![]() Chapter SeventeenA Chapter by Sinbulvinter![]() It's death or death. There's no way out of it, Kill or be killed.![]()
Warnings: This is probably the worst in the way of violence and gore I've written. There's torture, mutilation, brief but descriptive gore, murder, violence, threats of murder, suicidal thoughts, mental breaking, physical, psychological, and sexual abuse. And just a lot of s**t that'll probably disturb people, upset people, and/or trigger people.
I wondered how long he had been doing this to me, and how long it had been since I saw Rema. He tortured me the whole night, used every minute to cause me pain. He purposely aimed for my leg, hit my stomach with a crowbar so many times I threw up blood, and tied my hands together above my head with barbed wire. He brought Rema inside that same day, and threw her down the basement stairs, locking her in there alone. Hours later, she pounded at the door, screamed and cried for what felt like days, begging him to just stop and leave me alone. He locked me in the closet at night and wouldn’t let me see Rema since the night outside. The closet was small, stuffy, and I hated small spaces because of this closet. It made me feel like I couldn’t breathe. Like all the air was running out, and all I could do was lie there and cry until I fell asleep. I didn’t know how long he kept us apart, but he said he didn’t want us around each other for a while, saying she was a bad influence on my “training.” She cried at the door every single day. “Frey… Frey! Wake the f**k up! Ya don’t get to doze on me!” A sharp slap snapped me back into reality, and I was met with his hateful face. “You listen to me when I’m talkin’!” “You’re only talkin’ s**t at this point…” I muttered weakly, a part of me still wanting to fight, to hold onto what little pride I had left… I was breaking. I knew it. But I had to hold on as long as I could. He slapped me again, “Frey, yer really pissing me off with this s**t…” He gripped my leg, making me scream again and I heard Rema beg from the locked door, pounding on it again. He kicked me in the face, then disappeared from my view for a moment. When he returned, he had nails and a hammer. He set them down on his old coffee table, and lit a smoke. He chained smoked for about an hour, ranting about how useless and stupid I was being and how I was only making it worse for myself. Each cigarette he finished, he put out on me like I was an ashtray. On my back, stomach, sides, neck, my face. Then, after he finished the last one, he stood and grabbed the hammer. “So, I’m going to have to take this to the next level…” He bent down next to me, and held a nail to my leg. I stared with wide eyes, unable to speak a single word before he hammered it right into my broken leg. I screamed, and he added another. I tried to pull away, protect my injured leg the best I could, but he just held it there with an iron grip, hammering nail after nail into my skin. I screamed so loud I lost my voice, then the tears came again. By the time he finished, he had put at least a dozen nails in my leg, and I was a whimpering mess. “What are you doing to him? Stop! Please, stop!” Rema’s sobbing echoed through the house, but he ignored her. “Well, ya had enough yet, you stupid kid?” The Man bent down, right in my face as I shook and cried silently to myself. He smacked me upside the head to make a point. “You gonna respect me now?” “I… I f****n’ hate you…” I whispered, my voice somehow managing to sound strong, “I’ll never respect you, you sick b*****d.” “Nope, you’re gonna keep being a damn brat…” He sighed, shoving me onto my back, “I swear, it’s like ya like being treated like this or somethin’...” I could hardly keep my eyes open, the pain was overwhelming... “More nails then, I guess… Lemme get the front of that leg now.” He drove another nail into my leg, and I felt it hit the pieces of bones. I felt the next one go right through the skin and muscle, deep into my leg and cause even more pain with every hit of the hammer. With a knife in the other hand, he slashed my upper thigh, then drove another nail. The cut was wide, and bled openingly. He cut me again, higher on my leg. Then another nail. Then another cut. Then another nail. He left the knife after the nail was driven in, and didn’t reach for it again for some reason. I let out a sob when he ran his fingers up my leg, stroking my inner thighs, getting closer and closer, higher and higher. I was already so sore and I knew I was bleeding and torn. I couldn’t take it anymore. “Ple…” I whispered, my back