![]() Chapter TenA Chapter by Sinbulvinter![]() Here come's the violence and torture...![]() Warning: Okay, this one's where it starts getting really fucked up. This chapter contains violence, threats of death and murder, actual murder, attempted rape, actual rape, (unwilling) sexual scenes between a man and a woman, as well as between males, rather intense torture scene, lots of sexist slurs and homophobic slurs, really disturbing and insenstive lines from some a*****e minor characters, and just a lot of s**t that may trigger someone... It has a purpose, I swear... and It hurts me to do this to my OCS! It does! -Rema- I was just sitting in the living room when a knock came to the door, Frey had fallen asleep sometime early that morning at the kitchen table and hadn’t moved since, so I opened the door quietly. Zekk was in my doorway, his two friends Kal and Saco beside him. He looked angry, and pushed his way inside, closing the door behind him. Zekk had been stressed for the last couple weeks, having to handle getting rid of all my bodies, and starting to think someone was following and watching him. He also started being more angry with me, and really seemed to become more stressed and snappy once Frey began staying with me. He made it clear he didn’t like Frey, even before I told him what Frey did and why he was staying here. He only hated him more each time I saw him. Then for the last couple days, about two weeks, he didn’t even talk to me or answer my phone calls. I figured he was busy, but I can see by his face it’s much more than that. “Well, it finally f*****g happened Rema.” He threw his arms up, the stress showing in his shoulders. “What?” I asked slowly, looking between him and his friends. Why were they here? “The police came by, asked a bunch of questions about a string of murders and told me not to leave town… Chances are, I’m going to get life for your stupid a*s mistakes.” He didn’t seem like himself. He had bags under his eyes, and his clothing and dreads were all over the place. He also smelled of booze. “What?” I asked again, more out of shock than confusion. “I just told you! Goddamn, you can be f*****g dumb sometimes. The people you killed, they think it was me!” “Zekk, I… I’m sorry, I have been trying to stop, but things have been really rough lately.” “Oh, yeah, sorry totally makes up for it! It’s cool, it’s totally cool.” His sarcastic tone was hateful and bitter, and he threw his arms around wildly, like a feral cat defending its turf. It made me really nervous. Just then, I heard footsteps and a groggy voice speak up from the kitchen door, “Wanna tell me why you fuckers are being so damn loud?” Frey… “You!” Zekk suddenly pointed, his figure swaying slightly. “She’s only gotten worse since she’s met you.” Frey straightened, his tired expression turning into a sharp and dangerous one, “What the f**k is going on?” “Who’s this guy?” Kal asked. “Some f*****g homeless junkie she took in.” “I ain’t a junkie.” “Your teeth tell me otherwise.” “Hey, f**k you. Now what’s going on?” I swallowed, noticing the gun in Zekk’s pants when he turned his back towards me. “Frey, could you step outside?” I asked slowly. This could get real ugly, real quick with a couple of hot heads like these two. I really didn’t want to see Frey and Zekk throw down, mostly because in a fair fight - I’m not sure who’d win... “Ya planning to hurt her? You really need your buddies help, coward…” Frey had that smirk again, not realizing how serious this situation was becoming. He always had that way about him, like he wanted someone to punch his face in. “Frey, step out-” Zekk pulled the gun, his rage rising even higher. “No, he f*****g stays right there. You, Rema, gotta learn a f*****g lesson… And this f****r, really needs an attitude check.” “Attitude check? You don’t seem like much of a experienced teacher in that.” Frey, you idiot, he has a f*****g gun. “Frey has nothing to do with this, he can just leave.” I tried, at this rate with Frey’s mouth he’d end up getting shot again. “He stays here, and so do you. So shut the f**k up already, Rema.” He stepped forward, grabbing me by the arm and at that Frey seemed to snap. Zekk barely had time to process the attack before he was punched in the jaw and hit the floor. His friends were also targeted and Frey attempted to fight all three of them like some kind of reckless maniac. He gave Kal a bloody nose with a well aimed fist, and was a lot quicker than I expected, but the numbers caught up and it didn’t end well for Frey, Zekk whacked him across the face with the handle of his gun and used the time to get Saco to help him restrain Frey to one of the kitchen table. By the time Frey shook the haze off, he was already tied down. “What the f**k are you idiots planning?” Zekk suddenly grabbed me again, and shoved me towards his friend. “Again, she needs to