Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Fifteen

A Chapter by Sinbulvinter

A dangerous deal could keep one safe, or get them both killed.

Warning: Does contain very violent content, including and not limited to brief scenes of torture, rape, threats of serious harm and death, characters who are just really sadistic a******s, and just a lot of disturbing, triggering, and upsetting content that will probably make everyone uncomfortable... Hell, I'm even uncomfortable and I wrote the s**t!


The man was much more violent than I remembered.  Granted, he was always a sadistic prick, but I think I blocked out how much of a monster he really was.  He got off to beating the s**t out of me and using me like a w***e in front of Rema.  He got off on her tears and her begging.

Rema cried constantly, nonstop.  She begged him not to hurt me, but she knew he was going to anyway.  It was useless, but she couldn’t help herself, she couldn’t stop.

Even now, as everything had been calm for hours and I sat against the stone wall, trying to will myself to get over to her to untie her: I could hear her quietly sobbing to herself.  She stayed up all night crying.

“Will you quit it already?” I asked, “My f****n’ head hurts.”

“I’m sorry…” She gasped through her hiccupy whimpers.

“Cryin’ ain’t gonna fix nothin’... He’s still gonna do whatever fucked up s**t he wants to me, and he’s still gonna probably kill you.”  I was numb to it. I knew I should be afraid, or angry, or something, but I was too tired and sore to care.

She just cried harder, “What do we do?”

“You get the chance, run.” I told her as I started making my way towards her.  Every move hurt. “Don’t tell him s**t, okay?  If you manage to get out and he knows where you live, your family, anything - He’ll find you and kill you.  So don’t tell him s**t, and if you can run, go… Even if that means leaving me behind, f****n’ do it.”

I started working on untying the ropes on her wrists.  They were covered in rope burns, bruises, and dried blood from her trying so hard to get free.

“What’s he going to do to us?”

“Well, he’s going to kill you at some point… Won’t kill me because he’s a sick f**k and wants to keep me like I’m some kind of f****n’ dog… as for before he kills you, who knows what he’ll do… Probably torture, sick games, rape, s**t like that.”

She broke down crying again, hiding her face in her hands when I got them free.

“We got to get out of here… Windows, the door, something!”

“Windows are too small, and their locked from the outside.   The door is padlocked, there’s no getting through.” I told her, sitting back down on the floor.  I scrubbed the dried blood off my face with my hands the best I could.  My arm still had the piece of wood stuck in it, but I didn’t dare pull it out.

“What are we going to do?”

I groaned, “I still don’t get why you even came here.  Why the hell would you follow me?”

“I was curious!  Why the hell would you come here?”

“I told you, so I could kill the son of a b***h… But you fucked that all up.”

“I didn’t! I tried to help you!”

“You got in the way and made me distracted.”

“Frey, that isn’t fair-”

We both froze when we heard footsteps and a dragging sound upstairs.  A door slammed shut and the dragging continued towards the back door.   We looked back and forth between each other and the ceiling, and the footsteps started walking back, I knew where they were headed.

The basement door opened, and light flooded down the stairs.  He walked down them, each step creaking under his pressure.  He looked at us, frowning like a disappointed father.

“You two are making an awful amount of noise down here.” He said.

“F**k you, sick piece of s**t.” I muttered, my eyes glaring at the ground rather than him.

“Shut up, Frey…” He mumbled, sighing as he walked towards Rema. “You comfortable, darlin’?”

She shook, her eyes wide with terror.  Her jaw was dropped and she couldn’t seem to wipe the fear off her face.  She couldn’t even make a noise.

He stepped closer to her, his fingers reaching out to stroke her hair and wipe the tears on her cheeks.

I snapped up from the floor and grabbed him by his shoulder.  I threw him backwards to the floor, climbing on top of him and holding my hands to his neck.  I saw the shock in his face, I heard him gasp.  Then he smirked, he f*****g smirked.  It made me so angry.

