Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Two

A Chapter by Sinbulvinter

Rema's stress is starting to get to her, and Frey is losing control of his Monster. Meanwhile, Kacia is hot on their trail.

Warning: Chapter contains Murder, Violence, Blood, Violence that could be seen as abuse, mentions of self injury, and subjects that may disturb and upset the reader.


One day, Rema came home from her new job and Kacia arrived shortly after.  The two went off in private and yelled at each other about some s**t.  They always yelled at each other at this point, and I joined in a lot of the time.  

Their voices were hushed and hard to understand, but I made out bits and pieces.  Mainly my name popping up a lot, Kacia asking why Rema doesn’t throw me out and saying I’m not normal and shady, while Rema cussed at her and called her insane.  The rest of it I couldn’t understand, but I was really getting sick of Kacia’s bullshit and I could tell Rema was too.

Kacia stormed out of the bedroom, she looked at me with a angry and weird expression, then stuck her finger in my face and yelled, “I’m onto you, Scars!”

I stood up, my anger boiling over the top while the monster raged inside me. “Ya best to get yer damn finger outta my face ‘fore I rip it off!” I snarled.

“Don’t you f*****g threaten me, you redneck freak!” She waved her hands around and hissed at me, getting way in my personal space like the damn b***h had balls all of the sudden.

“Girl, you’re asking for your head to be bashed in, now get the f**k out of my face!” I shoved her back, getting uncomfortable with her so close to me.

  “Just kill her, she doesn’t matter.  Just some issue drug addicted w***e.” The monster egged me on.  It’s claws gripping my brain.

I was tempted to listen.

“You don’t put your f*****g hands on me! Who do you think you are?” She screamed at me. “You know, you’re a whole new breed of a*****e lately and I’m getting sick of your s**t.”

“Yeah, well, I’m getting tired of you runnin’ your damn mouth all the f****n’ time like you know s**t.  You finally grow a f****n’ brain in that empty head of yours?”

“Didn’t your mother ever tell you not to put your hands on girls, you f****n’ creep!”

“I don’t remember my Mother, so I got no f****n’ clue.  Didn’t your Mom ever tell you not to stuck your nose in other people’s business and to shut your f****n’ mouth?”

“Frey, Kacia, stop it already.” Rema yelled, coming into the room.  She pulled us away from each other, stepping in between us.  “Frey, go in the other room and calm down.  Kacia, just f*****g leave him alone already!”

“You know, I’m sick of his f*****g s**t.  Just throw him out already!  He’s just a good for nothing bum!  Why do you even like this guy?  He’s a f****n’ freak!”

“Shut your damn mouth before I shut it for you.” I yelled at her, wanting so badly to just shove Rema out of the way and strangle this annoying brat.

“Frey, just go in the other room. Please.” Rema begged, her voice tight as she tried to control her frustration.

I shook my head and turned to start walking away, just to hear the woman start running her mouth again.

“Yeah, just go in the other room like a good dog, f****n’ animal.”

The monster roared in desire.  Wanting blood and death.  Wanting to see this girl ripped to pieces and battered on the floor, full of knife wounds and empty of life.

“B***h, you are really f*****g asking for it!” I clenched my teeth and fists until it hurt.

“Asking for what, a*****e?” She yelled back, holding her arms out in a “come-at-me” manner.

“FREY!” Rema screamed, “Get in the other room, Now.”

I glared at Kacia one last time, biting my lip as I turned and walked away, slamming the door.

I heard Rema and Kacia scream at one another for a half hour at least before the front door slammed and I heard Rema throw something across the room.  I walked back out into the living room, shooting daggers at the door.

“That b***h really needs to die.” I hissed.

“No, Frey.  You guys just gotta stop going at it constantly.  She’s getting really suspicious of you.” Rema said, taking a deep breath.  She rubbed her neck, reaching into her back pocket to pull out a pack of smokes.