learn what happens when she makes stupid mistakes, and you… I honestly just want to knock that smug look of your face.” His eyes didn’t leave Frey as he stalked his way over to him. A bad feeling rose in the pit of my stomach. “Zekk, don’t do this.” “You really are a f*****g coward, can’t even fight me one on one. Gotta have your boys gang up on me and tie me down? And what? You’re gonna hurt the girl for having more balls than you do? f****n’ illeratate wannabe-thugs.” Frey only seemed to provoke them, and I was really starting to worry for his wellbeing. His head was already split open, but he didn’t seem to even care what happened to him. Zekk’s jaw clenched, “You really got quite the mouth for some homeless nobody.” “Yeah, so I’ve been told. You’re really quite the f*****g b***h for some stupid thug.” He punched Frey - hard, and I jumped, but Frey only spit blood in his face. He smirked with bloody teeth, holding his chin up as Zekk wiped the blood off his face. Frey was defiant, but he was stupid. Something like that could get him killed, but I think he knew that. Zekk’s eyes filled with fire, and I could see the veins in his neck. He reached forward, clamping his hand over Frey’s mouth and pressed the gun to his shoulder. He didn’t even give it a second thought and pulled the trigger. The sound of the gun was silenced, and Zekk’s hand muffled most of the volume of the scream of pain, but I could see Frey was in agony. He fought wildly against the restraints, and kicked his legs to try to catch the other man in the shins in vain. “Maybe now, you’ll watch your f*****g mouth, you disgusting, scarred up freak.” Zekk growled into his ear before he drew back, watching with a blank expression as Frey panted and the blood started flowing. He didn’t seem to care at all that Frey was seriously hurt… actually, he seemed proud. “Zekk stop…” I whispered, my eyes wide and glued to the scene. This didn’t seem like the best friend I knew. Zekk wouldn’t do something like this… It had to be a bad dream. “He does have a lot of scars, damn.” Saco said, leaning in to get a better look. He grabbed a handful of his hair and yanked his head back to see the full amount on his face and neck. “Looks like someone took a damn weedwacker to you. Where’d ya get all these?” “F**k you…” Frey groaned, the hatred still in his voice. “No, I’m curious. Looks like some kinky torture porn s**t.” He laughed, pulling down his collar to see how far down they went. “Yeah, I’d love to do some kinky torture s**t on you, you f****n’ piece of s**t. I swear, I’ll kill all you fuckers.” Frey just kept going, and I knew at some point they were going to get even more angry with him. The comments on his scars seemed to really get under his skin, and provoke him to say more. “Please, just leave him alone.” I begged. Saco shook his head, “This f****r really wants to get the s**t beaten out of him. Is he f*****g brain damaged? Did you get dropped on your head?” Frey growled, and reached out to latch his teeth onto Saco’s arm, biting off a large chunk of skin when he pulled away. “F*****g freak, what the f**k! Goddamn, he f*****g bit through the skin! What the f**k? You some kind of f*****g wild animal?” Zekk backhanded Frey again, then grasped the gunshot wound in his shoulder, covering his mouth again so no one could hear the screaming. “You have a f*****g death wish? To be honest, you’re tempting me… I don’t like you. You turned up and Rema starts killing every other f*****g day, drinking each night, and doesn’t give a s**t about anyone - or even herself anymore. All she wants to talk about is you.. What's so f*****g special about you? Huh?” He gripped harder, and Frey started struggling, sweat starting to bead from the pain. “Zekk, stop, you’re going to kill him!” I screamed. It was scaring me… He was scaring me, and I didn’t think Zekk would ever do that. He was always gentle, loving, and kind around me. He never even raised his voice around me. All I could do was watch with tears in my eyes… I felt so helpless… So weak… Small... “I helped her! I supported her! Not you! I cleaned up every mess. I dried every tear. I helped her pay bills. Helped her get over that jackass ex-husband. I put her together! And what the f**k did you do, you fucked up, piece of s**t, homeless murderer? Huh?” He sunk his fist into the other’s gut, knocking the wind out of him. He repeated the assault over and over until Frey was coughing up blood. “You didn’t do s**t, you just dragged her into your own hell.” “You better f*****g kill me.” Frey panted, spitting blood onto the floor. “What?” “You better f*****g kill me… ‘Cause I’m going to f*****g hunt you down. You’re going to have to kill me to stop me, and if you don’t kill me… You’re stupid… ‘cause as soon as I get the chance, I’ll f*****g kill all of you.” The look in those pale blue eyes sent chills