“You stay the hell away from her, you stupid m**********r!  I swear to god, I will f****n’ kill you!  Just f****n’ wait.  I’ll f*****g skin you alive!  I’ll cut your f*****g eyes out!  I’ll f****n’ rip your heart out, you sick f**k!” I screamed in his face, my hands tight around his neck, making his face flush.

He smirks through his gasps, and reaches up, grabbing my throat with a much stronger grip than mine.  In seconds, he drove me face first into the concrete.  My forehead busted open again, and I saw the blood start gathering under my head as he yanked me backwards by my hair.

“You done throwin’ a hissy-fit like a damn toddler?” He hissed into my ear, slamming my head into the floor again.

“Stop! Stop! Get off him!” Rema came out of nowhere, trying with all the might in her small body to yank him off me.

He backhanded her, hard, sending her flying backwards and into the table.  He got to his feet, kicked me in the side of the head as I tried to get to my hands and knees.  Then he walked over to where Rema laid, and reached down to grab the back of her shirt.  He yanked her to her knees, looking her over.

I tried to keep my eyes open, fought off the black as hard as I could.  I could taste blood in my mouth, dripping into my eyes.  Everything flashed in and out, and sound faded and heightened.

“You should know better than to come after me like that.”

Her cheek was split open and bleeding, a dark bruise already starting to rise on her freckled skin.  Her nose was bleeding as well.  She looked only at me as I tried to shake the dizziness in my head, watching as I struggled to get up.

He grabbed her chin, gripping her face roughly and tipping it up to look at him.  He ran his thumb over her lips, “You have a very pretty mouth, sweetie.”

Her face twisted with disgust, and she suddenly swung her leg to kick him in the shin.  He fell down to one knee, and she aimed a fist into his stomach.  Her rally was short lived, died down in a blink of an eye when he grabbed her hair and threw her onto her back with such force her head smacked the concrete hard and the impact knocked the wind out of her.

She rolled onto her side, gasping and coughing.  She held her head, the blood staining her hair crimson.  The blood gathered beside her as she kicked her feet in pain, trying to hold back the whimpers and replace them with curses.

He grabbed her arms and forced her onto her back.  He pinned her down with a large forearm over her neck and started working on undoing her jeans.  Her hands fought his in vain, she just wasn’t strong enough.

I forced myself to sit up and tried to crawl towards them, “F****n’ stop… Leave her alone.”  I gripped his shirt, trying to pull him off her.

Angry, he punched her in the face and turned, grabbing me by the hair and slamming me back into the floor.  I spit up blood, and then raked my nails across his face.   He yelled in pain, holding the bloody scratches, but it only seemed to make him more angry… At least he’d be angry at me instead of Rema…

He stood, grabbed my hair and started dragging me backwards after he grabbed the rope off the table.  “I am gettin’ so damn sick of this s**t with you Frey.”  He threw me into the wall, “Stop interfering!’ He grabbed my arms, shaking me violently, “Ya hear? Quit f****n’t getting in my way, or I swear to god I will break your f****n’ leg!  Sit here, like a good f****n’ animal, and shut the f**k up.” He forced me to the ground.  He grabbed my wrists and twisted them high on my back, tying them together with the rope. “If you don’t, I swear to god I will torture you until you f****n’ cry after I’m done with her.”

I spit in his face, “I’m gonna kill you.”

He glared, wiping his cheek.  He shook his head and stood, walking back to Rema.  She fought wildly, throwing punches and kicks, biting, and clawing, and screaming, but it was no use.  He pinned her down again with his hand over her throat, yanked her pants and panties down and took her right there.

She gasped in pain, her eyes wide and her lungs unable to scream.  Tears streamed into her hairline.  Her face was badly bruised by now, and her arms had handprints all over them.  She had also lost a lot of blood from her head by now, and I was sure she was starting to fade in and out.

I was repeating, “I’m gonna kill you, I’m gonna kill you, I’m gonna kill you.” over and over, my voice getting louder and louder, until I was shouting and then my voice started getting sore.  I pulled on the bindings until my wrists bled. Feeling useless when I got no where - I slammed my own head against the floor and screamed in anger.

“Frey, shut up… I f****n’ mean it.  Sick of your temper.” His voice warned me.

