![]() Chapter SixteenA Chapter by Sinbulvinter![]() The Man's backstory and reasoning is explained, and Frey and Rema's escape plan goes south.![]()
Warning: Does contain brief scenes of torture, violence leading to murder, pretty descriptive gore, mentions of rape (but no actual rape shown), threats of death and serious injury, and subjects that may upset, trigger, or disturb the reader.
-Frey- Rema ran to me and struggled to untie my wrists from behind my back. She was crying and shaking, cradling me like I was a child and sobbing into my hair. I wanted to push her away, tell her I was fine and that I just wanted to be left alone, but I was so tired and her skin felt so soft and warm on mine. It was so comforting, I passed out shortly after that. When I came to, Rema was asleep next to me, holding me close to her with my head resting on her chest. I groaned as I sat up and looked her over. I saw the bruises were darker now that morning hit, and her face looked pretty awful. I was glad that her head stopped bleeding at least, but she was in bad shape herself… Yet so worried about me… I was angry with her, for interfering and putting herself in danger and me in a position where he can hold something over my head. A part of me hated her for following me here like an idiot and trying to help me in the original fight. I was so mad at her for risking herself, and a part of me knew she was probably going to die because of this… Because of me. With the ringing in my ears and the shifting dots in my eyes, I didn’t notice or hear the man creep up on me until it was too late. I felt his arm wrap around my neck and yank me away from her, I was thrown onto the floor with a hard smack. He kicked me in the ribs, and I felt agony course through my body. My ribs were so fucked up, aiming for them was nearly a cheap shot by now. “You have a good sleep? I’ve been waiting here for what feels like hours.” He asked me, he glanced over at Rema. “She’s a heavy sleeper, eh?” I glared at him, “Just get it over with… Do your worse.” “Shouldn’t challenge me, Frey…” he shook his finger at me, a playful look on his face as he bent down to my level. “You can’t break me, I’m not weak anymore…” He looked me dead in the eyes, then glanced me up and down before returning to eye contact. “You’re different, I’ll give you that… Actually act like a man now instead of a little b***h, but you’re foolish, overly prideful, and got a pretty disrespectful mouth on you. I’m going to have to work on that…” He grabbed my arm and yanked me to my feet, pinning me face first to the wall. His hand slipped down my stomach, going lower and lower. “I’m going to kill you.” “You keep sayin’ that I’m going to really start taking this to another level.” “I will. I swear it. If it’s the last thing I do, I’ll f*****g murder you.” He exhaled hard, rolling his eyes. Suddenly, a horrible pain went through my whole body and I screamed. It felt like thousands of needles sticking me on every part of my body. It felt like I was being burned from the inside out with battery acid. I collapsed to the ground, gasping and panting. My whole body was still quivering from the pain of it. I looked up and saw the cause… The damned Taser… He still had it. He shoved it to my upper arm, and I screamed again, the pain coursing through my body. He did it again, and again, and again. My arms, back, legs, neck over the burns. I was shaking uncontrollably by the time he pulled back. “Sleepy head’s up… Am I going to have to tie you up again?” I looked over to Rema, seeing her sitting up with a look of horror on her face. “What are you doing to him?” She whispered. The taser hit me again, and I fell on my face and tried to squirm away. He held his boot on my head while he pressed it to my shoulder, a sick grin on his face. The f****r was enjoying this. I felt it over and over, and I felt it course through me, like it was frying my insides, and then everything went white and all I heard was ringing, loud in my ears. I saw bright lights, exploding like a million stars before my eyes. My whole body went numb, I felt like I was floating and I wondered for a moment if I was dead. In the distance, I heard Rema screaming and sobbing, but she sounded so far away. // -Rema- He was convulsing violently, his body warping in ways that seemed unnatural and impossible. The man withdrew the taser with a confused and angry look of his face, and Frey didn’t stop. His eyes wide, bloodshot and full of tears. His mouth was open, like he was screaming without a sound, drool and blood overflowing out the corners of his lips. His head hit the floor over and over. The Man slapped him across the face, screaming at him to stop being an idiot. He grabbed him by the throat and smacked him again, splitting his lip open. “He’s having