“Who gives a s**t, let’s just kill her before she finds s**t out.  She’s a threat, eh?” I paced back and forth, the monster just begging to be released.  To tear through everything in sight until it found her.

“No, Frey, she’s my friend.  She’s a b***h, but she’s still my friend.”

“Zekk was your f*****g friend too, and look what he did.  Great f****n’ friends you pick.” I remarked.

I saw hurt flash across her face, and a spike of pain hit me in my chest for some reason.

“Sorry…” I mumbled. “I’m just.... Pissed off.”

She flopped down on the sofa, “I know… I know… Hey, you’re not a freak… Okay?”

“I am… And it’s fine.” I sat beside her, grabbing a smoke when she offered me one.



After Frey fell asleep, I wandered the streets.  I needed to clear my head and think for a while.  Kacia had really began causing a lot of problems.  She was starting to piece things together much quicker than I thought, and came home saying that she talked to some homeless guy who said he saw Frey doing some violent things to people, but didn’t want to go to the police about it.  Kacia kept insisting that Frey was some kind of gang member, or that he was a murderer, she kept getting closer and closer to finding proof to back it up and it made me nervous.

Plus, she had been starting things with Frey a lot more, and the two of them were at each other’s throats constantly.  Kacia repeatedly said things she knew would get under Frey’s skin, calling him a freak, referring to him as “scars,” saying he belonged on the street and that he was no good for me.  I knew these things hurt Frey, and it was only a matter of time before she pushed it too far and he snapped.  He’d been bottling it up for too long, he had so much hate and bloodlust in him, I worried when he’d kill the next time, he’d do something really awful and lose himself.

“Hey, sexy, com’ere!”

The voice brought me out of my thoughts and I looked over to see two guys standing by a gas station, one waving his hand at me.  I groaned quietly and kept walking.

“Hey! We’re talking to you!” The second man’s voice was slurred, like he’d been drinking and when I turned my head to look behind me I saw them stand and start walking towards me.

I walked quickly as they caught up, practically running to get beside me. I swallowed hard.  I didn’t have time for this.

“What’s a pretty lady like you doing out here all alone?  You need some company?” The first guy asked.  He flashed a mouth full of yellow teeth at me, panting from the activity on his overweight body.

“Not interested.” I said shortly.  I kept walking and didn’t make eye contact.

“Don’t gotta be rude, f**k.” The second guy, a tall white man with blond hair, remarked.

“I’m not.  I’m just not interested. Now let me on my way.”  It was hard to control my tone of voice.  I was already stressed out enough, didn’t need two idiots f*****g with me on top of it.

“What’dya cost, w***e?  I can tell by your get up your type.  Ya want drugs or cash?”

I scoffed, my jaw tightening, “F**k off.” I growled through my teeth.

The heavyset one grabbed my arm with a rough grip, “Watch your mouth, b***h.”

With that, I snapped.  I reached into my pocket and shoved my knife into my stomach after I flipped it open in one smooth motion.  The hand on my arm loosened it’s grip, and I saw pure shock come across his large face.

I punched him in the mouth and he fell backwards into the wall.  The other guy was too dumbfounded to react in time, and I stabbed him in the throat.  I grabbed him by the back of his shirt and smashed his face into the brick over and over until I let him fall to the ground, then turned and stabbed the dying fat man on the ground until the struggling stopped.

I didn’t even feel bad about it…

I walked home and stripped off the bloody clothes and threw them into the laundry basket, stepping into the shower to wash the crimson off my body and down the drain.  

I left the bodies behind, where anyone could find them.  I hadn’t killed much since Zekk died, because I was afriad of leaving bodies and being found out.  My stomach turned and I thought I’d hurl for a moment.  The stress was destroying me and I felt lost, angry with the whole world.

I reached for my razor to shave, only to find it gone.