“F**k you! F**k you! Just leave her the f**k alone!  She’s got nothin’ to do with this!  Just leave her the f**k alone!  Let her go! You can do whatever you want to me, just stop!” I was starting to lose my voice, and Rema was beginning to sob, the shock wearing off as he started finishing.

He stood and strolled over to me, bending down and resting his arms on his knees as he crouched above me.

“Frey… What was the last thing you said again?  Repeat it for me?”  He had a sick smile on his face, but my mind was running so fast I had trouble remembering what I said.

“I… Uh… Do what you want to me, just leave her alone?” I stammered, not able to take my eyes off Rema as she threw up and shook violently on the floor.

“I’ll make ya a deal on that, ‘kay?  I’ll play with you, until you break and beg me to stop, and until then I won’t hurt your little girlfriend?  Sound good?” He stared at me, patiently waiting for an answer.

“Sure, whatever…” I could take it.  I could hold out.  He wouldn’t be able to break me like he did before.  I was stronger, wiser, better than I was when I was younger.  I wasn’t weak, he wouldn’t break me… I’d rather he hurt me than hurt her, and I wouldn’t ever beg him to stop.

“Frey,” Rema gasped, choking on the blood in her mouth. “Don’t.”

“Rema, shut up.” I said quietly, keeping my eyes down. “It isn’t your choice, it’s mine…  And it’s a deal.  I’ll do it.”

He laughed, and I jumped at the booming sound. “Okay, this’ll be fun…”



Frey took it for hours, being bound and helpless while he was stripped naked and whipped with a belt until his skin broke and bled.  He was kicked, punched, and thrown around until he couldn’t lift his head. He barely made a sound and kept a straight face while I faded in and out of consciousness.

The Man tied me back up after I tried to stop him, and my head was so heavy I had trouble keeping my eyes open.  I knew my head was bleeding and I had taken a serious blow, I might have had a concussion, so even though I wanted to pass out so I didn’t have to watch Frey be tormented, I knew I couldn’t or I would risk death.

Frey still managed to spit creative curses and strings of insulting threats all the while, which only made his tormentor hurt him worse, but it was him holding onto his pride and sanity.  He even tried fighting back, which The Man found amusing.  

The rape was the worst, and humiliating for him.  He mocked him, hit him, and even beat him with the belt while he did it, choking him with it until he came, then he spit on Frey afterwards.  The words he uttered, the demeaning and belittling comments stuck in my head… He was so cruel to him, it was almost demonic.

I felt the rape myself, and I had been raped by many men before, but this one was the most violent and hurtful person since my husband, hell - he rivaled my husband and towards Frey, he was probably worse than my husband.

Frey’s screaming caused me to snap my head up, shaking the darkness out of my eyes.  I almost didn’t want to look, but I couldn’t help it.  A lighter was being pressed to his neck, burning through the soft flesh.  His skin melted as the flame lapped up to his jawline and just below his chin.  It was the first string of screams he managed to pull from Frey, meaning it must have really hurt.

Frey was gasping by the time the lighter was lifted from his neck, and the sadistic f**k started peeling the burnt skin off.  Tears were streaming from his eyes, probably from the sheer pain of it.  The white pieces of skin were thrown aside, leaving the bright red irate skin under it open to the air.  He hissed and huffed, sucking air through his teeth.  His fingernails were digging so deep into his palms, I could see blood dripping through his fingers.

“Had enough?” The Man lightly rubbed his fingers over the burns, his eyes lighting up as Frey squirmed away.

“I f****n’ hate you!” Frey hissed through his teeth.  He cussed when the fingers pressed down on the sensitive skin.

“You just don’t learn… A simple “no” would have been fine.”

“Please,” I begged, “Please stop…  You’re going to kill him.”

He was already bruised from head to toe, his ribs blackened and obviously broken, face so swollen and bloody I was surprised he could see.  His whole back was covered in welts, bright and angry.  His hair was stuck to his face with blood and sweat.  How he was conscious I had no idea.

“You should be grateful, hunni.. He’s willing to take all this for you.  You must be important.” Guilt stabbed me in the chest, and my own tears started falling.