arching when he pushed his fingers inside without any remorse. I wanted to squirm away. I wanted to kick him in that disgusting, smirking mouth and get the hell away from him. “You’re nothin’ Frey… Do you get that yet? This is the only thing you’re good for…” He smirked at the pain on my face, and pushed harder. “You’re useless in every other area, besides maybe killing and being a reckless moron… This here, this is all you’re useful for… Ah, it’s like you were just made for this…” “Don’t… Not again…” I couldn’t handle it, not now. I wasn’t given any time to cover in between each assualt, and I was so sore and in so much pain, I just didn’t want to have to deal with being raped again. He slapped me, “See, right there… You act all tough now, like you’re some kind of man… But you’re really just a b***h. You’re the same person inside that you’ve always been.” I sobbed harder as he pinned me down. I screwed my eyes shut tightly so I didn’t have to look at him. “Stop f****n’ cryin’ and screamin’ already! You’re giving me a headache.” He shouted, slapping me across the face. “You really are pathetic, you know that Frey? You really thought you could kill me? Thought you could take me on like you were some kind of badass hero… Frey, You are nothing. You’ve always been nothing and you will always be nothing!” “Please stop…” I grasped, my voice was so sore, it didn’t even sound like me. “Please.” “What happened to “You can’t break me”?” He mocked me, “What happened to being stronger? Or was that just a show? A stroke to your ego? This is what I mean, Frey, you’re completely pitiful… So useless it’s almost a waste to keep you around.” “Then kill me!” I shouted, “Just kill me, I don’t care anymore! It hurts! It f*****g hurts and I can’t take it!” I heard Rema scream my name, but it fell on deaf ears… I didn’t care anymore… I just wanted to die… I wanted it to be over. “You want me to stop, you’re saying?” He spoke clearly, actually pulling away. “Yes.” I curled up, trying to protect myself in case he decided to start kicking the daylights out of me again. “You give in? Hmm?” He bent down, his hand running over the welts and cigarette burns on my back. “I can’t… I can’t take anymore. D****t, you broke my f****n’ leg and drove nails into it for f**k’s sake! Why can’t you stop and let me sleep? I’m… I’m so tired...” My body hurt all over. I couldn’t feel or think about anything but pain at this point. I didn’t even know how long he’d been doing this, days? Weeks? Months? I didn’t even remember, I couldn’t think straight. “Alright… I’ll stop.” He said, straightening. He sighed and looked down at me, then spit. “You really are pathetic, Frey.” He disappeared from view again, and when he returned he was dragging Rema behind him and he threw her to the ground in front of me. She was covered in dried mud, fifth, and blood. Her eyes had dark circles under them, and she was pale with tears all over her face. She just stared at me in horror. “What… What the hell is wrong with you!” She screamed, making me jump. “Why would you hurt him like this? What did you do?” “Well, I guess I was playing with him a bit too rough and he broke.” The Man said, a nonchalant tone to his voice. “Begged me to stop like a little b***h child… So, that means I’m going to play with you for a while, darlin’, then kill you. That should teach him never to run again.” My head snapped up, and for a moment, my breath caught it my chest and I couldn’t breathe. “What?” “You should know by now, Frey, I’m a man of my word. I said if you got in my way, I’d break yer leg… and I did. I also made that deal with you that I wouldn’t touch Rema unless you broke, and you did… So I’m keepin’ my word. Honestly, I’m surprised you lasted through half of the s**t I did to you. I really thought you’d give up the first couple days, but it’s been almost two weeks now!” Rema’s face went from worry to panic and she reached for a knife, lunging at him. She managed only a few slashes at him before he grabbed the knife from her hands and threw her down. She hit the floor hard, groaning as she tried to get up, only to be kicked in the face. “Don’t fight me, you’ll lose.” He growled, “You’re too weak-minded, small, and honestly… You’re just a little girl.” He stabbed the knife through her hand, pinning it to the floor. She let out a horrible scream, that shook the whole house and made my ears feel like they’d bleed. He reached for the crowbar on the table, patting it against his hand as he circled her. “Stop…” I pleaded, I tried to free my wrists from the wire, but the sharp