a f*****g seizure! Stop!” I shouted, barely able to speak between my sobs of panic. I shook myself out of the petrified state I was in, and tried to pull him away. My actions only got me shoved down, my head bouncing off the floor. Frey was still convulsing. “Knock it off, already!” He tased him again and I got on my knees, clutching his shirt. “Please, stop! He’s seizing, don’t you get it? It’s too much! Stop!” He drew away, glaring at me. “Well, make him f****n’ stop!” He grabbed me by the hair and threw me before Frey, yelling at me to “Fix it.” I demanded a blanket, and a glass of water and watched as the man went upstairs, shaking his head and muttering to himself. Frey wouldn’t stop, his eyes wide and not even looking at me. I rolled him onto his side so he didn’t choke on his own blood. The man returned with a blanket and water, and I quickly wrapped Frey in it. I rubbed his back, spoke in a soft voice to him and I waited until his eyes finally started to focus and his body stopped convulsing. The confused look on his face broke my heart, he tried to speak but no sound came out - just horrible wheezing. I snatched the water bottle and brought it to his lips to drink. He got more on himself than down his throat, but he finally calmed enough and passed out. The man was pacing back and forth, glaring at us. “Well, did ya fix him or what?” “He was having a seizure, you sick f**k…” I hissed, “You could have killed him, what were you thinking? What the hell is wrong with you? Who would do something like that to another person? He could end up brain damaged from you using it on him like that over and over.” “I’ve done it before.” He shrugged, pacing back and forth, stepping closer so he could look down at Frey. He paced just like Frey did. I realized Frey shared a lot of the same mannerism as this man, including a version of his southern accent. Frey must have unconsciously caught onto these things, and it disturbed me to realize that Frey was actually extremely similar to this b*****d. “You use a taser on him repeatedly like that... Then tase him when he starts seizing…” I muttered, petting Frey’s hair. “Yeah, Yeah, Whatever… Well, wake him up… I literally just started with him.” I shot him a look over my shoulder, pulling Frey into my chest protectively. “No, he’s had enough already. You tased him multiple times, He hit his head repeatedly on the floor while he was convulsing. He could have died. I’m not letting you torture him more.” “It isn’t up to you, sweetie… Frey and I had a deal, I’d play with him until he broke and begged me to stop and in return I wouldn’t hurt you. Well, he hasn’t begged me to stop yet.” I held him closer, “I won’t let you.” He smiled, but it was different from the sadistic one… It was almost sad. “You remind me of my wife… She was all caring and motherly like you. Then she left…” “Why am I not surprised…” I said, rocking Frey back and forth as I sunk my nose into his hair. The Man glared at me, “She died. Didn’t leave me willingly… I loved her a lot.” “You don’t seem capable of love if you’re able to such sick things to a person…” I muttered. “I did love her…” His voice got sharp, features twisted with anger and bitterness. “It wasn’t until she died that I started hating everything… I never wanted to hurt Frey like this in the beginning… I was just lonely… I wanted someone there, and Frey was just some little kid with a neglectful junkie Mom… So I took him.” I didn’t know what to say, there was more to this sick a*****e than I first realized. He was still disgusting, but he had a reason to be a monster - Just like me and Frey. “It wasn’t until he turned into a teenager that I started really getting fed up with him… He was so pathetic and weak, just cried all the time and begged me not to kill people. People he didn’t even know and shouldn’t have cared about. He was too soft, so I had to beat him. Like my Daddy beat me to turn me into a man.” “Your Dad do this sick s**t to you too? Rape you? Beat you with a belt? Burn you? Tase you?” He shook his head, “He didn’t rape me or tase me, only broke a few of my bones and belted me… I learned quick… Frey’s thick skulled.” “He was a child. A child you kidnapped, held in a basement and murdered people in front of… You put him through s**t no one should have to go through… It doesn’t matter what happened to you. It doesn’t matter your Dad beat you, or your wife died. You’re still sick…” I told him, petting Frey’s hair. He swallowed. “I’m not likin’ yer tone, girl…” “Who is he, Really? Who did you take him away from? Who was he before you completely destroyed him?” I asked, “He doesn’t even remember his real name, or his family, or how old he is.” “He was eight when I got him, so he’s… about Twenty-seven now?” Nineteen years... Minus Three… Sixteen