down my spine. He was serious. He was going to kill these men if he got out of this alive… I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. Zekk was my friend… A past lover… I knew him since I was a teenager and he had always been there for me. This didn’t even seem like Zekk, not the Zekk I knew. “Kal, give her to me. It’s her turn, you guys can beat the s**t out of him if you want, do what you like… I don’t care. He’s getting on my f*****g nerves.” Zekk sighed, turning and grabbing me. He pinned me down to the table again, and his much larger body kept me in place. “Don’t touch her.” Frey threatened. “She’s mine.” I heard Zekk say quiety, “I loved her first.” Jealousy? Tears rolled down my cheeks. He was jealous I was spending time with Frey? He still loved me after all this time, and I didn’t even know… I just used him as a clean up service… It was my fault he’s hurting me, my fault he tortured Frey… It was my own fault… “Stop crying.” He snapped at me, his hands undid my jeans, and yanked them down. The air felt cold on my skin and I sobbed. “Zekk, Don’t. Please…” I whimpered even harder, it was becoming hard to breathe. “I’m sorry.” I tried to focus on Frey, distract myself… But it only made me want to cry harder. Kal walked back and forth in front of Frey, smirking at him as he spit up blood. “Wanna play a game, scars?” “I’ll play a f*****g game with your damn corpses.” Frey grumbled. My eyes widened when Kal suddenly shoved a gun into Frey’s face, directly in his mouth and down his throat. I watched Frey tense and still, but he kept glaring. “You really do have a mouth, huh? We could just blow what’s left of your teeth out of the back of your head an be done with it.” He grinned widely, soaking in the anger in Frey’s face as he choked on the gun. Frey said something along the lines of “go f**k yourself” around the gun, and I jumped when Saco pulled the trigger. Frey flinched as well, but there was nothing but a ‘click’ and laughter… They were just toying with him... He sighed, removing the gun and turning towards Zekk and I. “When we going to get a turn?” Kal asked, his eyes hungry as they looked over my body. “No, just me.” Zekk growled, his voice bringing me back to the pain. He was extremely rough, nothing like when we were sleeping together. He didn’t care if he hurt me, he didn’t hold back. He reminded me so much of my ex, and I never thought that was possible. “Man, but I’m horny… What am I supposed to do? Jack off?” He whined, licking his lips as he eyed me. “We could f**k him… He’s kinda nice looking if you squit and turn your head a bit.” Saco suggested. “Got a nice body at least.” Terror shot through me… They wouldn’t dare? “Don’t even f*****g think about it!” Frey snapped, I saw pure fear gather in his eyes for a split second. “He’s a dude, I ain’t gay.” Kal wrinkled his nose. “It’s not all that bad, guys actually feel like virgin b*****s most the time. This one might have some experience… Looks like the type that’d suck a guy off for some drugs.” Saco stepped closer, leaning in to observe him. He moved barely in time when Frey went to bite again. “You try bite me again, I will gag you and I won’t even hold back… I’ll make you f*****g bleed, got it?” “Zekk, you have to stop them.” I said, worry starting to build. I knew Frey had already been through a lot of abuse as a child, probably worse than I can imagine, and I knew this… This would destroy someone like him. Zekk ignored me, and thrusted harder. His only answer was grabbing my hair and smacking my head against the table, and I saw stars. When I shook off the white clouds of pain and opened my eyes. Saco was already touching Frey all over while Kal watched with a mix of confusion and hesitation. Frey tried to fight against him, but couldn’t get anywhere. He didn’t show that fear again, didn’t beg, and didn’t panic. He kept a straight, dark expression as Kal leaned in to grab his hair and suck on his neck while Saco was working on undoing his pants. My pain suddenly didn’t even matter to me, nor did the blood running down my legs. I could only think of Frey when I saw them open his jeans and begin touching him in places that made him clearly uncomfortable. That panic returned in his eyes. He bit deep into his lip, closing his eyes tightly. Saco moved his fingers and Frey jumped, a sound I can only describe as a cross between a growl and a whimper of pain escaped him, but after that there was nothing. He just stared straight ahead with a empty expression… Like a ghost. “Stop! You don’t understand! Don’t do this to him!” I screamed, clawing at the table as my tears blurred my vision. Zekk punched me again in the head and I sobbed. I did take note to the scissors on the table. “He deserves that as much as you deserve this, as gross as I think that f****t s**t is… But hey, at least it shut him the hell up.” Zekk