in with the sound of old violins applauding her grand entrance. She swayed
like a wood nymph in a dreamy white gown. A bouquet of water lilies,orchids and
roses she clasped at them as if her life depended on them. “She must be proud
of herself “I thought to myself. Minutes
later they were presented to the world as a married couple. Tears oozed from my
eyes, I quickly took out my handkerchief to deduce the moisture in my eyes. I escaped
from the churchat the nick of time. I looked at the new Mrs. Warren. She smiled
so brightly I could see her white, straight teeth. Most probably daddy dearest
had paid a fortune to keep them that white. Luck her to have daddy dearest who
would do anything to please her. This girl
has just snapped her fingers and poof my man was gone just like. Everyone
deserves to be happy but today it was costing me my own happiness. I was lost for words as I saw my Brad
standing there. “He is no longer your Brady”, a voice said in my head. I turned
the minute their lips met, sign of happiness my foot. That was a sign of my
sadness and misery. “Brady you
look so fine”, I said out aloud as tears slide down my throat and my heart was
sliced with every moment that passed by. He turned and looked in my direction
and I did not even turn fast enough to avoid his gaze. His blue eyes met mine.
I had two choices either stare at him or walk away from him. I walked
away from the church road headed straight to my home. “How foolish could I have
been to fall in love with the perfect guy”, I thought to myself as I walked down
the pavement. Brady, the
man of my dreams. Perfect smile and that stride he had when he walked had been
my snare I had been hooked from the moment I saw him. I had made life difficult
for him yet every time he passed I could not stop staring and sighing. I was in
love, I was dreamy in love. Brady and l
made memoirs. I smiled at the thought of the word memories. Running around like
a bunch of fools. The laughter was infectious, had I known I would have not
fallen in love with Brady. I increased my pace…..In my heart the only words
that were left were simple words. © 2013 SindyAuthor's Note