years… He dealt with this sick f****r for sixteen years. “He had a little brother and sister… Name was something with an “L”... Leo, or Lika… Something weird like that… His Dad was dead, had a junkie mother with a scum step-dad who just stepped in the picture. His family was from a rough city area, and his Mama wanted some drug money… She sold him to me for two hundred dollars without a second thought.” He shook his head, “So I took him home, and told him he was mine. I tied him down so he wouldn’t run away and I killed four people in front of him, and I told him his name was Frey now… And that he was mine… Then I branded him. He wasn’t the same kid after that, didn’t talk for nearly a year.” I couldn’t think of a way of answering him without getting him angry, but it made me sick to my stomach to know this. To know Frey was always unwanted, sold by his own Mother, and had to watch four people die when he was only eight… He spent sixteen years being tortured and brainwashed by this sick man, and the man didn’t even think anything was wrong with what he did. .,. The peace we had for that short while after Frey’s seizure didn’t last long, and The Man - who appeared almost human for a moment there, came back as a monster only two days later. Frey was still spitting insults and curses, fighting back and even biting when he had the chance. I was almost proud of his mental strength, but it worried me. A part of me wanting him to give in and give the sick b*****d what he wanted - just so he’d stop hurting him. Frey sat in the corner, leaning on the wall with his arms on his knees and chin rested on top. He just glared at the staircase for hours, and hadn’t spoken a word since this morning. He seemed so angry. He looked horrible. dark circles under his eyes and a nasty bruise on his cheek, the other bruises started to fade already. His back was covered in fresh welts, layered over the old ones. He still had dried blood crusted on his face and body. “He ain’t bringing it. F****n’ liar.” He growled. The Man made him play another game - removed his fingernails and if Frey didn’t scream, he said he’d give us food. Well, Frey played along and didn’t make a noise while all ten nails were ripped off. He bit into his lip so hard his teeth cut through it, but he made no noise. The Man said he’d get the food, but it’s been at least an hour. My stomach was shouting at me, and I knew we both were hungry. We hadn’t eaten in days, and I didn’t know how we were going to handle it much longer. That’s why Frey endured all that, mostly for me - since he was used to having little food, while I wasn’t. “We have to start figuring a way out of here.” I told him. “There is none.” He answered grimly, “Unless we can get a random opening, if he decides to ever let us out of this basement, and we can try running. But with how fucked up I am, I doubt I could get away… So You’d have to leave me.” “I couldn’t leave you.” He scoffed, “Yeah, ya could. He ain’t gonna kill me, he’s gonna just torture me half to death. He’ll kill you when he’s done having his fun. He doesn’t have a reason to keep you around. You get a chance to run, you take it - no matter what.” “I wouldn’t leave you here.” I said, my voice stern. “I’d come back for you.” “And you’d get yourself f****n’ killed, Rema. You f****n’ stupid? this isn’t your f****n’ fight! You aren’t supposed to be here, you shouldn’t have followed me here, and if he wants to, he’s gonna kill you because you did this without thinking. You say I’m a reckless idiot? I think I’m rubbing off on you.” He gave that bitter smirk he always did when he was trying to hide how he felt. His eyes didn’t even look at me, he just stared at the top of the stairs. “Well, it’s too late!” I shouted, “Stop being so angry with me, I can’t turn back time.” “Well, if you didn’t do what you did, if you never came here it would have been better for me.” He mumbled, still refusing to look at me. “How? You couldn’t kill him, he was about to drag you to the basement anyway when I came in! It would have been the same as it is-” He cut me off, and whipped his head around to look at me. His eyes were wide and crazed, full of anger, fear, and regret. “It would have been better ‘cause I would be suffering alone right now! At least I wouldn’t have to worry about you, or make deals with him to keep you safe for a little longer! I wouldn’t have to watch you die, and stand here getting beat and fucked while you watch! You have any idea how embarrassing and completely humiliating this is for me?” He snapped at me, swiping his arm in an offensive manner. He just seemed so damn angry. “Frey, you bein’ mean to the girl again?” I heard The Man from the top of the stairs, “Keep barking to our guest like that, mixed with all your biting and spitting, I’m just