hissed, picking up his pace. I sobbed. I couldn’t handle this anymore. I felt betrayed, weak, and useless. I felt hatred for myself, fear for Frey, and completely hurt by Zekk. It all became so bad so quick. Kal and Saco just tormented Frey, drew it out and taunted him. They pinched his scars while making insensitive comments as they revealed more the more clothes they took off, dug their nails into his skin, twisted and yanked on his n*****s, and used their fingers to completely humiliate him, handling him like he had no dignity or worth, like he was an object. They prolonged it, taking their time and making it worse and worse. Frey kept his face blank, and his eyes unfocused staring ahead towards me. I couldn’t see anything in them, like he wasn’t even there. His body reacted, jerked, squirmed, and struggled when they were too rough, but his expression didn’t change. “We’re gonna untie you now, okay? Don’t fight, or I’ll make sure it really hurts… Might shoot a hole in your other shoulder.” Saco sneered into Frey’s ear, he gripped the bullet wound and grinned wider when Frey gasped. “Although judging by those scars, you probably been somebody’s b***h before, right? That’s why you talk such a big game, huh? You look like the type who got touched in the no-no place a lot when you were a kid, am I right?” I watched in agony as tears slowly started making their way down Frey’s face, still completely emotionless. “Please, please don’t…” I begged, It would ruin him. It hit me hard that these men were going to rape him, use him and take turns on him until they had their fill… Even though Zekk was extremely rough and cruel, I couldn’t say it was worse than Kal and Saco, because they were going to completely break him and wouldn’t stop until they did. Zekk wanted Revenge, was doing this out of anger and hurt… His friends were just using Frey for their own sadistic pleasures. I stared at the scissors. They shoved him hard onto the floor, and he didn’t even try to break the fall. He just let his head and face smack against the hardwood. He was pinned to the floor, and a swift palm smacked against his flesh, adding insult to injury. They tied his wrists together behind his back, and I finally snapped. I grabbed the scissors and swung my arm backwards, sinking them into Zekk’s side. He gasped in pain, pulling out and holding the bleeding wound. I grabbed the gun from his pants, and without a second thought shot him between the eyes. Kal and Saco looked at me in horror as I walked over, I pointed the gun in their faces. I wasn’t too late, they hadn’t started the actual act… “Untie him. Now.” “I… I…” Saco stuttered, “I didn’t… We…” “Shut the f**k up and untie him before I blow your head off, you sick f***s! Untie him, right now!” I screamed, tears streaming down my face. Hot on my skin. Frey hadn’t even looked up. “Okay… Okay… Chill.” Kal said slowly, pulling his hands up. He moved towards Frey, taking his hands as he flinched away. “We didn’t even f**k him, damn… f*****g drama queen.” “You were going to, and you went out of your way to take your time and make it even worse for him.” As soon as Kal freed his arms, Frey sprang back to life and grabbed the knife out of his jeans that were crumbled on the floor next to him. He stabbed Kal furiously, over and over. “F**k.” I shot Saco in the head, to stop him from trying anything and just watched as Frey released all his anger. “Frey….” I whispered. He didn’t even seem to hear me, he just stabbed and stabbed. Over and over. He was muttering something under his breath, but i couldn’t understand it. Kal was long dead by now. “Frey, it’s done… They can’t hurt you.” I told him, bending down beside him as he finally started slowly down. He panted, gasping for air, blood dripping from the many injuries. I looked him over and noticed the extent of his scars, they went all the way from the top of his shoulders, down his back, over his a*s, and massed on the backs of his legs… They had been mocking him for them the entire him… and I don’t know how someone could be so heartless. “Frey…” I was starting to feel dizzy, the blood coating the side of my face now. He suddenly turned and puked, barely missing my lap. “I’m… I ain’t a b***h…” He stammered. “I know, Frey…” “I’m f*****g not.” Everything started fading out, and I hit the ground, “I know, Frey…” I whispered. © 2017 SinbulvinterAuthor's Note
6 Reviews Added on April 10, 2017 Last Updated on April 19, 2017 Tags: serial killers, murder, horror, thriller, psychological, hurt/comfort, dark themes, violence, blood Author![]() SinbulvinterEphrata, PAAboutI am a Twenty-Five year old Writer and Mother of a Two Year Old Daughter and pregnant with a little boy on the way! I am a shaman, too empathetic for my own good, and a Major Horror Junkie who is obs.. more..Writing
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