edges just cut deeper into my skin. “Just stop… I’m not broken, I… We can do it over again, please…” “No, Frey… You’re completely broken.” He laughed, and the crowbar connected with Rema’s stomach. “So shut up and stop lying.” He hit her again, and I heard her ribs break. She gasped for air, blood bubbling over her lips. She looked over at me, her green eyes half-lidded and teary. She mouthed “it isn’t your fault” and more blood gathered under her face. The crowbar connected with her arm, and I heard her scream in agony. Tears beginning to fall down her dirty face. She was choking on her own blood, fear in her eyes. She kept staring at me, this unreadable expression on her face. She took another hit, and another to her stomach, and the blood was steady pouring from her mouth. Her hand flexed and twitched unconsciously, blood dripping from around the blade. It was turning pale and I could see the veins pulsing under the skin. He smacked it across her face, and her forehead split open, she couldn’t even scream anymore. Her eyes fluttered open and closed, bloodshot and dull as the blood pool got larger and larger. She grasped in wheezing breaths, still staring into my soul. It was that moment that I knew if I didn’t do anything, she was going to die right in front of me and I would be alone. I would be alone with a sick man, chained in a basement until the day I died, killing whoever he wanted me to, doing whatever he wanted me to, living as nothing but a puppet and a toy for him to break over and over and over. I called on the monster. I pleaded for it, begged for it, promised it my soul if it just f*****g gave me the strength to stop him and finally put an end to this nightmare. I’d give it everything, if it just helped me… helped her. “Ya see, Frey… Humans are nothing but burdens… Useless bags of flesh and meat, meant to be crushed. No one will ever love you… They’ll all leave, they’ll all die… and the only person you will ever have will be me…” He kicked her again, and she barely moved. The impact busting open her cheek and breaking her nose. Everything went red. My body rose even with a broken leg and too many injuries to count - but I couldn’t feel them. I stumbled forward, his back turned to me. The Monster growled through my lungs, it’s demonic laughter starting to echo through the house… growing louder and louder. I unwrapped the barb wire that was binding my wrists enough to put it around his neck. He gasped in surprise, blood and flesh gathering on the sharp twists of the wire as I moved it back and forth slowly. He clawed at my arms, pulled at the wire so hard it tore through my skin, but I couldn’t feel it. He was spitting blood, gasping and screaming by the time I let him fall. He crawled backwards, holding the squirting gashes on his neck as blood splattered out of his mouth. “Frey… Frey… Stop.” I cocked my head to the side, a strange smile twisting across my face, “Why? You never stopped?” It wasn’t my voice… It was the monsters. “Fr...ey?” He whispered, eyes wide and confused. “He’s here, but doesn’t want to talk to you right now...” “No… No!” Blood flew from his mouth with every word, “I gave you... what you wanted! Is...Isn’t he enough? Why... Why would you…. after me… I…” I reached down, pulling the blade out of Rema’s hand and ignoring her scream. I stuck the blade into his chest, and bathed in the shout of pure agony it drew from The Man. I cut into his face, stabbed into his neck, sliced chunks of flesh off his face and dismembered the man who caused me so much pain in so many years. He begged and begged, but was dead in seconds. Yet, The monster and I carved his face until there was no skin left, skinned the flesh off his bones and laughed at the sight. I cut out both his eyes, removed his tongue. He was just blood and meat under the skin. The skin was just plastic covering and without his face, he wasn’t so scary. It felt so good… It felt so damn good, I was sobbing by the time I was done… © 2017 SinbulvinterAuthor's Note
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Added on April 17, 2017Last Updated on April 22, 2017 Tags: serial killers, murder, horror, thriller, psychological, hurt/comfort, dark themes, violence, blood, gore, rape, torture, really fucked up shit Author![]() SinbulvinterEphrata, PAAboutI am a Twenty-Five year old Writer and Mother of a Two Year Old Daughter and pregnant with a little boy on the way! I am a shaman, too empathetic for my own good, and a Major Horror Junkie who is obs.. more..Writing
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