Growling, I stepped out and dried off quickly.  I stomped into the bedroom and shook Frey awake violently.  I stepped back when he shot up in surprise, looking around with wide, crazy eyes.

“Where is it?” I hissed.

He knitted his brows together, “What?”

“My razor! Where is it?”

He looked even more confused, “I didn’t take your damn razor.”  He rubbed his eyes and I spotted lines of dried blood on his hands. “I don’t do that no more, I told ya.”

I narrowed my eyes, feeling the veins in my neck pulse.  I grabbed his wrist and smacked him hard across the face. “Yeah? Then what’s this?”

He looked at me with wide eyes as his cheek turned red, “I didn’t…”

I smacked him again, upside his head. “Yes you f****n’ did! Don’t f*****g lie to me!” I yanked him by his arm out of the bed and started dragging him to the door, planning to lead him to the bathroom so I could check on his arm, but he dropped to his knees.  Keeping his head down.

“Get up.” I raised my voice, my hands tightening into fists.

“F**k off, b***h.” He hissed at me under his breath.

I backhanded him this time, and his lip split from the contact.  Suddenly, he looked up and his eyes flashed for a moment before he grabbed me by the shirt and threw me across the room.  I hit the wall hard and fell to the floor, the air knocked out of my lungs.

He walked over and grabbed me again.  I pounded my fists on his chest, shoving at him and digging my nails into the fabric of his shirt and scraping his neck as he yanked me up and slammed me against the wall, pinning me there by my wrists.  

I grunted when I felt pain course through my barely healed bone.  I tried to pull away as he leaned right into my face, glaring at me with more hatred I’ve ever seen.

“You wanna f*****g hit him again, woman?” No accent.  Dead Tone… It wasn’t Frey in front of me anymore. “Does that make you feel better?  Hitting him like he’s just your personal stress reliever?” He growled into my face, close, so so close. “Give me one reason why I shouldn’t kill you where you stand.”

“Frey, I-”

“Frey isn’t here anymore.” He cut me off.  His eyes tore into me, and they reminded me of the demon in my nightmares.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have hit him… I was angry and-”

“You were angry.  Well, so f*****g what!  He’s angry all the time too.  Has he ever put his hands on you? Hit you? Slapped you across the face? Hmm?  Answer me!”

“No! No. He hasn’t.” I said, dropping my eyes.

He suddenly let go of my wrist and smacked me hard across the face. “There, now he has.”  He let me sink to the floor and stood tall above me.

I held my cheek, looking at up at him.

“Doesn’t feel too good, huh?  Now you know what it feels like to be treated like you’re nothing.”

My shoulders slumped and I looked away, feeling guilt rush over me.  He was right.  I was just so angry at everything, putting on a happy face all the time, until finally it exploded and I aimed it at him, because I knew I could.  I took my anger out on him, and hurt him just like my ex husband had hurt me… Just like the man hurt him.

“I’m sorry.” I whispered, the tears started falling.

“If you put your hands on him like that again, I will kill you.  I don’t care what he says anymore, I’m not going to let you smack him around like he’s your personal punching bag.  He’s been used enough, and he’s gotten too weak because of you to even stand up for himself.  You will not hurt him again, or I swear I will kill you.”

With that, I watched him turn and walk out of the room, leaving me on the floor.  I put my face in my hands, feeling tears run through my fingers.  My cheek throbbed and I realized how much of a mistake I made.  

Why did I always act like this?  Look for someone to take my anger on?  Why Frey?  He isn’t the kind of guy someone wants to mess with.  He’s dangerous, and I know that.  Yet, He’s never hurt me… It’s like I use that as an subconscious excuse to hurt him.  

But that right there, him flipping out on me like that, proved next time he wouldn’t just take it.  The hair on the back of my neck stood up when I realized he could very well kill me if he wanted to.  He’s a lot stronger than me, especially when he’s angry.  The fact he could overpower me like that so easily proves it.