“Just let him rest, haven’t you tortured him enough for one day?” I asked.  I couldn’t watch anymore, and Frey wouldn’t be able to hold out much longer - He’d pass out from blood loss.  I knew he was too stubborn to tell him to stop, he didn’t even want to show how much it hurt.  His stupid pride was going to get him killed.

The Man sighed, looking down at Frey, “I think you’re right… I’ll let him rest for the night… Just one thing, Rema… Where are you from?”

I stared, unable to find my voice.

“You don’t need to tell me, it’s fine.” He reached for the belt and I broke down and told him what he wanted to hear.

He smiled, patted me on the head and cut the binds off my wrists after warning me not to attack him.  Then he just left, walked upstairs like he didn’t have a care in the world.

© 2017 Sinbulvinter

Author's Note

Multi chapters, read previous first.

God, this is getting really fucked up.
Okay, so the whole point of this chapter is well, Frey does care for Rema, and he's willing to get hurt just to buy time so she isn't hurt or killed by the man. Rema's also a complete mess right now, and really only cries throughout this chapter, while Frey... Well, Frey's still a mouthy bastard and he's gonna get the hell beat out of him for that...
I feel like some kind of sadistic freak for writing this kind of shit, and Im relly sorry if I made people uncomfortable, but its kinda the intention... I mean, it's a story about murderers, well, ya lock three of them in a basement together you ain't gonna get some pretty shit.


My Review

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Bloody and bloody and bloody. Bloods all over the place on this one. Frey and Rema are strong ones. If I were them, I would definitely close my eyes already and welcome death. I love how you describe the torture. It is very vivid. That is what I like about your writing. You give all the pieces of cake. Sweet!

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

Yay! Cake! haha.
Yeah, these next chapters get very very bloody and graphic with the torture... read more
This chapter made me dislike Rema so much lol. i was hoping she would become some sort of badass... even in the previous chapter (i think) where she just shows up, her entrance wasn't as grand as I was hoping, she had no damn idea what she was doing lol... Great chapter, the skin burning made me gag lmao.

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

Yeah no she isn't that great lol.

Lol interesting that that is where that came from l.. read more

7 Years Ago

Yeah, she really isn't. lol.

Yeah, writers find inspiration in the weirdest s**t

7 Years Ago

Lol glad we agree. And that is very true we do in fact find inspiration in weirdest places lol
This was vivid in details. Sick really haha but you pulled it out in an awesome way! Right down form the rape to the burning scene (which was the most graphic) everything carried out perfectly.

The Man reallys is sick I guess more will come from him...

I'm confused about one thing. Up til the last 14 chapters you haven't mentioned Rema's family.. and now Frey tells her, The Man would hurt them, so idk are there any and would they be coming in the next chapters?

Frey sticking up for Rema was kinda good to know that he really cares but would have been better if he had kept his mouth shut after a while lol he really is a mouthy b*****d :P

Rema - well I think she'll strike back. Probably this is another diversion of making the reader feel that she's completely useless and worked out but idk I feel she'll gain her strength and at least try to save Frey like he did...

This wasn't uncomfortable to read for me haha since I braced myself for the s**t ;p

How long is this s**t gonna continue before the Man dies? :P

Oh and the ending, well it made me wonder as to his next move, now that he knows where Rema lives.. hmm another thought.. maybe Kacia will be brought on this too? questions as usual lol

I won't say I enjoyed reading this but yeah I was engrossed in reading this one so you get what I mean haha :P ;)

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

Yeah, I went a bit overboard with the details in this with all the gore and the burning scene and su.. read more
Dr. YumnaKay

7 Years Ago

Oh well thanks for clearing that 😊

And yeah, Rema's character disappointed me a li.. read more

7 Years Ago

Yeah Rema's character was really... Ehh... here, but you're right, she is just a girl, and has a his.. read more
Aloha, there's honor among serial killers, Frey cares for Rema that's clear given he'll endure an ocean of pain for her. I hope this is all building to the monster finally being unleashed because I'm really feeling for him. This was so graphic and twisted it gave me chills and several times I stopped briefly before reading on. The burning & peeling skin scene gave me shivers of disgust that image was so strong and clear. The detail was brilliant. The man has completely broken Rema she's actually useless right now. I don't think the man has had his fill yet. Izzy