gonna give her all the food and feed ya dog food out of a bowl, since you wanna act like an animal.” Frey glared, looking away again and curling into himself, slowly rocking back and forth. The man threw a half a loaf of bread at him, threw another half on a table and set down two water bottles. He undid my bindings and told me to eat, then walked back upstairs after informing us he’d need us in a little while for “something” that he needed our “help with.” I ate quickly, my stomach demanding food - being more hungry than I realized. I took large bites, barely chewing the stale bread before I took another mouthful. I looked over and Frey was barely nibbling at his, still not moving from where he was sitting. He ate only a couple bites, before he walked over and handed the rest to me. “Take it.” I shook my head, taken back by his selfless offer. “No, Frey. You need to f****n’ eat.” “I’m not hungry.” “Bullshit.” I said bluntly, “You’re hungry, and you need to eat. So eat.” I demanded, not removing my eyes from him. “I don’t need-” “Eat.” I wouldn’t give him an option. He was just being selfless and probably a bit suicidal, like if he didn’t eat he thought he would die quicker. He rolled his eyes, sitting down across from me and began eating again. The man returned in about a half an hour, and ordered us upstairs to “Help him with something,” as he put it. The “something” ended up being two bound young woman, beaten and scared in his backyard. He lead us to the porch, gesturing at the woman. “Kill the two of them, then I want you to dig holes and bury’em.” He pointed towards the two shovels, and a hatchet. A sick grin twisted his face as the two woman started screaming and crying. “And don’t you try nothin’ sneaky, ‘kay?” He warned us. “I am not killing them for you, you do it yourself.” I told him. My eyes widened when Frey grabbed the axe, walked down the porch stairs, and hacked off the first woman’s head without batting an eye. It took a good couple swings, but thankfully the woman was dead at the first one. Her blood pooled under her severed head, the skin of her throat cut and ripped in a gruesome and jagged pattern. The second woman snapped out of her shock and started screaming and begging as Frey lifted the hatchet again, still dripping with blood. “Stop!” The man called, raising his hand, and Frey froze. “That one isn’t yours.” I heaved and puked onto the ground, half the bread I just ate coming up. I couldn’t kill that woman! She did nothing to me. She was just an innocent woman this m**********r brought here. She had nothing to do with anything and I refused to kill her. He didn’t take that very well, and cornered me against the house. “I told you to kill her, Frey had no problem and he’s beaten to hell. So why can’t you?” “I won’t. She’s innocent. She doesn’t deserve to die.” He let out a loud, sarcastic laugh, “Ha! Wrong! They all deserve to die! Every one of them! Disgusting f****n’ insects!” His voice boomed through the woods, proving no one was around to hear anything and no one would come and save us. “I won’t kill her.” He smacked me hard across the face, knocking me to the wooden surface of the porch. “I didn’t give you an option!” Frey made his way up the steps again, grabbing the man by the arm. “Hey, you can’t touch her. You pissed? Then take it out on me, that’s our deal.” “Frey, stop being a selfless f****n’ moron! For f**k’s sake!” I screamed, getting to my hands and knees. The Man kicked me in the side, knocking me back to the ground. “Stay down!” he yelled. He then turned to Frey, “If it’s gonna make her kill that b***h over there, I’ll beat you some more, but I might accidently kill you at this rate.” He shoved him backwards off the porch, and Frey landed hard on his back, gasping when the air was knocked out of his lungs. He didn’t let him recover and stomped on the broken ribs, invoking a scream of pain. A fistful of bloodstained dark hair was grabbed and dragged toward the porch steps. He wrenched his arm behind his back, and Frey winced at the pain. The man looked me dead in the eyes, “Do it, or I break his f****n’ arm.” “Stop! For f**k’s sake!” I shouted. He twisted it further and Frey bit back a scream, his teeth cutting into his lip “Kill the girl, and I’ll stop.” The woman was sobbing, “It’s okay… I get it… I understand… Just make it quick.” She looked at us with pity in her eyes, scanning the bruises and injuries we had. She knew we were being forced against our will, and didn’t have a choice in it… The fear and helplessness in her eyes mixed with a selfless understanding that her death would be quick, while we would still suffer. I nodded, tears blurring my vision. “Fine! Fine!” I screamed, I gripped the handle of the hatchet in both hands, closed my eyes and swung. I heard the crunch