© 2017 Sinbulvinter

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Author's Note

Well! There goes that hope from the last chapter! I said it wouldn't last long!
All righty, Kacia's really getting on their trail, and now is starting to figure out things about Frey.
Rema has completely been overcome by the stress she's under and is beginning to crack - leading her to murder recklessly and leave bodies behind.
And again, Rema decided to smack the hell outta Frey for cutting himself, but this time the Monster didn't take too kindly to that - And will murder her if she dared to it again.
Frey is completely losing control of the Monster now, also.
Shit's hittin' the fan!

Yeah, I feel bad for making Rema just start smacking the shit out of Frey, especially after what he went through, and I think Rema's gonna lose more fans for this. But this goes to show how much stress Rema's been carrying, and how much Frey is starting to lose himself to the Monster.

Reviews, comments, all that, I love! Let me know what you think, and point out any errors if you see any. I'm dyslexic and sometimes miss misspelled words when I'm editing. So If I make any mistakes, point them out!

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Idk why but I really want Rema to be the one who kills Kacia lol. I think one of them will kill her because she is starting to figure things out and I hope it's Rema who does it finally lmao. I'm probably wrong but idc, great chapter. Glad the monster put Rema in her place lol

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

Well, Kacia's getting way too close to the truth at this point, so somebody has to kill her. more

7 Years Ago

You are very welcome!
Aloha, Kacia and Frey were funny, she's got a mouth on kind of astounding how ballsy she is.

This whole chapter was really good. Rema really needs to cut it out with the killing, she seems to be a magnet for despicable men. That sequence was really well done I loved the image of her flicking the blade open "in one smooth motion" her kills are really quick, and impressive. As for her slapping Frey around that annoyed me she needs to stop that too. Next time she won't be so lucky I think. Izzy

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

Frey and Kacia were really funny to write - mostly because they're both mouthy and disrespectful a**.. read more
I think this is the first time after chapter one that you started with Frey narrating.

The exchange between Kacia and Frey had me laughing a little especially that having brain in the empty head part lol.. It seems to me Kacia is as much of a mouthy b*****d as Frey haha.

It would have been good if Frey had killed her right there. Would have saved enough trouble..

Rema - well, it just goes around to show how frustrated she is. That killing scene was very well executed and vivid in details. But yeah seriously she does need to stop since there's no Zekk to clear the bodies..

One question does come up my mind though. Why does Rema have to get rid of the bodies while Frey just goes off killing anybody and doesn't even get caught? You didn't mention in the previous chapters if he did dispose off the bodies or maybe I missed it lol :P

Oh and that scene where Frey tells Rema that she picks freaks as friends was kinda funny too :P

The Monster coming at Rema again, it shows he's restless too, to kill her but I'll find out soon :P

And I really can't bring myself to hate Rema lol but she's pathetic :P
You know I love this story ;) :)

Posted 7 Years Ago

Dr. YumnaKay

7 Years Ago

I'll be doing that with the second volume too so you could get to thank me a lot haha jk 😛😂�.. read more

7 Years Ago

I thank everyone who reads, even if they tell me not to, so get used to it. XD My mama raised me pol.. read more
Dr. YumnaKay

7 Years Ago

Hahah okay 😛😊
Rema had not business hitting frey and I agree with the monster. Frey have done so much for her. I think that the men that Rema killed are going to trace back to her. Frey is really losing it! I I cant wait to read the next chapter!

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

Yeah, I felt bad for having Rema do that, but she's losing control of her temper, and Frey's losing .. read more

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4 Reviews
Added on April 23, 2017
Last Updated on April 26, 2017
Tags: serial killers, murder, horror, thriller, psychological, hurt/comfort, dark themes



Ephrata, PA

I am a Twenty-Five year old Writer and Mother of a Two Year Old Daughter and pregnant with a little boy on the way! I am a shaman, too empathetic for my own good, and a Major Horror Junkie who is obs.. more..


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