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

Yeah, Frey can be an insensitive jerk sometimes, but he does really care for Rema enough to endure a.. read more
So Frey is risking his life to give Rema a chance to escape by untying her from the rope. Its still pretty awesome (in a weird way) that you have 3 serial killers under one roof BUT different in many ways.You could literally stick a sign over the door which says 'evil lives here' and it would so ring true. I admire Freys courage for risking his life for frey, but still cant shake how unstable all of this is making him. IT really is building towards the return of 'the monster' and I feel it will be explosive when it happerns.
Freys dialogue whilst holding the man down was filled with anger, passion for Rema, hatred towards the man all mixed into one short but good speech.
The short fight between Rema and'the man' was good too. Again, I can see that you put quite a bit of thought into it and becuase of that thought, it came across really well.
The rape scene with Rema, was well written, and yes I can imagine that it was difficult to write about BUT you did really well - Kudos to you.
When I got to the Rema bit and you opened it up with 'Frey took it for hours; - Just by using those 5 words created very powerful images inside my mind - Again, good work.
Another powerful part was when Frey got skinned by the man - a terrifying piece to have read - but you keep it real and dont back down - Yes it will be too much for some, but with a basement of 3 serial killers, what else is there for them to do - playing cards....definately not. Its always best not to hold back and for those who can stomach it, it becomes that much more of a bloody, brutal, graphic fascinating read. Ths man has put the fear of God into Rema and shes just too weak to help Frey out BUT - will 'a monster' inside of her now begin to emerge or will Freys 'monster' suddenly strike and tell Frey 'enough is enough'
The other thing is now that 'the man' knows where Rema comes from, will anything come of it....Guess I'll have to find out.

I'm guessing that Freys monster will be unleashed soon BUT the other thing that I need to find out is what 'the man' was dragging along upstairs. I could be something, or it could be nothing. Nonetheless, the chapter was another great piece of work and I shall continue with the journey. Bloody it will get. But a bloody good read.

The emotions which have been woven into this are complicated and if you read between the lines, they are far more complicated than what appears on the surface. I could go on forever about how these events will effect each individual in many sorts of different ways. But i am sure you can see where I am going with this, without having to go into detail.

Will either of them ever see light of day again...probably but not before more blood is spilt. But their mental state of mind will further damaged and will never see the light of day again...It will be forever dark, tiwsted, disturbed and beyond repair.
I applaud you for writing this chapter.


Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

Thanks so much for reading and reviewing.

Yeah, basically Frey is risking is life in .. read more

7 Years Ago

As always its my pleasure to have read it and their is no need to thank me. gott bu.. read more

7 Years Ago

Yeah, I got burnt by cooking oil and greese a while back, and i peeled off all the skin. for some r.. read more
Frey is willing to put his life on the line for Rema. Its shows how deep his feelings are for her. Poor Rema, watching the guy she cares about getting beat and raped. I hope they could pull it together and kill him. I also hope the Rema didnt tell the man the truth. Very good story line....It keeps me coming back for more!

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

Yeah, s**t's not going to good for them right now, especially Frey. But they'll pull through, I'm no.. read more

7 Years Ago

Im always a little sad when a good story comes to an end! Im happy the you have another volume!!! Th.. read more

7 Years Ago

Thanks so much. Who knows, one day I might try self publishing... though I'd probably have to censo.. read more

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6 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on April 14, 2017
Last Updated on April 20, 2017
Tags: serial killers, murder, horror, thriller, psychological, hurt/comfort, dark themes, violence, rape, blood, death threats, kidnapping, torture



Ephrata, PA

I am a Twenty-Five year old Writer and Mother of a Two Year Old Daughter and pregnant with a little boy on the way! I am a shaman, too empathetic for my own good, and a Major Horror Junkie who is obs.. more..


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