of skin and bones being broken, the disgusting squish of blood splattering around the axe’s blade. I pulled back, and brought the axe down again, and then again, then one last time and her head was removed from her body. The man threw Frey to the ground, and applauded obnoxiously. “Finally! See, that wasn’t so damn bad!” He leaned back, laughing so loud it could have shook the trees. Frey looked up from where he was thrown, rubbing his arm which thankfully didn’t appear to be broken. He glanced at me, for a split second before he stood up with unnatural speed and grabbed the shovel, smacking it across the back of the man’s head. “Run!” He yelled at me, dropping it to the ground. He shoved my back lightly to snap me out of the shock state, and we took off into the woods. I heard The Man shouting after us, his boots making loud footprints in the sticks and leaves that cut our bare feet. He had recovered too quickly, and I ran faster, but Frey was starting to fall behind. I encouraged him to run faster, grabbing him by the arm and yanking him in front of me. I looked behind me just in time to see a hand grab my hair and throw me to the ground. My head smacked against a rock, and the wound in the back of my skull reopened and pounded. My vision went white for a split second, then I looked up to see The Man above me, holding a metal shovel. Frey stopped, and turned back, practically begging for him to just let me go. Saying it was all his plan and I had nothing to do with it. He begged him not to kill me, literally on his knees. The man sighed dramatically, rolled his eyes and gave a drawn out, “Finnnne.” Then before I could blink, he kicked Frey in the side of his head, knocking him onto his side on the forest floor. “But you’re going to pay for that, and I told you before what would happen if you kept interfering…” He held his foot on Frey’s thigh, right below his hip, and held him in place while he lifted the shovel and everything somehow moved slower. He brought the shovel down on Frey’s right leg. Hard, over and over. I heard the bones break, and Frey screaming at the top of his lungs, grasping fists full of grass and dirt between his fingers as he dug his head into the ground and just screamed. The man stepped back, removing his foot from Frey’s thigh where he pinned him down, admiring his sick work. He obviously broke Frey’s leg, and he chuckled and Frey curled into himself and sobbed, clutching the shattered limb as close to him as he could. He had said, when he first brought us to that godforsaken basement, if Frey interfered with him hurting me again, He’d break Frey’s leg. He wasn’t lying… He actually did it. He grabbed Frey by the hair, and grabbed me by my wrist and yanked us back to the back yard. He threw me into the side of the house, and my body collapsed to the ground. I couldn’t even shout in pain, I couldn’t say a word or move, I was frozen in shock. The man put a collar around my neck, attached to a long and thick chain that was connected to a pole in the ground. He threw the shovel at me. “Bury these too, about four or five feet deep at least, by sunrise… Or I’ll break his other leg.” He hissed into my face, “So wipe that stupid look off your face and get to work… In the meantime, Frey needs some serious discipline.” With that, he dragged Frey back inside and slammed the door. I could hear screaming and crying from inside, but the crude leash wouldn’t let me up the stairs and to the door. What he was doing to Frey, what kind of physical and mental torture he was inflicting on him now, I didn’t know… But I felt completely hopeless. I sat on the steps and sobbed. I sobbed for the pain in my head and the guilt in my chest. For the fact Frey’s leg was broken because he didn’t want me to get killed. The fact he was being punished because he wanted to help me escape. I cried for the amount of pain I could hear in his screams, and the loud hurtful voice barking insults at him. I cried for the two innocent women Frey and I killed just to try to make this sick man happy… I cried for the man being tormented in that hell hole of a house, and the fact that he wouldn’t ever be able to recover from this even if we managed to get out. Every single part of me broke that night. © 2017 Sinbulvinter
Author's Note
6 Reviews Added on April 15, 2017 Last Updated on April 20, 2017 Tags: serial killers, murder, horror, thriller, psychological, hurt/comfort, dark themes, violence, blood, death threats, kidnapping, torture Author![]() SinbulvinterEphrata, PAAboutI am a Twenty-Five year old Writer and Mother of a Two Year Old Daughter and pregnant with a little boy on the way! I am a shaman, too empathetic for my own good, and a Major Horror Junkie who is obs.. more..Writing
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